Vol, J. 209 No. 27 r.:.. t k The N O R T H- C A R O L I N.A G "-fr A SORr; -,;-f . - ' - ' r - ' : :t ' " ' -' -.' - . ' - Jr Erom F r I D A Y November 30, toF R I D A Y. December 7, ::-f764i 0 the Political end Civil Rights of the. -defcend to the legiflative of a town council, Centred Jrcm pagt 205. when it don't counter the laws of any oF itJ &4toa H Y then Is it thought .fo hei- uFr V o laws of fubordination are" tranfarr the fubordmatc, but may- in -all: cafes' sht of negative is effential, and may be enforced : But in no . cafe are th e eflential rights of the fubjedb, inhabitinff the fubordinate dominions" tn, hr - - - , . - X . Am w r giliative power not indepen dent of, butfubordinate to the laws this author, to bring fo heavy a charge, as high f.eftrryed: ThiSj would put t n the power of treafon againft fome f the colon ifts, which he Je fuper.or to reduce the inferior to a ftale of does in-Jffca in thisv place, by reprefenting fla.V 5 whlch,nnot be rightfully done, even them as claiming in faft or in deedthe (am! wuh f enemies and nW. After full free independent unreltrainedpovver and le- r'sfaa,on.1and furlt'- !s ,obned of the dilative will, in the r fevera cornorations. and "". d,.c u,dUC 10 mm) ot under the King's commiffion, and their refpec- JC ,a""-, " the ends of government requ.rc, flive rlrfv: th nv,rnt iin,... the reft are to be reftored to all the eflential of Great Britain holds hv iV, rnn(litrinn v,n,J r,ghts. of men and . of citizens,.;. .1 h.s . nunder the great c was ever thb of 1 any of the colon ifts, They aVe all better men and better fubjedts ; and many of them too well verfed in the laws of nature and nations, and the law and conftitutioh of great law cf nature : and agreeable to this lawy is the conftant pradiceof all good and mild go vernments. This len i ty and h u man i t y h as no where been carried further than in Great Britain.. The colonics have ibeen fo rcmarlca- Great-Britain,- to think they have righjao-.- i?iorthan!a iiUpowerisot- . fubordinate to h injj jn t h e:prefent . ft at e oft h e ejlfoTrrj", rnon archy, ft ad i n g w he r 1 h o p e rt, ever will ftan 117 foflhe pillars are fixed in judgment, righttoufrfs and truth, jsUiKihg and Par li a m ent Un d erf fe,v it eern s tafy to -con- iV-:-i- , ellion or trea(on:in thVm;vIEhis Joyalty-is in very hand (on ed by the author of the adminiftration:o colonies; " It has been often fuggefted that . care i. (h ou Id 5 be ta k en in the-a d mi n i ft ration, of: the plantations, . left, in fome Yyture time thefe colonies fhould become independent of themirc Proper on this occafioh , nJi JsJ uftice to' ::(?y ng 1 n (1 ep e rd m (, i s -7 '::"l-Lvt. 'f'T:- ' J meant; -1 II V: r -i !! J St . Ii . a Ml 4Ui I ,') . !, hi r H;r f'l i'.i: v il. V' j, I, i! ;. ! ft'! I - s J