" ' - ' -V:- '7'; -,- )7 ,1 " ' ' " i .'. TTT-. "" fc i ti.i 'r 1111 "j, 7 ' J" ' 7i" 7. 7 V' 'j' '.r?'- ' ' "'7 ' ' '"'7- ' '7t " ' '7 i.j'--.77- '"" -1-:7 ;3;'Vi:'--': - -" . '------f'LS:'-j. : , A 7r"-- --' --xAj, 1 i t i m ,. i ,r.-tv -.H'.n ssi mutt. ? i n v-hu i '. i in.;iu - n W ' w . . . . k i i . ir '77 't, "":77. , t '-!.': i t r.." IONDON, Navember iO -. "' ' ' ' : 7: 7:;'7;,7.:"i". j;fr ; ' -7' 77-:- A 7;:T7 7 -;:;; Admiralty 0&frcqjb?jf . 2 rj "$5opy:.ofa letter frpm captain Thontjpfo!!, ' : late ''co'rbandcrrof-hMlMaielly.U'ftijii Kelfon K, B. (kted Trlcfte;' the' ijth TfOaoberi 1 - It. is with extreme pain 1 hveVtb rc r. "late to you, the capture o( hi?: msjeAy's, '(hip late under my command, by a French : 74 gun fhip after a clofe ailion of fjnc k hours and ah half. On the 2 8th of Au-l. - - iuil lafti . beinir within fi ve oi .fix,, miles ' .' . .' ' " - " ?"- : - . (I . 7ci the Wett endotuoz-neirthe jlland -latge-iau pa tne < quarter; -Jtaiajng h:eiu&uci)) - we w e re - then bdcalrnedbo tttf-ftf angef bHriging-pp; i -remain5; oNhe. fore, and wacj raafts?t;and 2the bpwfprit. her hull curtd piceand : t he deckt full of killed; anJ W6uftded--! ? anl betceiying thenejpyif Whollacl 'mXfX piacc, oiimcu ainwart our ttcrn j m tmt t defence lefi fituaticfe. I aflccd :aptf '.erry it he thought we could do mnte ? He co Jinddirtg,.witl,j.ji)cJbtlfurther was vain and imoraClicablcand,' indeed, . ail hope :f fuccefs having for forhe time -, vanjlhed, I.therefore now ditecledan an- ' ijwef iol)e given in the, affirmative, "and" ' the enemy foon. after took. pofiiiffion ohis m-ijefty's (hip t , '' 1 . , 1 nc enemy proyed. tobe the Ceherepx. l of t iruns,1, comnwrided bv'Mi Lei'oillf. eHeufHflaaeapeirmnc aaion'bf fhc'fi'tft of::Awg.ftJ cjl;--'-beUig- the rearinoiV of the ' Freiicli line, had re-y .?.. 1 !...'' J - ---7i- ' ' V cciyca mere or no uwcot uA tiaving on board qoo men atxjut loo 'cf vhom'we -found had beerr killed in itherprefent enn- zsijr and i b 8 wounded r:i7i 7iT7i:: : 777 THOMPSON. a- fine breeze from the fouthtfard, We lnmade-hirri-t6 be aarga Ihitr-of th line. As the Lcander was in officers an4 men upwards'of 80 (hqrt of compliment, "tfirtiKi'i,J'.irj An(ftn tkA '""VA'":"'f '' ""rt''Ci;,4iy'"Tril ' return of 'Seers' and fr.en killen tti TV UUUUvU W VV W -.A V &V4 IJUt. .VtlWUV . I - - : : . t- t rayfeif iullificd in' feeking ah a:t:on with I rounded on board his wih,sjhh It a'lhip that appeared of fiich: confide rable 1 - ander on the ?tb bf Auguli, 1798. ; v (uperiofity in'point of fize j thereiMe-j- O&ctn killedMr. Peter ;Djwns, mid. took cverjr means ia my. power toavoid v 11P,nan- 77 ' , - 7 ' it ; I however foon found that our infe- - Mr.dbfon, midfhipmanof the Caroline, riority iri failing made it inevitable, : and .. Haddonmidfeipman. ' therefore' with all fail kii ;Lft&tc&Mj . Leaoder a courfe which I iudacd would 7 Marines killed Serjeant D.ur, and fevea -jreceirctiHUjvertaryahcefc 1 -r-rt T he rrenct7 raihMers have, alreatly -leT lturned'h afwer tdtlw. laft Gernvan rtoteif :THcf hsfvit '.adopted ihflMeVV bu" infill. on the - formcr" demands' jnfpe'ftioff Ehrcnbrcitlte'in, the ifland of ' tfierw)fe-it bWathet .the' ilacifie-ifenil limentj. -J 7 ,. '.,7v,:':::'. t :,..': '..'.:..'" . VIENNA; November .24.77 7 Several j$rifh frigates haveT appeared in the Adpiaticea,, or trw pufpobf: cutting bfff tjie co.mm Anconaand7th;rFrencJv V The uffiati and To rki(h fleets confifting of 1 6 (hips of war, are before. Qorfu and have already commenced to; bombard the low to jhe collieries of Uoonane, in Sr-fi f. '7fuge itfpoldlpifrotn ' for the laft fortnight; had- becftm ."vaiiiVv j'7 i ' Kilkited1 to cqijie forth j they Had prey'-'v t; p 7 i . ' of proVitions theVeoinanry antj Clar6 -; Military vtnoOnt guard night and ; dajr , a at the mduth of the pit. . '; - ' .,7i; iXoveaoer,2P' I if e cityf4- utimtov 1 hFeBchotceon ". j j the,illandia.3QO-men. ;;; 7 ' ,y77,;! 7 Holt, ' the rappree lcagrTi U ZofbemgJerit:asKeuP force, to the county of Wkklow, Taa , - f ltaraajn leverai yi iuc uiui ,mng p Vis ai clofe prifotier in the Caflle ot lul, V November 28, Vleftvcesifrora3ent,imr that "a diviiioh of tie Rfiw .ajjdiiK - flts appearedfFCtirfuT'andummbhe thi garnforiitq furrenderrbut this beings rcftifed and oppofuiOn. made, they, had taken potfiilion " of. the. harbor and the PAUlS, November ay tage,i fhduild h bring us to battle. At 8 O'clock the ft range (hip- ( ft ill con-", tinuing to Jiave the good fortune of the ', wind) had approached us within a . longv -random (hot, and had Neapolitan colors boi ft3di "w"h icfitie 110 '"c!f ang d ttrir : itilb Ji- but this exception was of, ho avail, as I plainly made him to be French. At" 9 he had ranged up within half gun (hot 7 tfoiir weather quarter; Itherefore haul " ' cd the - Iggnder up' fufficiently to bring "' the broad fide to bear, and immediately. -. commenced a vigorous cannonade on him which he inllantly ; returned. -The (hips' ' continued, nearlng each other until half i; pall 1 1 0 keeping up a conftant and heavy, aring f At ihlf jlme I vpefccived"theer' 1 nemy intending to: run us oh knard and . the Leander being very much cut up in Tigging, failand yards,; 1 was unable with the light air that blue, to prevent , -it. He.ran us on bord on the larboard bow,- and continued along fide us for.. sometime : a molt lpintcd ani weJi di r reeled fi re, h 0 we vc rr from our fmttU par Total--3 ofiicers, 24 fearaen I'ferjeaflt, .1 marines killed. . ' . . ' . ' ; . Ofiicers wounded Captm , 77 badly.; lieutenant Taylor j lieireftant ; Swiney ; Mr- Lee, maftcr.', Mr. Mai . .. $hU. boatfwain, badly ;' Mr. Laclcy,1 , niaitcr 1 mate ; Mr. iNaiior miainijr- Illclll. 41 fcramen. -o marines. -Total-r-7 officer" s-r-'i. 1 feamen 0 marines wouurted. ITALY, November 4X 1-k ty of marinesrteofflmaTedy'thrie ' jeant) oh the poop and from the quarter !, . deck, prevented the enern' fjbrri taking ad lahtage' of his' good fortune,' and he - was repulled hi ail his efforts to make an "imprelfibji on ui.- The firing 'from the great guns was 'all. this lime kept up with the farne' vigor, and a Jight breeze giving. the (hips'way, I was' enabled to fleer ' clear of the enemy, and foon afterwards had : t he'fatis faction rto;tu hTtrBdeT hi s (ter ii; ' h and paffing him within ten yard$,ldiftincV ly difcharged eve"ry.gun from' the Lean. dcrjnto hrm 7 ..7... '. m: ;V' . As from henceforward there was ' no thing bur a continued feries of heavy fir . ing wnnin puroi inot,-witnot anywind( 'and the fea fmooth asglafs,i?I feel it un neceffary to give you the detail of the effects of every (hot, which muft'be ob. vious from our iituation ; 1 (lull there fore content myfelf with affuring you, laiai a moii vigorous, .cannonade, W.as Jcept.A On the l Vt aniverfii)' of the French . republic," Buoiiapartt'iil'ucd a procla.-na-tion tJ hi army at Cairo,'r in which 7. lie recounts "their exploits during; the laft 5 they have actually begun to execute, are more remarkable than all the' preceding ones, and that all nations no w.direft their eyes towards thein. r Warriors !" fays he; " your deitination is elevated You LyvboCeim si re engrave h -1 h i -jyr:t mid : or, ytii will return into'Tour mo ther country covered-with' wreaths of laurels This day 40 million 'of titizens thinlf of you. -4. C-- - ' ... . ' , p froni the Lcander, without the fmal. , . ft intermiflion,' until half paft three in tne arternopn. c At this time the enemy ... ha?irg pafied. our . bows-with -a Jiaht " .'BASIL, November. 1. :f ; 7 The king of Spain ba acknow ledged the Helvetic republic, and'appointed the cheVaUer Comano as his miniller plerfi- po.tentury.uatrho-had4iifi.-Arft,aadiU ence irorn pur airectory at i-ucern oathe, -1 5 tn inllaht H .; 77 jv1 ty-Z - '" ' : The enrollmeor of the young men and the taxes, have occafioued disturbances in feveral parts of the canton of Berne,' frThe liberty-trees were cut clown, public! craccrrexpeilednheirmces ' troops arc now quartered in thofe places! :;Many. young; men, enrolls themerves atz mong foreign troops or emigrate. ... I JTJUES:Jyfinbe -7 ' iVcffcls which arrived herc from lAtt. fina- bring intelligence, that admiral Nelfon. after his departure fem 'Ma pig's, Jlffht-J- had annarrrl iiT Malta, -ivifK (n ft.f.. i .,.. " . y - iinuKii uj uui ui. ; , ui mc lino ana nve jrigates ; ana naving ' ; board fide, we found that our guns on , met there fome tranfpor ts v'ith' troops ''. ' that we. were nearly' all difabled by the . irom Gibraltar, had .ordered them :on " VrCu i0Uf fpatS fhir had fallen ftxorc' fuPPlicd thc Maltefe with arms, - lonrhis fide. (This . produced a ccflation -"ammunition, Sec. gave orders for the fur. 7 .-of fire, and the enemy took this tinic to ' ther blockade of Valctta by feai'and for .. -. . - I-05' 11 w hadjurrendcred f :i he Le-7 batteries to be conttrufted on (hore; after - i!yHno!ft Jic (aUcdibr the iOand ?f Qoaz- "r- 't'-.c' v --- t'- 7'77,. -7 7"...7J. ' ' 77,' 7 '',',;.-: - , ttahiport, whi laMca tronv Aiaxancria the 1 1 th of 0ctobc,and"arriW pies the 7th of November; informs, 'that .ench fhipping in It by force, and land. , & condWim that it n'rovifi i ed a confirabh. body of . troops, who . . Uha t the beUunaer , ftanding exittcd between the trench and 77 the Jigyptians;'that ootn parties were infpired by the fame enthufiafm for. Buo naparte that the Mamelukes were' fat 7' 7 reduced, that there, was no more laid bout them that from -the - 4th - to-the- ' 9th of October, three Bcjt had joined Buonaplerra moflg Alcxandrctta, ana who had furnifhed him with a confiderabie fum of money, which he had ciUributed: to.his troop and the Ji.gypt.aii. forced the French troops to retire to their fortrefs at BaUey Mezzo, which; would be immediately bombarded. The Greek inhabitants received the invaders with' b pen arms. z Another divifion of the, above, menti oned fleet blockades Ancona, and thc BfU tith-flcet Civita-ichia aiJGeaoa-i il Captain Lallo writes from Ottahte, to id HAMBURG, DecemberV' ; ' sThePaii jourualsbf the, 23d Novem' be r, contain a memorial ; w hich the TOnfu- late at Rornc'iffued on' the 8th Novenber .i . . i jt.. ! l7j:. 7.LrL " iu iuc cuwtaiaancs mcrr, wnicn i,vcw. ni th(. .,;:fl- ' nJ.- Hats - etamfcftofKRomaftrepi . 7 "'The Mand of Goza,r nearMalta, 7 I 1.. . r.... i 1 . D...a. 1. .,.,. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. r. " flai - :"-m,n : 'n ti u , . 7i .s. : ! ' r garriioned by only 100 rtnenmen, com. - 1 t f uric ins j u.mcu mc iinini.cni 01 . - , , ... v n-., .. k.f...i UK--.11.-u cou-tj u.c .-vna raciw, govern. ., - or ot lanina Theflalia) had taken three . ;f 4 f vu7 ,r- f ,, . , deiendt-d lor the inate 01 2 montns wiio- ,ex-Venetian pou& in Aioania. trom the ,T. rj , ... . , . -. .'.. niiT tn nrparu mean is ni nrifnrp. r rench, . and was about attacking the t Uj ,,Vi.n'- xirLi f the-command of- v' , . i 6t- Gen,, Vaubois, who docs not teem to arc -two generals and fe veral other officers. " t "V ' . y ; . u ' already been twice futwacned. 1 To the . fint he anfwered : That, without doubt, .it was i.ot known or c6hfide red, that thofe who were fummoned were French-' men7 the lecond lummons was ocought There is now a Frenc h newfpaper pubtifiied 'at Cairo," entitled Courier d bgyptti edited by citizen Marc Aure. j BRUSSEI S, November 23. General Collard, ' with four columns of " M - .'' I r -9 UtroolaUye Cattuhere xl)ey had collefted to- the number of 6000: Although 7 they guelc, thatherefpeaed inthe Ih.p which r ? Although they fought bravely they were driven from had been fen: to him, the' title of a flag ot truce ,vDUi-inouia in-uiurc4-wanouict- a- vUlage tq village-Theyrhave left 600- " dead oh the field of bat tle.77 Among tlcjortl-at pur Trifoners arf their chiefsron whom was a corporal ia the Audrian re. m reipcci 10 ine lummons, 11c womu ; , - p gimcnt 6f Ligne; On the 25th, they re. nly reply, that he had provifions, pow. ; i aficmblcd at Campine,-and were aiain':' deratulba Is, in abundance, arid that . . l camptne, and were Strain beaten In this combat, they loft 800 -mulkets, a-great -rquantisy of -baggage , ammunitiorL. ana- pfovilioirs.-r 1 nere " are pricfts with each of the rebel columns. ' ; ' ' ; DDBL1N, ov. io. PaLVATE LETTERS.. luppcrted by.thefe. no brave people fur i lenderea ihemfclves....--, ' V. ; From Corfu bur papers of the ad ;infh, p j rcontain the lbUowwgTT'-Oqriftaiid is ; 4 1 y in the bell (late pf detence. The country -?'( ot Suili, which is part of Turky.hai riien agamu u.c ijcya ui juiuna. inc inhabitants have mounted the French cockadend eftablifhed a nationauafft - The government of Co'rfi hare fefit them arms, powder, carmon. 7 and twO'caika'of piaflic. Muftapha pacha ; has" efleccd The body of Mr Tone w as ycfter- day delivered to hs father, who . keeps " fWooiieiaper's fliop'inHi)h-lreet" and has a place under the Having ;this,:who gt to.be a Frcnchfgeijcral. ' Board---Neithcr tniiitary nor ' 'civil T 'The county of Burtrime has afted a fimu -power interefered bMliirocca From Newtown.Barry we have the I ciir he iu;nifhed ..with provifione, with 7 j pleafure of hearing; that on! Sunday w h,ch. lt 15 already fupplied 'for feveral 16 llebcls, who had for, Tome time' T"1" U-H .v.tuu., t A- v . . . 1 . t '.,... tOna hflvr. . hPMi lent tct th& hjrir-ifwA i 1 "rt Vi.l mi tV,P w,iirtu coua nave txen lent 10 me heretofore v v .. . a. 1 . . . I- Venetian Iflands. In Greece. inomulM ran, nau urrenoereu tnemlelvcs un- h..ve been put inrequifition to tranfport ' conduiopaly, with fifty ftand otms orWe to the 1 lift mountain.. Oar' to Ungadier.General Taylor, who! illand. alone, funufW, vnn. t commands in that diftrift. 1 he incld- I teers." ' - ' . ' . -ment weather, and the utter war of I 1 he council of anclcnti have - agreed " ' J ' to-farrefftftt-rTr-- y :"'4 "for laTitiFaaroTrd 4 ' ,7- i. ,T,