7; ! : t wotles of charity, to wficlTthe anftver does not; relate at ' ah ' ' - r! 11. ".That givirig money-encourages idlcncrj.d'v3graucy.,,"',Thii is true only of injudicious and indifcrirainatege. I j,- " That wc have too many objects of charity at home to beitow any thing upon Grangers'! or that there are other cDarutej whichare mofe ulefulor-.-.land iu grcateV,heed!'V The value of this ex cule depends entirely upon the fail, v he ther we actually.- relieve; thofe neighbour- ing objects, aud contribute to" tBoieptlier charities . " . . , V -ftmJe all thefe escufes. pride or-pru- cob'n Vean,'bon"SfrAnre, whom odrT readers win" Fecollect avhnvihg been! the comomhoncr- ui uuuerpurreent bbarf the ' fleet' which' -engaged lord' Howcoh the sloriousY fit or J urie; & TwhtyW his-rrttirrHePttrisftirngraTii4 r i . r c 11 ii i ' ' i fated the cotriimtiee or puDiiq laiety on the triumph of tbjit day, ha? at leiigrh "met the fate" Vhich he long fmce me rited. He wasconful M bmyma;ind at Ui? breakingout of thewar With the Porte, was thrown Into ' contine-, nint almig wiih' the other Frencii xt lidentil mrurkeW. bavins- Uh'avr'f with great, violence 'in - his captivR-: 1 f$b Chamhtrs Jobtt Cormitkf . . - .- .A . . V.- .' . , 1 r a Knit nmi -i ni thn 1 17 J IT -Tit' I - - V " . I obferviog what, the other halt fuiter, , K . . ,,, , I . - y - . ' ium to4teep compdiiy -uh the g;.lley,' 1 . Foreign InteUigeace. DEATH of BUONAl'AHVE. t Thedeltinaeion of the French army irr Egypt, "winch we mferted "ui ourpajJer . r- - - . . - rv niealure mcoiretu It oocs, not ar pear qu.te certain that Marat Bey had , arty hand in the arW-aikl the rumour th a t-he-iiad muik nave a r il'en from-t irr knowledge that tie ariuiesr fraai -Upper Ey pt and iym were advancing . rapidly towards Cairo a circunuiance' -which rendHed lt.iiihlyprobable that they would arrive in tisne to complete tne madacre of the difiiry. ; ' 1 hejntelhencjewahrotigbl!y a '"tpecfdl mellnoer 'Irom vir fvlortoti liden, at,Vu.n.u. t lie landrd at ilar. wich on 1 huriday ntghu . On the -d tnit. an esttraordinary courier, arrived at .VHenn-a wan , letters to B.iron ihum, iron Btroa Her. . bert the Jrnpenii lnteriia icio at Con- r irantinople-dated the ith Noveincr. jjiioiia. tt i .i i ii i i ueie letters uaie, tnat 0.011. parte - having been :uuuc , acnuuiited -with 4he-4ntuion4-owheAraortlief- ljiaves. -IViay he long'.'uve to pra.ttictf the favourite virtue ; of republicans equality among thole people ! , 1 he above news was tail from the treal ury-tonheltKha htili-apd-i ron- ths latter to Llovdb in the followius tnaiiBer; . ' EaftMridia Hcife, Dec. 4. t Letterrareicceived by an exprels nfttefftmrifaTexltniTrt 'i7th'of .November, and : Vienna,7 3U of December "i he former, Itate, that BuonaparteVas killed m anadtiou with -the combirreil forces of Egypt, and he- Pacba ot Acne, the iater, :, hiclv ii behaved to bs the authentic accouiir, Hates, that Duohaparte and his princi-v pal oifiiers were killed in the toiifii houle ot ; Cairo, whillt he was giwng. orders for levying a new contribuSou .andihe nerled The Dublin marts of the 4th, fcth, anti othinilant arrived yelrcrtlay.'l heir contents relate-principally ..to the.iub-j'-tt ot' ihc "jiropofed Union betweei Gi eist Brrain and Irtlatid,1 which har excited m the public mnul a dcgnef irritation, as ahtrunng as.it is genera!.--' '1 he warmelt friend4, of'the chcien cpni The loUo wing advice has bein feet' . ved from Conltantinbple: , ' Since the 15th Sept- the army col lected in Sy ria by the JPacha of Damaf. cusj Js'on Hi fullmarch the vanguard was steady arrived m the enVtroas of Suez. wihis irruy cotnprifed of lurk jih" troops, Arabs", aridJ(Viamelokes who iollowed i bj ahihi Beyis laidto be up. lyiarusjotiapoomen.i- oi Cairo "and " Murac have Mo put ; thendelvesf on their tnarch from .Upper j Egypr,;w hie numerous tribes oi A riibic Bedou.r.s advan ce.from the-.Weft ' 3 dintr Alexandria. In thi manner oenraj Duoaaparie wouki oe aiiatcu trom all tides at' onee ; while a part "of nd 1 urkilh fleet united the nuihan .With the Enlilli divilion cruifmgat the Mouth of vhe Nile, will" at tempt a land, ing between: Alexandria and Rofetta, jLfleJ"weolj;heFre rival': in Egypt, conlilted .of .24,000; troops,-' 14250 feaiLcn and marines, , and 1 26 pieces of cannon. - i A letter from Conltant'mople of the Jli lijl lldlCS, L1J4L lilt IICW VsIcUiU 1.- tier, J niruph Balhaw, arrived 'There on the 25th of October, and declared, on entering upon his tuncbious," that his chief attention ' (hould be' dtr.cletl to- Ayards the Dolt vrgoi oas profecution of vernment, but was deputy from iri peot.le.--A- fufficient evidence of, his belter mat our govcrnmciii mm pea pie are divided . - ' w-.iie4uentions-4n-t)is letter to tn prefidentj that.Heiias fent homd thtf Americans made prilojurs previous td his ai rival.' 1 1 declare that reat imnu ; bersof them ontbued to be- made? prifoners after his arrival and thaS every veffel that was brought into the" 'the"' Iftand of Guadaloupe- previous' td. my departure, on the ri 8th of January was condemned, vr fief and cargo, xept one frotn iSew? Bedford boAmd-tcr Surinam, the tnai ot vniich was not decided , . ; , . " Wm BAINBRIDGE." Philaderphia, Feb. 18, fy- Extraft of a letter from -a gentleman. - in Londun W his friend iu this city d,ited November 2t)th,-i79S. f 4 'I he ' United States are upon bet 1 ter terms here nw than they have been helorc at any period lince our untor tunate revolution ; anevent-truly -dif-. aftrous to bot h countries -aiict to the whole civilized worlds It the cyuncils of the two countries can be induced to aC't in toncert, .they can render;,cach lor levying- new tuiuuuu.. ; iffilt f r.ines uere forwards U,l..i, b fa. -- vMth gre,Hlatighter. ;- . 0 " ,K Murat Bev,whp was rinarchinc : to- ' " w ards Cairo,', with -.vrery. couliderablel force ; to attack ; h'un,- , fi irimowed a . council of VVar, to which fome ot the leaum men iong the natives, vlho ' profelledfrwnUlhip to txjfe 1 views, as well ': " as all the fupe'rior officers of his own ' '; army were invited to attend, in order to confider cf the belt means of defend. -.Ing tjie country,1 and of levying new' . - contributions- on the 'inhabitants to pay- the troops. : ".. '' -. -. '. ' " .. Bad'u "a parte ha vin open ed- the bu-7 r finefs of the' meetiiin;, a natiVe oi Tri- '';: : po!a, who was prelentj '-drew' a pittol ana mot-uuonu parte aeau o;i tne ipo. . - -1 hejvati ve . oifictrs folio 'd" the cxalnt . . ...-pie otjbe'Tripoli:'i3, iy failing on the other French ciHcciS, all of whom' were : L 'put to deiHh-I'his pioceetUng.was zzzr1 ltgya!irz-argenefaihDatt; - x rcneli who Were' nt Cairo Such are the 'accounts received ; fi oin fir Morton Edeii.1 Independent! of the official manner iu which they come 10 government, they, are rendered hi ah. lly prob'ablfcby-every ihformatronuTtner- to rtreivrd trom Egypt -This ' event Avas evidently the rcinlt of a bold con-' 'Jlplf acffi andt Dbmciiic intelligence. N PHILADELPHIA, February 11, A tranfattion took place in this city -yelterday,- which torafenefs'and effrcn-7 1: e,orffthSuUrC theinottv'o'.ent oppolers ot the i'hree: United lrflhmen, whole' fure :: they lay that its' adoption wduld 1 riimes will mortly be eiveft to the public, other, very .effential icrvices ; nature made .them to go together. , The aflil'tance which thc-Englifhv navy lus had from the iervicts ot jhe American teamen on boaidfortwo or three yea'ts has faved the nat'on ; had. your rauntryl taken- meafures" to pre-. vent it at that ,.:ime,what. would now have been the tituation , ot r urope : the wor; is now done, and as you want your tailor s-for your own thips of Avar, it is not f-eafonable. that we ihould ex pect their tervices. any longer j ocders-' are already ifiued for their general re -leaie. --J : v'; ' . v..:w-l ' Could your people hate heen in. - duced to haye'tolerated thc expetiition; 01 governor piount to. eiouinania ana leadtocanlcqnent'es oettruaive pfthe ; With ddttot" Key woiJs at their head; en. proi'pe r itv of; 1 r eh: nd, a nd . therefore - the j eciplc are eI"eit with pfo:nptnel's and unimimity tpeir conllitutional privileges to prefer vd; He , fafety and independence of theirc3un- try. 7I he Lawyers of, the A;ietropbli, w hoform a numerals corps of lto. manry ",e,t- on-W.edr.efday for.T th's purpofe of entering into rl'duti- -ons ogjintt the prbpiht ton ; but one cl the members tuggeUinghattp delibe rate' as foldierft upon tonllituiicniil'. queftioii, would ; be. tinbecomin jr the ; 'ieg;d character they -bore, theuiifaif lion was -poitponed to .Snndiiy lit when a genera), meeting of the genilei tered the yard of St Mary's Chapel, duf iiuj,. divine ., lervicc , 111 : tbei- aiteriidony Vvithout regard, to either time or piace, thQpofled up,7 and dittributed a number' .' ot placards calling updii the congreja- X ' tioiv to affemble in the yard, for the 'purl ; pofcoi hghing a petition againft the alien and edition lniis,,.;;:;j:; hdweyerTon t bedifmiflal of tlie cpngrcT gation, j ultly ineenled at fo daring an. outrage,- the placards were torn down, and one gentleman expoliulaied with t the leader of the band ' on the impra. pnety '"of' hiscohdu'et. Vf he fellow now had the impudence, to urge the equality Mexico, it would have fettled the af-v faih of the VV eft Indies jind , the Spa nilh fyain, aud united our interelts tor : ever , it is hoped that part dtr this will yet be ; accomplilhed in the fupport. . which' it is uhueritood to be given ."by.-v" you and by us, to the revolt of the French W eft-Indies. ' v :: ' : , ; The government has been bufily engaged in forming another coalition againlt France yuu will foon hear thei luctels by movelnehtXTrom all quar ters j v trom the. rcfpectable military & -naval preparations which you are mak ing, atid the gre-t internal refource of ' your country which you are callingm- to operation, we are induced to believe that the United States vhave- not been overlooked in forming- the. prefent co- ahtion. .. It is a lubjett ot the higheft t 1 - - "- - -11' .-. 1 ot his right ! and treated the gentle nian's advice with infnlt a 1'cuiHe eiv " ' ' I . t - I ' I 1 4 . . ! ,men oitnerur jnc.ugui2avieiir8.uurnt, . r;tl,ekl K nrrp-nf thp 1 1 1 ran.nojre:1 IVrrvat iVrbtiTrnwr Y Ipfrn ,. .-. rzirzuii T...l: ' . .r"!i-.... . L1P a ZL... . ... . r -Y and ought to be.roaile a lubjeft-ot-the r-rrrr.--"- -cr;4 and .many others- w ho nre. not veoi . . r,, ,k..u . l- b - , .. , . i . ' , .r-. . .-Jul,",iul"M,1- iicitiuu . juuiiu. rrea ten general exertions. tlCr v Wy mrades, tal&tt'befofeWOv. liberal treatvbftehtive adefenhve, ed by the levcra I Corporate bodies and -f whrmn "TnMir and n' w; c jitt t c Tre4dTtIe;tnnrUte . -,,r, ; ver lor.tnai at tne next court. 4 ,0ur mteret s has 1 readv hn arrwrlnn Z-: - -a-. . .. ..... . ... .,- 7 - -"i- ad.cverylcgaUbcas.6'fi)lTOflnrt'he plan is to bs had 'recourfe to with vi . . . . .. 't. 1. i" I - ' - . SeAfejlnamp VV'harrci;ders this buli iiefs ftiU m be brouirht into fineratn'm'. at' "extraordinary rand ilifpl'ay"s in ; a ttrik. ; fQOn as the temper of the, times will bearit. the queHion haVe lately been publiihed. iTttrrtraTiTS7istrnrheW to v iiich .this; ; itijult;has been ortered, : his fuperior officers together- and haV, u.pucu iuzuu. ioauic a, gene. , r T f J - n has 'als been :rem.irkable for the ralr.m? o,. the J re princples, and w ere di berled over the immenie city f f. ;-.-"'v . ' -;:',''.r-,- '- ;L "W,V; il ' , Cairo. -1 he many intercep'ied letters -"from thc'French ofticers iti Cgypr,tre r --the bedktimony of thevtnrioq4he--' natives ofthe country to their barbkr . ities committed.-by .Buonaparte and W ofheers who delivered up the town ot Aiexauana to pillage and fury for tour " 'r " But' tiz above Js pot thronly iie'is containecl W'firMortbhen!-'- df ". patches. ; The Facjia ofllhodes hiv i n'g 1 andrjd at ,',' A kfe&ooiiar jrv . . ' .. . ' ! , troops, who ararhcj flower of the Ma-. ' , 4 hoincdah militia, attacked the toh of '. . Alexandria which'was VebkM with. T" j. '.'TIs probable" -thn alt the FrencWgarrifon;: remaining there hasr been 'nht, to the fword.rriie deftrVion'breaptU'r all the r rench fmjmmg.io thnt port will r . - now become a .mattwt of couiie. " ' We alio learn, th lijde "--famous ja- This d iy gne.of the Cauie Secret taries t jj led upon the fe-'eral fhte pri." r ljsm r? and- informed 1 hemr thaMhey- might now; go to any,: part of the Eu ropean continent not'ac. War with .uj- except the under named perfbW, 'who wcrt.- iiiuirmeu mar crrcumitances had occurred, ' wuc'h 'jprej "lie uifciian f'fHmtutfcn td' 1 e'ave. pfiftjn for the firefenr. At jthefme ' time inti natin to all- perfonsiricludeil in the emigration hill. YtKp 'W'tftl; f I It I . I ... . fur" the firtiVncls with 1 which its "Veto; be, s iruiiyiunally have tiioSd for ,vard iii fupport of the govcrument.' f tbrpary 19, NOKFOLK, February 28. ft cm Brown's khiLdtifhiA Gazette, of ' "'-,,;.. - the iyh inffcint. -The iGangesmce ihe left;thls portil has been ci uii'mg in 1 , the ' neighbour- hoodjrt Caejc rancois. She repairec Io'Sn nioma?rtor ;. bailalt, and has returned to her nation. ; Ipcrlons excluded) thVt if they did not depart in the Conr fe of a month; they mult remain in prifoh at their own oti; nut grant them any allowance. 7 ;,;f-i k:? ; : he f;llowiiig is a lift of the perfons nvho will not be permitted to depart." " LUnrj JackjQny MtlhD'nmJ ''.; he; 'following' 'memorandum poV ly," handed tne by captain Bainbridge; ;of the Ketariation, . will fhew; the' det gree of1 credit winch opght tq be at- -tached to the letter of Desfourheuji." t ; yn. 5th of January, I -waited. I any Britifh fubjects on board the G vu. JLcsrouriieux j -ourine the . con- etio,i i then had withhira, : he in f rm'l me, that affairs had been ami-; cably; iettle4het) eeii ; America Jflllnlenqutf -ofjhisinforhiatton, he laid Dr. Lopn had, arrived in. Amertca, and. had tefi minated the difpute between the two - During her cruize the Ganges fell V ( iji' with tlie'Surprile BritifKtriirate, of T 36 guns, - capt. Philips, who tent a boat with an oTlicer on board; to t?, mand ot captfi mgey whether he had aujuHuw JUDjects on board the Uan- ges, and if f0- that they migt Tiyercd upr and whether hi rr men were fupplied with protections., T he officer alio demanded a fight of captain' I in-. geyscommimonJ-r- ; Capt. Tingey anfwe.ed that he knew his men ohjy as Americans; that THE Aivj jvtv 1 u A N FLAG: W AS A SU F otm"ne3ID51ef atll,dioLW)Uiel.ieve"-Or;-Logan was : rANY--PERSON ON -BOAflD OF J authonfed by our.government to aft : HIS, SHIP, 'and that if the command, f in any official - canacttv in Fnnf. I er of thn (rwrn. .....ta .l.-r.iv i J mmm ot Mr ' 1 ' a Lb HUI1 11 I IT I liil 111 UOtt i If

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