■N ; Y TMi jcMOUNA TtMIS lATUtOAT MAT t, IMY Ruth L. Royster EDITOR mnmt Phone L-2421 >tri.-fannh Jims Winmir Of Tl)i$ Week’s Basket Of Broceries :« Jonei of 6M is th« lucky winn«r Wafflra CeffM b«ak*t ot Qme&r- will* iweeiva ume ftow follows; & Eggit If ilk if^eiva ume firom tlw offles ii f&B Carolina Times on Mon4»y morning. Her wmU^t menu fa SUBfDAY C3iill#ii Gw«?«frult Wkfflei C^ffea Aik^ C*cUt*a. " vina|9^ jtrie* Cocktail '^sat B««f J*otRtd6 • Pargley’ letter Caitots in Btm«r Creamed Cmullflower Rill# Almond ft* Cw«»* C«H«e ' vVppWF ■ if .... Vf^reteble Sitad Raisin Brtad. ^ilk Slittk* Cap CUcea MONDAY ;*ll^e4d«d Whaet To«*t /Jtnnrbirrt# Coffwt Mitk mKnit« Cr»ck«ra H««i V«C^aA>lM Cora Mn»ing '^inpnr Ab Fruit Salad Oat Meal Cookiea Stew«d Fruit Tea Diaaer Cream of Mushroom Soup Rye BreL Meat Fte Spanish Rice i Peas, Lettuce with ■ |fiian Dressing ~ ' Lemoal kherbet Coffee 1 1TUESDAY BraaldaJ Grapes 1 1 . Freaeb Omeia* MuffinI 1 Cofifee Mll^_ Laa^ _ 1 [■ ■ ■ * ^ Roaslj Porfc' Jrllh Pinapple Browned Potatoes Cabbage *!?* J aked Custmrd Coffee Celery,' Baeon Lii>«h C1:«M Fondoa A«pai«gi>a Salad I'm Dtnasr 6»3)«fnxit Cod(ftail Poti^* Cro4uatt«li Saat« Com Cornbread Sticks' P«ar Eblad Black Beiri* Pfo —Whipped Cream »». ....Milk TstmsDAnr Brsakfaat Stewed Peaelmg Oatmeal with Milk Marmalade Coff«s ~ Laaeb Spinach and 1^^ Cole Slaw ChldceB Sandwiches Tea IMiiaer Orange Coektai 1 Lunk Roart Baked Macaroni * . Toniato Salad Stoinff Bmm lee Creara . Coffee FRIDAY BrvaWaet ; Stewed Apri^tiT' F. Toast Syrup MQk L««ek CheeW n-lttert witft Satsee Molded Yae«tal)le salad, Cntckers , Cuidied 9. 'Potatoef Tea Oiaaier «. V^table Consomme Trout Lemon SaAec ' Potatoes Stored Tomatoes Pinealtple Pie Coffed Mitk Coffee’ ■i. T9m»tp DOADTHY D t ■rTOMmMMMfia OHaed Pt'Wid^ IVhI* Cockt^ OlivfS Slio«Ider of Veal ■potettres Gre«n Pea# *App|e Pie 'WEDNESDAY Chided OrmgB Juice Tea Milk SATORDAY Breakfast^ * . ■ ,i . ^ ..~Bt&nas with Conflakes nnd Milk Creamed- Dried Beef Uoffins Coffee " Milk Lttacli Meat ^ Buttered Beets Biscuits Prune Qattard Cocm -DfinOT *— Cream of Com Soup Meat Lima eans Brussel Sprauts Date Cake witH Wllti^ed Cream Punch Wqman • s Wor 1 d (Per A. N. P. > Preah Pkh, Inaz{MaitiTa meat prices still sorinoc. ap an up housewives should help l^tect the family budget by pur. frksh fish. Fr^ wholeome s^ food means economy and should be included in iheidiet Co improve the health .Dietitians and do^otn recommend the frequent use of fresh fish. Here are some important points to remember wMle buying fredi „ Il|fidi. (1) fVlien prened with tl«e “P forefinger 1 the flesh should be |i firm and elastic. (2) There I shouldn’t be a reddii^ color on . I; the under side. (3)' Tte pupils " shoi^ be jet*llke and pronounc ed and cot gray or shrunken and the eyes full and brigl*. (4) The - ^ gills should be a .bright red in color. (5) The scales must be firm and sfcould be smooth and not ea»ily_?uWied off_^ patches., (6) There idiQuld be iio offen sive odor whatever. i%e scent •V'ould.hft of natural Maweed or K IREE l &cK Week Basket^Of ^ a clean seashore. ■-* ^ Piah la Smmmk Steak Fish—^HplUibttt, ludce cush and pollock, ll'iese fkii have very littliB ,waste and ^e ntoidi ecMio- lafeaL ^ Fish for Baking or Broilfng— bluefish, halibut, s^ bass, botrer fidi and King, ^ad and Spanish or Boston mackerel. Roe dtad is higher priced but th« price of the two are the same. King ma^erel is a large fish and ean be bought in pMts. ^ . iFilet—-Lemon ^e,71^uke «nd haddock,, botii fredi and Hnoii»l. Pan Fish—Croakws, blue mac kerel, bluefish* «a ban, flounrf- rs and whStingi. The fish listed above are best at tiii» season, .and available. Fish 5 Fillet Florentine>—^Two pounds lemon sole, t^ree pounds spinach, one fourth pound grated ^eese, salt and pepper, dne fourth, cup butter, one and one half tidile^oons flour, one and one l;alf cups milk. Here is a costume tiiat yon must add to your wardrobe.. A two-piece sheer di^ss with an interMctingly draped front. The cape and matching skirt can be of a . light wool material, which will be very suitable for those evenlngi in spring and sum mer. TI:« illustratioH depicts the ^^ Clean and cook spinach with out adding water, turning as it begins to cook. When barely ten der, drafn' and chop Iboars^y. Make w'hite sauce of butter, ^our wd milk, seasoning well. Place spinach in baldiV dish, cover with the cleaned fish ffllits, aild sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and dot witl,i butter. Bake in a moderate oVen for 30 or until brown. Serves six.. Haddock Pie—Three cups of flaked haddock, free ftom sitin and bones, twff taMespoonsbut- ter, six tablaspoons flour, two ci5isTB^*WirTStieipoaw1emmr julce, one ta>blespoon Worcester shire sauce, mashed potatoes and sprii^e^ grated cheese over the top. Ifake a white sau«e of ^e but ter, flour and milk. Add season ings and flaked haddock. Place in a greased baking dUh. C^vur with mashed potatoes and sprin kle grated cheese over the top. BtSice in a moderate oven for 20 minute* or ua'til nicely browneid. Pkinked Shad Roe and Bacon 'Wrap shad roe fully in thinly, slced bacon. Place in pan ai\J in, modara^iy hMted oven for i'i minutes. iPlace bn' plank' and garnishj with whole baked Ijmatoes^ fried oysters and. mush- various ways in whic this cos tume may be combined. All ^n all, yon have four complete cos tumes in one. Navy wit powder blue, or thistle; black or brown, with; be ige ; and grey with navy main in teresting color combinations. FAVORITE RECIPES OUR WOMEN READERS OF This column is to publish the faviqrite lecipes n» the women readers of this paper^ Write your ^vorte reij?e. on^ihe ba^k of a post-card, addresa it, and mail If to tile tfi|itor of this page, 117 Pealwdy Street, Ihirham. Be sure “ ^gn your name to the 6ard. That's allf there is to it, itS all so ^ry «asy. Let's ' see just hpw many ^od cooks there really are. ^ISH PIE 1 1-Obs. Ballbut^ haddock 1^2 H>. shrimp* 1-2 l>b scallops 2 tbsps. flour 4 small onion 1 tbsp, chopped onion 1 carrot 1 stalk celery 1 ts. chopped paraley, l*‘bouillon cube chicken salt and pepper Rich pie paste Put whok onidn, carrot, celery and salt uid pepper to boil in a shallow saucepan with 1 qt. vifiiev and after boiling W minutes, add fke piece of iiah, and cook until done. Remove skin and bones place the fish on a plate, and re* turn the rifin and |>ones to the iM^illon to continue cooking for Serve with hoiseradish Is offering to tho rl planning the beet the w«eh:, riiicli will era ■M and ^ Cola, ajig with ^-Jilocerii prove ■)( tirA tot tkte conteit are m t. Aay weaaaa «r gM ever ttf years of age Is dllgihle,1Mh«r tluM tbe atenber* •( faqUBes ■* A* ttan of Am CAROUNA TIMES. 2. All ealrtet mati'i)* la by Wedaetday May 8, It37. 3. NeataeM canals as M tka plaaabig af the asaids. 4« Only wrfte on mm sMa of that paper, Ua# as waay sepemla alMMta as BM>y be* ea^^d. S. Saad aatries la Edhar irit Womaas* Pag-, Canfltaa Tissas 11? Peabody Str^t, The best plana^ menu ed will bo announced -In next weeks issue of thJts paper, it wU^ tliiM irinnan nuae tHU W Tte ifta^or wiU be asked A dA at At link TimM olflea ha ba|ket 0# fl»oe#riM SILVER’S Cabbage - 3c FRESH GREEN 2 Ua. NEW IRISH Potatoes PINK N.O 2 Can Coro VEGETOLE SiHTEWG •“ CHEESE lb. Caa 6c 10c l^cl CartOB U>. Lb. 21c 15c ARMOURS^PURE FmK SAUQSAGfe LANG'S PICKLES PINTO beans »0 oa. t Tlie First PIciiicipi The Season Promises Many HapprOays Aliead IN «ALEIGH OrriCE OT W. C. •fUTUAL LITE WS. COt IT 'WHIN the air growa baimy and the first green leaves appear —when there is certainty that tiny buds will be l^und p^epinz up Item ground that not-Jio long ago was starii a»d frosm comes the picnic ui^e! First of all, there is the matter of equipment to consider—^for picnicking is a bore unless care ful plans and ease in the pl'epara* tion of the outdoor meal. If you plan to eook,ypur dinner over a camp fire (and that is real fun> youpi want some sort of rfill. There are long legged grills with the legs idiarp pointed to stick in to tile ground that will be a joy for many seasons. But if vou haveft’t one take the «^1 your stovb and stand it some large rocks placed on side of the fire. ?' Choose the man who fancies himself as a Boy Scout to build ygur fire and .wait unttl he has produced a bed of glowing coals before beginnnig cooking opera tions. Meanwhile yon can rtart tfa« coffee. Set it on • rock Joat at ttie lide of the fira where tha coffe* may begin gently brewtaig —^latar it may be plaeeH nearer Uie coala. Hera wre aeme app«- tbe^ti^ quenchers ^t may be pre pared outdoors. over sach 1«& miutes, ^n add bouillon cid^. Melt butter in saucepan, add finely-chopped onion, . and just before the onion bei^ to brown, add flour. When well blended, pour in 2 1-8 cups of the atimined liquor in which the fish has boiled; add parsley and S4«lt and pepper. Break ^e flshf into pieces: lay Ik ir desp^ btritoi|^j>dirii;—4^temat^ melted add th* meat cakes and ing withy, the b'^ed shcleld «>ok them quii;kly but take cmi’C shrimps and boiled scallops. Pour tiiat the butter does not scorch, the sauce over all, and cover with j When they are finialied brown pastry, in which several incisions the split rolls in flie butter and- have^been made. Wet edge, and put the halves to getler with the meat cakes in between. Tomato 21 thinly sliced and browned in the butter may be placed in the rolls CMII Ea Caa«M4»l« Soak » pint of dried kidney beans ov\ Brown a pound of chopped Aeaf and a choppad onion bi four tabeapoons of fat Add two tdblWfl^oni of flour to a can of twsatoes, mix well and add to the meat.' Add the bCims, 1-2 cup cooked rice, 1 table)«K»on a«lt, out tableq;H>on ehili powder 1-4 teaapoon tfeyaie, 1-8 teaspoon ^^as and 1 1*2 pinta ^ter or meat stock. Cook until it reaches the boiling point, then poor nto camerole, cover, pot tato tlw oven and cook very slowly in a m«>de- rate oven for 3 1-t hours. . _ f-H!^ -■ . Taastad Haaabiarg Rolls ^ '{f you plan to maka tiueaa over your picnic fire you’ll hare to tidce an irra ddUet along. Bu9 larg* ilat, round rolfai atfd a Ib- or tat© of f^eidUy ground ham burger. A pound makes eight *0 ten good servings. Season tha meat well and make into .lat loose cakes the M*e of the rolls. This should tbe done at home and the cakes wrapped in waxed pe- per. Put a libie himp of butter in the skillet Mid when it has WHAT TB REAO Miss Carrie lMb«U Ymmgmim, Daagbt*r 9t Mr. a^l Mr*. Jl. W. Yaai’gtB ot RaSaifk, wb« a>err*4 aa Piibtic StMognMiM^ lor tb« past She*. m mmm •BfAoysT^ Offie* of tb* North Cwdlin Matoal Life laaaraaea Ctriynj. Miss Inei E. Robbins of 809 Glenn St. spent tbe week-end with Mim MasiP. Cotton and friends at Palmer Memorial Inst. Sedalia N. C. where rte attaaded the eelebration of the thirty-fitfh anniversary of tie school. , ■ Th»e will be a play given at the Lyon Park School on ^ Mon day n^ht. Hay Srd, at 8 P. M. sponsored by the three choirs of the 2nd Baptist Church, under the direction of Mrs. Floisie Marklwn. The play is entitled. Over The Kills ■ to tlw—ftior By Afcaa. JL« Fita^aralJ Peo^ arc S91# ^ite a Mt ef fkfiM. Ferfw^ . WMthla^ to do mH>. th« tn»d, Aaymqr tb«r« ari akmy ■*w libdks ims. Hn, yw asdl yvit ^M>ol4 siep by your library and read mmm af thf fali»wiag Bov^; MMTtKrmt Padiai'a Fla»« tai tiMh Wlad fa wmtt riSaBflt" flM IhMone la very ailHttiaaa for a ata^ aunewr. saacaada in her earaar, brt faUa ia lii^ with ' a bla« Mood wha daiaila acfa'ea- am bewiose ana tmm Made kto famfly Ufa tsalappy. ■« fiaalTy gives fai to b ia lota and idl happily. As lisng As X T f~r - Lo> ring it tba aaoal lova atory, yet it is rtiaaidMag aad a^ as tN^ first breathe af Soma N«i' fletiaB baala are •• mm. Mmw. tM aa taka amirie Oa bc«k by Matjaria Bfl-f Ks—Live Alone and Like ll. It to tha aaaat tntertaining and jaaeua- iag book tlyit luu pasari th» ■vay in quite a whfle. It is mp> poaedly a guide for the extra wa- SoBM of tJ^ etei^era listed ara: Solft^iy ConflaeiBen^ Who Do You Thiak You Are? Wlwa A Lady Needs A-Priend, EtSqjaetta for a Lone Fefude (Siaec ttara ariT so many of us ibis etet«^r might ba helpful,)^ A La^ and Her Liquior, More'Etiqmi^ft* for An Extea Woman, 1 PraniM an Bouse.’' enjoyable evenig with this book. Mrs. E. N. Toote af Pekoe % is ueong tb^se on the sick. put around » rim of paste, close to edge.'Bake 12 minutes in hot Oven^ (460> deg. F.) then reduce (3501 an(rt#ke 20~mtn. ^^tflr'the itteat-eake*, oE,_£lioEpe i, Seive, 4s sweet pi:kle may be used. VAL'CE'V?^'! EcMal M! Fine Quality Tasty Bologna 2 2Se AMR PAOI MUA Dressing s I* lie S1}LTANA PEANUT BUTTER i« ]. ISb MHKl ASSOR^ 4 80UPS 2 em 2So' ™pac« t ^ PRESERVES »•> ' i®*awbeny aat wm^un aiiM^ airite. -f Ballard’a Obelisk -Lb. Sag Triangle Swaet Mixed or CberfclH Pickles 12 Lb. Bag Q«aH Jftr 20c Colonial Slie^ or'Halvaa PEACHES we^ a t-a Caa • life Virginia Maid Peanut ^ ■ ' V-. 25c Butter : Fine DrMI Pinto ■% Jar ^— ' a Lb. Beans Colonial Brand Baking S Uka. 25c Powder t-Lb. Caa 15c Fine Qaality Small Teller FRANKS Lb. I9g{ BOLOGNA 2 25e WALOOKr ' TISSUE 3 Mk i3t PH1LUF8 TOMATO ^ JUICE 4 »“ !^5c Bmaam isles bbcmuk suca — PINEAPPLE 19g NRCTAB OBAKa nOCM TEA v4-ib. pi«. I5e SdOrxnDKLO WAmw emmjkwnmmmt ^ BUTTER o—mSSc Syrup, jboi ^aarKettl ^ Ifc; t , Caaa Ciaiforaia Oval Sardines (Md Vfa%iala Aaawted Preserves 2 Taaly-niailiiBe Cradcm t-Lb. Jan 1 IK. bMT.. -H MNA FLOUE » Lk JEWEL 3B0RTENipi ^ 41b OtfUMI 8 lb etriim Sugsr It lb Fuix LIME nmm wmam LOWESf

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