•r- mm tm CA»OtiMA TlHjei SATUt&AV may •. TMT rJit Editorials Comments Ike Car*liia Tiies dbAibl mtih owtau J THX CASOIiINA TBUSS PUBUSHlNfl W-, !**• J-WI *■•*♦*» L. E. AUSTIN, EDITOR K.tk U »U..f Uif Eiitor Tb^— AJTWtUfaii Mmamfr BimaCBSFTIOii SATKS U.omr Ywr ia Airvum; $1^ P«f Six ' A«tT«BW; ^ ' ISJ^I Othwr OoootriM, la.OO Entered m eecoiHl-cl^M matter at tiw puthMS fogtdtk*. BBfcr act of Mmttb »rA, 1879. jLdrudttBg BeputsMBt— Thm inlomi^iw eoncersin* n*tlon»t -edveitiliew r»tM, addrsM all coinnn»i««£(oM uy CAAOUIM. lUtiBB, Dorbun, N. O* SATURDAY l(IAY 8. 1§37 , ■ • ~ I,., COMMUNISM WINS A^IN Tha Communi«t Party added a/otfae* feather toita cap last wec-k wiiw th* United aute. Supreme Court handed down « decuiwn ifiv- tna Aar»»o Hemdon hi* freedom from an 18 to 20 yeu M • S«oi»ia etoain gang. The .entence placed on Herndoft Ivad^uc, th« fauntiet of aU the lower eourta of GaoiV*. there were thoaa wbo felt that the verdict mi«fet b« upheld by the pation 8 tribtmaL .u-——— Mcmficaot u tfc« fact that it i* mort always the Communiat pwty or tha Nation^ Labor4)ef«nie which sttaddies the path of all cro hatisff groupe and org«*isatioiu abd declares that, “They Shall i»»mm»» It -iriii be hard for- the YMCA, the church, fraternal jr- ganiMtiona and other agehciee for right and jurtice to explain to Megroea why they ahould not amhrace CommuniBm ijrhen apparently ComraaniBm ia the only organization which tJiey can depend on for help in Uie time of trouble. Angelo Hemdon bad committed no eerious offense gainst eo- eiatj. He to th« Highsat trttunal in the land, was within the boonda of the law to aasemhle with fellow citiaena, and to apeak fgy.nt «y syrtem he might think antagonistic towrd hi» develop- Geoigia did not »e® it in that manner, and as is alw^s the ease irtien a N^o standr before the courts in Georgia, Hemdon re ceived »o »«ey at the hands of the law that sUte. Eighte^ to twGity years is a long time to serve on a ^iain gang for holding i ting, and |i|Msessig any kind of literature, but what is time wlMD the freedom of>a Negro is at stake in Georgia? _ ffT u we hava be«i able to leam t}i« National I^bor De- ji fkw' done an or most of the figniting to save Hemdon. Thous ands of dollars have been raised and every conceivable source of asaaa 'pressoi« brought to i>ear on the law to force it to give Hem don his freedom. Here is something new, something idealistic, »nd an nTyimtinn which places ideals'* and huinan beings above money cannot be stopped. This nation was bora ^ the minds of meh aad .v^nm with ideals of freedom and - liberty, ahd as we have often Mid it may be 7Un now by a bunch of ps^tical ."Crookij, . lmt itS'foundation was erected by those who treasured their rights ■bova financial power. He’ Carolina Times commends the National Labor Defense for Its aaccessfnl fight to save Angeto Hemdon. However resentful .•tlwrs may be of thii organization they have got to acknowledge not beep for tba National Xabor Dftfenaft. Hern* NTO A SHORT SHORT STORY Smi» Kellev iller Write.., don would have been wearing a number instead of a respectable dttaea’a dotiiea, t n I ' ^ , ♦" ... . - MOW THE WORLD SLEEPS ■'v • « (By Nauia Davidcoa, W. Virgiaia State Collect) Ton can’t escape diath and taxes—^yes, and sleep. It is interest- ing to consider how, in our normal lives, each day ends with going to aleep. It seems tfajat everywhere, for eve^one, each day ends with the same thing. For some, day ends witb the going do^''of the ana, for othiers it ends in the small hours of £he early morning. Re gardless to the time of its ending, the day for a normal person ends with Ilia going to^rieep. No matter what our tai^ks of the day, vSr- riea, difincult^s, happiness or sorrows, they all end in the Uours we spend etah night in deep. ^ Tb» world does not as yet agree with the psychologist whio lays : tiiat ilaep is only an escape meehanwBdUtd not neeeaitilr. Instead Sitting away from tbe idea of sleeping, it seems be coming to U in its demand for bedsteads that are more comfortable, demand toda^ is for bedsteads that are lighter than the km cast-iron bedsteads of the middle 19th century. T%is demand la balag Mtered to by more dainty designs, and bedsteads which ara welded together. This new structure disigns. The brass bed- still used in some parts of the world« but many pattern- ones are generally preferred. toasa be«te tiiat are stiM used are sold chieifly te Sooth A—rica. Soutii Africa, parts of Egypt, and the Far East.J ^ Yet, there lire parts of the w»rld whiere a bedstead, is unknown. Stealing T/imcM range from the tree tops to the floors of^uts, and ^Mietlmes eveh thie baz« ground. In the Near IBast it has beeh the qwtma for yean to make beds simply by pulling up a number of miea OB tile floor tof the room. Giishions are also used, but as a rule the Persian simply reclines upn these piles in some soft grar- nent and makes no use of shieets, blankets or any kind of covering. Ia contnst to this, in India the babitanti( live in the open fo such an eii^eat tint the designing and ornamentation of beds is aegli- gfl^e eaceept for the xu eof royadty. ^ In Knrea and northern China floors are made of flat stones, brido, or earth. Mues are placed on the top, layer of the floor^ Somewhat betoir ^e level of the floor is a fire-place. When a fire is made in this f!r-.pl«e, heat circulat«i through theflues in the ftoor. The Chinese arrang^e sleeping places by putting mats on the ilaor. Japaneae too, have a unique custom. The whole flw of'» house, which is about twMve feet square, covered with aaaia (tatanui) la the bed. They sleep be^een under quilts (shiki- fntoB), and over qoilta (kake-foton). Ifce floor k warmed during cold weather with a wooden box iaaldiag a charcoal burner (katatsu). Sometimes whole famUiea aieep on te same tataml, their feet Cowards the burner, and-their and their bodies radiating from thait point like spikes of a wheel. ^WMI* wa may l^dnlc that these beds are miserable when compared witb ooss, let us consider some who recline in places that seem to «a impoaattile. For instance, the only bed that thte African Bushman - ImtvWa to tha tree topa>-~ Whilg^^the natives in pottis pttrfs of Africa aake beds of sticks using only^gxaa* for a mattresi. Jlite Eskimo hiia a baidt of snow inride his ii^ee serves ai » siBa^ut1ng tba day and as a bed^lj^,ia^|fit. H^KDwhile In Haiti the commoneis OM tbs haalcs from com wiiidi-'an liirow in the garbage ^ns. I%e8e koito axe piled la ^ comer of the hut for a bed. i : , Aa as th«ir beds seem te us, these people look forward to ' jMt.’ aa wa do. It is deep w](«rev«r tlwy are, - ■ THE LIGHT THAT FAILED The readers^ of my weekly re leases will recall that I was c im pelled to ungo an operation for cataract last June. For several months my eye sight, was in a state of total eclipse which caus ed suspension of nar releases for several months. I became so deep ly interested in the events of thie political campaign that I resum ed thfe discussion of issues despite my almost total blindnesr. them were dictate J In total dark ness. Since my first operation I have not been able to read one word of a printed page, and have been compelled to rely upon tlie radio and audible read by others. Let me, stop tlere and pay my compliments to the radio. One can keep fairly well posted or. what is going on in the world at large through thle medium of sound, PersonI who are bom blind often times acquire acute intelligence, who can not only keep pace with current event?, but c^ actually contribute to ^ thought and opinion of the world. There must be a world di ameter of difference between those w^i6 were bom blind and have never enjoyed the blessings of sight and those who, after be ing educated, have become afflic ted with blindness. These have but to live upon tire momenfcuw of past accumulation. The Joss of sight may intensify ttle jpower of reflection. Indeed, whenever one wants to think deeply upon his observations and experienc^-w life, he is pr^ne to shut his eyes and close out the floating occur ences of events about him. The poet Homer was blind and yet hie could, with a keen inner vision visualize aild portray the story of the Trojan War immorta lized in the Iliad.. One also thinks of John Milton, tkle blind poet, who not only was the author of Paradise Lost, but was secretary of State in the cabinet of OUver Cromwell. I can recall two mem bers of thte United States Senate who' were totally__blihd,- iMrt-wlKr kept fully abreast of their cot' leagues in discussion and analy sis of political events. are eiu>minded. Illiterate people are essentially ear-minded. They lack the ability of receiving know ledge throughJ the medium of the printed press. When one loses his sigjit, he becomes illiterate; that is, he can neither read nor write. After passing through tie actual experience, I am fully able to appreciate the value of lite rary and the disadvantage of losing it when once ^tained. But illiterate people are not nec^iiriry igfaotftnt, nor are tfaiar Guy ^Ia*yi|fc master of ceremonies is extend ing an invitaiion to the public to attend -these services. Wm. less deficient In thought power than their more fortunate Hterate fellows. Visual symbols of know ledge are a wonderful aid in faci litating the thought process, but they cannot originate it. Thle poet Gray tells us in jhis elegy on a country cFurch yard that “Some mute inglorious here /may rest.” Indeed we have had thle remarkable example of Helen "KMer In whom the loss of sigiit, sound and speech could not estop the expreraion of that wonderful thlought powei^’with which she was endowed. Out of the depths, of his blind ness John Milton pathetically aslffi: ‘Will God exact day labor, light denied ” Thle kind, charw- ter and quantity of work exacted is in proportion to the faculties and abilities vouchsafed. One is called upon to labor according to lis ability ; however great or small that ability may be. As f^ myself, I was coinpelled to give ttp for thle time being, toy platform work and the prep- aration^^of my autobiography, and was compelled to limit my output to my weekly release and jnindrr newspaper contributions the white press. But my interest in things in general was »o whit a- bated. ^ * Of THE KHW must SE ORGANIZED fa O# will wmr be onj^nlzad untM the Neg^ if dr-^ of Nagro labor involves many, many fevMf ctrock N^ro labor ^recentiy and aoon ■fP^ .eeoQg^ enploydra made no ^ Negroes. More atran^ly the CIO «f vbere ft could prove tiu sin- Ibtro labo OB equal tems. Some eye-minded; who take in at a glance all occurances that' come within thle range of vision, but the mental process is character ised by quick perception rather than deep reflection, ^hile othters see little, but think mqcb. There are two circuits of^ thought the long circuit an3'the short circuit. Tkie short circuit proceedi directly from the tongue thu^gh the ear to the bt'ain, as when a speaker addresses hSs hearers. The long circuit is symbolized in written or printed letters* which by light vibrations are transfer red to Ae eye and hence to thto brain of the recipient. Thie short circuit is more immediate and instant; the long circuit is more round about and^ involved. Others St. Marte-To' St. Marks AME! Zion ‘Church on Pine St. of which Rev. S. P. Perry is pasto]^ is sponsoring “Twelve Tribes of Israel ^alljr” Stewa’rt is chairman of the Board of Trustees. Tke program is as follows: TWELVE TRIBES OP ISRAEL RAJLLY MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM MAY 3-9, 1937 MONDAY NIGHT Devotion ' Music: Emanuel AliiE Choir Sermon: Hev. J. C. Grady, Pastor Emanuel AME Churcfc Collection: Participating Tijlbfes, Bueben ftnd Gad. Mrs. A. Titnber, lake and Mrs. Mamie Foster, s, Captains. Remarlat Dox'plogy: Benediction. ' TUESDAY, NIGHT Musk: Union Baptist ChqSx. Sermon: Rev. At S. Croo», Pas tor Union Baptist' Church. Ofslledtion: Participating Tribe?, Juda and Azer.. Mrs. Beulah Milyes and Mrs. ■ Alice Cooker Captains. ' _ , Remarks: ' .t. ■- Doxology: Benediction, WEDNESDAY NIGHT Devotion. Music; Mt. Olive AME Zion Choir. Sermon; Rw.' E. B. Lipsey, Pas- Paul Reynolds was like a ihad* oyi*- aa he moved moiseleaely to^ ward |he house that stood like a gre(Nl t hulking shadow in the n%ht. As he crept slowly and cautiously anyong the hedges and shrubbery, he felt a thrill of ex pectancy run up and down his spine. It was pleasant. At last he had ilne c^portonity t^ 4® whaii^e had 'wanted’ to dd so long. T^s^t^«f a^-JDCrfect tod. No -(ttww.*. There 'would be no evidence. He moved fiwter as he neared Uie house. It was very dark, but it didn't ibothet him. He knew every inch of that large yard and house. He hadn’t worked tiiera five years for nothing. He smiled bitterly in the dark as he thought of the last two years. Tfeey had been two yean of planing and siting. Two years during which he worked for a man he h^sid learned to Fite. He had once worshipped Cyrus Holman and had really enjoyed working for him, but was before anything had hipapene'd to Mar tha Carter. ■ She had been the housekeeper. A. young and beau tiful dark-eyed girl was Martha. Full of life and gayiety. And Paul had loved her. They were to be married. ITien Cyrus Holman looked at fcer and wanted her. He got her because he was Cyrui Holman. He, Wtth his imHitms, had always got what he wanted. He was a greedy man and it did not make any different with him^ whether he hurt anyone in get ting what he yanted or not. Con-* sideration for others wapn't in his plan fow living. He offered nothing and took everything. Paul’s blood boiled every time he thought of how Martha, a helpless and Innocent girl, had to jomply with fcifed employer’s every wish in order to maintain her job. She was humble and trusting. She had seen^o danger until it was too late. Then Ae went to Paul; the man who loved her ly, and told him heg- story. Paifl never heard her voice again. She took poisin that night. Paul and Cyrus fioman were the only people who knew the ■ real cause of suicide, and they didn t tell. Cyrus Homan kept quiet be cause he wanted n®. scandal, and Paul kept quiet because he knew his word meant nothiw? against Cyrus Homan bis millions. Paul promised himseli that he would have his revenge at any price. Someday he would see that justice be done. Someday l»e would kill Cyrus Sfolman. BY JOHN HAROLD MALLOY awhile and listened. It was quiet. Hie h'ause was a big tww-story frame atn^cture ^h thirteen rooms and a large lower and up per front porch, Large vines ran up and around the big posts that supported the porch. A man could easily climb up to the top p^rch by those vines, without making any noise, If he was careful. Once on the top porch, the rest "jrtiere were a door and large window that opened from Cyrus Holman’s bedroom to the top porch, and the window was al ways put up at bed time. This meant that there would be no trouble getting into thle room from the top porch. Cyrus Hol man was a sound sleeper. Paul Idiew that he was hard to wake- up after he hiad gone to sleep. Paul sat down and removed his shoes. He put on a pair «:f rubber gloves and began to cl{rab to the top porch. He did it noise lessly. On the top porcH he listen ed. It was quiet as death. 'Hien he took an ice-pick out of his pocket and holding it in his glov ed hand, tip-toed to the windaw. It was already up high enough, so he slipped quietly inside thp room. Paul stood' still inside Cy- ms Homan’s bedroom and listen ed again. There was no sound save the steady and heavy breath ing of Holman. Paul tip-toed to the bed. He knew exactly where it was and just how the man would be ly ing in it. He stood over the bed for a moment looking down in the dark at a spot he would strike. He^ raised the ioe-pick and sen’t It plun^ng down onco twice, three times in rapid suc- cession. There was a groan of agony and then quletnessT^^ Quietly Paul went back to the window and slipped out on the porch. He went down tlie .vines wiUiout making a sound loud e- nough to be heard ten feet away. Back x»n th" grnnnd, he calmly wasn't frightened. He knew that thobest detective in tha world couldn’t find the.murderer if he could find no clues. And tiie lo cal police |aid there wera aone^ Hb }:«d been ei^tra #bl ,not to leave any. Immediately upon his arrival, detMtive Coleman went int? a secret conference with the chief* of-police. It was a short c ence. Then he went to the of the crime. That hbd been two ^foars ago,_ and Ckus Holman had forgotten. But l^ul hiadnt. He hod lived, those last two yev* from day to drfy just praying and waiting for Ms cltance. It had come at last. At last'Cyrus Holman would be in the house alone. All the ser vants would be off to-night. He had waited3or jnat auchi a n^ht jj thfe. Everythlat was perfect No one would ever know exactly /hat had happened. Not even Cyrus Homan himself would know what had happened. Paul stopped at the comer of the house. He stood very sttll for put on his shoes and slipped a- way in the night. ^ > The next morning the whola town was alarmed with the start ling news that Cyrus Holman had been murdered in his sleep, Tl;e police could find no ^s^ues. They only kne:^_that the murderer used a shwrp' pointed instrument that penetrated the vicym's heavt. There was no sign of an attempt of burglary. There were two ways by which Ihie- murderer could have reached the victims’s bedroom, but the polict were baf fled with the mystery of the , i”i crime^. ; A week passed, and the crime was still an unsolved mysteiy. By this time *the police suspected everyone, but was still unable to find any evidence. Then Emeat Coleman, the natio'ns greatest detective, arrived on the scene. Nfiw hope was expressed by -the police department. Pterhaps now this murder mys€ery would be sol ved. Most of the town expressed the belief that the great detective, would solve the mystery in less than two days. Pau felt a liftle uneasy, but he it took Paul by Surprise. He started and opened hia mouth, but he didn’t speak. He just To(^d at tj-te detective atnp^y^ Detective Colman watcbed him; silently for a moment. Then he relaxed and smiled. “That'll he all Paul,” hie said. Paul got ujs and walked blind ly out of the office. He he betrayn ed himself? He wandered. “Did you really find and evl% dence at the scene of murder, Coleman?” asked the chief. “No. I found nothing. I was merely bluffing that' youngster."' “Do you think that*'1>oy eeuldi J;ave had anything to do with it?"* as the cfiief slowly. Detective ColemAn laughedL he said, "tfrat have the nerve. He \^>fHghtened speech). less when I accused him of’ it. You can see he is innocent as you or I," “I guess you are right Coleman. I don’t suppose we will ever find' out who killed Cjrrus Holman nor why. There la absolutely no evi dence." * THE END "Not a chitnceV’ youngst^ wouldn't I have hadja second operation which seems to have lifted the scales from my eyes and enabled me to jjee the outside world as if through 'a glass darkly, My oc- culist informs me that 1 hlave good hopes ‘of early restoration o#-«ght by means of which I «^ll be enabled to make normal use of my eyes. Even with thte present degree of: recovery I can repeat with keener ui peo^^^p^are—ciaeutUilly ” Tn^ JETfethodist hynm which' I sang as a boy in South Carolina: LNU ‘T Once was lost, but new I'm found. Was blind, but now I see.” I am not bragging. Although. I hav« passed beyond the shadow of total eclipse, I am still, within the penumbra and moving to wards thle fuller light. I feel that I can about resume my full share of work and complete my autobf- ogra^y wbich ,i»y original ope ration caused me to suspend. I cannbf forego the sermonic purpose of advising all who read thiese lines to take cace of their eyesight. In the modified lan guage of the tooth paste announ cer; “Uie Pe^odent tirtce a day; see your occullat twice a year," ^ ^BaULY MILLER tor Mt Olive AME Zion Church. Collection: Participating Tribes, Nephthalim and Manasses, Mrs. Bessie Dunston and Guy Mazyck. Captains. “ Remarks: \, Dolology: Benediction. THURSDfAY NIG«tt®' — - Devotion. ”, Music: White Rock Baptist Choir Sermon: Rev. Miles M, Fisher, Pastor White ' Rock {Baptist Simeon and Levi J. E" Love and T. J. Atwater, Captains. Doxology; Benediction. ' . v FRIDAY mGHT Devotion. Music: Mt.,^ Vemon BaiJtist Church Choir. Sermon* Rev, J. H. Thonui*. I^ tor 3|.t Vemon Baptist Church, Collection V f*articipatin«^ TVibe?, Issachat, Zabulon, Joseph and ^enjamin, Rufus Sligh, Fred Cut- tino, Theodore Blount, and Mrs. Alice Price, Captains, Remarks: Doxology: Benediction. *, We.extend a cordial • welcom*? to the public. ' •* May I ask the member* ^ and friends to dedicate each ' night that haa been spWl^led ^Ws progtam to St. ^rk. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ^ TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY..VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certan Deed of Tmst dated Decmiber 80th, 1938, and duly executed by L. W. WU- hoita and^wlfeT'EflSt T. WHfeoite, and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Durham County In Book of Mort gages 219, at p^ge 80; default y^g been made In the payment lenl^ed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest-bid der for cash at the courthouse door ia Durham, N .C.^ on THURSDAY, MAiY 27tb, 1937 at 12 o'clock Noon, the following described land, to- Wit; " BEKSINNING at a ataka on the jnortb iid«^;.of Massey Avenue and on the east aide of grant Street, and mnning thenee along and with the east side of aaid Grant Street North 2i0 degzees . i|SO min. east 125 feet to a stake, the southwest comer of Lot Ne. 21 in Block “D^*; thence (dong and with the south lines‘‘of Lots 21 and 8 In an easterly direction 219.81 f eef to a stake on the west side of Colfax Street; thence along and withi the west side of said Colfax Street south twelve degrees thirty four minutes West 126,2 feet to a stake 95 the north aide of Ma«ay Avenue; thence along and with the north sidei of said Massey Avenue North 69 degrees lO minutes West 297.22 feet to a stake on the east side of Grant Street, point of beginning, and Wm. Stewart, Ohm., Board of Trustees, Guy Maiyck, Master of Ceremonleji. S. P..J»«l1T,; Mialsr Ux, . ’ . 14 ' bem^L5ta 9. 10, 11, 1% 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 in Block D of the Alston Avenue property of the,Duke Land and Desvelopment Co. as per plat and survey ther«»- of now on ifile in th,e Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 6, at page Jl, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular des cription of sa^. See also deed ’ from E. E. Bishop and, wife, Claude V. Bishop to L. W. Wil- hoite and wife Ethel T. Wilhoito, recorded in the Office of P.c- County, Book 8, page Sil4. I Thli -sale will remain open for I ten days to receive in^ease bids, I as required by law. gister of Deeda oil Durham Tfiia property if aold at A® re- quea| ef bolder aald not?. Dated this 26th day of April; 1937. E. R. MERRIclC, Trftat** M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attditasey DUIlHAJI-COtJKiY &i>MINlSTBiATORS NOTICSB Having qualified aa ^alnls- trator of the eatate of Mrs. Mary Smith, Deceased late of Durham County, North Carolina, tfcia to; baving; claims against the aaid deceased! to exhibit them to Qje underaign>- led at 914 Fayetteville Streep Durham, N. C., on or before tJie- 10th day of April, 1988, «r tbte hotke will be pleaded in bar oC tiieir recoye^. .All persona in debted to aa^ pleas* make immediate paymeot. This 3/Oth day of April, 198T E. D. GREEBN, Admbilstnitog. >f tfa(e Estate of Mary Smith, Daceaaa#! *nie next day the great detac* tive gave instruction to arrest all suspects for questioning, I^ul, a* long with man/ others, was tak en into custody. The questioning began P*ul was the first su«- 1>ect to face the detective. His knees felt weak and hla hands tremibled as he entered the chief- of-police'a office. He wandered how much this detective really knew. Had he really found sonie- thang that could be uaed as evi dence He tried to think, iftad he left something there? He could not be sure. It was quite possible that h« had overlooked some thing. There were three men in the chaef-of-police's office. The chief himself, detective Celeman and one of the other policemen. Paul looked at them suspiciously as ha entered. He sat down. ^ “You are Paul Reynolds aren't you?” thje detective asked. Paul nodded. “Paul,"n^‘14ie detective aald, ‘Yesterday % went to the scene of the murder. I found eonielUinij there that proves beyond a doubt who killed Cynu Holman." Ihe detective paused and looked at Paul, shifted his feet uneasily. His thtoat became dry as he tried ^ to 6willow. He lQ()ied jt the te^ive and tried to look noncha-^ lant. "Why did you kill Cyrus Hoi- man Paul?" The detective rfiaui- ed the question at him. The quei- tion was so suddenly ariied that Fond Mother (as Idur am waa. starting off to Join the: aav^l-— Now my son, remembnr to be very punctual In rlsflic every ■ morning, ao'you will a»t keep cfttaiiS waiting break&at for J *

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