T tfi 1 r IT ! : t in- i-:L 1 i I if i i 'I. 4 'h .1 L 1 t 7 ; ;y- 3fr r n If! .1 , NORTrt-CAROLJNA, Craven County? V . ment of any Crime or Offence for fo jdoing, di without incurring "any Penalty or Forfeiture there-; GIVEN under our Hands and Sealst this Seventh Day of nuary , 1765, and in the ib Year ' j of bh Majefiys ?. U ."JOHN" WILLIAMS; SAMUEL CORNELL. By ohn Williams, and Samuel Cornell, -Efqrs Tiqo of His Maje fly's Jujlices of the Peace for the County aforefaid. To:all to whom thefe Prefents fliall come. Greeting. WHERE A S Complaint hath this Day been XT - XT7U ; . r XT j tt u crL rra j u . FVi. N. B. Whoever apprehends the fnid -Negroes, made to Us, by "Thomas Clifford Howe, Hiq; .; 1 . - r . ,L, 1 w-luvP-rh,..rL... That Three Negro Slaves, 7. ' , nc-run ' ARB 4 flia I receive Forty Sbillinps Reward for each, if Man named PE'l ER, one other named ABRA- ..- HAM, and another called BEN, hath abfented Mt; ,r V .7 themfelves from the r fa d Rafter, and are fuppoled .' '""" ' f b n ,KiV, mmifrina m.nV - in Proport.on for a greater or fmaller D.nance : 10 continue urK ng aoour anu tummmiug man; . " r r . i mi t-n .t r - i Li u rVri-. - f n...i. b:..j .n. And any Perfon; that will kill the rdhives, or Acts or reiony in iuis rrovintc. treitr i i vcuuy . n . r. n n j for each, paid by ' . - v -t , Thomas Clifford Howe. : Fellow, about ;c Years of Aee, fpeaks broken Engliih, and is about ; Feet8 Inches high : Had on when he went aivayf abourTwo Months ago, a woollen J acket and Tro iikers r a nd an Oznab; ig black Fellow, about 26 Yeof Age, fpeaks good Englifli. and is about r Feet lT-4aches high : Had on when he went Breeches, and an Oznabrig. Shirt, is fuppofed to Provincial PR I NTER, approinted by tha be about White Ua. Ben, is a biacic reiiow, ju,owiiR-nQUSE of assembly. L I C K, about c Feet 6 Inches high, Country born, (peaks good Engiiih, and. is fuppofed to be gone to Cafe- Informs the P U B Fear. "' v- :. - -i r- '' :--.t v-.w , ' .1- '. . - " : . . t ; ' , , , ,. ',. , "T H A T on the icth of Dumber Lift: he re THESE are therefore n his Majefly sName, J ceived from the Speaker of the Houfe, Co to command the faid Slaves forthwith tolurrender je8 of ,he LaWS m at the laft Sefiion of Af themfelves and return hdme to their Majei j " femby J9 . j,.,, lrj-0lv j the we do hereby alfo. require the Sheriff of the hid ?KESS and ui be publifhed by the FifA of Ft County of Cr, to .make diligent Search and y next . when th wiH be hen fent tQ. thc Porfuit-after the-above-ment.oned Slaves ;-andfeverarCo them having found to apprehend and fecure, fo Houfe for that Purpofe. . 1 that thev . may be conveyed to their faid Mailer, .. or otherwife di fcha'rged as the Law direcls. And T H E L A W 8, the faid Sheriff is hereby impowereTd, to raife and take with him fuch Power of his.County as he fliall think fit for the apprehending the faid out P A S S E D the laft Seffion of Affembly, at lying Slayes. And we do hereby further, in Vir- Wilmington, t printed, hy ' Andrew Stuartr lue of an Aft of Affenibly of this Province con- and ready to be delivered to the Clerks of the re- teTTixi Servants ' and Slaves, intimate and de- fpeftive Counties Thofe for the Diflrift of Aw- clare, That if the faid Peter, Abraham and Ben, berny are left with Mr. Peter Con-way, who will Ifelves, or-return-home immediately after the Pub- Clerks, iffc. Jication of thefe Prefents, that then any Perfon . ; , ; whatfpever may kill orldeflroy the lai 'or either of them,-by " fuch Means ashe orthey ; u t7w i t ho u ny c c u fat i 6 rTcI rnpe hlc h a n t i n JsJ jw bi - '- : with this Magazine, at 4 va Number. Advertisements arei inferted, atTW Shil Jtngi Any fingle Number may be had to complete. Setts? at 4 d :i;-..-.v--T- 1 ; it