- V "Ik .thathVno coaarry his the bafg c$nj - . wards Anerica, met with fo many acU ' f L'jv: . 'i. I papers ia wigianu, wujcu irpou gene : " ral cmdticmsv lids' with ;- th(c TaxiK f vifc with each oihsr in exprelhoos .of 1 j ppnorrjric juu , triunj c Xtney per.;; " ! uvHally difacri f, Vithub toell; .:fadignan'on "$iat , Icor n s to approve viir sreroisr' amon? -volunteers. ; ,vv e nave mora . . - -4. '- i ...... formed by a friend rjuey are. loud :n -their reprelietifioa of the difgraceful , 1bps tiiadc ulVoi "by tlie:jdireti:try,.to-' Wards bur envoys Tathe dilgraceof --our-GOuatrv, however, there are men :f -among us; who,- though enjvyin g e e--; TTiV , privilege i:c!i. criq rpl!ivjy iiqw "ifrom an &&Hy?-ylem of 1 goVfrTC -- -g n t j-rV r e-j ii t i n g in c'trnnytiaTvnrh' ieprrenfaitvts. W edtiefdaf i January 3J3. ty,' Virginia , cetifarii i g many of th meaiures of the geheratjgoveiTiraentV' iMinngjheiS Tpiracy.agiirrfr, the prefent drder oftlungV rators did ot only intend to abotifi tfcc pwpuidr itpiciciuauvcs, ana to intro. duce the fyftcm of 'terror, but to unite ith t he Brabant inAirgcnts, iBot ; our ""vigilant overnitiehlfruirratea fym ind" in the eveningpF thc' 6thHnltv W Brv...w,. u.-wi vmii. Ywr, i oi aniiia' covemaieni. aua, parti 2d ch oi coy rt of j u!t ice .at Frieflindi-Ksiftener" and ' Kdmen relying at AniItcrdaiiV,! with " tlw ahove ifalned ciuicn Voofftadt-t-l'hs .lattsr was again fet at liberty." Extfkti of a Uttirfrori -Aajlttla' iV .' Arr rrrftmr in a.TrirnTrt,'fVnwrfepnf. ver," three pounds of excellent wheat Mr-Eitort ;preinD2d. a -petitiotvM -ifo the iah abit ah t s if " A niel ia; cd?iaV"TA " 'i;' tT-' wt . "v; ' " i 3 . -v' J P O R T o f N E W B ERN.. E St l R I &. SchV.Ui;ia, Curtly Bodott. rr - SultV, Chafe ,"tjanjaica -Kaicy KdeHgor; New Sloop Mary Dean, PadthVd, ditto. '( ScliVeace plenty t' lotiifott " Jj : .! nil jrhl tk.it kk ' k 'inJl r' . - -r-: --. - . . j l j a w j wn ( l . ir rr is luinn n rt i s .. . - . amber ofths coftftitut onal Us. W., -V-" . 'V '.:V . r T':". - v a .a BO V W. M. Rtiifch; Jate mayor of tht ci xv ' ': V t ' a'' n 'comn uuonau may . plan'ter, 1 aylor, t Ddtt--Ve:Drf late number of th6;: r,: ' l,T,ui VV' i: i oop iAdw, liarlow, dim uuu laaviire iav aucnuruintr dear to . raife a nroyiliunal army, may Be repealed. .' . . .. : ; The Speakef ljd before the hoale, an addreis and remoriitraiue from'Kt. tiy catym-nNe.Terle of -the-, was iiiteixiil tn 6e tide' ol" the the "reft -of ; 'Xiit .'ttlibcitizcus ir tlie .'blclfings -oi' that : iudejxuuience liic;!ii ' xJpe 15 that cny. ftu:u,Vit cx-? i K'V left tVat place it y -.fi-ciiiVij vyitii them; :uat';iititJgiVdhJio. ; ha iet irj": to it. ; i(p .''charaerilVic of freer: wi),.' thc 'fjgiu of "city overflowed by the Dtimer, Vfumaf , :, ar e cealin 4 ht'ttheir cffWis.: aiui as'the Frencli.'roopjhjoq to jdeltroy U;at . gownirn ;,prourate th t nrdepen dcr.ee a ,h( t i io .e -Tights, di t lie feet Qt an auib -overbear unr' nation. ' J-L acxountS frOiiTm-ur. ia.ne nat ire. t!m Jels, the miureiHs have nrtde. .their .pqiiitediaiiagewhicrhe viihed to " it. tiev iiaa - hire the aW Air-pitvu. AVri hiv. Sch'r. Greyhound, Gardner., Salertt. Slop Polly, Bowen, NewYorki be h'r. friendihip, Dcladuius, Philadi ..- P Patty, :''SheffieldJkn1ak:yi':'V' ' Sloop Kambow, Uols, ditto. !'. . W allace,-tiittOi-- : 7 to get tr by va;5iiig through the water and . 1 oa whicn.' . OtCitubn leveral liundreu 1 " ing been read, - ' ivlr. -Gordon called for a divifuin of fhe aeitid.i and th's q ieitioa. bein on .thei.Virgmi. addrefs,; he lwped vjt .- -. .". . ' ' would n d ;t : pf ev ail , The queiHon was taken by ayes and nayg. ere, carried 71 to 20,. The tuky. Sears, Boiton Sioop Lvdia, Bariowv-Ncw'Yorky? PORT w WASHINGTON. Sch relying Filh, Robinibn, Exaihai, is Liy i Iorton - Jama tea.' ' - uere iirosvned. i he camion of Ivlal. 1 nav w t i-e Mr-fl V H.. r r - F.d miif J lA treaty has,b thc-hiufgentv2ield;rTii 'Cherokee I ndiansf. "and-bubj.ilhed ift t1,.PKc.es:; an'Jl-a; itjindwio. i1ic.v L .ricliV-GerjaGrtfwblrr; ri;ndmaiw .gazeiteo; tne uimei otaes, .trt -it- ., rcmamwer w.inc -.icuci m u.ca are r ruteri, la:ic lJafker. Kat ed-re oew. "uuuj uiiivjytu. umuujuuifu t 311, 'oueppara, opr.iguej""si 1 natcnci 10 t vancjs, art cu uc rc.ujo Aiucr.- does not contain . thing fufficiently ihtereftinto require, a 11 iiijVrticiu; 'CixA Uinty of the bri Fame, has arrived ;ut 'Phil.'idelphia. 63 dys rft"' m Cadiz, Who 'informs,, that. previa, ous to his failjog letteH had lxtu '7reT ceived at Cadiz frc.ti Maligj, auounc- ing hat the ilia, ids of 'Malta' and Jv!u';: norcu were in poflelTion of. the llrii- In the territory of Liitxc'inborg ; tttlr oJ'ilhes take piac? daily, and iuuch olood ' is 'Ipilt on both 'Web.Ge;i. Collaud commands all the troo on th; Brabant c aft as ; far asjjraveliue!;."'; According to letters from Berlin cf the -id Brum aire, it appears that a , "1'Koval UictJiadJkcbluhfid,tor.; , honisp V'ait AltciW adfAor'ihr& l ire hunfe then refolved itfeif into- rmniitke of the, t whole on the bill for amending the ttamp act, -whdn the blank aUqvving a conpeniTati(j:i to iO: ervifoi s, , v. as filled v ixh 4 per cent, tor allowing; acd'unnflirn- to them on -m fHi ev-r eteived "fmnthr-Cott&itofs" A, Hamburg pr-per contain i the fol. (" bidcmg all Cuiigr; ganons or .-fcccrei,.- nvirlrone per ceiit.-.aiTjl that for coin . ; i bor.eties ; ami .what is very remarks-, fucni'atm the infpecro'rs if E'urvev lo wirier paraerapnf ' vlich mav be con . 1 - fJ ' . A. .- ' I t 1 . l-.l 11 11', -ildertd as commercial v importaDt. l Die, aDoimnnn nu raius or rite Mockholm , lo'. 6. 1 he balance or trade is fo muth again It us," that a law agamit the' ''tile.' cf luxuries,' is jfiueJ, . and jhe driQl;ijig;of cpifee. .rotidiy prai .hibited- . . ' . . . . ; We ye'flcrlay; received hlesf Ja I ma ca pupr ri:.' Two hundred white id. 'habitants have lrft Grand Anfe, in conffquencc of Rigaud's tyr.inny..r It -on of 6dp,o:.D piaOr'fSi 15 lain i.ie uuuu -nave comr aramu .NEW. BERN, btbrnay z. K'ia pvuii. AiV arnewd nent 14. icr tent, lms- unler the jbird degree, vulgarly -J 's a! lo. agreetfxo, "txchul'ug bonds I called Mailer tMa'fbns.- 1 iris td.vV.irlt ieiiUon of the tlauitt in ra will tnake a great fenfatioii in Cur- Vi.Ur of Co day notes; and another, many. t ,; V.- . : .': 'i:TaUng . an airowauce ' lor ' defjeed 'i'hey write from Leghorn, f the ) The Coihinittce had leave to 5th Bi umaire, (vJcb 16.) that Jc-iitrrj. lrom Aleppo announce that Bur na. Poinona, Gardnef," do. lndyitry Tibbetts, Ghatlcftonv, v. i- liepe, DjvU, New. York, .. Jte3aty joicc, jeonokn, Slodp Frienufhiv PicTce, hr Yorfci ' s cl z A E o. :' "' - ''" Sch'r. Neptune, Maiin, Tcncnffe. . j . Good Intsat, EtheriJgef ; Charjelv r,-- " R.-gulator Britts, Norlalk. 'toa ; Brig Hope, Blanchard, Newbern. - " , r -Sloj,! Louila,- StdvKe" Nc Ytk.' :: V1 ; METEOROLOGICAL DIARY: ,'-t. "r"VFstR.u A lYnQQ. " 'r - '7.t , , r ' ; 11 11 D M I6, ! is parte had levied at Cairo a coumbu.i- lit'again. ' Demarara; tobacco a:j , logwood to luun.iurg. Js nccellary to ipecify in the bills of ladhig the words' 'leaf tpbaco but uiir necefliify to mention.' the weVht ; and ' ltV" l"gwoJ, tzz. it is nefiiLry t j fpe-'.' cify the weihtjjki;f rwi; 1 h: I'e artl - iubjed to ato y ' heavy-iivlr JFrittHtaiburg he 1 th snit. rru c.intre iren. : ... jyioreau, lormcrry Cf.riunanucr 01 tt.c . Thr ivhuh'tttxts of Npwbern iit ccldi athtg the ibotif-dny 4jj General . - tf fljhivgtztii drank the f(iUoU3ihg i en fit '. . V. The day ; .May it be kept by fottire j ages, that thofc Vh- fee t lie great fabric ' America iv glSrv ..'.complerrd,' iv.y. rc. i menvber the luird ihat -laid -its todijm.o ! iiiije Vo xilakv :21ie--immplihtngtOiv and -htt-f liimniFur n pan lons-irr'ar msri he he roei trt thcA r: I Froiu ihc Uiiiverfal Gat:tte. " - ' ... ..'-. '" ' . -. j Extract ofYleiler fr'mV General Du ; pui y Cs'.n'na'ider it Dairc, atid the tlj ui ,i ing :- U 1 tin tls-d a ted - th i t h A imt,- to Curi-ji JDjvilie, Ner-: ' cliant at onloule. r . . ' lubltjhi'd by thf.Direflvry " ; , We arc formittr colonics andeftav blimnients I f erns' to pr our luro, who alio 21 lercury. :ri, af ev; 17 54 49 5 46 f6 SI 47 fr5:4 fo 49 4, fi.50 47 04 48-4 Winds. M. P. M. Weatherw N. - N. S. W. NvE. N-.E.' N. N.-. N-. N. . . -KV N.-. N. W Clear. "J" '.;,.''" -V; ROBERT JOHNSTON :- TAKES the HH..-rty of informing the , Ladies ' of Newbern," that he' has. returned from Nevr York with a 'very. , handfome aiortment of Muflini and Dry G wd ? ; and as' he in tends to foHow'thc fea again, he will fcll olFhii goodi by-th -vfcUe lale' or retail-, On die uolt rcafona-" ble terms, as he'ean ftay bula yery.ihcrt -time hereat prefent. V . ; V ." . He returns his fincere thanks to .the . Ladies cf Newbern,' forthemany favours he has received from them and hopes for "of all .kind 1 rvtry imiw he .i - It. . ..' .1 " r t ' ,tivr. -s.nj iortii:ie.uoes-not. 4 a continuance 01 tne tame. mencan resolution 3. 'I he Prefidcnt of the United States, w hofc fi rmnrfs and w ifdditt ha vc fcalcd 1 k our indejiendence ,.TWY- v uie ivnmeio t;iue upon Ge;erals-Wlhn; li'icryp leU tne- orlice or mlpector ieral or i o , the French infantry in Italy. Yelier d-jyacfived general .Mou'rrichaxJ, co 11. wander ,in chief of ;il;e-Italian -arniyr" Gcu, joube. t left this firy on the, 17th ! h i nf jef 1 1 he - fe verUvnlinnrifT the aruiydiiKitpoUtKmr to his dfpirrttr, Jie mu d (triL-rsTTor :' the A-Vtri:m viunn t.cuh . the'ter ".C .'.' i:.J v : K. ,::' . r. i.: ' r . ' ' iu cc u.ty , huu.wi.1 vny Nviuiiu twen ty.four-hours.,;-'.'t .. . Twenty eight t!oafand . Bohemian iroap are now oii-theii march fn;m Bo hernia towards the Rhine. - The A nit ri an trbaps in Suabia and Francqnia arc gene- pally ja -trio: ion , rad a re t n g aged' i ft f or - , tilying L'fa and WiirtUurg. ' The BajaWann Eralwffy.-has been tecal. led from the Coiiereu at Raftadt :and oa l)Wiothinibnt ictt that city (of farts". Tiie c.iptufd of the ; Waakfaaihf yd and. -'FurHj frig-ares by the Slriushas excited " pre.1t fenfation throughout' the Batavtan J.?pnolic, . Nierup-.'who cbniaiindcd : ihejii i'i on his reiura-to be tried b; a ;.eourt inariial.-'-'r" ' I "H AM KPRGH'r DcTemtie? The united ;rurkth and Ruffian fleets'- T pave takn the pave takfn. the i(nds of Carigoi: ZanteK'j k -Cepha!nta-lit!iiabtraT-o wr.h all" the i reach yiliipping Corfu, -Aicre, our exccilcnt but ill-treated and'rejeChM envoy- ( ; " N :' - ;y- Ti ci;v.hy ; Pic kvrt'ig;, the ?ecrmr y ;of-ater"who"YTi.tejsbr"Maii7' but tor his ccuairy. ' , 7 161,0-0 xx rru;'r.nF- No r t h Xt rol ina .Thcc-.ilighCiU-d miaci iiy. .of the. ie 'iflsturc of Virginia ; May fhtir inoJe- rae and vircumts fenttmciitsiaaiiyjpte.. vau. is.-v.-:. - , -.r --3 y7;Tlieininority "nlCingrcf;i:r May foml' great genius among It tlicsn difcovcr -jhayrie-lcgi1l.i'xtrrsTro ly to 'deprcf and cinbtirrafs the txetutive,. 9. 'Vhc lederal conlTuuu-u. . -- 'io. T he navy" of the United States ; May it 'tr'a'cK thofehojdo hot refpetf ' our. right? ; Jo d read otir poer. '- , " . -, .'' 1 1, Gratitude, for public fervicej, and contempt for empty profeflToHS. , iz. Theirovetnmchi that is nfithprtn: 1 f it ' - . : 1 our t r.itii(.J,f.3 v e,arc liere- celebrating vjth enthulidtic devotion ijie ftdi val of .Viaho'mr f. TIc country j -tu)v-' inn bit will (boa kecb-.ne a 1 country of i;)c;culabie wealth, and be tore jts ifth ibitants; CviiT recovet" frchir thtir altou.ili nciu and fears, ail our n:w' colonilb w ill have had lull time to T.'ttl? their alfiirs. We arc reilacinn rt N.B. P3 Nav'alores will Jnz itakenTnj of Good y ment fur jinyrquautity Februirv it. .' 'ebruiry 23 v.-Hii.iS, who ltrip the iiihjb'iiai.ts of t eir very flurtii. 1 he Jiuyjiy ofour; 'ftljnnetsi" Ifems iTewJind exrr aordin ry l td the inh ibittkitsV-thduh we ,Vr'e bi'i ugeu tot eltram tliem unUera hard and -icverc - reffl;tic.i i Bifoaapahc-. coutinueu' always the f.rme. l ie yvou'd not iti du ge'in a moment's lleep ,tid he had larU'ctTTlinfie two iJcys ; one, Ibi a-' h.vn;- into the tlefertVuf Syrii,..the Wr tl.r, Nhirat 1W :ih ve thf cataract r-f ' tbe! iile. in about tlirce'days we in. -tend tclebraring the i,eftivafoiMr.ho'7"; met. - nu will nbt' eafily bcl:e e it ; but I allure you that we arc actuated -'with as fervent a y.eal as the mniV i mi irr be intimidaicd by tlaeats, nor feduccd,-. by iutriguc. '.-' ,,' -.'':' ' Mad5Vw'""')?-f,;?rft'gn'- power never become the; msafurc' of American rights.. : ' "' : r"' ; ": - 14. 'May loud iacicn, and filcnt trra .ch?r:,"; and difaprxunted ambition, luhdcr. uthejnaJ. patm from our public councils. -7 iV.w Myi we never diftriift integtity, nor coonae in xaueuooa, s - TrThe-array"tjf the Uiiifed"SraVerr May its exertions correfpond with the "Tptrhvby which it was created, ij.fi w " I he hTiTfilhliTyclHu'uI'baci; ali our priluntrs and. s oUudcd ; -ihey h:ive only detained about one hundred 'lfiters, Nvipl'e IrdVwe7 do not regret. -Capt; Perrcecomniands the Frenth jlotilla bpon fhe , Nile, 'and 1 ejnains as ... I.v-.f.... C'X.. -11. -l.vvjr.r" - u-- it yotrcow tnt lerr.urleiareiTT nicy have each a large Al that gdlopi. like a racer theyrt-shappy--usihf v j . , ; r-"--; . : : rpHE fahfer ibcr having paid a rio?e X; given by John Foy,noy deceafed) .i54Jckl'lI2r 1 2th 1 796, payable. (to Ffederfck Jones, Efq. how deceafed, or , his order) on the I aih day of February 1 7 S j, for t he funl of .10$ y'-which -note is loft or mtflaidr f(J that itroiild not hehadj when he paid It, and has not ;.b,CCJi.fciunddin 401106 is hereby-gtvcn-i - to ait prions 10 wriom tt may. oe.ottsjcoi that no.adignment of.it can authorife the. recovery of the amou.it of it, or any patt thereof, as the-fubferiber is, in pofleflion ornnc receipt oi ;vir. r. jones, aKnovy lodging to have .received the .whole amount of laid note. . -' .T-rrTT'' FREDERICK1 FQY February 23... . ' ..; , rv IS hereby given, that William BufW Eftjuirc la te of Jones couaty, is dead j and that the fubferibers at 'the county, repurt of, plcjsialtjuitu'rrt-mons of aid - jny brigade was engaged, they gained "cococnivieS Gold is quit; coamion. county, at rebrvary term, iiviiiufo-' cd ;is exccunix t'iid executors td his laft will and teftament; All perfons. hiving any dematv againft Faid cftate, will bring. in .thir ft.iiiiiii,'.vrnr"rt v of wirl.ln 4 ........ . . j fjr..J Hl.k(.ltllU f i 1 tre time Jimittcd by law, or they, will v.v- 1 . i " t . .'A 1 ,,'.,- , 1 . ! ' f uc.n c vcr-uaifvu ""tti 1 t noi c - tnae d teti A afaid, , ella teV a r. Ifo req ociteduto?-rrak?r"" payncnr, otnerwric luits will DC com. menccd agamlt tnem indifcrirmnately, L ; : PENELOPE BUSiL',Kn'x. - JOHN T, BRYAN Jones couiuy February 18, i a n, rx nr i i" 3 r 1 4 J- J

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