I ' 1 ', ,T ', J 1 if" '-' """'5' tf.'c V '-t ' - : L-V. - ... , srf-;, - ,,,tJ, fa . , , , , ,111, i., 1 1 1,. 1 ,-... hi-.,,i 'i.f ii. . ii .1 ! 1.1 hi 'm.Vi '. i' 1 "if ,1 nil ' " "",it;j i.'.fa'.t. 'i',' '"S! r-, '" -'7.,"i 1 ' ' ", "" ." 1 ' " .'.'J"!1' " V ' ' J " 1 , .. :""t '"'; 5 V' i ' . 'i'i.k !''" ' 1 '"' 1 mi' 1 'ii 1 ib 1 hi ii 1 1 tin , 11 hi i-m,., 1 1. . 1 .1 ,1 j ---..-.r.,, 1 - ? ,u'r.-3- 1 imiVm " ' "" ' "'' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 " 1 ' ' y IV i i ', I II I I I JllMlllMiHliB Ml ltMMrjMiiIM Illl II llfcltl' llllIHMiiilHIIIH Ill Il nil III "l I H Ml I III ' "II I IB ' V'it - mm m mm m 1 t r A 1 l-f V I I I I.' ; to tikt TolP' jtienrettticigcrt r Irar lioBctfllie ireuufnttv i- I in wWclVly arc ivoW; beWv tor tfebfs ia v? r Mr. Tk: Toiler; frbm the cornhmtre: petUi'on y-tbf the widow of Dr. ' Lynch, Mho l,f" by ?matifrrant fever, vhi4c lb th; ftrv)cc of this , Unitetl St;ucs4 jU . .. :..-. . - . . .... '.. . . b? n4iau both prayiufi tt grtjti- '.way be tiistp tliem. in"; conlidtr;iwn of the lefs of their hulbahdsThr;,; porut ate that the vcn y, ; l'h, t0im;i;ae- rfthe hck tjn the tneie cams are louiwea nave never Jccn .u'fi.. '',;.f - --" 'L - I- C..' -t rr it--K- W-T- T , , ' ' ... , , t - April 'i-o. --v.. -wwji,' imnritct ,.ni:s- iraniiiio. i 'lUDOlvmcy the armv. who . was Lint a Iw h - t.ii s .4: ;' , ... --,1 " r i .. i , r i . --..... that ' :'rtiWi'; i tcr nn Appeared mycUdiitreireJ; tt at ttt'lireTtt'ma'lwjW koc'vy, hHK iq live bep, art aye anil net eireve one or dis .cmittqiet)? yowc pray (cr w jne iiejjicaii service to. With u 1 he rnotiop, for. nnrrg.was nelriiTg,the" ;rev atived. Afteu prwcdLne: in the- bill , ,1 i ings were excited,: and X advanc ed tutu motion' was tnaoe and, car rreo',' that the An,loaqqi;Nundr.c4-olarsy4nd.;:tb!Y td. -'Y:J; I Wain It me. w applied to by thtr Chevaiier de 'C'o!. a- crrttit to Mrtti-1 af ewell M t' ('e brill bei tyvvhofeUiineiVasheir to the purcha. to prcvKle . tor.theiaiesoiianG nerttfn 1 1 1 e . M uufi r ts.' er s - w ere . ; v ft ihg6U extend to ll wbtch ren the. OtVwotyf MivaVdl fori the Jike principles and tiwt fpedaj acts , might, not to pa4. TTlw-r reports wtfrr- committed toV a Committee cif. the hole, Hoofe, and made " the order of tb6 day for IVlon. , 1 hcToHowintr bill's were read a third -rj-time,1; and ,pfied -Vh:?r:ry:r . ' :. cr; Mill) UU. fvUV Ul. il.UC' tachruent t)f in Oitia, under thTtomniantl -. f major;- 1' at-: .)-:AMrto authbrife- the ifiiiingofcitv .torn patents.; lv;':-:':H':.Y.-:f,-j: 1 he bill to make further proviiiorv : for the orpha i cinMren of Col. John Harding -an attI'aJied. wkslalireaid ilturd ijaxe Mrv p Fofter faid. a? tlurrie Avai a - principle, fim'ilatto thie: obc contained, in ,(lits bi) jrejxjrted on thniorniiig, (the ir pjf Mrr klliottj h? hoped tne biH V0uU,6e,re(mmiuedW the f urpoic 'of.inferunga cbufe for her relief ' Scnne dtbate aroFe upon this motioivj mrhich was tarried- ayes 43 ,i noes 3 7 .' 1 he till to autljorile t hes Ho'yaut'e tjf 4 xrf dktoAVmV Tazewell was agreed Xp yvij-hOMt amendniet, arKl ordered to fe j cngrviret for. a thq;aV .reacl:ng;;oM Mqnday-ay es. 44, .noes 38 ; as. , wns tfre, Ml proyidnS or trie difpolhion of tho land between the Great Little -. Miamirivers, .; . "TJvfMr; ST.' Smith" brought frt a- bill fup plemehtary to the act, entitled, an ac"l ' foe(jabH(Ii the compensation oC, the ofli , : ;.jctfrfwtypytl Jn tbe cplledipii, of thd duties. im ports apd tonnage,, and for. other purpofes t Vtth was read and coin 4. mitted for Monday . " Mr . Edrnond preftntecl a petition of , at nan oiuuuiry, oqm inisir atvr 01 n s aherlNatian;-Sto4j rd,-vtho-wa$TiiL led at-Mud Fort during the revolution qry. yttf i and ilatingi , ba r. by rea foh of rus father notv being returned as killed' b a.sepri 4 of the ben.e.fic of obtain, in the warrants .tbi which he was.. cl)t; ueo? cher conUderaiibn of the Gill Yo eiiabtiih an.uniforin milhia j throughout t the U States; was polteo'tiedTiU-ihe ?iirtt; Mou- oay in uccv ncxt Artqu ayes-.c-. On motion of. !.. 'jTiertou-l;-e b Li for ellablifliing a m ilir.iry Academy, and for the better -rgtiiaatiori 'c)t the curpj. of Arrill'eriiti and Eririneer$ Wasabo poupdnedv 64 ..to 2.1 .fe'iSki- iR? , , The houfe we nc again in to- 4 comjit 11-- L. II- . ("'." , J' L :i.' 011 UK. oi l to proiue icr uc exciu tweA'-MricbolaVi" amend cui p qvming. inac ro penvn iiiairoe oeiivereH up. jiet : there t atqncur: renp jurifdieliqn. beinaitdec confidel iatiohiafter a Jmi-debate;nu' to '40. iWcominittetthliie,; atid. nad lei Ve r "Monday; April 2. ' ' Mr. Speaker Lid before the HSu(e the toliowing letter from Robert Morv ris loV, ' ' . ' . ' . s v..- .Pjiejphia'April 26, 1 3oo.- ItuouM bean,- ad of injnflice to the officers of the Treafury , ; and to ny. felf, was I- tolurTr areport made from the Committee of Claims, oivthe petition Mr E... rnoved tl)at this peutiqn-- be - re.ferrr4 to the CJommittee of; Claims'; iuV;oa Mr J) Softer ;npring; the! JJqvfe, tajt If facls werS 1 ftat, ikHfi-mi-M oce f ;o(L,egiflaiivje. in ter, i feccnte wa ordered to lie. in thci ta; WFhe Hovl wentntd ICommtttee bf bWhpl9"qn:theb - oatet7iri;'fK)diuots':to,th0. acl to prevent thfi,arrying on theflavf trade from the y,nW State irinyioreign place? . or iy conntry, 'Mr- ftuyedge in tbejcbaMt. j Mi; JJprowainjiveqj jthatlhe com., ppoed ad jfit floudc the Tenle of wft oojJjeAO, rrpeai iof ww promcntmg tJtfc-trrying pn:the.fliV tiideV: ind dweW 1 argely.bn.the good policy ' of .the fiarurt'i-i ',. ,V; " Mr. Nicholas ecooded this motion, or jonn liaotute. veidier to pals un. nprtced i balide,' that lilen-ceotv the oc. cafioii might be" conTidered as highly im proper, yheh Corigrefs," having in view to t!o juriice,. oiuht to be truly, inform- ed; that itmiy be, Jnpwn .what jiiflice retjMireSv- ;i ne 7oni.yomm.unication made 'took npon this occafion, is' by Mr. Claypooli in. his Daily Adcrti,' fer, of this day,', whcrejil I5 pinfed as part of the prot eedings of the Houfe ei ileprelentative of the-United States yeff ter day whas' follows' . Mri 0: Foller; from the Committee of Claims, mad a report on the petition of Joint Baptifte Verdier, who prayed comprifation for t lr ee cer nftcat e's of regifterxd; deqjv which he ailed ged . fcer. erron eoujl y :pa ;d to Robert Morrisf EfqTnQ?gafei'n bpnd tp indemnify the United-State a. gainU the claimof the petitraher. The committee rerrf stheir bpinibiv,"that relief in this ca fe,' blight" to be 'granted and to that effe&Tubmit" a 'refoluitiuri propofing that compenfation niould be ade ib thespetitioher andthat, art acl 'ftibuldpafsfor tljar 'purpqrq.il.'c'ajtjl noj allow; that qicei;sof fne!;ir,ea fury committed .f efrot jiv payirjigtp me jtfte imoiinqfjihertifi maty JCd.tp-riyonlieiy truQedWs certificates taajcertaiiivlans) Auiuftine; Briffiult. whoVfpW thefe-Sc .three others 'of. his q wif 4 (he ha vlng.'aU fb been a noffice. in our fervice) to ) a-. iqYjn Tjra tne. ty noieio me,-. w,vu a power 01 at tpro.ey,' rdvdy Vuihenttcatcd, 'authori. Ungiie ,0 receic aQdapppj;ni.o.ii ey ac'cortlmtt tp'jKrt iteclioMVWhen r.. . I: . . 1 . t . .. ' Wn$f. , y crqier. pppitcq to ipc, wy-.f"" fwer was, that ! eould not know bim in this bulinels ; I hid received xbe manry ki the property of another- pcrfori, to lerme.anrwunt re'fulnnjT.lTom the whole of ttie r; certificates . , To w hdm I paid the ambllni of. thofe abotit whrch thei'e wa'S ijqdilpute and! rtfered hiin to Mvps . Verdict to k n I e w hich of tlteni. b tbe rkht tpthe oirsibVv eoukl not agreey and the . futt which was in It i luted asair-it rm in the fupreme court of Peniy lvani was fir ally ' detided a. tiiui ivj.- veraer j wunit it was penq, ifTgos;! proiilidcredvthf .-'(hare Ii" had id t h e bin li n el's- to; be "of t lrt h a ttire of a .trU ; gare a fecurity for t he 'j mount .of. the difputed certificates, to w hit h the ltiiccfVibl claimant mighty and no doubt :il:h aVe'r ectou rie, :s ri.:t3rirT .. Haingf tjius Oated faftshiehl am rendyroroje LniV(lti,llju31? l0 tfiqti? wholpreputat loir) v have .bee:K ,' it fccled by the terms btrcpm3ie'. f Vorh the conmViftce of cfaints, with jut having had anyt communication with me orthe fubXeft al'tho'; it appears iherein that ; 1 am a party materially intereftei, rcqueftr4"that this letter may under the fajp.nf the lame authority, have an equal publicity whb the report that has called it for dv - 7 lL . ' With grear relpefr, ' ' I have the honor tp be, Sir, hour, obedient humble iervahtv , ; UOBER T MORRIS. The Speaker of the Houfe of "Repr.clentativeSj of. '. the United States.'1' 1 :r f Oir motion of Mr. Dv -Kblterrlhis letter; was corn mitted to the conimittee of the whole houfe fo whorn war, refer red the report of -'the Committee of tiamis, qp.thfrpctition Of J. Bv Verdier, and was ordered to be printed '. ' .The pill to , authoriie the. allo wance. of acredit.to William Tatew ell j and tliebill to provide for the fales of rer. tam lands between the Great and Lit. tie tMiamHtivers, were respectfully read a third tiflie and paflfed. Mr Rutltdre movedthat the corn-' mitt'e? Jif the y!iolc houfe to whom was rrferred the bill from theSenare .in. .-uL ditionto the ad. to prohibit the carrying: on-ihftikvc-tradc from the United Stater it any foreign place or country, be dif charged from. tjielfurthcr iot.fideratiqn thereof. ' v- - Uue Wt ne Uiiite"d:$ta'"t tee Vepbrt unfaA'om a,ble to: tHeetttip 1; ; rrsbti in orderto tktfthb lenfe of iJyll the HoiiieV iubmiited &e;foliowi6g; Refolved, Ttiat provvfioni bughr to ..' thargei rom priion of mlblvenr debtbri to the United States. " : lliTcfolutibn"wafa deisate;, and a cpmtt'e; aipbinfed tb, ': 1 bring hi a bill ton0irmabe;theretr, - J :; J- Mr. iiUtlcdge made i motion that if ' 4 Re Solved .ThM a commltree; be appoint. uJ ' Kill k. '1 U Mr. Bayard feconded this motion; wtth a.hop. that the bill would be re. .cdinroU.ei.kjfvJa rxowilopd,: to carry its. pr 6 yilions- into execujian' j- and be wridied them to befo mbdi$ecf-as 1 0 pre Ven i ouTcttiwnsif om" having. any tbio tbdb with fo infamous ne motion was carrieq. qzI. wMr;fe!ra. eni"mved that it ! be rtfe'rej. taa felek committee. V , il:r.RutledgeTopppfedthis:imotiou, aHd jyir.:WaIn advocated itthe motion was agrCcd ta-ah4 three- members ab; T he Houfe tefolved itfelF Into a com. mittce of" the. whole on the bill' to pro- rnpte. toe t manuactlire: or fheet copper agreed tni withbut amVndmenti and lor- der$;tobe the fervict of their m'(leri, .. J A .ort'tjebate took p which' -was negatived ayes 34, hoc ' ''',':;',;:' ' ;':.-; ';,..",;- 0 rmtitn of-Mr; Bayard, the further Cor fid-rmioh of the bill to eftahlifh an ii---- -niformmiluia throughout nie U. Stae, was poftpdnril till the iirft Monday in Dg cemb r 7ne;x tFAy ejfj'f EH,:v:.':--.':-;,. .'Mr. Egglefton ihtn'moVed that the bill for r ftablifhicig 1 a mil? tor )acadtthy , and for the; bttteir organiiing the corps 7 of jfry t dlerifts and engineers j be alfo pbflponed v'"1 ;iii that day. !yz.y: -r yiy--. -'Mr,. H, tct; called for the yeas and nay a upon this queltion which was taken al tol lows treai.o-f naytf 3 ; ' t; ' A Ou motion bf iVlr. Dana, the.. Houfe . a- mm cViniUalej ; An acVYeaWjf tlugfttve ' ;r )iCJ from" j&iHce and perfbns tfcarfrg from . C ' . , 'V 1 iS 2M m " ' w : ivy "' 'i f - 1 i ain went into committee ef the whoie oa e biM to provide for tbe.tJttcution of th lyth article Of th irawiaf imiiy, tu?' merce an1 navigation, made with Grea; Btitain Mr. Rot ledge fn the chair and .Mr Nicholas' araendnjent, wK'tch pr ri des that no perfon (hall be delivered up, where. tiwre ii a concurrent jurifdictpn Winj under corfideration- a l ing debate toj.lt place, in hich it w contended oil one fide, 'that this-Houfe had no tight to put a cbnftrueYion' on the treaty ; arid ou the t)thtr, that no treat r ciild deprive "a niia ' f 1 he rih't of trial by j.;r)i; nor w re it " from our. courts the ibfolure jurtfdicfion given by the conftitution Tne ucftion was negatived. Ayes a -noes ccand the committee rofe and obtained leave to fit agln. t .. ' , -' ..1. A rneflage was rrceired from the Se. riare by Mr." Otis theTrSecretafy, inform- ing the houfe that the Senate a (k a confer'- . ence on; their amendm'tnts to the bill fup- , plemental to the aft fof an amicable fertle. fnent of limits wih tht ftatt of Georgia, and .for eftiblifhing a government i the Mifliffippi Territory-and alfd- that the : Sentte infif, on their, 'amendments the bill to divide the Territory Ni W oF ' -Vi the .Orio ..lotQ.V't' feparate govern- menu. . . . , 4 Manager on the part of this Houfe were - appointed to confer with managers from the Seriite bn both 'the above billi,"7 Mr. Speaker laid before thcHoufe a let " ter from the Secretary of the Treafury , in. clofing an account of the. receipts a,d ex. pendituieS of the United States for the yejr- '79 ';';, y. . ' y - vlr. D. Softer, frqm tbe committee of clairns made an unfavourable report,' on' the -petition of Mfi, Mary Wbotler tfidovr f the deceafed General WobKefY ' ' " Ihirfepofrwatom .-w " HY' V M A. w if IIVUI 1 WWmm icVcomrriit'ted the bill to make furtWpfo v i (ion 3 Whe iorphan ;114 ren of Coiil Ilardingand Majorrf reemaoi whom waa referred the repottsoq the" petiuoni ( 1 - . i . ' 1 " l , " ' , - "" . ., , .. . V ' T?f?, AK'S ;' -. Tuc JbiJl tq prompte tjip.;iapufaclure of ffett7Ccpexb i--: ". r . ? . .,! 1 corporaiiqn cn: a. company under tber Pnjr.;ipr carrying oh tne.ismr.wai rcat : pao)'e:bT the"Pa!uayrk, "omplinyMr; : th'rr d time; apd pafjedaye. Riuledse m the 'chaJri Vhen the biirwas Mr. fev lai'du.he 'fiad 'underftood .. 1 rcMii tjbe.CUrk that feveral volumes of the Ioutnal of the Old Congrf fs, which he Jud been sliretcd, tolbicribe for, .