N EAV-Y O R K, September 17. thofe meafure , -.which", ifcarriedjntp. execution will oblige us to think that nothing-out extreme The Adii' of'thc. General-AwjuaWIeavety-can.prefervc us fromThe rooft.inn.ppom York. To the honourable Cad walladcr golden, Efy; his 'ajejlfs' Lieut. ; Governor and Commander in zChtif'in anA over tBCotorevTT(nk and t he Territories depending thereon in America . j Mafftfleap your Honour, . ; :p K;t Mni-itv's moil dutiful and loyal ful , ihig ral ' A ffg m bl y of. he Colony of JVe hope your. Honor will heartily join with us in an endeavour to 'fecure that great badge :of Enzlijhilib confent ; to which, we conceive, all his Majefly s fubjefts at home and abroad, equally intitled j and alfo in pointing out , to the minlilry, the many mifchiefs arifinft ffbm the aft commonly called the filler atf. both to us, ana co rw vruam. a v - - -F - 7: attention to thft -henrty-thnnks-for your fpeech; ,- - Z"-----. ' the Dunaual difcharKe of ouTpublic debts, the ' onr frontiers, amply compenfate the heavy .bur- , . : , ' then with which we were obliged tOf!o3d oir con.nea. . of the: Genera) Jjfa.fy, 7 flitaents, in order to proted them from the ba J v. N I C O .L L, Speaker, 'baroa-, incurfions of a cruel.enemy ; and 1Mj chamber, Gn of AV nri, n0ur's approbatfon of the premfion made foxhat (JJ , purpoie givcb u &. vv , . Refolved That the aid addreis oe; prcicniea 10 - . m , . ,.,r . -Nor Iel3GQAvcircccivv i.vui --ivr-'7r-:,.' cirtr;rtr fKp T. euteiunt Uovcrnor Dv tne jour Hohor gives, -Tluraace'conc! -bv-therrnSSMi "'anylrmn'.tary experjees rleave us m a capa- . and hat after he had read the fame traded during the var ; and enable us o pay hofe w coun5i,,.and could not return ah anfwer taxes, which the prefent and .ncreafmg fcarc.ty of h a full one - cafh renders extremely barthcnlome, : . - BuHothing can adU to the pieaiur wc cvx.vt from the informatioiryour Honorgtves usr -That v his Majelly. our tnolt gracious ovcre.gni d.n.n - in... annrnves our conduct- hen nis hrvire rcauires it, we (hall ever be ready to exeit .. . . . S T 0 C. K H 0 L M, June 29. . " : - . : a ' young Woman of Netra, m A nger- mania, was aeuveicu uu v Ourfelveith,loya,ty,.n , -.I Shh all humility, hope that bis Majelly, whor . GMr(i I he report that and wkofc anceftors hare long been the; guardians of liberty, will lo protect us .uu,., as to prevent our falling into the abject ftate.-o beinc forever hereafter incapable of do.ng what can merit, either his diftinftion or. approbation. Such mutt be the deplpreablc itate of that wretch ed people, who (being taxed by a-power fubordi- . . -.nH n n areat meafure'unacquamt- . 1 .t -umrtoncpt ran call nothinff their ed witn mer i.ii.u."vv., .. ..." a boiy of French Troops were to be fent to. Corfica to reduce that iflind, under the domi nion of the Republic, ftill fubfifts but as: it has been current a month, without any appear ance of preparation for fuch an expedition, it is thought to be ilfctounaea. fa fmnrt action in L.itnua- xiUy their c rcumitancesj can can ,,ijv"6 iUW"- ,IC "cwp;wuw.u; w. - tSolnlBi in which we confide. f . " . u, . . fue hours when the Ruffians being joined; by.. rDfUditU-pioommm by" the alarming informations we h3 ."0"1 homf' p0lan(jers were obliged to retire which they neither we; nor. our confluents can .aMetI ,m . djd jn ood order, and without beirg followed, provements, conducive ether to the ercot " The letters vary in relation to the numbers