fi Vl'c-i an!!late-the- fbUowing-from -f the tirit VefcdemairtSeptr"-3 - " ' ' V 1 a L I I A t.'L A . , . . - it appears, mou. prooau.c mai inc X. ' ViYr-ir.itaririrt of the United States will ten. I . 'Pencil Rcpvblitftpwardthaj:countr)vand yt that becaufc they' will not-und'erftand us, :r or rather becaufe ' they-rcfufe to'iiften to - 'Us. At leaft' this is the opinion we form from reading the following article1,, which !;' 1 ' we tra'nfcribe from the Redat'leur of this, . . day : t r Anfwetto the following" queftions infer--' teu in Tome of thenewfpapers. ' !v invade the Utrted States . Or kfts Jbt a &avy twi tch foe can end there ? ( . ' "TheArnerieans,' reioIviW upon war with the French Republic annul, in con. , fiquence,-the treaty of 177$. They" a--gain become, with refpeci to" France,, , what .they were before, tharperiod, an JfoigliiV colony. .-The - Republic mult, rthen,-x)nfulet American as Jinglifh -ami as fuch, their flag merits'no refpeit ; they ' , '. become enemies'; the right ought 'to1 be given to all French privateers to capture their velfeli, and their future fate ought to be bound t: that ot Great Britain, in the iflue of thVprefent War." V " " Sapjpole that England, from a power :of the firft order,' faould beCorae-wnat Ihet- ought to bca powerjheJ.fecojdJiaiik, will not the FrenchTseiaibHc, in rcuimauj-' ill') 'ing the 'iercy ofthej'ea, have the pow. Si er Vi fay 'Americans, " Your veik-ls may be employed ia coatting Wm one Federal port to another; but the Ameri. can (lag carlMtnc permitted to fly' oh the European Jtiiy you mall receive from. -Kuropean.natioi.sthe merch;tndi7e of widen' ' jou ttanfl indeed. ' of ingratitude, it merits no cuali jura tion ; and we ought the lefs to count on your repenting, r.ncc yrmr .father? barn, pirates, being originally Engiifh,. have -transferred to you their fpirit pfonjuitice. " I know pot what the .citizens, b; the -U.'StatJei hope, even if they havejiie get. tell fuccel's ; but this cannot be contested, thajt if the'EngHm, tUir iuftlgators,,. arc unable td fuccour theTj,' the French Re-' -public will have it in her power to.deprive them of the rights which' her genrroS ty lie r blood, and her gold gave them, arid which ferved only to prove to what ektent their ingratitude could be carri- J ed.' earths bv iheifistUioRfiwh ?Ws. .roxiousMwafsof putrid befdics, ii coffins ; ighty ,made vmull by thi$ timJ We tfl' flight a covering to fifllire .through the earth,' or a Imgle hole from any-, part, fuch as n , often.1 found in our grave ysrds,. the whole cavern may - ddchargs its peil'Jent'ul contents.- . ' , ' Lt K A new covering of earth, uith -a li beral ftvatum .ot hiterven'm huie, may be ufeful.' SoRKthin appears ablo. . I iutJyncceiTary Vr7 it THEU'E are proceires carried on by nature in Vegetables of which we h ivc no iulpicion, until their, etfecb become apparent. This is the ca:e with eva. poration whichjakes place from woods in the "funnier nionths." Evtry'irSit" .plant and vegeiable is then pouring uu to the st.noiphcre ;n amazing qn..ini ty of lluiK .From. one. ac.;ev. ut. land, covered vvit!i ti-eest . 3875 gallons of ' water are thrown oil anu diipcried " in , the tttrriofphere, ' in , the Ipace or 12 hours." Anoilkrr curioti opcraiion which nature carries on lii - vc(t of the hijhelt ufe, is tbe einilhon of jx tteiiS vitnhmemtef renin fcaftfr7 ..'- 1 .1 - I" ' C and Icartely-covered wnii tiir icci ui ' ' -MiSGELL ANY. " . 'a j. ! (- The jfetfhnaie DOG.' , , - ' Froit a PurirPupir.' - ' . FK days bctorethe 'djr' that' Robefpien-e wa& overthrown, a rv&vH4utrttary-iwUltvulJiLtiut'afjhe, departments ,oi the'North- of t-ranee "candemnetf. to death". IV I- des H ., ah ancient Maillrate," and.a nn.ft efr timable man, guilty; at iifty IcViiea fronr Paris, of conl piracy, which iuU' not cxilted-at Sr. JUazare.. . M- de's II. had a spaniel, of teii or twelve. ycars-ltdv- ot-the-ttnaU-brTcf; Dot. tJ relul d w . ? large quantity -01 air; -14774-griijons of air.arcthrwn oti" hr 1 "hourfmiii one acre laud covered with rree-. The purity and fafnbrityf this air i as remarkable as the quantity, vlt.has been found thatlin animal will live live " times as long In" this kind "of alr"a8'Tn":' cdminoM air ol the bed quality . rath of land covered with trees or vee ta bl e&-cm itmor e-vapou thai t-'ne ".. t. fame fp;.ce tovefe'dTwun water. Tvjr. t' " 'Williams trom experiments, fay. one third, fiiore; in his hiiiory of Vermont. , Ths purett air is the conv.non cilia. r i-yiuin which pafles oft from vegetables. Trees and Vegetables have an iucre dibl e trTect in abforbin'g ,.diiring:,lthe-7 night an amazing quantity" of noKi-jus air and vapour from the attnolphere. - - -The planting cf trees iir our Itreets, burying grounas and vacant lots, js an : tibied fo highly intereliing tothe health . f oi' the city.; as Jo merit the hnniediate- . attention or in? corporation, ootn in - jiaving the public expence and , by ordinance -.' prottLting TrTcnT ; when planted. - , ...J" " , The hofjital burying ground ' it is appi eheridcd, will beiXource of infec.--, tii'TT'as foon as the .yarw " feafon .Ihall " "'begin to operate on' it. 'J'he manner t iu whicirrhf dead were interred, re-t quirts thfibiht. thing efFectual, Hiould be done o prevent the ilfuing of a rr.afs or putrid txhalanon. .-.It is laid the bo dies were deposited, ia one continued which hadbeenljroughtupDy hi.m, and .hadncvei q.i'ivtedhiin. Jvesii - in prilbii law lvs;fami!y chtperied by a fyite'n ' of. terror tbrn.e' had taken 'flight ;J others, theivdelves arretled, were carried mm diltant goals ; Uis do. . me.Hcs were difmilled ; his houie-was - buritd in the folirur.e of the ScaU ;'. his" . -rViCnJs either abandoned him," or coin-, cealttUheruUKes ; every thmg in the ' 'wurld was'liU'nt 'to bi n, except his This raithlul animal had been dmittance hit?, the pnlon. - Hfh-idrt:urned toh'umalter's houl'e' -andlound..Lihut Tie io"k rciuge w th. a nt-ighboar, vho teceived Him.; but( -that.poaeriry mayjndge loundly bt ihe tim'js in n'hich w e hnve exilled, it mutt ,be added that this man received hitn( trembling, .m lecret and dreading kit his humanity, for an animal lhoulcl con duit him to the icaifbid.', every d:iy, at the fame hour, the Dog leit the. houfcy and went to the door of ,the prifon. lie was refilled 'admittance, but. he conllantly palled an hour beiore it, and then returned. Hi's fidelity it ' length won upon the porter and he was one day allowed to enter, i he doer faw his'ma'iter. ' It Was diliifult to - O ';" ", . '-, -. feparate themuut the go,$ler carried him away, and trie Do - returned .to - his - retreat. . r r - v r ' He came back the next morniiig, and fvery day ; ai.d once-each day ho was admitted.'"'.' lie licked the hand of m i'rienJ,- loolttd at him, lickrd his hand again, and went away ot hi alelf.' When the day of tentence arrived, inieagre,5nore languilhing, and it was pla'ai that Jxel wds: -gradually trcachingT ; his end They endeavoured' chain. ing liitnupo wean hini ; but you can not tf tuniph over nature t , t He broke, , bf bir through ht3b6nds -jefcaped re . turned to the grave, and neve,r quitted . ' it' more. ' It was" in' vain they endea vored to bring him back. .. 'lhey car riedrJiim food but' he - longer., For four and ; twenty 'hours he was (ecu employing bis weakened limb? in eVigiiip up the eirth that feperated him fipin' the reraain& of the man he. had fo notvvithil'andlni; the crowd;" not itrr- ..ltMidin't hi gi4 irdjhc pepetraced in 10 ; -the-hati, arid c'rouch;d himlelfb'eteen. the leg;s of the unhappy ' map, whom ; he was about to lole forever.-.The Judges condemned t,he man : and may; my tear be partloncd for the expreiheoj whicfv efcapes from themj - condemn ed him m t he ore fence of his Dog -1 heyireranductiehinr'4o-the-prhonr and" the Dog forTEatTIndltTlwr the door. '1 he fatal hour arrives'; the prilon opens ; the unfortunate .nan pal-., i'cs out ; h is the Don that rect-ives him at the thri (hold; .He elings upon his hand. Al;:s! that hand will never be and he gradually approached the body; his labours of, alhctjon then vehement ly increafed j his .efforts became con-. he ihrieied in hisTiruggles ; bis faithful" heart gave away, nd he, breathed out his lalt gafp, as if he Jnew .' that he had found his malFcr I ------ t.' .-:-"'' '',-,,'i--": ' .','f.V'i:':v'i".':.;.'y'''"v 'I. A N old woman of canting' fame in the town of Lewes, is laid to. Have drank' 2290 drams out ' of . the fmie ylaiV'wiihih-the laft two years ,at one. pubic houfe, exclulive of others in the cour.le of her daily pcramb ulatij" -ons'a f "o'Uier hbuf-"'"7" r"bBl:TiTj0riKsT0tsi7:r AKES the liberty of informing :fthk- Ladies of'Ncwbem; that he "hat .reiabhfed from New' York with - a - Ye r v haridfome auortm'cnt of Mullihs and Dry Goods: arid as he-intends' to follow the - fea againj ' he wfiH fell ofFhis goods by the wnoie iaic or rcian, uu tuc iuou reaiona b!e terms, ftsjhe-caa-ftay but a-?ery -ihort -time here at prefent. x" He , returns , his fincere thanks to; the L;' dies of Newbiern, for thfe rpany fdvouri he has received from them, andhorsfor a continuance of the fame; . ,";' N. B.;Naval-ftores,-will be -taken-'ih payment for any quantity of Gobdsi ' HPHE fuhferiber. having paid . a . note ; X'.'" given' by. John.Foy, (now deceafed) -dated February 1 2th, 1796,. paj able (to- v Frederick Jones EfqV r now ddceafed, ot ." ''"" his order) on the T 2th" day of-l'ebruaryf 1783, for the fum of 16$;.' hich. 'V note iiloft or miflaid, fo that if could riot ha.Jbdwhcnhje,paidiu been found fince t Notice is heteby givenj to all perfons to whom it may be offered ' that, no alignment of it can authorife the " -recovery ol the amount of itj or any part thereof- as the fubferiber is in pofleffipd. of the receipt of Mr. F. Johfcs aeknow " Jedging ro have received the whole amount of faid no te. 11 . - r - ' February, 23.' ..- -..-- rfprcad upon thyTarci1uTghead I He' 101 lows mm. l ne axe iaus, tne mauer dies,, buvthe tendernefs of the Dog cannot tcale. " The body Is carried a way, hc.wallucl at its tide. the earlh, he lays' himielf upon the -.grave. ' '' i here he pa (Ted the7 firit night, .the ntxt day, the fecund : night. The neighbour, in the mcaii 'time unhappy Vat-fejnhiriiri(ks himielf, iearch. ing for the dog, gucfles for the extent of his fidelity the afylum he has cholen, lihdshinV. carries , hihi, '. 'bnng$7 hihf back,.. . and ni'akts . him eat An'' ,h ur afterwards .the . dog", efcaped, . and re gained his favourite place. 'J hree months palled away, each morning of ' wmcn nc came toieek . nis looa, ana then returned to the alhes of his matter Purmitt to dd of Affernbtjf , WILL BE SOLD, ' '' 9N the 16th d'ayojf. March next, on , : the'prmifes, jhat valuable trail of -jaia-LeiicnT-aninty, khown by the ap. 'lIation of TOWER" HILL, containing 1'eVch hundred acres., 1 he terms of fale.: be, one; third of the purchaie money-' t( bj paid at the end 6t , one -yean from the day of Talc, and the remaining' two thirds at the" end of two years.. Bonds.. : with Tulcnt'lecuriry will" be required," made payable to the governor, or his fuc ceffor in c&te j aim the governor ; will nukca title; to tiie purchaferTn fee firnple - . WILL. WHITEj Com'r. January1 12,' . , '-' ' rriili CUiyiivlIbMONE : ". Appointed by -' an act ot t he 1 a It Gene ral : Auymbly for the purpofeof felling the, Falace lots in the town of New be rn, . cu e xotice;- ' That, the fale of faid lots will com mence on the 22d day of March next, at -noon , Boid with approved Tecurity, : will -be requued of enc tlitrd the"purchafe money, at the end of one year, and, the re- iklue at the end of two years- - . , - -; J. t:. BRYAN, . - LEWIS. BRYAN, ; ; t---Vm.-:JOHNST0N,- January 12.- - N u l' 1 C . ' V'l.HEKEAS the Directors of the VV CLUBFOOT & HAKLOW's , ClvJtEK CANAL COMPANY, have 1 made an order, that a further pay-' uitni of Oue'ihoufaud three hundred -aiidthiny three 'attU'One tffifd llollarsjr7 .be pitid to the Undertaker ) the Tub- ienbers to" the laid Canal are hereby Vailea upAn- to pay up their fourth pay. ment ot lixteen ...and - two - thirds of a " dollar on e.ith fliare, nd the deiin- qiients on' the fecou'd'aiicL third pay. '"merits', are'Ukewii'e called upon to pay up then arrears. ' . . j- cbrtiary-9.- ; " 1 ' - Cc'm'rs N O T J C E ;- . ; . IS hereby, given, that William Buhl, Efquire, late of J oneS county A is dead j -and that;. the fubferibets ; at the county courtbf pleas and quatter fefEons. of faid : county, at February term 1799, qualifi- ed as executrix and e'xectitors to his Jail will and teltament. All perfons having any demands againft faideltate, will bring in their claims properly attelled' within the time -limitted by lawj or; they will " be foiever barred. All thofe indebted to faid ftate, are alfo requcfted to make .paymcn.otherwife.fuits-will' be com--menced againft them indilcriminately. PENELOPE BUSH, Ex'x. .LEVIN LANE, 1 i "r " ' JOHN T. BRYAN, Ex " Jones tounty, February tS ''. ,' ' , t ' " ,r:j. For Freight or Charter in the Goatling trade, a well built (launch little Schooner,and falls renoarltabU fjft, about 16 tons Burthen, for terms apply to JACOB KENNEDY. . v Trent Ferry. . - - ' . Who has for, Sale A - large Rowing Canoe which will carry about 10 Bar rels. 4,- . . - March 2. r -. - - ' ' - . Jult Jmportea, ' And for fale, at the North-weft corner ' ' - iiort of Craven and Front llreet, T?01i' ready moneys by .-'Frederick -J?--Divtrox,ci: Co'aTiultr'anbi'tmenF of. Dry Goods,1 a gener4 aflbrttnent of groceries, Ihlri chandlery and drugs Among w hich arefreih imported Hyfon and Souchong teas,' loaf fugar,and belt baflt raifins ; bherry, Malaga and Te: nerifie wines, cyder, fpirits, Cogniac 'brandy- Ho'laud gin, &c. February 9. . ' ' , ... NOTICE.;; ; J-l. LL perfons indebted to" the ftibV IX icriber, are rcquefted to call, fet- - tie their accounts, and make payment, . on or before; the 'firlt day. of May next,, as further indulgence muft, nor . cannot be realbnably cxpecled. ' ' 1 EDWARD KEAN. FebT"i. ;:,iy!;.', ; , : 'This day is publimed - Andfer jale at the Priktntg.9fatt , - -. COMPLETE, , '" 4 SYSTEM ' " ; -'V;' ;':':?-,-; OP s,'r-.f,r FARRIERY- """By the do'2grr:6rfing!exopyi-rr"1 September I. ; ', ' Oak-Baric'. Kin AN JED a quantity of oakbarlry. V V for which the folio winor uricts will be paid on delivery at any - wharf ;in rCewbcrn, 'viz.' r '. . - " T ; . .. ; Red oak bark,' 3 dollars-pcr cord.' 7 "T White and Spanilh oak doi 4. dol- February 9, LOTT BATTLE. ' Just published ' Att fir fale at this Gjfice fat NORTH-CAROLINA' ALMANACK, ; For. the year of out Lord, 1 799 : Jndofutt.CV lNDFPExbENfcEi23-24 ' Being" the 3d after Leap Year.; ; " Calculated for the Meridian oINewbirk, 35 ptg.'-'Ivlin. NorthTaO' Dei'i6 Min. Long. Weft I ron Philadelphia. . November 26. ' " ' ,.."..:' -Wilt be given for clean linen and cottoa r . . .'',, 1 i '." ': v' ''"''''..' "' ' '"f" m ' At the Printittg-OJjc'e,' or at Mr. Edwii . Kean'iftore . ' ". , ; : STAMPED'PAPER ' Maybe had, at the Mere" of John C. " Osb oun, & Co, (Newbern.) - ' : a. a -4. - 1 . 7 i-'. I i.