JWAM mmxi’tmrot um ^ UOTMefi ANO air vibtoi ©f ' power eoqf*nr*il upon €h* uiWi irs'ieaah for cash, at the CourthouM iloot in Ihirtaat. N. C„ on fmiSfSAT, MAY im, atf tt 11 o’eloek Noob. ilw follewinc d«seHb«d land, t*' ec«M br h. W. Wilhoit* Uk4 «! fitliel T. Wttboit*, and ^7 ;/d«d in tiM Offleo d th« «f Oeedk for Dorlftm UDt]T Book of Uortg«fM Bi «t {Migv BS7f dated Docomber >> defftuit hsTinir kdc In th# p|tyTn«nt »f Uie mi»« rimd«niKii«d IVafette wTO af- for wle at public aoctloD to highest bidder for cash, . at Courthome door in Durham, C., on tCitSDAT, MAY S7tb, 1937 at o’clock Noon, ! fpllowing Imd, to-wit; MCHNNING on tJ-« North le of Um»t«ad StrMt, io feet m IfMon SrMt, T. Datvid Pmr- 8w«t'|fortWy with m'« Ihic, abont 118 f#«t to Hen» Hendenon'i llnaj thenoa In «n aatttljr direction with Header* n(a and AHey Hae, 60 f«et to nnia T. Sfiaulding’a lino; nee in a sotitharly direetioa th Fannie T, Spauldin^i Hae ont 11® feet to Unisteftd reet; ^wnce with eet W feet to the heginoinz- e same belnt a part ot the let laad conveyed to Fannie T. midiag by-deed from W, P. rthiaff. Trustee. Said deed re- rded in the Office of the Se- ter of Deeds of Itarhans anty in X>eed book 47, at p*se 2. See deed front L. J, Spaal- iff and wifa Fannie T. Spaul- ig to Geo, W. Cox, recorded Deed Book S9, at pagi^ 496, in Hc« of R^(ister of Deeds of rham Connty. ^e alw deed om Qeo. W, Gihc and' wife, to txomei, duty recorded in tbe Ihe .Besiitfer of Deeds Darham Coanty. , THIS SA1£ will remain upen ten days to receive iner«ai>e ids, as required by law. THIS PROPERTY is sold at re}ue8t of the holder of said te. hOT NO. 14 oa til* plat .of tile P. 11^ Ptoetor land, carvtyed utf platted by B. C. BUvin, MOmired on A|nU, the 29th, liftOt, whieh said pfait ia re- «orded In tka Olfis* of th* Ba* filter ot of Durham Cooaty, N. C., fai Book of PktU No. 1, page 119, to which plat mfereBce la hsrehy given as a part of thte deaet^^n. Lot No. 14 Ata the North side of Martha Streat Mid having a fronting of SO feet m Karima Street, and at tending baldt 100 feet and being BO feet wide in the rear, and he* ing the bmd conveyed by the,. Criswold Inattranee Companj^' by d»ed to whieb inference U herebv made as a part of this de»criptiou niperty . owded ia Daed' Book OS', at 641, Reference is herelby made to 'Trustee Deed from W. H. Wilson, Trustee; to E. D. Pntt, racotded in Book 89, at page 096, in Of* Use of the Register of'Deeds of Dit^i-am County. 'THIS SAUB WU4i remain H[>en for ten 14>) days to receive increase bids, as provided fcy law, THK PROPERTY U sold at the re]u«st of the holder of mid note. DateF^lhK^»th“d*y of April, 1997. HECHAKICS A FARMERS BANK, Trastea C. J. GATES, Attcmey QiCOND LOT; BBOtNNim al a aUka on the east side of ilty—t, sftid , stake being^ MW' fiat sontb from the intiy-* section of Walker Avenue and Grant Street, and running thence - ^ U«ii» .r nr mu » ed Map »a>ir M £Ba ia tha Ra- gisUr «f Deads' CMfice, Dur^n Oewrty 8, at page Wk. NORTH CAROLINA^^^ DUBHAM COUNTY D^d this Mth day of ■937. April} E. R. MERRICK. Trustee JtUGH THOMPSON, Attottiey fpRTH CAROLINA ►URHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE SA(LB OF LAND iJnD(KR AND BY VIRTUE of pewer conferred upon the rustee in » certiUn deed of trust iated OcKl>er ITQl, 19»* ,^m«f ecuted by C. A. Miller (single) nd duly recorded in the Office TRUSTEH SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIETUB of tl:« ^wer conferred upon the Trustee in » certain Deed of Trust dated December SOtii, I9S8, and executed by L. W. WUoite et ttx, Ethel T. WiIhott«, and duly recorded in the-Office of the Re gister 01' Deeds for Duriiam County in Book of Mortgages 2L9 at page 82; Mtd default hav ing been made in the payment of the same, the undwsigned Trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest Mdder for cash at the courtouse door in Durham, N. C. on T®HJMDAY,.MAY 27th, 1W7 al 12 o’^clock Noon, tl;« following tracts of land: FIRST LOT: Beginning at A stake oq ^ east side of Grant Street, said stake being lO'O feet south from the intersection of Wilker Avenue and Gnutt Street and running thence South 20 dcg. «0» Wmt 50 -{e«i t» » thence south 69 deg. 10* East ISO feet to a stake; thence north to' a stake; thene# Sout^, 09 deg. 1^ Slat feat to « sts^e; thenoe northi 20 deg. fV Cast SO Aet to a siske; thenev 6$ d»g. behig> Lota Noa. SS and 28 in Block *'Q^ of the Sdg«iaont Securities Comity property as per corrected map now on file in Rsgiatar Deeds Offka Durham County in Plat Book S, at page 186. « This iale will remain open for ten 10) dayi to receiva increase bl^ as required by law. This property is sold at the re quest of tilM holder of said note. Dated this 2Ctin day ol Ain^> im. - JR. B. MIRBXCK, Trustee - jdOQff"TBOlH*i0N, Attorney NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSHas SALS OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tha power cenfemd upon the Trustee tn a certen I^d of Trust dated December SOth, 19S3. and duly executed by L. W, WII* hoite and wife, Eth«l T. Wilhoiti?, and duly recorded in the-Offlco of the Register of . Deeds for Durham County in Book of Mort gages ^10, at iMige 80; default having been made in tiic payment of the same, the unders^ed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the h%hest bid der for ciudi at the courthouse door in DurfcMn, N .p.,‘ on THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1937 at 12 o’clock Noon, the IfoUowibg described land, to- BEGINNING at a stake oh , the north sidei of Massey Avenue and on the east side of grant Street, and ruiming thence alon? ud with the east side of said Grant Street North 20 degrees 50 min. Mst 1215 feet to a stake, the southwest comer of Lot Ne. 21 hn Block ‘‘D”; thence along and with ^e south lines of Lots 21 and 8 is an easterly direction 279.81 feet te -a^ staka on tho west side o7 Colfax S^eet; thence along and with the west ■side of said Colfax Street south twelve degrees thirty four minutes .West 12®.2 feet to a steke on the north side of Massey Aveilue; thence along tt« noi^ sidei of said Massey Avenue North 99 degrees lO inliMites WMt £17.12 ftfet to a stake on tha east side of Grant Stawet, peint rf beginning, and being Lots 9, ^0, }1, 12, 18, 22, 28, «4, 26 ahd^ 99 in jU^k D «f the Alston Avenue prc^erty of the Duke Laad and Development Co. M pef'plat «nd survey ther^ of uejfr on ifUe Jb O&ico of tiie Register of Deeds of Durham 77, te whieh refereaoe Is hereby made for a more particular des cription of sanM. See also deed from E. S. Bis^«p and wife, Ctettde V. Bishop to L. W. WU- hoiti and wife Ethel T-,Wilhoite, recorded in the Office of Bu- Gounty, Book 8, page SI 4. -This sala wQl rMsain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. gist«r of Deeds of' Darham nis proparty tl sold at the re quest of tha holder of said note. Dated this 96th day of A^iril, 1837. E. R. MERRICK. Trustee M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attemey DURHAM COUNTY _ f ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the e^t6 of Mrs. Mary Smith, Deceased late of Durham Coun^, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims sgafaist the said deceased to exhibit them to tbe undersipi- ed at 614 Fayetteville Street, Durham^ N. C., on or before the 10th day of April, 1988, or thUs notkfr wSl be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to, said estate wU) please make immediate payment. This ifOth day of ApHI, 1037 E. D. GREEN, Administimtor of tKe Estate of H»ry Smith, ^ Deceased. K. C. GIVIS LAND fW KEW 8^ ThsTnelr Michahtcsvnii jHiiter Hl|t 8eho«t, emted*st a cost of $141,000 on vhat was formerly a part of KnoxviBa College csmpui. The Board of Truntees of the coHege donated two acres to the cit' f’n fh^ nc% lii'Hing which will open its doors to pupfis next 'r .> f PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Have a CLEAN SHAVE WiHiout - Using a Razor .. . Simply U)iP^ Your letnl OFni At last science has found a way to remove a beard without shaving. No -oore rasor, no scia{dng, no cuts, no soap, no bother. Unelv apply MagiQ Shaving^ Powder jts dire^«d — then a smooth bi^ a generous storeeif a. Dept.34 Savannah, Oa., for free trial sample N.A.A.G, P- Protests [To A m 0 r I c a n Legion On Invasion Of iUeeting Aewrleen Legloa pe?mJt tha L» gion't iaslgaia, name or pmm^ nel, to be uacd ia tha Jatare hi an attempt to ladfcanrsss er iati- sUdate Amerkaa cit^sMis their fil^t f«r eqstf f^te mite the law. If aiqf csaaaiber ef the Amui- eaa LcsfoB^iP>ahM.i^|B«l>^t«qgl the activities *f «Ms Aweiatfcia, we wUt be Timwf to mintt tha infomatie*. We mtk ‘^vm- iVEJU that tbe n0iciCj»sN Ir «a erdetly fMhion asd n«t tbroogh invaiton of a polMe ■sesttos." Hotwithstaadb^ tha tectdsnt of Friday night, Aptft SSi tb« eloaiag mass SMvCfaig of llw >«- gional conference on Sunday afternoon, April £f, was threat- enad with a police raid th* NAAGP ww munistk. Charlea H.' HcHHAaat. special counsel ef the assocteticR., of New York City, waa the apeslc- er at the Sunday afternoon BM^t* ing and shortly before the Ing, le and Forrester Waidihig ton, {ff^dent ef the AUaatt branch, received a tip that the nieeti^ was to be raided. They sought tmmedhiftdly 'to reach the police autimritiM by telephone but were unsible to talk to any reqtonsible police official. Thereupon, they visited the po lice station and found the chief there. The chief toltT {hem he wipe off, leavli skm. Don't waltl the Register of Deeds for Dw- fO de®tr€fi^ JBsst 50 -4!eat_-to • stake; tfcenc^ North 89' deg, 10* West 1£4) feet to the place and point of twginnii^ and being Lots Ni». 18 »nd 10 in Block "C* of the Edgemont Se^irities Comi^m^ property as per corteet- Im County in Book of Mort als 209, at page 268; default aving been made in the payment the same, tha undersigned ■ustee will offer for sale at pub* auction to the Ughest bidd^- OC(»-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising FIcmr ' *&k« thff Guess out of Bakk^ and you Money NIEW YORK, Apr. 30—A pro test has been registered with National Commander Harry W. Colmery of the American Legion upon tbe invasion, in Atlanta, Ga., April 23, of a meeting of NAACP by a group of men who said they were representing the American Legion of Atlanta. The Atlanta meeting wAs in connection with the regional conference of the NAACP held in that city April 22-2^. The speaker at the Apni 23 meeting was J,' L. LeFlore, ate- retary of the Mobile, Ala., branch and a director of the regional conference. After the, meeting had started in the Con^egation- al churchfc-a body of white men, pumbering aibout thirty, marched in and took seato near the front of the auditorium. Several' of them wore legionnaire caps. At the conclusion of Mr. Le- Flore’s speech, one of the men, later identified as W. S. Van Dyke who is head of the Atlanta chapter^ of the legion, arose and ibegan qucisiioning the speaker With the purpose of establishinir tl-at the NAACP is a communis tic organization. Mr. Le'Flore de- n^ied this. Before the legionnair'# could continue i^eading from ji list of questions he had Bre^ared^Cliwj ence Mitchell, former member of the staff of thie Afro-American who is now studying hi Atlanta arose and deliveied a brief talk upon the purposes of the NAACP The legionnaires were so startled b ythis straighitforward and faar- sat less speech that the leader down without asking any more questions. When Mr. Mitd'.ell finished his talk, A. T. Walden, a director of the NAACP pnd former president of the Atlanta branch, also apoke, outlining in direct fashion the purpose of the associsiion and stating Unequivo cally that it ^as for the purpose of securing equality for Negro Americans under the oonstitution and the laws of the various states. ^ ‘After Mr. Wladen Md finish ed, the delegation arose and left the church explaining that they had come because they thought the NAACP waa a “bunch " of reds." They wfre given litera ture of the association and in vited to become acquainted with its purposes. 1 In a letter of protest to Com mander Colmery, the NAACP stated: ‘‘We protest the abuse of the insignia and leadership of the American Legion in this fashion and earnestly uf^ you to issue instructions that no officer of the GOOD FOOD) FOR FAMILY or FRIENDS AT LOWEST PRICES Hollywood Inn Cafe ilRS. C. C. HAYBftWOOD, Pwvf. 118 S. «^NGUM ST. W GENASCO ASFHALT SHINGLES •RICK FLUB UMING-CteNT LIME — PLAStER ' -w. BVBRYTHINQ Uf BUILDING SUPPUES hnrbai Boiiders SoppI} Co SPLENDID BREAD PMONE J-S792 612 Fayetteville St. CLBANINQ * rasssmo ALTUMfia A SPICiM.Tr $m4 IwH ttws wm “red" mmt dwt n« “red” actl^iM woold feo permitted ta Afhata. After • eonfemM*^ th* r^lef derided to attend the mss* hig kimaelf and csmtwtth a a^cud •f effkem ttlumnhrot the iintwd- to Mr, Heesten'a iQieeeh dcallag with the a»ti-tyii- Aing bSL the fyfii f«r t^ual od- 'BWlisnd' ■opportBsfttee atd for the vota for Hegroe# in tho SoBtk. "Shtf heatd Mr Soa*- sfe« wmkm m iUrtet attask Bywi dlBftrsaschlssBnwt of Kegro veten ik ■OBthfrs states and mmp^rt th« votes for Congress hi «st» tidB sotrthem gtatas with ikm votes for Coagreas in aortf-«r&. At tho coBcIssioa ol tho BM«t- lagi all tbe poBcenMa preseBt. hicl«di»c the cklvf, were saaiilea ef NAACP Ittontaro and urfod to bocoBio mcmbAS. *'SiuiJu bit«s claim 28J>9 b»- tiws of IndJB.” It is BOt hard to- beUeve m ihmem ate bo hip poo> kota in shssta. Leaf beetle larrae get freah ■air to breathe several feet under water, by their h«ids into the air qiaecs in lily steau. LtW GCHIUQ BasetwU's “Iroa Man,”tb« Hmbc> Run Kins of 1936—Amaricaa Le*8»'* mott nitiabto pUy«r —(nd m (teadr CametMBoker. 7)K;esr7cw's We'are eacloalve ageaU for the BattoBoQy kMwa DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE SHADE CLOTH f For Qa^ily Wiadow Skadee CaD J-M3I Odd SlsM Dor ^osiall*. — IJh^al ABew—ea For Old Reflere DURHAM SHADE WORKS SHADE SPECIAUSTS FOR 21 YEARS IIS EiSr CHAPEL HILL ST. DOYOUGtol^UKBTH^ OR THIS? •N I'LL EAT NKXT WEEK ^ DOSt'T NtED ANY INSURANCE. YOU SEE.IFI00N^ AFJRE IWU.L BANKERS^ FIS H^yykE COMP^ - DUIOIAN.NOimiCMKNJIIA^ CONSERVATIVE -SOUD~PEPENDABLE o UaioB laa. 4k ReeJly Co. AesM RoaHy Co. Dwrham Raltyk aaK'—ji:;Tj MUton Ave. at W. Main St. THE FISH MAN Is Mow Located Neal Doer To Tho Bmbw War^oBso Carrying k Variety Of F^. • EITVTC15 IT WAS MY LUCKY DAY *SWl£TYf£ART WHlNiFOUNl) LU ME TOO DEAR, ( YMS.LUCKf THAT I W9C(mm LARUGSM !H T!M£) lltESH DAILY Funeral PHONE J.44SI 226 MORGAN ST. UCENSEO EMBALMERS Otthi0 PAosmi F-07S1 mmm nos FayeHaefllo Slre*a AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAY OB MtfiHT ALS CARS HEATERS AMD RADIOS EQUIPPED Faeera Hoine Clothes Tailored For You Whiten your skin’ —with this famous bleach ••WE PLEASE IHE UVIMG |Y THE SERVICB WE RENDER ‘RIE DEAD 401 PJNE SinSET WILUAM AMEY nioNE J-nn G. SPAULDING P PHONE 16491 UNION TAftORINQ CO. ■■-'V j^je. Bbii. It almrMiMuM lUw sUk. ^•"*** f! jrowtfcfid-Iook- lai iMlr/Yoa eovtd ■•fir «■•••—Jwt £e!i222* ^aat t aiie • (Mtm, eeo gom mmrt^uolUtoo, Jmc ail( year 4«elar for a ol ^ ^ «tet Mft, iWmiasrtmi 1m. trooa Sniah m modi adiair^ br fwr- GE0R;R BRYSON WILUAM KUfESi to««- •tTMka 4lMp»wr—a ■tiM, Cida^ voBtea cohim |C»rTlool 'Strange ing Cream—known for yesni — the bleach that n “ UeadxB aad par^ Um tglTM J«t Uaek. klacki dart, atedlum or l^lit Wvwa. Qc VUm^ No tarn, ae SMce tnmMa than a -h-ifnw |r^ OmIw trtU tdtaa year OMaM^. , teed Has, ' ■ godefroy's french cohting eew»iflf»asieduviir.. Ma n> uHiHr MO. Why Woiry About Wash Day CALL US. OUR QUICK AMQ E^ICIBMT S^VICJ^ ARE (MIR MOTTO KEEF Y0URf;p>1BBS CM|AN AMD FR«5H Sew Mitod Undrj ri^ UMtt y Nadinola Btteidbing Qeero can't be di^4k>ted for roRdta NoUuof dK does 80 illncli toii||iten tteskbkaogniddF, 60 »!RSl3r. Starttoo^vltliNadlMia Cream and watdt ywtt eonsdedoB fpmm r te tone, i&tmiae. taadcK- ».O0.’FtiU mooey-back awy li poor can't nqiplr. aoi tute,aend[|nQMy«Bdapi farwidttrslngt c maarnm If poor dn f