0 '-St V J - ir -is V.1' l- J- ,''7 "r S- :$ a-.xi-wtr! CTcr'jfc TC-Wl,f?5t &a0$ jwarp!1 mMm v. .- 7''777;7'7.v: 77177:774" 775 "- " v j v -.. i ' '''i'-" t - 1 . p sfV'-- -'4': 777 7 77-v',.7!-;v: I H I Witt' .-TStijI . ' - -.S.VW'.! ,V- -' - -" . " , 'i.U. "Ill III,' ' l Ml 'II l I Ii .11 I "I I i. .mi i I l I'll hi 1" ' ' miiiii i I ll Wlf.Himil i.i Kin I l mfmmm 1ST: WW f'iiZio.ii: '.It. T'k K A, T I S E , .'!.lTKvolttaie lately publilKcd unf ,tlie titeyer;utlt, by dnolti'jPoircMagir ;...fifatcVM:i;;Cdl(j'vQ'uit '"yjijitly-cjixi (Vdercd as oncldf the inoit " " Valgahltrguiyauons of the'prcfent' d4y tontainuiij a mafs pf inloFn) jtion rcfpect jjUis UKjpe t rppousjs . t nat equally , irpri- (trajcxtctxt principally jfr: tlietf id4 lupporrtneftHcivcs on ttic ptt . tHnccallyvvtii tlicm iiTthe naipe oi iaiary ' .for the improvement ot it p'bi ice, whi ch '' e fincefeiy hope to fcecdiiy adapted: '. . by the'LcjiIauire, P V --. i : 14. A numerous claf ofperfons who ki-cp ch'riilcVV tV jo tor the iVleof pro -Lit' -I . ft' :TV -i i. : I viuons, ica,. an,u orjicr netcuartcs ioriaei thoufand in t be hVetroKn jfa ctrtaiet; propQiony;of;-whomi"''aswlt:'as''fn'aU boye work, ot the ticrfons who-are lap.., ' j)Oi ctLi a 1 uppox Line roieivcs ?.. ia.a pti ; jiea r ' ttie meifopoiisi ;. 'By purfuits citber trimU nray, 'robbers 'j", ' pick!. pockets." and" river" pirates, fvvho are completely brofelyted :; : .. ' maiiy ot' w-honv have finifiitd their edaca. . ' "I4 "ii Proi'elTtdrjd krtoyn jr'ccci vers of ( .ftolen g jodsj, oi vvhom eigh: r ten arV . 0puietlti6Q. v - ; -. " rtr""...', - -" ,''' "v , : 3. fCarriers. colourerj' dealers, Ven. . er:-,,t)U)'ers and utterers uf bafe money "i inciuJtng-couniericit lorciga a.ia-Jialt-" .' . 'India. coin 3000. ' . 7 . '.; ;;;'. . , '- ''', .4.; 'Hueves,' piifereri and crnbezzlcrs, who live partly Ujj depredaiion, and part.' r "7.7. tybytietrowu occaiionai iaoour, isoco. . - - '.River pif&rerSfvii i: lumpers, 1 IxutHe-huntersj ,:r JarKs, v ":-; lightcricn, t(ggeVsj'ai!tiiicer -and la- -. byurein the dooicsandWiertals-r ooo. 6: Itinerant: Jewt, wandering . irum ftrcet to Itreet, rtejJdiiSgi out -tetnputions rd j arrj.T.nbf io; :-H:f y out bad ihilliogs, who pufchale 'articles uccheri andothert, are known to Reheat:; tiieir cultoniers, (ei'peciaUy thoie to whptn -tliey give a little credit) by iaile weight, ' tor wiiieh,: excepting ih'e parilli ot Mary acsonutMuere i no prope r-ma 1 5 p 0 . .15. oeryaiiiii,, male ana tetnaiefrpor tejrjjTholers;:UabIe : joy s,x Ac. dfltiol place,: pr.ii-.ei pally rrom ill behaViou tjiijti. : iwfs (if jrtsfM- wnoie.Tibeanrut ii vioj. iulf 1 : xtitC' if)itoo m $ikuuK4 6jc6&i 1 6.- rerious called Back t-tz and o thers profeiyitd to th paIioh ot ganvi?g,V Or purtuihg 4t a a tracie,uitj are in-me-conftaiu habit of frequenting houfesi open; ed for:the expreft purj'oie of; play of which; there are ai leaii torcy in VVeitnuui ; lUr, where faro banks are kept, or, where' hazard totigeet ci fec. are mirouucdd "cf thefe,, h ve are kept ja the hool'es of .01 jadies of talhion, .who re laid to re. ceive 30U each, ruut, bejides one eighth ol the' prodts j le ven are fu oieripuon aouies; hve, have cuitomefs particiuarry attacned to thein ; mid thirteen' ad.ut torcignsrs 'and every "idle and diif 'jute Uuracter, who are either iiltroueed or known,, to'i .belong to-the iwefnity .of g:;ni)lers where a fjppcf and wtaes arc a, vjiya pro vided by tne proprietors ot the iioufe I0 the cAtrrtainisicnt'of their cultoinersi"" -' v beJriyjs .is wv' atrivedr l-fcis Here'f 'a 1H; Aimiglvfjv'tlie;; Jrd of bdthNorid3v has fealed the deirruclioa"of the whole' of :t.he:.evs. :' : :'. ? 1 Inhabitants of Egypt w,hen! the-BeyV- teiiyotf jthe r rench are come to deftroy ' your Jcegion,.oeMevc inem'. not it is , flrtabftilute iaHehoodj-believe--it not. An f w e f CheTe decei vers ; t Ka 1 1 bey are "ot jyvcofnc to reicye tnejigivtior Jtiepoor.: t torn the g rai p of the tyrant j . and t ha t ! the French adore the Supreme i3eing, and and honor the frophct and ; his hoiy lsToI run.. -yi ' V .r-l ;,j;7y.:::ll',n -yJ ';,' zzBMl mrnlarsicqually iftiheeyesofGodr r f ictholiglffbjiie dllicotcfnporjl rie$ ; ftiil pet fift n infuj ting the , underibnding' ' of their readers" by attempts to give it tb? air )f prohabiliiy 'I he latter wcA'n?-s f it, -UndetftiMid ing, talent; and fctenceiit-'fte mke a 'difference between them : a4 the IJevs, thereforey do; not polfei's any of J .1 r . ' 1 : -Z'i' " - . 1 -1 ' ir.oie cuaiuics, now can xney oc womiy yet they are the only poiictfors ot ti. tei)five tracts of land, beautifal teniaie s (Ii vef - excellent horlesp magmiicentpa-' lace j-: have they, then, recv ived an ex.. cluhve privilege -'from the Almighty !' If. fo; let thein produce it. Bur the Supreme r Bt'ig, whojis jolt and niercilal towards all aiankindj . wiiis" that in future nt;ne of ; the inhabitants ol Egypt ftull be prevent.;, edj from. attaining to the fcrit employments anti the highctl honors; 1 he adminiltra. tioii, which (hall be tondufted by peiit-ns H; iiitelligence, taleni:., ; and forefiglit, V ill he productirc of happinefs ana le curiiyt The tyranny and avarice 01 the Beys have laid waile Egypt, which was lormerly lb' populous and lb well "cultivat e ed . . ' ; , -. . 'The French arc true mufflmen; i Not , long li nee t hey ma rched to Rotnera nd ffi''ftJpffrthriti lakr'gfqay yoif t'-ofcrfhTtwhe rlironepof liie'-Pope-irtKr . ilblen by fervants, Uable boys, &c. geV oera'liy paying ia Bafe monej-ooo. n, ncceivcrs 01 uoicn guuus jfo.n pet-r ty-piifereif it xd iron-lhops, ltQreflmps ragfand, thrufn i lhops, and Ihops for le. "r; ""cond.liai)d apparel ihciu(lihgiofne-itau. dulent 'holtlcrV, fmall buicheis, and pawtt. brokers 4000. 'v I ".' 8. A ctai -'of; fufpicious characters, who live partly by putenng and bailing : bale money cuitara-mongers, ais-ari.' ters,'-duit m'.'n, chimney I vy eepcis, rabit fellers, aiia truit fetlers, halh coach- -men, bear 'bauer, Uo0 keepers (but iu ' . hit dbgrttw'lcrJ' &cf&c.-i ooovj..-".-. '. ' ''9, , i'erfonsin the character orrarnial ferv ants,'' journeymen, warchou le porters and u.wer cicrKs, wno are eiuruitea w itli property, and wjip delraud their employ. ; : ers m a uttie way," . un'cier circu'niita'uces 7 ' wnefe tney enef ally elude uetrctun,'tl.' ' timated at aDout -3 joo. . . -i o.'- A clafs of l.wmd-erv cheats, and low g4mjfersi cdmpole Hn id'e piiliiteT: characters-, who have, aoa.idbneu every . .hbnelt'puriuit, and whoiive .chiefly, by " -.- Ir'auJurent trarifations in the lottery as ''"mrocco'meiii ; rulH.ans, bludgeonmen, clerks s '.',;' an j aiiiitanu, during tne leaion ; wha at . : othsr times' alTume the trade of pulttrrs Wkvker andcdiars," horfe-dealers, gam biers withb. O. tables at fairsj uacrcrs tjai bate iiioneyjlborfe.itealersji&s&c ' ,7l .::'', - .-- . ; , ; v '; ii. .Various other claffes of cheats not --r;-.iDcludei in the abov'ervizrperfonrrwTio" : fet Tup gming.hteules in 'different par ts'oT--he-'iiM:trojxii's, - vaodlharpcrrvii-hd ' take ' ' . lottery infurahce 1000. 7 ' . 7 ,7' ,A -i-r rauauienr ana aiuoiute puoucans: Jvho arecprtneted twith criminal.pcople andWho, to accommodate their compaiuv ions, ininiqiiy,Valiow their houfes to -V" the" rendezvous for thieves, : fwiiidlersi and dealers in bafc raoney-! 00. - - -i About7oo& public houfes change rma7 rers once or twice, miome instances, tnree 7 or four times a year iii the, metropolis, which arc gene tally occupied by fuch char : ' - . atf rs. "I . 7:7: ".i U-;:';,v,:. 7;.' : " ' ' ' i A clafs of inferior officers belong.: . in to the Cuftoms and Excile, including -T-JMt. drc. exiled fopcrnumerf fies and ghu- nn.-jinny of whom connive at, pillage as- ' rnen, inexperienced, ai.d in tuc purfuu oi criminal picgiures prolligitie, Joole imu . diffjiuce characters, ,yui.ite,i themfeives, a;i in the daiiy praaicer ti 1 educing .fr -ther s i in t emperarce"-!? w Ttn els,, deoau- chery, gambiui, aud cx.ce;.v-n.uiinatea at 3000. '.' 1 ii; . .Foreigners who live chiefly; by . gambling joo. ,. 77 . .. - .; ' ic. iawds who keep hoafes of ill - fame, brotneis, lodgmg-houles tor proiti- tute.-, zooo. ' . :.,! i 20. Umortunate females of ail-; dcf. I criptions who fuppori.themieivcs chielly by proitttution-r-50,octo. 7 i 21. Strangers, out of work, who have j 'waiidc'reU up 10 Lpnaon in icarcij of etrt- I ployment, and witnout recommendation generally i:i cohiequcnce ol lome mifde meanor commmea in the country 1000. ' Js. .V .. S' '11' 1 rt t ft , 23. itror.ii'g mimtreis, pallaa lingers. ; well asfraiids committed on the revenue v: and ilia rc in the pitRider to a very conlid. excised the chriftians againlt the profclfors oi am (the Mahometan religion!. At- terwjrds they direiucdjhcir courfe to Mai. ittjaiHi urovc ui nc unDeneyers, who imagined they were appgintcd by God to make war on the Muileinien.: The French" ------r-l-had at all times been the true 7nnd fiiicere" friends of the Ottoman Emperors and the ehethies of their enemies. .May the em pire of the buitan, "therefore be eternal : b'uc may the Beys of Egypt our oppof. ers whofe infitiahle avarice hascoriiiau afly .excited difobcdiciice and infubordina tion, be trodden in thcdult and anni'hila; ted.: - - l- -7. ,-. Article i. 7 Ail places which arc. nd more than'rhtee leagues dillant Jroni the rouoe t the French army (halt feV.d one of their priucipal inhabitants to the gene ral, to decliirt that they fubmit, nd will h.-Mlt the French rl.ig, which is b'Sue; white i 1 . ........ .' - licve, is not entitled td more confiderati- on. . h:t j 7 "'-:7 : ' ,K' , y ':: T-Vhethef the French reptibjf ? 131 taketi jc hellion oi Kgy ft,Uit h, or wi ih on t thfe . i Twnfentfct the I vrkinvvembnent,- it is 7 JjDdt.6.b!ie4hprr i(l ;v Cpmm&ij 7on that account l:efween thefe- two povvv : . ers; As a pto r nee, litis of little . value! : , to 'i,he'lufk&j on whpq thceys fcatceLy ' acknovvlec'ge.any depertdence. f its aoqui-7 rlition :by Fraiicevthercforcif i$ not afrdbi jeCt of fufticteut iinpcrtance td overbalaflce 7 the many powerful inot(ves which i the ; Vvnt has to remain in amity with that - nation;! iw accounts ot wariiKeprepa. uantinopic are eamy reconcueo, wiwi xms ? , . ? ; view in the fubject j it we confide r jhat !i C- ine; 1 DiKun government rnuic, miiK-e , at leall a (hew ot refiftance to the French, in, i'ptdet to avoid lieing involved in ia war; Of ail the.Euiopean ijations, France. jlrom" 'her fituarion her valt power) her to hi et. ; amity and her prefeut relations',' offers to J lie Tu rk ipi gqye rnment t he grta led . ad . . vantae as an ally, while the looting lhe,'7, has obtained in ancient. G rcecc; joined:jto - 7 , the influence of opihionV would render . "her the molt jbrmidabie eemy.. tiie 'or,' could er.roiinreri" 'Ilie nrr.m biir untvit-M ly ftrergth of the-Ottbman etnpira cannot oe prougnt into action. - it 1$ animrnei-i . 4 -S iiw;s, ine. 'component paris-oi-wriicjt,arer , ill-connefted - or difcordant, and . which , 7wtx)ld l"jcedily "ditldi: e if it can:e.ii co:i7:: wirh- the vigour W thfiFmrchf47. ana r ne magic 01 r rincn principles. . . -'? i7,, 7l if - f 1 unpen- 1 1 iKowmeiJ, tumi.ers, and gipheirr,! 500,. 7 23, Gruboers, gin-drmKin diiiute - womerrrr'ana - u;"iTuaie7oa)rTvrd" ttr.". ' . vvanueri ig and prowna about the ureetf and-bye places, after "chips,,6rineuj,' . nils, broken glals, paper, twine, etc. 'Sic. who are cOiJtautly on the witch..- to ) pillage vhen an opportunity oiras ,200 2;,....Commwibeggars, and "vagraats 'alking alms, fuppohiig one to every twp . ltreetb 3000 ;j. ' Theie di tie rent defcriptions ofcriinnial and irregula r 'peop1f,"uike'a totatnl -nd lefs than one huudred and tii'tecrr thou. fand i n " ' ; " : : " ;inu reu.- 2, 'Fer'v villase .which fliall nnnn(V7 -. ' ' .rt . - . . ri r f to the French army lhil b burned to ihe 7 " CONSTANTINOPLE, Aiuft 2. ; ;Wthin thefe tew dayVt,eTroyiaroati. dn which Hftonapart ih'ued in the.Arabic: 1 language, on . his jaading .inT .Egypt r hain 7heea' made pub!ic.'T:,'hc following is a . -faithful tranilation of it : ' '7; v V? ""T'n'"t)le,, .hath -f tbe;" jaciottf-;'anirtee4r ciful Godj .There is no God but God "he has no JoXioAteJn this king-'; dom. The prcfent jhcWnt, which is t dett ined fof7tne puqifli met'-' the Beys,, has beesrt long anxiijujOiy cxpecleid. 7 lie s ; Bey s corning iipTi gia and Baars7have defolatcd this Beauti . tul countrylong itiujtcd and treated the, Freoca hilt ion wlth"cotempt and uppreU frd her merehantsKn. various'Wavi.t tfaon': naratte, the General of. the'''FT5fith..-Kc-' public, a ccpfd ing to the pt inci pics ot hU 1 u round.' 7 -3. Ii v c ty villigef.nll tub in it to the F.ench flag, ,-jnd 1 hat of the 'Sublime For te, their Kilty, wh'ofe durat ion be eter- naiT...,.........-. . ; 7 - ., y 4. .Thc'Ghe'k and princLphlpetfons of each town and villa ee, (hitii feai up the' houft s and elFed of the Bey s, .irid take Tcare thathelnMlteil article Hull not b-: hW '7' r.:..'? .i7.;:t '' '7, c7: .Tlic Sheiks, Cadis, and Imans, '.(hall 'continue toeMLgifejlh'cfc functions end put up their," prayers,' and perlorm ti:e,excrciles ot reiirfiohs worlhip in me tnoivjues ana noureso; prayer. lS All the inhabitants Tc4 Egypt Ihall offer up ' th a nks to the'u p rcmc Being, and put u p T public prayers tur the-deltruction of the Eey.r: ...j.Jw'.e:... ,"v.,,.,.r. ,1.7. j , My the. Supreme God make the glory of .ilic Sultan of ' the Ottomans eternal, pour tor t h h is wrath on t he M a mel uke s , - and; rendfhjlrio'us the delhny pt the E. gyptiaituitiotU.'-' r ' J 77- (Signed) ; BUONAPARTE." 777170 1) O N, September 18.7 mm. . 1 1 . . . t 1 1 ' 1 i. '. r 'V . , 1 ne iiamcure-maii wnicn arrivea ye oufly demands that it Ihouid cultivate tKc rtfpean politics naturally, pointi to " that ' x ct niexion as- the belt means 'of. fecu.rihg . the Porte againil the rapacity of Auftria ; ; and Rollja ; befidJs, what is commonly 7 - called the ?e w philofophy, infteadl ot cxTr citint' the horror of the Turks, ' as (omc would have us believe, will perhaps be 7 confidctcd by them' as a pledge of lihecrity on the part of the French Republic fincc it lo tar leparates. its, govvrnment iro.n th it of the countries wiufe enmity they have moll, expcriencv d. The political' ftrufture of the French ' dv'tniotcr.tij w harey er defects .it - may - poflefs, take" from its members the means of making re ligion an incentive, to hoftitity. . They . can have no pretext For rendering the Gof. 7 pel a whetftone to the fwprd, and con verting the dictates ol humanity into pre- 7cci ts of deftrotSionr An alliance between the Kuffih govenftnent "and the Porte, ii . . . i . 1 1. . the molt unnatural tnat can wen ne; ima gined, . and which cotild tend only to halU, en the downfal of the latter. .The pro. jectors.of the new7cpaht ion will not .fihd ;.. it very eafy : :o perfuade the- 'Turks 'to' cpen the paflaged the Dardanelles to' a" Uulhan fleet .: . is it pofiible that the Divan Ihould be infcnfible to the danger ot fuch a me.afurc iy- They know that the naval rower of Ruflia . has ' already ' apT. : ' broached hem too clofely. They remember i ne piunaer ottneurimea, tic manacres. of Gczakow j' and the friendly prottifions of Paul 17 it ill hot make thein toyget th : terriblc'hoftdity of Latherine III; . r . It is pot. very probablcy however, that , Panl.I. is fo anxious; to fend hir fleet" through the Dardanelles, aa the German journalift, would. have us believe; -Thi pnflijge would not be without danger trr him, 7VV.tth7ali thcLclaims llvat'tUPor-7 te roay'have to the character of a. regular government, the Czar will perhaps be .aifpoJed to think that r.d treaty -could.' :, give tf t hmft pcrleit fecufity to his (hips whets midcr the Tuikilh batteries ; and ' wetc the good faith cl his ncv allies even :fterdaV gave birth to new reports cf: the7 1 TW ty a to niment or pan ot m agrce-: defcajict Buonaparte, and'of a declaratirt "Wit would flillbc-a qucltion-, vhate. ' trof war brtl:e'irtcTagaintt France; 7cr feats" the'Ruiaao. fleet tftht'-twtdrQj . ., 777The (irt ol thefe runuiirii we hHve'al." w the Aichipelago pr the NkduerraiKan, , riimiiirs we ready tic-ated ahnwOrthf bf leriotis7r7o v. hether ft wi?u:d be jxrrmittea tu 'tep iii ) ' u ' ; - 1 :"i.7i '".. 7 .r .';'' - ;'':.-' ' t ; r--..- ........ -.(,'. : .'" .7":; - v '.r-" . ; " 'J1; . -' - . ' ' - V - ' ' ' -.' "f -'""-, . . . r'.'V" "".

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