- T rAOE SIX THl CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY JUNE 19, . 1937 S- : REAL ESTATE.-XEGAL ADVERTISING PURHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLNA TRUSTEE SALS OF LAND UNDBit AND m virtue oI th* powtr confMTtd upon thi TraatM to b ctrUln deed of ..traat •xscuted by John Herbert McNmJ Mid wife, OretU Me NmI uid dated April 29tH, 1931, •nd dttlp recorded In the Office of th* Reeirter of Deed* for DarlMun Coanty to Book of Mor- t«M«« default haTtoc bean mad* in the pay ment of tha aame, under- aicnad Truatee wUl offer for aai« at pnblic auction at the Conrthonaa doer to Durham, N. to th« hifh»at bidder for eaeh, OB 'FRTOAY, JULY 2nd, 1937 at 12 o’clock Noon, th« fallowing described land, to- wit: BEGINNING at a *take on the weat aide of Fargo Street (For merly Fowler Street) 100 feet S 21 dee*. 20’ W frofh the sojtr- wet.', ir.ttratction of Ba\‘.er ar.d Fargo Street*: thence with the weatem property line of Fargo Street, South 21 20’ Went 50 feet; thence North (J!» deg- Ot #e^‘ to tl-e aouth- west corner of Lot No. 3, may hereinafter ref rrel to; thence with' the eaat- n line o-' Lot No. S, Norh 21 deg. 55' East 80 feet; thenc«. South 69 deg. 05’ East 83.0 feet to the point of begin ning. Same being Lot No. 4 of thg N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company's pfbip^^rty as survefod and platted by S. M. Credle, C. E», April 2Srd, 1931 f for a more definite description see map on record-jn tHe Office of the Re gister of Deeds, Durham County Courthouse, Book 8- of Plats page 203. Same being a portion of the property conveyed to Sam Barbee by Robert Holloway in deed dat ed December 29th, 1901, retfbrtl- ed in Book 29 of Deeds, at pag^ 339. Further refrence is made to Trustee Deed from E. R. Mer rick, Trustee to R. N. Harris, duly of record, Durham County Registry, Book of Etoeds 9S« at page 533. Also se’e deed from it. N. Harris and .wife, to N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company Book of Deeda 91, pajnie 682. THIS SALE ia to remain opan for ten days to recaiva increase bids as required by law. THIS PROPERTY ia aoM at th« request of the holder of said note. Dated this 31st day of May, 1937. E. R. MERRICK, Trusted M. HUGH THOMPSON, Attorvey NORTH CAROLINA DtJRHAM county ' TRUSTEE SALE QF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certiiirt Deed of Trust dated July 7th, 1936 ' and executed by Eddie Robinson, Leon Williams, Julia Luster, An nie Bell Fortster and G. C. Rob erson, Trustees of "Thfe, Church of God," and duly recorded to . . ^me. C J. Walker’s W^OtlDERFUL HAI!?'GROWER % - i-' • : Mme. C. J. Walker came from the great working class of people. She Knew their toils and hardiships; of the sweat and grime and drudgery of life; of how little time and attention they had to give to their hair and scalp. Therefore, whbi she discovered 'a wonderful formula, she made it double strength so that the first application would h« far reaching in i:£ effectiveness. ^ Y, ~~ ’-Mme. C.rJ. Walker’s^ WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER grows and beautifies the hair. At the same tinie, its rich penetrating secret oil& go l6f6 tHife roots the half supplying the neceiysary scalp'food'^nd^giving tone; quality and beauty to the hair. ' . j—— ' Tliirty years on the market, and yet, in spite of the depression, hundreds ot chousaads of boxes are going out to women everywhere. " your hair short, brittle, thin or falling out? Does it lack life? / 1 • Do you have itching scalp? I If soTwlfte fot xMme. C J. Walker'i WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER » - ■ 1 ^ . THE MME. C. J. WALKER MANUFACTURING CO., INC. .WALKER BUILDING , .. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. tha Offic* of the Reffister of Da«da for Durham County to Book of Mortgages 2«5, at page 208; default havinir bean made in the payment of tha aan^ th« un*‘ dersigped tmatea will offer foi sale at public auction to the hifh. eat bidder for cash at th% Court house door iiLDuriiain, Nortk Ca. rolina, on MONDIAY, JUNE 21st, 1«37 at m o’clock Noon, the following described land, to wit: PRONTINiQ on South side of Glann ^eet ill Hafti, adjoining the lot above described andjthe lot below described and the Irada of Mariah (Blynum, beginning at N W coipier of Npthan Goodloe’a residence lot, and running thence with Glenn Street, Westward 60' feet; ihanee witU Ui« lot b«l«w described, South 2 chains, and 79 links; thence lE^astward paralled with Glenn Street, 60 feet; thence northwest with Itoe of Na. than Goodloe’a lot 2 cjiains, 70 links to the beginning containing 1^4 of an acre, more or less. Sea deed from N. M. Johnson to Na than Goodloe recorded in Book of Deeds 43', at pag«t 119, in thte Office of ‘Register of Deedi of Durham County.' See deed from T. D. Parham to Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Book 100 of Deeds, page 7^ Durham County Registryit^ Se« deed from‘'Mecha nics and Farmers (EfenW to Trus tees of the CHGrch of God, duly at recorded in Book of Deeds at Page , Durham County Re gistry. , THIS; SALE'^ill remain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. THIS 'PROPERTY is sold at the request of the holder of said note. Dated this l'9tM day of May, 1937. R. L. McDOUGALD, Trustee M. HUGH THOMPSON, , Attorney « NORTH CAROUNA IKJRHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE SALE OP LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certain deed of trust, dated 'April SOth, 1931, and exe cuted by Holt McClato and wife Bertha McClain and duly record ed in thie Office o:^the IB^istei.' of Peeda foT Carmih Oonilty. in .Book of Mortgages 203, at }>|Sge 14; default luudng been made in the payment of the same,,the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door to Durham, N. C., on FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1937 at 12 o’clock Noon, the foUowmg described, land, to- wit; B(EK;;INNING on tlie Elfist side of Chatham Street, 152 feet South, 24 deg. 65’ West from the southeast intersectin of Chat ham and ^kxter Streets, running thence South 68 deg. 45* East 85.1 feet .to the Northwest cor ner of Lot No. 2, map hereinafter referred toj thenc« with the Western line of Lot No. 2, South 23 deg. 20’ West 50 f«et; thenco Norlh 68 deg. 40’ West 87.7 feet to Chatham Street; thence with Chatham Street, North 24 deg. 56’ E 60 feet to the beginning. Same being Lot No. 1 of tho N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Ct>m- pany’s prop*IVty, ttf snrv«yed and platted ,by S. M. Credle, April 23rd, 1931; for more de description se^ Map oh record io tl-e Office of the Register of Deeda of Durham County, Book 8, page 203. Further reference is also made to Commi.'wioner’s Deed from W. L. Foushee, Com- missio?»«*, fo Sfcm Barbee, Book of Depds 47, at page 689, pur- ham County Registry. Further reference is also made to deofT from Pattie Barbee' to Sam Bar bee, Book' of Deeds 48, at page 222, Durham County Registry. See deed from E. R. Merrick, Trustee to R. N. Harris' duly re corded in Book of Deeds 93, at page 533, Durham County Regis try, and deed from R. N. Harris and wife to North* Carolina Mu tual Life Insurance Company, Book of Deeds 91, at page 632. No. 2BEGINNING at a point on the West side of Mat thews Street, South degs. .55’ 151 feet from the Southwest in-, tersection of Baxter and Mat thews Sts.; running thence with the , Western property line of Matthews St. South 21 deg. West 50 feet; thence North 68 deg. 40’ West 87.7 feet to tho southeast corner of Lot No. 1 map hereinafter referred to; th'ence witfi the eastei'n line of Lot No. 1, N 23 deg. 2QLJ 5.C feet; thence S 68 deg. 45’ E 85 1 feet to th'e point of beginninj;- Same bei#g Lot No. 2 of the plat hereinafter referred to and being t>roperty belonging to the N. C. Mutual Ijfe Insurance Company as surveyed and plat ted April 23, 1931 by S. M. Credle, C. E. See Map of aaid property on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County , Plat ^ook 8, at page 20^3. (Furth'sr referencp may be obtained from the convr- yance in Tract No, 1.) nsofj As He looks foittiif At a FLSA OhoJt and executed by Mathew Nunn and Jiflia Nunn, his wife,, and and point of beginning. And be ing Lots Numbered 1, 2, 3, 5 duly recai'ded in th& Office of i and 6 in jBlook Number 20, a? the Register of Dee^ for Ditr- shown on that plat of the pivV 1am County in Book of Mortga- arty of the Ndrthesat Land Co. ges 171, at page 211; default which s^id plat is duly recorded having been made in the payment | in , the Office of the Register of of the UndersigTied Trustee will i Deeds for 1)url am County in offer for sale at public auction j Plat Book 5, at ^ages 82 and 93 to the highest bidder for c65h’ at I and- being a part of the property Hated thi» 7th day of June, 1937. E. R. MERRICK, ■ TRUSTEE M. HtrOH TtlOMPSON, ATTORNEY' , Courthouse door C., on in Durham, ANYBODY ten Afford to Buildr eMidtttM* coBC«^ing tba pUnottag» fihahclkg aad actual ewsatredtieB «f « mew kom* hmra neTar been mera favaralilcj , tkara's abaolataly a» raasen why yon can’t hara tha lionia yo« •ira. Un4ar tka padaral plans yoa can bnlld witlT tl^ certainty of fnll awnan^kip*. . a kaina that wOl ba yours In 10 or 20 yaar*. AM yWur initUl invastaiant naad ba anlj'20 >ir Mbf afv'dg Tala* of .yew proparty I TkU ^aw ntatkad af ftnaneing is easier, Mona'tfM*" vanlant wad ataral^iacaaainical... Taka adTantaga of tkU goMan op- partunlfy now. -'i, I u W - ' ’ ’ ’ ■ ■ — ... COME IN NOW FOR ALL INFORMATION ABOUT F»Bi[Air LOANS AND HOME FINANCING PLANt - THIS SALE will remain, open for ten days to recei«;e.„increase bids as required by law. This property is sold at>> the requer.t of th^ holder of said note. Dat^d this 31st day of May, 1937. E. R. MQRRICK, TRUSTEE M. HUGH THOMPSON, ~ ^ ATTORNEY NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUStEJB SALE OF LAND UNDEiR AND BfY VIRTUE of tk« power conferred upon the Trustee in a certain Deed ot Trust dated October 8th. 1928, THURSDAY, JULY 8th', 1937 at 12 o’clock Noon, the following describetl land, to- wit: BEGINNING at a point, the Southeast Corner of Alma Street (formerly Thiid AvenH«j>fn>» and Evprgaeen Street: and running thence along the South side of EiVergeen Street South 86 deg. 30 min. jEast 150 feet tJ a point in"t)je..iliJiJih line of Evengreen Street; tfince S. 5 deg. 3 min W. 150.9 feet to a p:^:nt, the Northeast corner of Lot No % in Block No. 20 as shown on the plat hereinajfter referred to; thence N 86 deg. 30 min. W. 150 feet to a point in the East line of Alnia Street at the Northwest corner of Lot No.'7 hereinafteir melitioned; thence - along the East side of Alma Street, No. 5 deg. 3 min. East 151.9 feet to the Southeast corner x>f Alma and ^yergreen ^^treets, the place convfyed to C. H. Rosser try M. G. Markham and wife. See d»ed from the Ti'ustees of the Primi tive Baptist Church of Duvhani to* M G. Markham. See also deeds recorded in Booits and pages as follows 56-65; and 50-615, „ This sale will remain open ten days to receive increase bid^, 5S required by law. This prrtpavty i«i gnlH ntr ro- quest of the .holder of said nnte. DR. W. ALEXANDER 'CLELAND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special Atten'tkm to Dit^«se« of Cl^dren TaIa)^oa^' Day—L-0961 ’ Night—N-3» PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Fire Insurance - Rentals > Real Estate* Property Management • Automobile and^All Kinds Of Insurance. ^ r~ I-::: H, M.^ MICHAtJX, Manager * « 's N. C r V Phone J-65S1 bt both«r«d with an automoblU tn ;«iir Iwi* ilownttwn jpytry It It M ti Ift Ml •heqNf .l* Hdt lh« Ikn «ni ypu nmm Nvt ft worry obout porking ipocM^ taigt far \ln§ IM long, broken bumpori mni itwtiha« itiv im or ipfo Hre 9 MMi mmi Icvt Mmm^ 0 'f^rhaniPuiUc Ti GENASCb ASPH ALT SHINGLES BRICK FLUE LINING—CEMENT LIME — PLASTER EVERYTHING INBUILDING SUPPUES Oiirtiam Builders Supply Company Milton Ave. at W. Main St. FOR MEN AND WOMEN JUST LOOKAT THAT HAIRI time In keeping your Hair in Qrowlnc Condition. Madam jono* HAH OLORY helps to soften anu Smooth Short, Harsh, Stubby, Stiff.‘and Kinky Hair. Adda new life and gloes to faded, dead looking hair. Before you know it you should be able to dress yout hair in attractive fashion which^oukl win ^he admiration of your frieniu and loved ones. Remember, your hair is your crowning glory. So make yourself happy and ptoud by sporting a tiful head well kept Don’t let 1^- FRFFJ io^«c — ■ hold you back any longer. Just send name «nd_addre8s for^dam Janos nm Trontmont vice and leant how eaiw it i» to- have beautiful. long, straight hair with —- MAOAM JONES CO, •8W Csltsew OrewAvwes