4".:.. 'Jit' ; Qatwfia MAGAZINE, for i -r ' :' 4- being made entirely fubject to th e crown and Rhbde-Ifland, where- thev are chofen bv that this fubjedtion ftiould be abfolute, and the people. In all otHer colonics t confined to the crown he had better have (up- : ther immediately appointed by the crown, of t. mv,. iiviwj wm ijui van lv ina ivi aiciL v ityuvci nor. in ane 2GV cc bedonc without ;;majdng of the crown, S,ubjeh they are ; their lands nor's lcouncil of ftate And if they are in they bold of the, crown, . by common-jbecage, : generaKuch ignorant creatures, a the AdmU -theireeftzfeudal tenure, by w their lands in England, or any where elfe not the fault, of the people, in the colonies. themilitarvtenuresaridb : ' CJ -r- ; . - - - -- - J ------ I , -wwr-i . f v a a our fore fathers could not bear ? It may be admiralty, general or provincials worin nyung ncrc, inac rcw-u any lnuances .owing is very reinarkablQ. " In thole popu- canegixen,wnerecoionies-nave-been-dii executive pofed to forfake or difqbey a "tender mother : officer is under a dependence for a temoorarv. But hifbry isW armies wretched,, and I had almoft faid arbitrary fup- Jhtioned as guards over provinces,; have feiz- port, on the1 deputies of the people,,, cu ine prey lor cneir general, ana given nim.a r vy ny is the temporary lupport found fault crown at the expence of his mafter. Are all am- w a governor a bitious generals deed ? Will no more rife up falary for a longer time than his political life ? jivi i - i u an ii v.i . vi-i-4id uu urn-4i m iy in j iiuji is quiie as uncertain as nis natural lire . . . . - - ' - - 1 7 ' I - 1 . . , - - ... J ! - ' remote provinces is -m uch greater m t tro--: it has berirantey nmiall polis, than at home Rome found the truth o of one year's falafy after he int. m1im1,,jj1 Jf j iuu o ucdu. . iii -iuc iviii. 5 uintcrs arc iiol even Csefars ; but fhe found it too late : Eighteen have roll d away hnce her ruin. hundred years A continuation of the fame liberties that have . been enjoyed by the colonifts fince the revolu tion, and the fame moderation of government excrcifcd :towards7jthemv will WjniJ lci S perpetual 1 lawful and willing fubie&ion obe dience and love to Great-Britain : She and her colonies will both profper and flourifii : The monarchy will remain in fouhdb and full vigor at that bleffed period, when the proud arbitrary tyrants f the continent (ba,H .eith njteintheeH or refign their crowns. Refcued, human naV ture muft anil will be, from the general flavery that has fo long triumphed over the fpecies. Great-Britain has done much towards it : What a Glory, will it bp for her to complete the work throughout the world. in the charter provinces dependent on the peopled for fupport. . The judges of the adm i -ralty thofe mirrors of juftice, to be truftedf . when none of the common law courts are, have all their comm i flions fro m home. Thefef befides other fees,, have fo much per cent on all they condemn, be it right or wrong, and this by aft of parliament. Yet fo great-is their integrity, that z it never was fufpe&ed - that 50 per cent, if allowed, vould have any influence on their decrees. - Cuftpm-houfe officcrsiunlverfally, and Na- vsl-officers, in all :burtwpfct Jonies, are i believe, appointeddiredlly from home, or by inftruflion to the Goverhor ; and take juft what they pleafe, for 'any re ft rain t jhey arc under b'y the provincial A6ls. ut op whom fhould a Governor depend for Thejau the King fed from the field, and from the labour dflh.jspebple-'-?- himlelfceiyje his parliament ? Do not all thefe originate in the-houfe -of commons"?"Didthebu((Fl:fr Lords ever originate a grant ? Do not our lay books inform us that the Lords onlv aflent or niltrator, is left to the re3der. I only alki dilient, but never fo much as "propofc ai) who. makes the judges in the provinces ? I amendment, on a money bill ?.,T rr:fcn9W-;ofbut-two: ,. , . .r--vTr;-- ,; A; J)ima rlT, --.:...c V u-. .. 4- O V f defcribes" the defels of the " provincial H; courts,' by 3 " very defection," the ficft trait bf-which isi (t 1 hc ignorance of the judges- Whether the defcriptiop; or the jdefcripi of tfieefc as applied bv Lord Male, or the Admi- - Hi 't'i !?; ... ,...ul....Kr. .1 in. ill f.p 3 'I 'V. !;. :fc -4 ti't ii :-. :!!! '-v.-::jifS' .V;' '!, .!rJ,ii -4 W i Hf l:fe!.i !. hi -K' hi ? . .1 i;,!. ( P fr it I .( ! - t'i "I j t ju i f it.; lit! ... ti?,:;. .- I"!' IH'li.: ' ;! ----- j '.".(! t ' . : I'! V.n(' -i- . ' - '. ,- -' -