' K r --- ? i, . v ' -' vl " "--"-ri: .. :.-:,.;y :'t :' "-;.:r ' : -:v" ' v'-" ': "..;.:'.. ,-: .;-'V'.;: - Various have been theConje&ures of the St.. James's, uly 20. Jri anfwerfo the repre- ! PubIick on thecaulc of Mr. de GuerchyYre- fentations made by his Majefly's amballadour at the turn "to France, (bme fufpefting it is more for court of Madrid, upon the lateiranfoaions: of their ttwTzmitrfiM p.rocc,ed inssJt?.t!,e tions : but there is nothing uncommon in that MinifterYjourney ; for-as he is a Lieutenant Gen. of the' French Army, hejs obliged (as are all of that rank) by an ordinance of Lewis XIV. to irifpeft and review-his own regiment in pcrfon once a year ; and it is for that pur ppfe he now returns to France. They write from the Sound of thej 14th inftan t, that 1 98 (hips had pa fled there from the 7th to the 1 4th of July, 4 1 of which were Lngluh. m- ... m r ' In a gentleman s garden near Eromlgrqve, there is a cherry-tree, . which hasajready bore fruit this fummer, and now in fullbloom. Two (hips are arrived from the South Seas at Cadiz, with 5,700,000 dollars on board. Extrail of a Letter, from Paris It is currently reported, that 35,1000 me " wi 1 1 foon form an army of obfervation on Britifh fubjeftremployed in cutting logwood; irrtlieT Bay of Honduras th plied,- Thar they have ece that governor relative to this affair ; but that it is certain the Catholic King has given pofitive orders- to his governor of Jucatan to abide by, and ob "ferve the XVIIth article of the lalVtreaty of peace, and that he will tncrt app (ulyefts whoTft in contraVenti the intention of his.Catholic Majelly, that no one fliall impede the Englilh in their cutting logwood in the fiipulated places 5 and he will dilapprove ofli; his governorriirm miniftersT rthe .contrary, ar-:rencw that effccl. -: - ' J:;--' Auguft 6. ?A yaft number of qua r te r gui neas are novy fendirTg abroad to fettlements, vvhich, it is thought, vil) occa fion a fartheicoihage-ofthcfe foeciesfb ne- the confines of Poland, under a Marfhal of : France?' '. : -:- 'r. r They write from South -Carolina, that vaft ne ceilarv A ME R1C AN ' N EW quantiiics of Spahifh mill'd dollars having been P R I N C E T OW N, September 26, exported from Charleftown fince the peace, This Day ' the Truftees of the Col lege of and which fttll continue to be fent to England New-Jerfy, attended the Anniverfary Com- and other parts, to the the New Church. In the province, the Governor and I Counc thoughts of augmenting the ftandad dollars to 32i 6d; Carolina currency ; which vhich he gave a very flriking and animated is if more; than their prefent rater This not only be a means to retain plenty 0 filver, wre Candidates for the Honours of the Col 7)n-thepital fend it' abroad, but is alfo a ftep highly neccf- were performed to the Satisfaction of all who fary, as the circulation of paper is going to be underftood them. The following 5T( were -laid afide. ; - ; difputed, vfe. : v' ; . ' . . Jy 2 jr. fl . 0 1 z vel natio ccnfervetnr hand of-the-North-Britd " T Tl 7L volumes, were cnea oerore lora maasneia at uuiid -halli when the jury-brought them in -guiltj-of pub lilhing the fame. --.,-;-;;;,..-Li It is reported,- that all the Englifh forts and caf- tles Inthe Weft-Indies, vvUch amount to upwards - of-300 in number, both in the Leeward and 3yindwardIftands,aretobethoroughly repaired, the old ordnance fent home, and to be remounted with new from England, Lux rationis fola inciiamenta ad vlrtutem noii tans em c act a. vrauei Somriia tonfi portendentia. x : Nulla m verum virtutem habet qui 0 nines The following young Gentlemen; were ad- mitted to the Decree of-57rir of-Artsvz. ,JJcJciters irom JNorth America brot ad Thomas Alkin, Thomas John Clagctt, Wil- vice, that the inhabitants thefc haTe reccired the liam Fofter, Nathaniel Hazard, John Lau account of the new dut.es on feveral of the.r pro- . Samucl Leak, John M'Crery, Alex dudtions, with more compliance than was at firft , .-j ni t r u eu imagined, being affured the faid income will te ' dcr M,"cr'J D,a,V,dT PlJofeph Sm.th, appropriated for the good ufes o tHofe wloniej, Thomas .TclU,Ja,e' , Andrew :4 vilt Sldndir j : ; Wilfonr William yYoodhull. . 1 - h: -. r-