1 noDiftinaion of Men or Nations but IjrfL- ' fo, wcate not in any'of thcfc Point? your -- ii:kV;M Kic n,n PnffpflTmfK!. Inferiors : .but.e-TlndoTendea:-thp-vjQqsr- ;.covetsnotbcr,Mah'8,-; is accurfcd - to the -:aod you arc fthc Inrnfour Pun& rt:Yo:Richeir0sw .4 fsvcUM yoixr Prideand Pride has blinded you to your own I n tc r c ft : - JYou call your fcl vcs ' Lords of the World, yet ar6ii.Siayes:( do not fee it) to your AvariceV Your Houfes are not lb crammed with rich Furniture, as your Hearts' are filledfwith filthy Govctouf- nefs, whicluwill in the End .prove your De- ftrudicn,; for- who thirits after Kicnesr? wcrethe : Vauie or our being conquer- , . v. W Vyou to expeft, ho arc no ifl"y;qur.:Wicked.ne ? vcrn to imagine thatthe iuft God partial" in your Favour urudicn,; tor- wno tnintsaicer j icuc5,u -:. ta .m;, yi w, v. :, -----:carele(s of Glory. A good Name: fIags this Pap4r with the Decreef the Senaterc- 4 careicis ui vjiui v. bwv .. .--t - t , . . . . vr. , , . i-frgm-bravand-gwerous-Aaiohiwh - . incompatible with Avarice ; - and .Fame loft, ; Speech ihoulbe enu'girter.d, ha hjailelf ra.adt renders a Nation defpicable, and a Prey "To a Freeman and a Sengtbr, and maintain d .puc otherSf r -Hear,me.you . .... -i - - - - x a. m n T m a a. . k . - c frrrh r ie ioas ve mav nui uuiy iitai, r dui yiu -fir: ffcorendulteryyet are 'Strangers" " - :"r::!-cj t Chaftity ;; and arelavifh in the Praifc of m VMAn BisrpzY Cc Tcmprance, btiHIe in-the yet not a Man of you will put it in Praaicc; - preflibic Joy of almoft all under the Roman ycblatne theSlothfcrl, and Uve in enervating " Jurifdiaion, from his Death the People began - - Idlcncfs ye deleft Avarice-, and ye are all to refpire from that- Load of complicated Mife- Robbers; in a Word, Virtue has your' r'ies, under which they had fo long laboured, Toncuts, Vice your Hearts. This I fay and a Succeffion of better Sovereigns enfued- riot of thc in only, but even for a confiderable Time. Nerva was the hrft - ofyouSenators, to whom Iiiowaddrefsmy- that began, the Reformation, an excellent U HI rhon, and you would do well to fay, ileing of Government ong Mcno uc y -n . i. .a L-Vi rfArhre- tiirhnlehf Snirits and7 Vicious Morals. The J0mu7iGTU7fl cji -jfUHui c... Aftnvy" - . t . - . o U ShnftnA nf hi?; Rein did not nermi :Suhieios ; for voiir Ambition is the Dcitruc , Uion of Thr Peaceable, and your Avarice 45 niakes y ou r rob the Xaborious. VVhat Right have invaded, and , of wnicn you naye pui- Shortnefs of his Reign did not permit him to give.io many rroors or nis rower, as or 1115 G 6od-Avill;.fo- after his attaining to -the imperial Aexcitc : of your Tyranny 5 ,we heard your Name, and: felt youtCruelty, at one and.the fame Inthnt, fuch a glorious Dcfcription in Hiftory that the fh the Authors (nem to be at a-Lofs for Words to ex.' pQor- Kf F.yc of the Covetous never can be pre Is their Admiration of his V;aIour$ Londutt, isfydneither wiH his Hand aWaiivfiwn Wifdom, Jultice, and;Liberahty. e eiiiarg- -Tzr Dominions bevond the Bounds caVelefs SnciflatoW? No, Yt,murt be attribut- juit,; and as by Y loiencc ye naye oecunm reaclitcd by any of his PlrcdccciTors, by the Ac uifoi and Arabian ;-l?rom"him pther .Eaftern Nations, received their, Kings ;' '.ri '"'r;.;v KtV hfir Tuifirr (hnli t?i.iu made - " Slaves. Do not vainly iu.agiue, that it was vvhofe Crow.is were held at Trajan s VivAurs.. Tour Bravery, your. Condua or Dilcipline Nor was His Behaviour in Civil Gov;-rnme,r,tv - y '-",, - - .- - . .;; . - - , . j - , .. ( . i ' ' : ' " ' " ' "s:: 4 :.."'J$4 1 :1: VI. 1 t. . .... .. ;i-v 'I 'it, . t-. : , - 1 1-,'. 1 I." W.I' "1 '.' '