^cAyiWMA- fl«|(,»ATuiu«iijr MM :Stt. miM Ineteen Outstanding Companies Combine To Pnsli Big Program AMERICAK delectation PH0T0^RAI>HE0 IN fL^TI . HICHMONO. V*. May S,^(A |^}_Cxeetithrc*, offidkls, «id HlwmMi niajbwl*f •Mora tlum 1,000 ftiid reprcMntiag ( 9i tk« atkin'a ovtstwadinr N«- gn |pMirkae«/e«»mpMiiM mw kuy Wyinc pUuii for NfUonitl Kegro JbMonacf Week, MAy 17 to 22, faatam «f th« pn)grwa bcisf •eqoltltioB of 11^,000,000 fin nvw ,iwiifanM, •Amtinf the poUie oa th* vklu* of Ufa inBorwtc* m ftmfly umI tndtvidosl protection •ad riu>wiBC th« important pe tition the {Bsaranc* busintaa holds in til* aocial and «co the aattoi. The Natioiu] K«gro Insantnce AModatton, beaded by W. S. Bonul^, Anc«>ta, Ga., aa presi* deaf^ ud composed of 19 mem ber ecwipuiea, ja sponaorinit "in- aaraaee week,’’ jdetafla of the bis ivograai bein|r/wwked ont by a special AaK>ci»tioQ , ceaunittee iMadad by George W. Cox, Oar* Imub, N. C., aa'chairman, and .C. 1a Thowaes, Richmond, Va., as aeeretary. Putt of the coramit- tee’a promotiohal plan includes erotactiair the hoine offices of all ■leaiber companies, makiniT them -tedhridnal naits wMch, by thpir eoep^Ktioa with the Ai>s^riatiiR% Ceatral office, will giv^ nat.lm- eovcrace to the masy eyente . mad for Inrarance Week. j t,000 N«w «■ CMBp*aie«’ Fayrell* The 19 mcni>er companies Aasaciation now have a total 8,MS colored employea on 'payrolls, placins thei^ in froqt rank among: the nation’s ored employers of Necro labor 1 offering unlimited olkportuni- ^ for adTancement for those ir.« ed in leaniins *U angles of insonugee IttsiiTanee Week will also stress |m the general public the neci^ “ " ' “ “ - I Isity of -pltcing thier business, with ' deceased. Ne«TO financed and operated eonekms in order to help raise economic level of the race and %6 ioereaais Usm employment of Ne gro youth. Addresses, semonsi special ' mMtings, and cdnlette win i>e held, and a national pabli- city program inaugurated show ing by facta and figures the enof' mens volume of business tnuiMC- ted annually by th4 colored fish firms of the country. heir Orar $300,)00,000 lasarance *» 1»3 official# de,' the lack of knowledge on' the part of the general piiblic as to the extent of the Negi'o life in- urance lousiness and poi^ withj pride to the more than |3^,000, 00|0 of insurance in force in 1936. Total assets of the Negro com> panics amount to |20,351,823, and the Legal Reserve, $14,S60,~ 2«9. Other illuminating statistics of t^e Association's 19 men»ber om|»anies for the year of 1985: Total amount paid beneficiaries and ik>licyholders, 14,478,278; total amount paid employes of the companies in salaries, com missions, etc., 14,573/093; total amoant paid Negro physicians, 173,580; total amount jpaid Ne gro printers, |64i698; and total amount invested i nfirst mortga ges on Negro property, |8,233,> 920. - - Study of the foregoing figures discloses the interesting fact that the total aibount paid in salaries to the 9,00i0 employes, and tlie total paid to the companies’ be-' neficiaries ^ and policyholaers were jast about tte same, indica ting that as much of tSe induv try’-at money Is paid out -for tfee living as to beneficiaries of thd Member compani(?i of the N*t’l Negro Insurance Assertion are as^ follows: •Afro-American Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville Fla.; Atlanta Life InsunnceCov '4^ Atlasta, Ga., Central 14f^- Insur ance Company, Tampa, f'la.; Great Lakes iMutual Insurance Company, Detroit, Mich.; Guar anty Life Insurance (fowpan^, Savannah, Ga.; Louiaiana Life JnsiirMice Company, New Orleans La.; Mammoth Life £ Accident Insiirance Company, "tionkville, Insurance Company, Durhanf, N. C.; ra^im Health A Life Insur ance Company, Augusta, Ga.; Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company, Richmond, Va.; South ern Aid Society of Virginia, Ini;., Richmond, Vs.; Supmieme,Liber ty Life, Insurance Company, Chi^ cago. III.; Unity Mutual Life In- nvirfinc9 Company, Chicago, 111.; universal Life Insurance Com pany, Memphis, Tennrj Victory Mutual Life Insurance Company, Chicago, 111.; Virginia Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Richmond, V»-; Winston Mutual Life Insurance Company^ Wins ton-Salem, N. C.; North Carolina Negro Insurance Association, Winston-Salem, N. C.i Richmond Negro Underwriters Association, Richmond, Va.; South Carolina Negro Underwriters Association. Charleston, S. C7; Underwriters’ Association of Maryland, Balti more, Md.r Washington Life Un derwriters Association, Washing ton; D, C.; arid Washington Man agers’ Insurance Assoeiation Washington, D. C. *' ■4 1 -i I ' j n 1. ♦ f 17 i ^ ^ I 1 ■ w n: . uj.,; : ' ~~lFCftte *1 legalioa of Uading colored Anerleani, ttaadiiiff—on atep* of tli^ Hotel Spl«adi«~-«t Port-au- Priaea, Haiti, tlie fiMti hotel iiv tho Repablic. in froat b Major R. R. Wright, Sr^ PhHadeiphia iMuiker, who organlaad and wa* okairaiaB of tlia d|»l«gatloB, and ■•it to Major Wright it Attorney 9aa««|eV Dacatar McGU) *f Jack* •obtUIo, n*- Standlag behind M«Mawie:r Mi •ha«x,> f&mo» "Happy Am I' radio erangelk.t of Wathingloii O. €.. and Uhiad Mr. MeGilt «• Or. Charlat Clinton Spauldinfi notod bankiag and iaturanea ex- •aative of Oariuua, N. C. By El* dor Michaax, with can*, ia At torney W. H. C. Brown of New port N«w», Va., and neat toi him i» Mr. A. L. Lewti of Jack»orfrilU Fla.^ retired intarance coaapany health on the trip, and was royal ly anfcertaiaod hT^Haitiaa goTern- ment official*. They decided, as reaalt of the trip, to urge Amer ican Nei^o tonriat* to viait Haiti, and will «Mh ta ereato a larger market ia America for Haitian pr'adueta, particularly Haitian eeffoe. (CalTiB Service) Vote Trading Perils _ ^ti - Lyncliing B i 11 In liie Senate IMC—I am a farmers wife and wcjuld lilce to have some informa- tionT 'There are three or four fci- terprizes' I am interested in and which ope will I make the moat profit, Tro|B Ans: You will make more pro fit out of the plrticuiar enter priser t^t you devote the mosc time mud effort to. Tlie best thing j[ar you to do would be to raise Chickens, Turkeys, and otl:er fowels as well m» aome truck farming on as lange »"ale HM-~Do you think my ftrlend thinka enough of me to marry very soon? Ans; Yes—he does. I believe that ha would have already pro posed to you if he had the sligh test idea that such a proposal would be acceptable by you. I don’t thmk either that you would seriously consider marriage even if he asked you. panion. TAA—Does my boy friend car^ for me as I do for him aad wHl we be married aeon and lu^tpy? ^ Ans: This man is not free to marry anyone. iJveo thoofh hia eatrsnged wife iittiyrjksdl •fate te haa not aecui^ a divorea. A marriage now would not be la* tal. —I- — Washington Colaasnist Says Tliat Votes for Sapreaae Court Cluknge Are Being "Boaght” with Pro asises ta Drep Aati-LrjracMng Le- gialatioa; Letter* to Senators ? Urged by NAACIf ACCXDEMT hospital SSURANCE^ SICKNESS fidelity ; BAIL ^45UlffiTY BONOS SODIHESN FIDEUn HUTDAL . fflSURAMCE COMPANY THE WILY CASUALTY ANY CHARTE«EO IN NORTH^CAKOLiNA North Carolina KNOXVILLE EOITOR OBJECTS TO SCHOOL LC^TION fc. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — (O — Editor Webster 1* Porter of the East Tennessee News, last week, I said in part; “Negro citiz^a-- 'feredr definite - protest to . plac ing the new school behindj the cow barns of Knoxville College, in a muddy ravine that is hardly fit for a hog wallow.” WASHINGTON, D. C. April 80*—A deleclarajbioa that the So- nate is laying aside the anti-lyn- cbing ibill and using it to trade for votes in support of the PVesi- dent’s supreme cou^ plan was made this week by t’aul Malian, tonrof-titfr hoot informed writeiv here, ia his syndicated column, “News Behind the News.” Halloa declares this, use of the anti-lynching bill for trading por- FUNERAL piRECTtAS! Ataibalaaea Sarviaa PUONIS DAY J-3721 -* NIGHT J-3T2* DURHAM, N. C. B22 EAST PETTIGREW ST poses, with other reasons, mukea passage “more doubtful.” Two 'Seeeks ago, - during the fight for the anti-lynching bill in ti e House, M^lon reported in his column that Senator R«Fbcrt P. Wagner, of New York, co-spon sor 0* the anti-lynching bill in the Scaate, had tdfd House^ lead* ers for the bUl that if they paas- ed it he felt sure it would pjksfl the Senate. / Now it appears that in -^the desperate fight to win votes for the change in the supreme court, votes ^are being over by a promise that if the ponents of the anti-lynching bill will vote for the court plan, the court plan supporters will agrree to block the anti-lynching bill. Workers for the anti-lynching bill could not verify this proce dure, as no Senator, naturally, vnould admit it, but there ii^' a very great possibility that some thing of this sort may delay the anti-lynching bill if tte support ers back home do not speak up tc thier senators through letters and Coatianed on page five . EXECUTIVE SECRETARY EB—My son was forced to marry a girl and I want to know if he waa as guilty as - claimed and will he be happy? Ans; He certainly will if you and the members of the family will do everything possible to make him contented with the girl He ia doiniT the oaly decent thing-and in time he will come to love his wife and the lovely chiid. ABY—Tell me if 1 would bo doing right to follow my husband to another town? Ans; Ihren though at times it might not be agreeable to you- it is a wife’s duty to follow her husband whereevep he ia forced to seek work. He made a vow to support you and tf ths lAeptng of ^is now neceslMtates a changc of residence on his part-then follow. LMU—Will 1 ever get any of. the money my brother died own* fall? HJl pwr w*p«y »e but sfil that my brother owed ma any* thing? Ana; You could in all probabi lity collect the money if you have a written eonfract or agreement lawfbHy executed by your - toot her. If* you do have any such item-then it would be necessary that you take your case to court, otherwise you have- no hope un* less his wife is willing to pay. r, . ■ RG—Please tell me : if any oi my relatives are living? Ans: You have numerous dis tant relatives livinc in several southern states. You could easily locate them without - a long search if you will only make an effort. Write your grandmother in Alabama. Milliard Saxby Towa*end, E*a- cutiva »9cr«tary of the rejpently named Brotbterhood of Railroad Dapot, Bn* Ten^inal, Airport and Dock Redcap*, Attendants - and Porter*, with headqnart^r* in Chicago, aad who*e meaaberahip now noara tltei 1,000 mark. The ftedcapa organisatioii will hold it* •eoond annual convention in the Windy City, May 17-19. (ANP) CLA'—Tell me could tiray—strecBSB trylng"^ to" girl Lhave - in tnlnd and make introduction to hc Ans: It^ is a ture thitiff you^ won't have any piMCOs until you try. If possible arrange a friend to introduce you to her. Don’t be backward, timid, or bi|«hfuK neither too >bold. In my opinion she will make a charming; com- SMR—Does this man really mean me well or ia he just fire- tending?- Ans: If the man was not sin cerely intarested in you, he w^pld not waste hnis time with you. After all there are other women tiiat he could go with so. wh/ continue to doubt liim and make yourself so unhi^^py. NOTEi—Year qaeatloa wBl W anawared FREE ia this colam» ONLY wiMa a eiipplag of titia celwBB ia oadoMd witli YOlffC QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAMB rnaai^cT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE RE PLY sead twenly-fiT* ceat* andi a s^f>addra**ed, alaaiped eava for uy NEW ASTRMjOGIt kkADlNG and. iiaeelva by Mail my FREE ADVICE ea THREE QUESTIONS. Sead all letter* t* Abba Wallace, care pf THE GA* ROLINA TIMES, P. O. Boa t» DarWm, North Caroliaa. SAYS MISSISSIPPIANS MAY BE CIVIUZED IN ^ 10,(^ YRS. BI64 SH8E SHOP 111 s. MANGUM ST. PH(»fE J-S871 -I Mioiu CALLED FCHt AND delivered *^ATCH THE BLUE FRONT* tiapAIBS DOraS BY EXPE3EIT WORKMEN JAMES JOJTON. PMlprieter bt bothtfTM with on aMtomopnt •n.9«ur •■nkt bull . ft ^000 of tiw not! yoa iiar«. i OMi fmr hooM, plan to buy on* now ttf {My for OM, or to mako • me in keetring your Hair in CirawiN MadaM OLORY helps Ifi bti i* rUb iKo Jbus «ni ym iww ^•»aa NAIII loe to soften and IlcvB «• worry gbout porking ipoM mr PiHlp |m IM Isng, brtk^ bump«n mnd iwwrfiii dead loolEing hair. Before you should be abk) to kno^ It you diasa your hair ln. attracttva fashion wiUch would win the admiration of ywr frienda and loved once. Remember, your hair ia your arewii|si(i «lary Somakeyouiselt h^>j^ and proud by sporting a b^u- tiful bead M well kept hair. • Kama IXir/ianiPuUlc 00 tilt market today SAMNG R&6UURLYN0W S XfiSt ftiifclflf Itislo rimftabo hold you ba^ any longer. Just a^id naioa juidaddxeaafor _ . ad vice aad leam iiow ei^ it it to have beavtiful atraight -lialr with Mb jaw J^iiaa IUHi,«UNnr. Hiuiyt write todayl MAOAM JOMCB C«W SYRACUSE^ New York, May 2,-T-The Itack Hill, Miia., Iyil6h- injr in whi» one victim was al lowed to escape with a beatijilg after two others had been tor- ftured with blow torches and bur ned to death was cited by Fred Betts, oolumnist in the Syracuse Herald, aa an indication that the jtfississippians may become civi lized in 10,000 years. Says Mr. Betts* “The fact that, after torturing one Negro to death, and i^ooting another and burning hia.jbody, the mob let “Shorty” dorrah escape without gourging his eyes out, would~ seem to indicate that Mississippi- ans have now passed the Heander- thal stage and that there is now stage and. that there ia now a chance of civilising them dur- . inj> the next 10,0010 years or bo." [in the celebration.' TO THE PACIFIC COAST AND THE FAR WEST Bishop H. L. Fishel'- Preaident of ti:e^United Holy Ch^h Of America Inc. with head(piarter» In Durham, N. C. and New York City left for the Pacific coast and the far west this week to b* gone for a period of seve^ weeks He has engagements at Chica^^ Milwaukee, Seattle, Wash, and Tarama WMhinxton, Portland Oregon ahd to*. Angeles. Will preside at the Annual Convoca tion in San Francisco, Calif. May lt6th-23rd. The celebration of his 32nd Anniversary as pastor af the Go»* pel Tabernacle churchi clos^ Sun day. Several 4 the larger and smaller churchM of the city and othier neaiby cities with their choirs and bongregaittons Joined Mia OR. MWWItl BANKN/U

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