.I.... . w..iu-..iiii..iipiiiiiuuj urn wmmmimmmfnmmmmmmmmmm y w'.""riiMi:i n i. n...i.... .. i. .... i ,1 h . i"-"""""' mumn '"'v-'-i't '.-:' v'f-."- -V j : ''??';J.':t 7;.::1 ITHUi- JM OK I H-C Aft ONA. i - A N D t SALISBURY AD V El T.I SErHl is. : cob i: k e. ; j :.; f ?g the in 37 even- By! the fhip jPcpniab, Marfcha (days frbm lLchoil, papers tb . n of. then H1RD of A PrUL, inclusive. are l ec vfd, by vhich we; ate enabled; to lay before oiir readers the lintelligence fcoptaured in the fueceeding columns. event cf pblitTcal rnpo rtance !had occur- d j nr Ea r ope fines iccounti- $ t,he date of cur former Couriers pafs frequently, betweeri the go i vernmems or tne " Mr. Dundas hai cot yet quitted his office, being employed in anlwering every difpatth, and completing al! the bufinefs ofhii de partment up to the date of his relinatich. It is underftoocj that the. Bat avian rcpib lie will be gran ted an increafe oi territory by the augmentation of a part of the bifliop rick of Mur.ffer, as a rompenfation for jthc: ioft of Maellricht,, Vtnlo, and Dutch Flan, dersj According! to the plan in circulatpn, the Etrs and the Lippe ae to be the limits of Batavia on the fide of Germany J he other part of the biJhoprick of Munflef , With1 the Eieclorate cf. Hanover, and 4 he' Il?Pt?rial.towns of Lobeck, Br emen, I hd Hamburh : will be united to ilie Ruffian Monarchy Inrthf xoafttHixf the Emperor Aiuiii. i.u ii?p r renen geverament CORN EXCHANGE. ytmri Ihort fupply of Wheat at this ledfthat cf fine quality to per quarter tmce this day country o tne penlipu htuation iiihiik.: rine runs rrpm jent ana JLllex vhichit now ft-ndi. He named the aothN1 wcn.Lott from. 1745.710 158. ; and fine I Dahfiic from 159s to 170: per quarter. Rye continue1 the fame as Jait weeki 1 The arrival of Barley being pretty large de. t(ian of one picpared for; 01 defence. . owcr, uu iic luyjcci or negcciation ror I hMcei; b't! if we. mav be allb'uieii to forrm la in dement fr.m aDDearancesJ that defi- ClhflOtiis yet-at Jome-difltrtrsv H f idiur iri London -p'n:'thciad of April was" it j $es. flerling the- barrel; 7 J j ; ;: in' the Houlej of jCommon, j March; 31, Mr. Shendaii gave notice of lif intention to b Cllf ducing in April . Sheridan gave notice of hit intention j Haymga ihort iring forward a notion tending to cii-j 3 day' market, cau ate his MajejftyJjate miniajejrj, for rc- i'.adv?.pce full 4s. p ine the country tb the-perilbus fituation ! fe'unight.. Fine r vigbroas meafures Mi, Baron f.hrcnfwird, Envoy Extraor dinary frcjm th? Court of Srtikholm, left town y ftrlty for Yarrtioutb;- frmSvhencc he will eriibark on beard the atkei, lor ambufgh, on his way icn.e, l his minif- :r was p efent, on .Saturday,' at a di'rner given by ord Hakefbury to the dip cmattc corps. f '7 ? '-7 4 1 . 7 . : ' j :M;De Nat 211, the Sedifh Charge fe ARairs, will let out for Ddver to n or- rtw;t frb'm whence he l to embfaik. for CaJ ai, land broceed lo Prij, previous to hU return tobtcfckho!m.. 7 :7'--' I Mr Ue Las Hero, ancient Confol -Ceni cral Spam, and Chajge des Affairs frnm Ithe Cotrt of -Madrid' during the t rrbITy of M. Las Csfa5, will alio let ctf for Pari to il i . - i !..!. ' ., :.'! , , jnorrow.evtftin'g-i :(-! ., j. j. -'v .. By an article in ? German LONDON, March $6. iYefterday was rec,eived the Pjaps Journals cf he 24th inft. he Monie.ur of that da e is iiiled with dafultory adjrice from E gy 3t, brought to r lrancc in 4 fmall brig from Alexandria, w hich it left on Uie 4th .f r.L. ...... t flit mmA inml fl .nn I large frigates had arrived lafeiyj at this port, laden vmh 1 c.ooo itana of arms and am- . ... - were Ispfcourie reprefented as in the I moll flou jiihing flatci j iiNp niention is rjiade of our npeditiori,; or of dmixalij Gantheaume's fquadron, ivhich hss certainly failed dirfcl fo Alexa.h(ria ; an frotd the j jafe arrival f jtwo Frerich'frfgaTjes there,!, that port does Slot appear to be cqiely blockaded. iliirre continue tb .be trreati reioicincs m Paris on-jficbunt of the peace ; but the F r e och dPu n d s a re al 1 1 n ' g d a i I: y j Th e Ti e r s 1 ceivejl yellefUayv it appears, that iit ce the coniOientmtntT-of 'March, Gntheaume'ai fquadronjhad rot .only been cxpetlcd inthe Mediterranean, but it was a!fo exprcfied, that'a jupclicn vas intended Wiih the lame, by a llulpan fleet of tvtelve fhrps of the line from! the Bl ack S ca 9: jeipt ftcd.ubou t the' fame tirrje in the Archipelago.1 The Dutch fleet, lying iri the Test!, .is faid to be completely ready for lca; and Adi miral D Wintcrjis oti board. s V Aj Dariifh army is Vpy fhortly to be col-" leered in iHblflrn, under the command of the Prince of Htfie, in the firft initance it was to?cpr,f:ft :-bf 12.CCO. jV .'J rliiy'y.V V A letter from Copenhagen, dated March 14th, and addrtHed to a iQoi). rtpeirablo houfc irj this ctty, contains tie following high-founding paragraph ij "i Lclrd Nelfon may come whenever he; pleafesj jwe are melt formidably prepare tl to receive hina wiih rt d hot ihfct, for w huK purpofe the forraces re kept heatrcl night and dayj! We flatter curielyrs ' that . our preparations are loch as Cannot fail to re-f pulfe a fleejt of even or e hundred fail of th7 line, intaie 01 ny aijcmpi rnoc u iukc the difficult paffage qf the cur.d- , 1 'he' Swediflijgalley fleet isjcxper.ed here ibouf J the latter end cf the month, and our vtholzt fleet of1 defence it already flattened in theV 1 road.-1 be emperor pi uila ieras UKr 1 vyife thifty fail ofcthe ine land twelvefn gates tojour aftacev, ; -' A Dahifli bn'g, called the Sarpen? of 20 guns, hs failicd fromj-Copei hagen to th? North Sea bn-a reconnoitering: cruize. . r ' A ictr frcm Berlio, of the i6th UH?.t flatcs. that the court lof Priiflla is itill wait; ing with innpitierice fcr an anfwer ' 10 the lalt declaration made to tn court 01 it. James'st ; Mearv.hile a grard ' council of flate has been held, at which the king, ajl -rh'e 'ministers pi flate ani field marfeal Mb eliendorif attended. His Pruflian -taajcfiy 0 is indeed nukirg the mbft ferrous pieparati-Xc; cRSito ljtJze the ! German dominions cithe - '-; king cf Great-Britalci: Gel). ,Kleiftf the prelent Goveinot df Magcltbcufg, will have the tefnmand cf Ithe arn , whicb, on-' der cer ofb circfimftantes,' will make an ex pedition1 sgairfl the ejr flora te of Hatiover.;,: A new and very elbfe rr ea ty , or ra t her ; combination, againft G, BrirainV has been projeded, and is cri the eve of being finally concluded, between France, RufHa and Prufiia.P 7- J ' " ) Fi cm Peter fburg we learn, tinder dateof the thftcfltnt, that the Pnaflian declarati.v oti ahift England, jas been received fwith the'greueift flcaftucand ktisfaiftrcn fry iLf ,. paper. re- has cabled that of a mwiincr quaiity tb clint full js, per quarter 7 '. ,V; . r-7 .March 31. J ' j ry We have heard the anfwer of the French gbvernmen't to the overtures of. peace rjiade from this country, 7flated to be-" 1 hat the Chief Conful received the overtures J With great pleafure that e muft.confnu. a with 1 5,000 itand of arms and am- J With great pleafure : that h: muft conimu. Ition ; and 50a Itroops, of whom ibb I nicate them to his allies;! and woMldf as jfooh 6 artillery .'men. The cblquy of Egypt j as pbflib!e, fend a anlwer." Oo Saturday, general balisjot the pegciation tied, before any puSlic rainiflef d on the other fide on j Friday by foreign affairs. VOnionuers.are now pniy 51 . ine communicatiion made J .. t Is M. Otto to the minifter to r ' - i - "I i I tnicorifequence of trie "w.ilhcs exprcfied by hh majeily's rninillefs to -open a,; jnegociation Wjiih ihe Ftench Republic, fhajve been the I fa6jecl.cf fecral cohferences. j t)ur cabinet Hve lhewnrf:7eQur piornbtitbcle with the p , . . .... m . ' , . a' Cabinet Council was held, when it j was determined tb fignify that thii ; government was ready to treat with theailiet of Frafnce. In the evening M.v.-.Oeto IcatofF; ajmeffen gef with difpatches tbPafisUvith this intel liaencei I l"hy failed frbm Dover on pun- dav.i Somcft teki rauft elapfs v before 1 the Chief LonJulxan have an aniwer tromf pt. Peter fburg, and negociation i may ; perihaps be delayed ttll that period -In the mean tube; lit. is probable, thaVM. Otto and Lord Hawkefbury will found ach other,! rtfpert in'g the views cf their governments, and jthat the bufinefs may Icniewhat advanced before ncgociation (Hall be officially appoint-. ed. t : 'i i7 ,-':-"rv!:"::l7'-v7 -1'" A meflens'er arrived yefterday from o- j penhtigen, with difpatchei from; Mr. Yan; - . ... - 1 1 , . . . 1 government at ahe jThuillcrbs" which wcj unaentana ;. . td M. Otro'i comnbnirahon. k a (rrond vernroeht hai realon to ejcpc tnat inq go-. d fbatch wasorVarfieon.SaturWaveVebinV. flinacy of that Court I is hkely to produce ari; truce ' failed ; yefterday morbihgtfrom Dover.7vIt is faid that The new will be the ftt- is appont bvertutea with iTrance have Cailfpd an rrrfof'A. dliivitv in rttrr rnrrfhnn- CChce with the Court "of Berhnl fcr which ace a kind's meleree7. was jent crefler- 'day afternoon. 71 1 Is the moti earheft wifh lei. 1 . t ii - - V i :U . - , a .! ijne King's governtnent, that tne qr nappy, inifunderftanding w pith preya$:ith" difier- n in -!- t . u;. v14 iwrcign courts inouiu dc anucauiyi u-u new admi- iriv fhnimcncemcnt r 'of hofliiities'.--4The difpatches w dated the 1 5th. - Ve jftill, Kowsver, anxiouiy hope,f that the moderav tiqo and hfibcere dilpofition (hewn on j the part of Miniftsrs, to terminate the dilpute by negotiation, may yet prevent things; from coming to that extre?ai!y. 'UfL ' p An article in the Journal des Debatek for the a3d inflani.! J'VVc Weafiuted bjf the laO letters from Berlin, that lord Csrysfcrr. has orderedjall his eflefts to be packed up, fpeedily adjuftecl. u j The la w arrangements of the liflration are yet inlbmplete. 77Lbrd; Eldon (lilliolds the iuftiiefhiD of I the -common pea?, and lord Lonhborough' the feals, al- inougn his Icrdihtp many days lioce iook. ui ,nc court or cnanctry. , - tv," s 111 pouemon lor inc runs, v. ; ; t - , e L Wppcr Arden isfcrUc momut Uhoot an IheirMr..!. "V":' JSi" ; " Lf' and only deferred his departure tin in? ar rivafof a '.courier from London,' .... The Hamburg intelligence which 2rfiTed yefterday, one of biir articles expeclccf; re lative to j the long expedlatidn of Gantlieau me's fcjuadron in th Mediterranean, nd a Ruffian fleet to join him from thrBlat Sea, is bf very feall importance. It however appears, that the Northern powers cnn nue their dreadful i bte of preparation J . but I who fear-in attack from another, rather t i I ! I 1 1 i 'V 'i 1 v 4 A t V, 1 - .1 ty