▲ . 4 A *• V > A‘ *C "i j* 4 • L fcf s «i THE CAHOUNA TIMES SATURDAY MAY 1. 1*37 » Legal Notices Mu th« NORTIT CAROUMA DURHAM COUNTY TRtJBTEB SAI*E OF LAND UND(?K AND ISY VIRTUB of power conferred upon the Trastee in a eertaln deed of trust executed by L. W« Wilholte and wifes Ethel T. WUhoite, and duly rttoorded in the Office of the Refieter of Deede for DurVam Cotsnty in Book of Mortgagefl 148/ at ^ge M7, dAted December 4th, 1V26; default having been made in the payment of the lame tk«t undertigned Truetee will of fer for sale at publtS auction to t^ie highest bidder for eaih, at the Courthouse door in Durham, N, C., on THURSDAY, MAY 27th, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following land, to-wlt; BDGINNING on ttm North tide of Umstead Street, CO feet from Mason Sreet, T. David Par ham’s S E comer and ninnf{)f thence Northly with said ^r- >am’s line, a^out 118 feet to Hen ry Henderson's line; thence in an Easterly direction vrith Hender son’s and Alley line, 50 feet to Fannie T. Spaulding's line; thence in a southeWy direction with Fannie T. Spaulding’s line about 116 feet to Umstead Street; thence with Umst-^nd Str^t 50 feet to t^e beginning 1T« same being a part of the lot to Fannie T. ding and vrifa Fannif T. Spaul ding to Gea, W. Cox, recorded De4d at page 49f, office of Register of Deeds of Durham County. See a!so deed from Geo. W. Cox and wife, to W. Gomes, duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deods for Durham County. , THIS SA;LE will remain open for ten days to receive inreaM 4 bids, as required by law. THIS PROPERTY is sold at 9 the request of the lolder of said note. Dated this 2i6th day of AprQ, 1987. E. R. MERRICK, Trustoe M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attorney BEING LOT NO. U on plat of^the f. M. Proctor land« surveyed and platted by C. Kelvin, survey^ on April, the 2(Khv 1908, which jfaid plat is re »v4ed -in tke Offiea of tha Ra- gist^r of Bdifds of Durham County, N. in .Book of PlaU Nof 1, page 118^* to which plat reiference is hereby given as a Crt of this description. Lot No. on the North side of Mattba W. P. of kind conveyed Snau^ding by deed from Farthing, Trustee. Said deed re corded in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds of Durham County in Deed book 47, at page NORTH CAROUNA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTUB SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee In s certain deed of trust dated detoiber 17th, 1932 , and executed by C. A. Miller (single) and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Dur- lam County in Book of Mort gages 209, at page MS; default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the 14ghest bidde, for cash, at the Courthouse door In Dur?«m, N. C., on THURSDAY, MAY 27th, mi at V2 o’clock Noon, the following described land, to- Fourlli Annual Convention The Nseie Fraleinal OouDGil Meeis Street and having 60 feet on Marti a Street, and ex- tendinc back 150 feet and being 50 feet wide in the rear, and be ing the Iftnd conveyed by the Griswold Insurance Company by deed to whic>i reference is hereb^ made as a part of this description of said property and A^ing re corded in Deed Book .55, at page 541. Reference is hereby made to Trustee Deed from W, H, Wilson, Trustee, to E. D. Pratt, recox ded in Book 89, at page 666, in Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Duriam County. THUS SA^LE WILL remain open for ten (10) days to receive increase bids, as provided by law, THIS PROPERTY is sold at the request of the holder of Raid note. Dated this 26th dsy of April, 1987. MECHANICS A FARMERS BANK, Trustee C. J. GATES, Attorney NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TIJUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon *Jie IVustee in a certain Deed^ of Trust dated December 30th, 1938, and executed by L. W. Wiloite et ux, Ethel T. Wilhoite, and duly recorded in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds for Durr am County in Book of Mortgages 210 at page 82; and default hav ing been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courtouse door in' Durham, N. C. on THiURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1037 at 12 o’clock Noon, the following tracts of land: FIRST LOT; Berianinf • stake On the east rfde of Grant Street, said stake being 100 feet sauih from ti»e iatoreeetkm of Walker Avenue and Grant Street and running thence South 20 drg. 50* , West 50 feet to a stake; thence south 69 deg. 10’ East 150 feet to a stake; thence north 20 deg. R)’ East 50 feet to a a fronting 6f (stake; th«nce North 69 deg. 10’ West 160 feet to the place and beinir mm d \ \ I 4- 11 •a 1 % point of beginning and Lota Nos. 18 and 19 in Block I “C” of the Edgemont Securiti^M Company property as per corr*»ct- ed map now on file in the Re gister of Deeds’ Office, Durham County in I^t Book 3, at page 185. SECOND LOT: BEGINNING e at a stake on the east side ot Grant Street, said litake being WO feet south* from the int*r- aection of Walker Avenue and Graht Street, and running thenc«» south 20 deg. 50’ West 50 feet to a stake; thence South 69 deg. 10* lEmst Hp feet to a stake; thence north> 20 deg. 50* East 50 f»iet to^ a stake; thence North 69 deg. being Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in Block "C" of the Ed^mont Securities Company property as per jtJ^rected map now on file m Register of Deeds Office Durham County in Plat Book 3, at. pegc 185. This aale will remain open for ten (10) dajrs to receive* increase bids as required by law. Thia i>roperty is «pld at the le- quest o( the^telder of said note. Dated thiiilothi day of April, 1937. ’ E. R. MERRICK, Trustee M. HUG® THOMPSON, Attorney I I svkotmo iMmOus rcnidi, »r Mn TO t» f fZGERALD AMERICA'S FmSTlAOYOF SWING. FEMUR£0 WITH CHICK WEBB ( HIS BAND ON RADIO WITH JUMO IBNMiKI IRIXD M m GOODMAN VI*iST BfliitEY IHE (RtSf NT TAP MNCE STAR « X J If MILLS SROTNEIg TfDOY WIISONI OTHfAS A PRODUCTS OF AMATEUR KITE IN HARLEM SUUtuWmjl WSBS uous COSTS US S 560.5001000 _ a veaSi a personal'loss c/f36.4fi amnuallv MAJ'J, woman AHO lUO IN THE U.S.AM OL.VCorp.W4 i « NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certan Deed of Trust dated December 30th,^JLfi33. The Fourth Annual Convention of thle Negro Fraternal Coiincil o Churches in America will meet at the Wesley Center A. M.VE. Zion Church* Center Avanue. Plttaburgi; Pa., *Wednesdj|y Thursday and Friday, the 12th, 13th, and 14th of May, 1037. The Theme of This Convention is,^*The Negro Church Facing A Changing Social And Economic ord^r." Many notable persons will participate in the program and vmonf tham will be, M^ M. Mc^od Bethune, National Youth AdMnistratlon Director, Dr. L* K. Williams, Preaident National Baptist Convention, U. S. A., Mr. R. L. Vann, Editor the Pitts burgh Courier, Dr. Mordacal Johnson, President Howard Uni. Dr, George E. Haynes, Secretary of Rac6 Relations Department of this Federal Council of Churches, Bishop.R. E. Jones, Methodist Episcopal Church, Bishop J. Walla, AME Zion Church, Bishop D. H. Sims, AME Church Rev. Shelby Rooks, '' Brooklyn, N. Y.i Mr. Charles £. Hall, Bureau of Religious Statistics, Waahington, D. C., Dr, James W. Eichelbevg^ er, Christian Education Director, AME Zion Church, Chicago, 111. Rev, J. S. L. Homan, Washing ton, D. C., and a number of othem , Thare are many important things for the Negro Church to do and if ever there waa a need for united action, now is the time. The church must not sleep on tha Job while extraneous doc trines and movements are destro- ying the soul of ouh* race.*^The Church cannot expect a follow- inir when she site dow^ and ne|^ lects the social and economic in- get together and present a united Christian front of the Negro Choirches in Ameri>:a. Signed; Bishop R. C, Ransomi President; Rev. G. C. Coleman, Vice President; BiVacp L. W. Kyles, Execuziv'S Secretary. * 4 Summerize i ' YOUR HOME WITH"^ AWNINGS FOR YOUR PORCHES 4 WINDOWS . " **D»X1E AWNINGS** * ARE MANUFACTURED IN DURHAM _ “DIXI^ AWNINGS'* and duly executed by L. W. WIl- hoite and wife, Ethel T. Wilhoite, 4 and duly recorded in the Offico of th^ Register of Deeds for Durham County in Book of Mort- mpaa 210a, at J>age 80; default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Durham, N .C., on ^THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1937 at I the Register of Deeds*of Durham ■ % • • A t Avenue; thence along and tie north side of said Massey ' Avenue North &9 degrees lO minutes West 297.22 feet to a stake on the east side of Grant Street, point of beginnin^t. being Lots 9, 10,. 11, 12, 13, 22, * 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Block D of the Alston Avenue property of the Ehike Land and Development Fnak 0* Cooper, hi an article in ue “Technical World Maga- sine*’ sayst *^Throughout the United States there are about five rata to everr human being and it la aatlmatea a rat costa about 2 c«nta a day» or 9^*90 a year for property damaged or de stroyed." • Fm fits for aach man, woman and child givea us a total rodent population ox some. 625/K)0,000. Moltlplyinir thla number by the aatimatM annual dama^ per rat of $7.80, w« arrive at tne stupen dous*'' •taffgarhig' sum of |4|062,5OO|OOO| a money figure so gigan^ that thf human iirad c^ ijgattcaace. Men and rata are instinctive enemies. RaU never |ive on their ► go“ .. constant warfare of man ai own account, but foOtfw man roM. In spite at the the r^ the latter ia steadily in creasing in frightfully vast num- ben. The rat must be fought night and day. An example of what may be done by in&vidual and concerted action and by the use ol the right rat poison, waa the success of ^Buffalo, New Yoi^s "Rat Extermination Week" at- Nip was used exclusively, and during the week it was estimated that 1,000,000 rats were com pletely wiped out % Co. as per plat and survey ther-s- ^ of now on file in tie Office of 1«‘ FOR DIGESTION'S SAKE 12 o’clock Noon, the following described land, to wit: Ccu:^ty in Kat Book 5, at page 77, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular des cription of same. See also deed from E. (E. Bishop and wife, of Massey Avenue claude V. BUhop to L. W. Wil- the east side of grant Ethel-T. Wilhbit'.', Office of BEGINNING north side and on Street, and running thence alonir and with the east side of said Grant Street North 20 del^ees County, Book 8, page 514. recorded in the SMOKE CAMELS’ Is e Me. t rale wHk seys ito€erf «jt9forer MjININa THE ftArfDt of ianate river (Mow) one of A. Hystt V«rrin't nerve *nckina exptri- eocat. ** No mmttn what 1 have to go thitxigh “ b« ** ■mokina CamcU teiuiioa ti muu me on the trmU to good Lei C«aeto help yoitr digeetioo by »p«edina up the flow of fluid*, tncreeaing alkAiiiiity. NORTHCUTT 50 min. east 125 feet to a stake, the southwest corner of Lot Ne. I 21 in Block *'D"; thence along and with the south lines of Lots 21 and 8 ip an easterly direction 279.81 feet to a stake on the west sid^ of Colfax Street; thence along and with the west side of said Colfax Street south twelve This sale will remain ope: ten days to receive increase as required by law, gister of Deeds of •AU J DurVam Thia property ia sold at the re* quest of the holder of said notc^. Dated this 26th day of April, 1937. «|*ll ’•-•w 'A I I /sS MEaRldK, Trust 214 l*arrl«h St Darhi N. C. degrees thirty four minutes W-^st 126.2 feet to a M. HUGH THOMPSON, stake on the north side of Massey Attorney •f . V CAMELS COSTLIER TOBACCOS? Im'f im Ml Omm It Bak Onadmr Cnwa, 300 ProdMti. Ift Euyi Do you need Mo*jr? PJ you wish ' k»- pii^h Cream, Face ^wder« Perfumea 300 Products, Work in Spare Time or FuU time.,We show you how to ou don't need any mike up to MOMJA MOWN Hair Dres^ Pomade, Hair Brightener« experience. IMlM a week or up to $€.!• in a single day^ FREE SAMPLES r- Smod No MoneyJ MAIL (HI* rOUl'ON NOW I VAUlOfI MODUCTS CO. fllil. 2SII Iwenwa Av«., CMta^p^ Just fill in coupon ax^ mail it § today for FME SAManJEft of • l to mike ?\tmt tend roe I Hair Drearing, Pace Powder and ! wd Spedd Offer to Asenurifhiswiy. i V Spedal Offer to A wait MM the Vtlmor Products wi Doot. n S9m$ - ! Wt I * I * j Ad^m ; J t r \ THE R0Y4L IC £ CREAM % I \ J J I Sell 0 JUDGE HASTIE ELF.CTEP DIRECTOR OP NAACP \ I f NEW YORK, AprH 28,—Judge William H. Hastie, who sailed April S2 to take up his duties as federal Judge in the Virgin Islanda, waa elected to the board of directors of the NAACP at tire April meeting. Judge Haatie ha been a member of the nation legal committee of the association, but reaigned becauae of hia elevo- tion to federal bench. During his membership oq the legal com- mitUe he rendered invaluable ser ine to the NAACP and the board accepted his resignation reluct- antly and then" promptly, elected him a director. • • So SoodNsir Grower A tlvliiliie Oi^wt lOAc ||k> Iwlr^ reeewmeedeil bj rear 4«rt«r Ur a^lp Dlieaw^ ral- Hsf a»lr. 80-0000 HAIK STKAIQHTtllBR e withevl heel • OMiW (lMt« bexM) 0mm Meee) i*e Bair atm%atisev •••••.• Aeents WftiHee re feetase 80 B^paair ^'al co. ^ P ' * P t ^ ¥. ‘ SiL / FRESH. FRUIT FLAVORS Elinor trf,h fruit in Rojrd rich ic« ereaw. . fr«lt tlial raally U siin ripanad »b«| fr«*kl—with all tli« •rigiaal fl.,or mni taatlneeal Yea can now get aay of theiie Micieue flavertt Prizes "I Ifc VNr..-. ^ Lfood Commiss-ion A CHOCOLAVE • PEACH VANILLA PINEAPPLE WALNUT ' BUTTERED STRAWBERRY banana • CHERRY oOo I «e I ElBETS ; # PINEApPlfi ORANGE ■V V ALL FL/AVORS I Crea Every Occasion r Apply % % 10^ variety ia ke 'crea lUa the bHelu X a flavor#«L different speelal e|^ Cveryeve welcesses a bai^' "of Royal Ice Creaas for aa “in-bet* weea'* saack that is tasty, co^ ref reehlag. I i % A Royal Dettght in Every Bite Peabody St Durham #»■ a Cer. Dew4 aad ReaWere tie. iv: C *1 V • I Jl ij/?

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