. . . N0..14. The N O R f H- C AR 0 L 1 WJ M A G A if N 1 . 9 OR; N c e r: From FR PD AY August 31, to FR I D A Y September 7, 1764, A. Dtftriplim of thc young EUfa prdented to his from Bengal. -f;; than the year of exhibition. One of them that rr t e ! OVf XX x u CI AJU JU llA Jll M-m. no joi Dts in t bei r:f o r e le p s; and ipai mey. never 11c cown body 7 he bodies of thefe creatures re heavy and :HEhne7otherO to lie down bend the k'nee and turn from arc likfc thofe of a hog ; their legs and feet re one fide to the biher, at the command of their fehible columns ; .thofe like keepers. The elephant, indeed, fleeps fhrid- toes, being only raifed knobs, without joints, arid may be taught tolic down to take up his their--necks, orben burden. ' fcl; is fufficiehtly flTpplied by thei agility of "r The largeft and firiefi elephants in the world the trunk, . which reaches to the ground, arid T pircrthof : thofe of the continent -the-elephant.of deal in : thefe animals throu ah 0 u t. the j, ears are 1 a r ga ndr h a ng u potv t heirll deji haveafixedpjcefQr,ithezzprd accordingto theirfize the nail of the fore foot to the top of the flioul-: lik membrarie,; which ibyanyaccident (ler, ana ior every cunu nign iiicy give arter- wounueu uic aramai cgriainiy mcs. . it inc the rate of icovof cur m elephant of the largeft fize, meafur nine CubitsoF thirxteri feet ffl out to an enormous ; hbiptrand is breed f Ciyriour times that fu m. w wards to the Height of fix or (even feet y be- ' This elephant isx)dar trunk is fit iatcd but thefa hiir, and is Jittlc morea being ?bovc"e woods where they are bred lj that it is fifty or iixty years -before tfe arrives at his full growth and ftiength, and trees, or vvhatevcr elfe-- of the vegetable ! kind'- that his age is from two to thr Whether they may live in this climate to the v ceedingly fond.. r liiii age is now ccriai j- 1 . --I'-r, '0 iLJ : '.'j-.' --t . : .-i 1 : tiiJr,7.i'' : " " ' ' .' .... ephant is- the more cu'-! w'as fhewn here fome years ago,' died in i7-3 X their defcrpitiohs of this animal, defcription puWifce thc ; i r 1 n n i n I h is I n t he 1 r for e leos; a n H .: ;n-) ' i'; ' '.(If..... J -.J?!'! : .. !' I ;'r l 4 : ' ' . s lyr. ; s1 t !:)-; j: V ''vb. .;'MV!'i ' H , '1 J - ' -It . ' , --. ' ;A I , r .. ; ; ' ; r. j - " . :.:!J - r.y. r -1 ! ..--.'' -- fi-.4i;-.4i