. The Korth- Caroi inaU A G A Z I N E, for 1764; Auvertifements, 2,31 JuJtJ MP O R T Ei -Dy Newbern, Dec. 21, 1 764I . By RICHARD ELLIS, Jujl. IMP 0 R T E D, And to be SOLD by the Subfcriber, atMr? .BERN AR D lA RKISON S StoreJppoflte. tQ beretfVSrke lately livedo the follow ing G O O D Sy ( at : very for Cajh or Produce : And to be SOLD at bis Store in Newbern, . on the very lowefi Terms, for ready Money, J5-: Pnce9)j S T O N Erdelph, and giafs ware of all kinds r - made 10 d. and 20 d. hails, hard foap, claret in bottles, choice AVz and Fyall xHmzs. Coniac brandy, Nevo York belt flrong beer, filk handker chiefs, gauxe ruffles and caps, large pod and com mon writing paper, fnuff-boxes of different forts, tobacco boxes, fteel (hoe and knee buckles, fpurs d ifferent forts, compleat fetts of (hoemakers tools, brafs warming pans, with handles, filk and worlled ilorettaj-thicMetJU R U M, S U G RrandM d t A S S E S, b the Hogfliead, Barrel, or fmaller Quantity. Likewife a neat and general AiTortment of dry GOOD S, fuitable for the Seafon. 1S& 7$. Said E L L I S will give the Heighth of the Market for all Sorts of Country Produce; Newbern, Dec. 21. 1764. Jujl Imported j and to be S O L D by the Sub- at hts Store, where 4tfr,-Richard- Jcrtbet lately kepi ine mohairTJhaos, of dif ferent ctrtoorsbToa beft mohair anduibnsfcarle twifta-fctierces-fhiprbreadTlchoice vinegnr, beft anu couen cnecKs, coane, miaanne, and tine ANeat-Afl brtment of EvroHattxi&lnclia Goods . - - r-r : r-" ; luitabltor the beaion. Likewife Rum Su- gar ' and ,Molafles ; a Quantity of good Rhode- jjuanu ,yneeie, onip ereaq, wine oy tne (uartei Jrijh linens, beft Englifh oznabrigs, choice bohea te3, onions by the :i Tj4rlit!ertoh$ balfam Huntarv' wateh "and Dr. 7amii fever nowder - - r ,. -.-- - u , 1 " . . , .. N. B.' Whatever part of the faid eoods remain N. B. The Subscriber will allow thp Helmut , :j . .... , . . w : - ' " " ' unfolcrat the next Infefior- Court of this county, of the Market for Pork, Tar, Pitch; Turpentine . - - v k vuuuv, ftuuuc, uuiu uav iy . inaiun VCin3, Decs ; ana iViyrtie Wax bunch : Aide's elixir; f dp f?w c.ho,ce DICI N E S, WrnmiHw dial. " ' d ajtilJ iarejbld . Hutch efon Crozier. Snalce-Robt ; and'all other Country Produce. ROBERT EVANS. Juft JdVt Newbern, Dec, 2 1, 1764. O TI C E is hereby given,. That on of-Jariuary next, .l huriday.the-'id Uay 7 5r, appofite where J ames Par kinfon, ' at ceafedt formsrly lived : ' A. Large Quantity of r& Linen, Shect- ;T - ingsf : UiaperiSt .bilkand 'Imen, Hand-: kerchiefsijof 111 Kii:&c which he has juft Imported from Europe, t- Like wife Weft-India and : w: RU M , SUG A RS, fffr. wi tlv a neat Aflbrtmen t of GOODS, fuitable for the Seafon 5 which he will fell on the hioft Hdnablererms;-andiillr Prices for Country Produce. --:-r.- will be rented,1 ta thet highft Bidder, for one Year, the P E W- S of He Ch urch m New bern 5 agreeable to an Order of the VESTRY of Cbrtfi Church Parifli for that Purpofe, L . ; fl Church- . , is- nnH .. .. V s waraens James Davis A Willlamhomtfonrz M S. Said Shompfon'mW. make large AI Joyance-to any-wno Duys-to leii agam V:STILL of 1 06 Gallon s witk aPe k teriWorm ; - anu,x vu udncis 01 i aiiuw, iome Darreis oc foft; S O A P,,1T wo Quarter - Csflcs of Madeira W,rN E, and. a plate handle S W O R D, with a Belt. Enquire, of Be rn ard Parkin son, Mer chant in, Newbern. Nov. 3P7jL7i4l : - - - - --: - ' " ' ' " " ' ' ''"' ' ' jfjl ' " ., - . , ' ' . .. .. ' ' , . "' ' " '- :! - -! ' , .... . . - ,.'..-..; - ..vviSt'l ; . .-. ... ' . . .,-;.;.!; a:'; - v- . --. .. . A .. , ; . ' .. V u - ; ... : -: ? ': 1 ' : " ..: -- ---- -: - -.7 . .. r ';:'Y'"e:',"': r.i; 11 1 . t : 4.-'.(. ' I' 1 . 1 -- -'- 1' if" ; Mr: .i' r ' ..t A: 'I t iHU- lit 'Mi in f . I Ml', .11 ii 1 . n r j: Mr Jib , I'M