t c. v. J 6S m No T '0- Ca rohfic. 764. afhpeHavi 'wfiicte jfotrnclit- tcrbfihu to Kisffbrmati kea to in diff one word, for all his. being cxorcifed, in cafe of his Being poflefled convent ot bt Her example brotheiris, the .pfielt and the layman, who happened to be pre lect, and received: him with e pnie j trrancnco betrayednb emotion, )mr any figns of recolle&ion more than if he had 'been an inanimate trunk; Brother JohnRor- fende left him , in his mother's houfe where--heiremained about o vears. ih-a ftate'of inferi- carried.SS6me tfavsfie Ufl- npjjnced v the'ord ierganes, hich, beiftg (peaking at all ; except at fome times he would jinkno h evsBToha coPan, Vino feemtotailyw receiveV fo that he feemcd to und adiz. THey gave him -to know ' what underfland he iricident at C that ncthing could be more pat to the purpo At one lime, among others, that that a-ftmiJlMariaHdei T?- 'Si -'1 1 . -..; a-L -a V . ' ' . .."F rT-" - . ' " ' . :- jLj-ancuco-delaegaie- 1US er s. wasFfaricifov had difanbeared aboutVa league broad. andi' Ynr thar niirnn(V- jn the River of Vilbba bo -embark at Pednna, not finding the !boat,v he hadelupp iDoh Doming commun at Cadiz, who ditclofed it iiTt .St. Francis, where the youngm was main- yhe; had pu punftually deli tained. At that time there was in the convent y . a monk of the fame order, called friar John Ro-7 who aflcing how it tcame tobeYo he made '(ende 'b'UtrriedT.bactheVn order to begv throu :clrity fbr.tho(e!w was 1$ feet, very littieZitwre edrhimlelf fonh -LierganesTkytarid young man who had been caught at fea, that with faltpetre. He always 'went barefoot : If ;lie might know whether he-was-a native of clothes were given him heput-them on : if not T ' ' - : , ' . '. . . . 'P- . . . lierganes, according to the nairratixe or Can lie was as mdiiterent about apparel as about itolla he refolved to cairry him -'along; wi , mhis queit xTaccordingly,, having hnilhed lttook and eatjlKnru if Lierganes in the -year -1680.-W to reafon, infenfibJe as to obe- cu i liic iiiir taiicu jLciieia a quarter or a mence, ana quire mute in reparaioipeecnt pened to be atrvice atGadjz. , H - fhmanner e have already Djii ilgnqu ifitionbei : Bl1? S9z r kpq t han a per (bn of ; his ac- letter from fc ne 0 wri io another, - within the ntSncewrate to' him an accourit of tlr ;J1 range incidc . 'lationslDrthat -V--; enquire if any; 7 hingihad happened th anfwer is ;he wuucsj tnat Jeague-frprrvthe laid viliagehbadehe ybung man jeaa tne way, ana ne went itraient to the 1 . . houfe of his mother ; who: nd (ooheriet eyes on himHthan ihe rc eagerly embracingrhifliV Exclaim my(pn-Francifcop"who except the few wwdsjiiehtipned abovei which : he fometimes pronounced, ; though without meaning, ;.V:'"" ,;. XJi is" Ialvcefy as I knew him. When a bbyhe delighted in filhing and being iri the: river tht pafled by Lierganes ; he was then": 1 ' . V-' i -" V