hetdelivereH to his Commons Houfe of Affembly the following Information and Advice. I (hall Jhinlc it my-Duty . r , - ' ; . Vince to his Majefty, in the moft favourable Light; Honourable Gentlemen of bts Majejly s Council, - and -promote their Peace and Happinefs ; as fuch . JAr. Sp enter, and Gentlemen of the Jfemhfy, can only be procured' by a perfeft Harmony be- . T Return you Thanks fprlthe iever tween his Majefty and the General Aflembly ofthis' youliave continued and pafled this Seffion ; and Province, which will be a Means of procuringFa. if! :. .!,f:"jsi- - W' f I-'- llr already made for the Peace, Security, and Im provement o th eo w nce '. Mr Speaker, and Gentlemen of the JJembly9 -ritis probable thart . be- fore I depart for -Erieland. unlefs I fhall receive his i 1, Meftys to prorogue you tor a lhort I ime, that if there is any Order from his Majefty, I may again call you together before my Departure : And it is w ith great PI ea - fure I can inform you, that 1 leave the Govern ment in thf WanrJc of x T :ipnf.nnf;f2ntrrnWr tyr will be as tender of your juft Rightnd Privileges, ceffit as ne wui oe ot-itrictiy-acinenngo nis ivaajeity s' -hi v diuucb ui uic TTunu, aau Inftruaions -and-funnortina-hiv-unrfnuht a particular Caution to the younrLadiesaeainft ' pativei. ... ----- - . : - Drefc and other w Howevcxbelore-my-Departurc,I-think"i SinCeur ,laft, Teveral Veflels arrived here froth e .yWyy particularly a Sloopi from Mary land7wih: come to fettle in the Province.. Laft Night arrived here a Quaker Preacher, and his Wife, and this Day they both preached here to a numerous udience. The rDoftrines which they chiefly, hnhdled,,were Original Sini land 2 the N Duty to inform you, as a Governor, that by fome God s Judgments on a finful World and that he hafty and inconfiderate Refolutions you have.icome would be mercifully pleafed to difFufe his holy Spi- into, py being overruled by lome young Mem-;, lllunB U1C cupic. n majr tnoi dc amiis jo bers, who dpnt rightly underfland the Cbnftitution of Jintain and its Colonies, you have taken upon you to interfere in the Executive Povver over this Province, vvhich i.hiM'U e gh t, tyh ich . he has delegated to the Governor for the Time being, and his Council ; Which is, in' pretending to difpofe of, and. diftributc the Public Money al ready raifed, which, is" not appropriated , arifing from the Surplus of the Funds above the Services , Jor which Ihey are appropriated or - granted, and - . ' w - - - take Notice, that the Caution and Advice to the i Lad ies, was delivered by the Preacher's Wife, who a more than common Influence of theJioly Spirit; as her Doftrine was delivered with great; emphatic Energy and Elocution, irt Mffefl Of m o twm Advertifements T4 Ttrr 1 t... . til. i J ties and Emerpencies of Grnment; ITli.V- . " S,v5n 1 1,al being, and Council, ohly, to difpofe of ; in which - rentedrto-the bigheft Bidder, tor one you arc not to interfere; nor arcthe-Treafurcrs'to Year,, the P E WS of the Church in New obey or pay any Money upon your Refolutions, bem ; agreeable to an Order of the VESTRY ' but by Warrant under the Hand of the Governor of Cbriji-Cburcb Parilh for that Purpofe. ip council, puriuant to his Majefty's lnitriittions ; and in Cafe they fhould wantonly -rhifapply fuch unappropriated redundant Supplies or Sums orant'ed for Contingencies, your fole Rfeht is to animadvert upon .1 andpp rBritaini againft jheir P This, as a. Friend, I mention to you, to pre- Jacob ,Yc:hurch. cy n . .'wardens. James Davis,) T O BE S OL D, venyourinterferi 3Hrer6gativernt ter Worm ; forne Barrels of vemment ; . that you may nft embroil yourfclvcs foft S G A P, Two Quarter C:k of Madeira witn tne crown, wnicn af"tne una, you mult ; fubmit; to, and jnuft bp" h ighly prej tidicial to the" Belt Epguirejof 'Bernard Parkinson, Mer ; Welfare of this Province. : - chant in Nevvbern. 1. 31 ..t ,11- - ;..f- - : r i if, 7r i . : r ir'- -1.4- i m . '1!. .1 M Hi : i 1. -- ' i 15 ! ill' m !? Hi! : !' -if ;!? s- ft. i i ,1 '4 i ' , I 1 l ill i . i it i