Deadies Tlie -Miss Oi BeaSers jBti^UTHBNBRipEED^ MAIUNG EOmON VOLUMN 17 N«.j 24 WEEK ENDING iATURD^Y MAY S», lt37 nucE. i* I Young hegto Assaulted By Policeman On_ City Bus DOCTORS TO CONVENE HERE JUNE t-3 iquor Store; 50th Annua] Session Of N.C, CoIlBgB ri North State Medics Opens Tuesday 3s30 P»M. The 50th>annual session of the Old North State Medical, Dental ’ J%«TO»ceutical Society), Inc., • utiderway here Tuesday June 1 and •'continue throui^ l^pidiiy .June 3rd. The Old j,, Nort^ State is thg oldest Negro ;; medical ormnization m' tliie world $1. and an elaiborate program lor the three days session to held here ^ next week planned by tl^« lo- ^ c«l committee. ^ The scientific program will open Wtidnesday with sessions de- ) voted the subjects of m«di- J cin»», pediatrics, surgery, derma- : tology and syphilology, ophth^L ^ mology and otolaryngology, pub- l)- lie hlf^jii^ ‘Ifygiene and saoita- ^n, radiologjr, ^ come to the appliMtien of tti* knowledge in il:«e tre«tm«it of disease, the labratory in whici the art is aeqnired ia hamaa b*« ings wh« are sick, and tl»e younc man who would stodjr to gvod purpse must her* hava al Ilia side an older doetor, OM who i« more experieaeed, wlto ««a ah«w ^im how the abstract lOMwledgn vhich he !««• learned k sueeeaa* /ully used In the pKTcation and cure of siekncM. Just so, the doctor in aeiiTe practice must keep studying does h« do thia? Ona^ w«y :* lo attend hia conntyjfinedie*! ciety meetings dnring^"tli« course ^ dentel"^®^ **** ? surgery and pharmaceutical snb-j ™®®*^^* ^ • At thfe weetinv, Darhim On Wednesday evening, Jnne 2 at 8 o’clock a public meetin^^ *Will listen to papers and reports will the held at the White Rock - -ftddreaaea ..wIcdm6'i>y* C. Spaulding, ' jri>iirn»'c nnd Dr.-A-. . S. Hunter? Papers on various me- dical si^e^ |fill jbe read by ^ Dr. R. Raleigh , and ST. W jrolfetrtfend of Wilming- I," ton. Response to the welcome ad- ^dresses wttl given fcy Dr. P * W., Burnett of Rocky Mount. Dr. i Walter Hughes o^ Raleigh will f delfvfef a heattW iaHc. The Wedi^^y, evening meet- V ing will be presided ober by Dr. I J. W. V. Oordice-ei this oity. In- ^ 1i|(|Bctioa| ^ *he ^, president >i ; du Icrganlsi^^ “I** take place. The other sessions of the ,, meeting wih^ibe held at the I North Carolina College. The an nu^I 'ball will be held in tbe col- ^ la^^er |^j||||iuni§^' *l^ursday eve inning Tuesday, feWy doeton i afi intem iew Jfih Dt^ Clyde I Donnell this,, week a represey^- 'i tive 'of iHe 'CarbKjia Times asked jlarti to issur^ statemeirt for bol)^ ; lication as to why doctors get to- giither. What is tii«pori>oae of a nte'dtcal meeting? What is it> that in4)|ls prMtitipners o{ the heal- ^ing art from eyery part of the ; sfali tO' sfsther -in on*- place to prepared during tlie -freTioiis yaar -iby tytio fa thie Course of lAeir ireilc, «peoiiQ* 'tered new or dtfferent faeta in som« realm of medical kaow^ ledge. On aecasiMi tbase pmpora may be of outstanding immdt' ate value to the humw r*e«, bat usually they merel|' add A UttU mote to our aecumobkitd etwa of information. In tlia ««inM of the meetings to |>« lurid i3iis wMtk tiiero are to b« 40 at^b acitlittfie ])apera px^saated. Aft«r presentation will come diacuasiOB by ■other doctors. Lattr, lihay will i>e publiakMd in^tiM offidtl jo«r> aal of the Natioad MtMetJ Aa^ elation. J June 2nd The 26th commencement of the jTorth Carolina Colley wjll get . _under full swing here Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, when the baccalaureate sermon will be preached iby Dr.,Willis J. King, president. of Gammon Theologi- *«al Seminary. Music fo? the oc casion will be furnished by the college clours under 4Jie direc- ioa of Mrs. 6. A. Edwards. Negro Help Asked For f —— GBO. .S- )»phi^,tyLEP, Bote 1- columnist w^ose deimte last week with Claude McKay oVer station •WiEVD received special, mention on tJie radio pagifes of leading daily newspapers of l5^w York- Mr. Scl uyler took the ’n^i^tive of ttie question “Shall ^j.iferoe^ or«anisie.a» a racial grotip?’* COMMITTEE REPORT ON ANTI-LYNCH BILL THIS WEEK Monday atternoon at 3 o’clock the annual meeting of the I alumni association •will take j place. The evening will be takea^! tip by class day exercises and dance Jby the alumni association. Tuesday morning , at ten o’- the giayl gating e^rcises will take place in ^'col lege ftuditorinm witii OiVHflL||^ieu S. Wise, nationally fimof|^nd noted Jewish leader of Nevi^Yodw delivering tlie commencement ad- drea^ , J From all indications the cpm- mcncemi^nt exerei^ this year will be one of tite )b«8t attended in thte history of the achool. The tiV^mendous | buildthg program now going on at the college has | created stale-wide interest, and ' ^ariy persons will attend the WASHINGTON, D. C. May 27 —A favoral>le report on tl e Ga- y»i^ anti'lynching bill by the •ub-committee of the Senate ju- This is tha W»f tlM adne* of .diciary committee will be made The Durham County liquor control board agreed this week to locate a liquor store in the -Hayti section Of Durham, an ex- exclusive Negro community. Tic store according to latest reports will be located on Fayetteville street, in the part of the ’^Ban kers Fire Insurance Company building, fom^rly occupied bp the Pender Store. The store wat vacated the midcfle .of this month. Altl ough there is an undei current to prohibit the store from being located at the Fay ettevllle Street site, nothing de' finij;® baa deiveloped. There are some who contend tkft^^Mili^uid not be loei^fd near churcliM Tha, Fayetteville street licatioai* between the White Rod^MMtisf chorc) and the St, Jc«^ AME church. It is understood that both 6T the churMies that they would not liquor ator« be;n« Vernon Farrington Victini Of-Willful Attack For Silting Willi Officer COLLEGE DEAN pastors statements object to the located on Fayetteivflle st^et^ A movement is oa foot to have an entire Negro panoaei operaU th% store, and the Committee on Negi5> Affairs ha* set in motioa Sommencemeht program^^^^ intention of observing the many buildings n process of eonstruc- tihn. Dr, Shiepard also announced this week that he is expecting one of the largest summer schools jn thon^h the namfes. of several per sons are being discussed the comnyi|^e has not placed its en- dors^’ " ■' ' son 1 ent on any particular per* yet. 3-. • ! One of the mort flagraat po- lice brutalities occurred hero Wedne^ay afternoon when par trolman J. S. Whitfield of the Purbim pojfaa^ depart, unwar- ranteAy assaulted Vernon Far- jriagton, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Narvey Farrington of 410 Thomaf street, while the latter with hia wife was a passenger on one of -local- bases, enroute from his work. U iPIW te in scientific discus- »iMid to' yr»k„together? Dr. I Donnell gave the following ans: I ThrimsweT8-ttrthose question* fcatrd to many others-which) , per- ^taln to doctors and are little un- £ d«n»tood, perhaps, by the public, j'can be, summed up in two stete- ,1 ih,.j- Pr»tj.;ft_Me0jQfie to~practice me- dicine is a permit to study. jjSeeond, the best 'way for a ^ (^tor to study, and to learn, at statf^ fif Vis career, in W *;ji c^^ as|^ciRion with other, doc- ^. A man may acquire arithmetic for geonaetry, history or • langu* X a^^ from books i| he works hard but he ia better off if he ; ■ has a good teacher. Yet it ia trua .thftt these Bubject4,»ra qucceMh fully pursued, by a studious per- ? son, alone with hia books. Thomas 4 Carl^w*»4 t,anlvar^te .'I* ^mereljT et cWecfion rf*boolk^ mo .'the niedical student in collego / geM a great deal hif, f The facts of. phiysics ani chem^ printed ‘VtH^uams- ^Bot the » medicines advaaeaa. ?«|lAially year by year, hf t«a^ bounds, A bit of kaewladia cvtt- iributed by oa« doetw tod*r> •> item of experiaace hf •aotkeir doctor ton}orro:« •» tkM the science and art af awttsbf like a ?/cat*l^eiMr ly ^a mo mentum of Ita aa'itrf nan, M in evitably, as irraili^.U^ as • fU cier. Pccgrew aeldaai occors «ike the sudden eartlioaalw o* #•»• great personal diseovary, tha coa- tributioa of oae maa, u hapiiea ed whea Kock diacovered the germ of tuberculoaia or Pasteur the cause of tetaaua. Wa Imh>« recurreacea of thaaa graat and and coavalaice moviBmaBta to aolve such problems aa, cancer, but ia the raaaatima wa keep do|^»dly, pendatantly, davbtedly, on otir way toiMrd th** gMil of rendering availaMa to tha humaa race all the kaavladga which we can find which ia real aad t«>t^ .kaqwledge. dical sodety meetinir ibeeomM ia- valuable to the doctor aad to the people who are hto patieata. It serves aa a test tube for new ide«s. Tha physic^ wfce eoiiies to such a maetia# to itraaaat aew m^atreial mart subject Mmaelf to the test of jproviiig to hia ,aqu#l# every estep of the path by which he (ame t^ja>{a aoaclaslona. He may have c^^ooked acuathiag in hia enthaaiaina. It will aet take long for othera to point tHa oat W« all weleome tha aewfaet and the naw experiaaea, |»at do 4fioir!«e«i|it t3i«R jpraved. i-iis acquired ^»In> fact like manner, the within a wetek, it was said here today, Senator “Frederick Van Veys of Indiana is chairman tf thtt sulMiommittee. It is likely that the fiill Judiciary committee will accept the report of its ssiib' committee and report favoral^ history of NUhht CdroHnH ollege. A double seauon will be here a^ong observers and ne'vs-xluSQnducted Ahis year, and inany paper men that some kind of ac--^ teachers who have found it no tion on t^e anti-lyncl dng bill by jces^ry heretofore to go else- the Senate is certain at this ses; wtisre for double ses^on advan- sion of CoAgrei^,^ perhaps before ’ cages will be able to remain at to th4 Senate within ten days.' , | the Meanwhile tie feeling persis^^« of' opposition to the itill the .aouinern senators,. tl«.end of Juno, there is plenty the school this year after 50m- anicnij pleteing th% work of the first session of th^ summer school^^ THE DURHAM SKYLINE 1. . ^ / J ' ' S^SW-s AILPHON^ ELDBR, dean of North* Caroli^ College who will play a promiiwi^t part in the com- nieni^ement ^rcises which will take place at* the local college next Tuesday^ —^^ :— INSURANCE MEN OF NATION attend big ANNUAL CON- VENTKH4 AT AUGUSTA, GA. ' . XTTOUSnaaik, May 27—.(A. NP)—-Augusta tthia week became th|a Insurance Capital of the na- tkta, with delei^te^ from* every sectioa here in Itteadance at the 17th annual iMi^a of the Nat’l Negro Inw^mnisa^Association, this week, and whht ^s city’s Pilgrim Health.Jind:- Lift' ■ Insurance com pany acting as ofiicial host to th^ hundreds of del«i^tes-^ and. ..vist^ According to eye witnesses the bua was crowded and young Far rington, not seeing another seat vacant except the one half oc cupied by the policeman at, the front of tie bua seated himself beside the officen^. Before those on the bus could reiUizie what had happened offficer Whitfield had slapped young Farrington, and that without warning. The young man got off the‘ bus upon advice of other passen gers went immediately to the po lice station to secure a warrant for the officer. He wm refused a warrant, however, |at' police headquarters, ahd one of the of- ficei^ present is said to have re marked tlat officer Whitfield did right and .that “some of you iamn niggers are getting mighty smart around here.” The matter was Jbcoaght bgfara tlie Durham Committee on Negro Affairs at its usual weekly meet ing Thursday mommg Counsel for the young man will be aecor- •d at the expense of the Commit- te and'a waiimnt will be obtain ed for the arrest of th-? officer. Latest reports circulated over Ue city today stated that the lo- home cal branch- erf ciation^for the Natiunal ASK-- l^dvancement of Criored JPeoftle, will also take an active part ip helping to secure justice for ^oung Farrington. Dr.^^ J. N. Mills, president of the or ganisation could not be rcMhed in time obtain a statemebt concerning the offair for publi cation. Last minute deveiopm*ats in the case diseioM thajt Attorney C. J. Gates employed to prose cute the case had secured a war. rant for Officer Wiitfield and the hearing will be held Saturda7 moiiiing before Judge W. H. Murdock of the Reorders Court. ! It has also beea discloaed' ti»t .M. M. Thompson was the officer who made the statement that "some of yoa danm niggers are getting mii^t^ sroart. Interested^ persons wiU also attempt to^ ob^- tain a warrant for his arreat. tors. Headquarter^ for ^e conven- YERGAN 0R6AIIIZES IN EUROPE TO AID AFRICA LONDON, May 27—(CNA) don. Max Yergan, director of th^ tion had beto eMaUiahied at the-| Intematwaal Committee oa A- home office of Ae Piljfpim HMlth frican Affairs, announced the and Lif^,'^hile the ’^si»eBS:acs-'|aetting of a Europeaa sub-com- aions were h«Id Haines last-1 mittee af tlie International Com- The CNHifab WM called to order mittee and bitterly aasailed fas- Wedaesday moraiag bp^ AMociar^ tion President W. ff.’ftornAy, th opening session being devoted mainly to the reading' of reporta Iby aaaociation of^ials. The pre- B*dent'^^.ananal ad^ss waa de livered at the afternoon meeting. Dr.^T. W. Joaey, medical darec^ tor, l^igrim HealA and tife co. was t^ master oermoniea at cist atraclties in Spain and ETthio- • ing cauaa^ The coaaeietio’i t>^- [weea BMa and eveata ia the les- soa of all hiatonr-’* -eOe. »■— - ■ from the air opon huadineda of I civilians ia the Basque eooptry., [it must be added that the |natnre of faacnaa whaler in Spain, Ethiopia, America or Ja- leads to jppecisely th^ r»> effect imiaediately foQow- j Op«iBr Jian le lsult&. Yergan, wno is on a tour of Europe in the interests of the comnuttae, nan.ed Paul JUtbason, world-famous actor-singer, Rene Maran, ^stin^ished African ith«r aad Leonard ^krBes, 'wid«'r ly known writer on African pio- blemSi-^and the nudleua of the All thr«f M»oto abowf, the /‘♦ii^l^e of Our patients are^ not gaiaaa»p%t, * Parham, whe^ th^ colored bnsi- and' we tary new tUagi m »eas group has «i^ted a monu- i medical student may absorb a 1 knowledge of the fa«fs of aiiada- T mjc physiology and jl;i(^gy from vbooki. He is laudi better off 1^ A y^aaK.tfcem* we an eoiag to reqafare them to be diowa~'fi9 be of value by cnonefatitve eiridenee. Thl» |p of R’^r^• and" Ji •riMftu s «• CeUjtiaei^^e »afe iriglil neat to it4 efforto in ^a North Carolina tfuCtill life Inaurance CaiBfany Building, ll-S' Pkrricii which* is the third tallest' itenwtoe ia the picture. The bttildinf ii owned by tbe company t«ft to rigbt, t4ue talleat is thaknowa Hill boildingi 'next is the Wash- it^on Duke Hotel : a|||^the third is the North Caropiapiutual, all dthin a block of «ach other. TlVe Mutual , building alsi houses tl*e Mechanics and farm ers jBankr'Charles Clin ton Spauldii^i intiemationally the bic public held Wed. . night at TaSSSe Baptirt committee cnirch, where a speeial maalcal the. I>aiae CoHege rtratglea^f tte Xfrfcaa peoples, aad the Bethlehem aad ► Taber-1 *®'*“ explained. naeU chunih choruaea sapplenken- wwka ia E^,” Yer- tedaddreaae, kj BfttoaaUy fcaow»• speakers. Dr. I* A. Piakstoa, Ta- |l>emacle partor, latroduaed %a- hmr^ agai^ I With bi|^ ptaiaa of Paoi Bobe- SOB, Y«|pa eotttiauid: > **f WMK 'cii- • skrvcth;^-e^e^in^ natiiflll. Ma pacsiw caa; dMiaai^ tiuM Bwd Boitl—t Hd aevffid . of* bin iMk'jr tlana at»fat 'ImH. we^ ia Xaaiwa. % # * |MMt irance mea, le^utive, is president of cerns. Mr. I^ulding, as ! . . » » » ...n, .t.rt.d with th. **• its be^nnln, 39 did aU oitk* “IJSL , .Kltdm Mr. J.h;l Mairi^, ran hja %ai^er ahop,)^ pwic ^ and Dr. Aaron McDuffie Ifoorej*^"^' Augusta; ooked after hii praetlee, I (Ceatlaaad mm |,oucW witk a aaaritn «t effective > -risTaaied .fee" Allea, Jr^ »e Mi»ewhiA o the aatare tha fast moving history wkMk each aaf old4 aai bavi 'maift f«seea th«t X9 3. S. ’ *‘lt Ja'ae^eaoogb, for iaiitnia, to aay the nMdat Hnti ta yeawrday raiaed daaA ■,S ■ ■ia i