-- w . w mmm tNi cakoima Mon. July 5th 9 Until banner Warehouse DR, CROMWELL SM Hant Str«t dM on 3tm |Hfii SorEi, ilieSoel i^I ?lf |IhiD«i«FSoi!ic only • short tim* lioforo' h*t dwith. > Sh* t> forviT«4 by 1i#r tmthef and mottHOw ' Suria! wm tisld At Boeehwood c«m«t«r|^ 27th wiU»* Seaktoroath ^ Homo in chavg«. AND HIS Broadcasters Orchestra OF WIN5ijTON SALEM, N. C. featuring that sweet song, LITTLE OLD LADY BENEFIT LADIES JR. BOARD r Paallno ]^oiton, 16, at Rondwton Grov* Wak« Coun- S®*$BU*S ADMISSION 65c LINCOLN HOSPITAL WHITE SPECTATORS 50c . . . . TERMS We hav* thousands-df satis fied cusiomeis who arc using our "No Doiwn Payment” tire purchasing plan. You don't need ready cash to purchase those tires you need... come in today and we will equip your car with genuine Seiber* lingVapor Cured tirea, no money down , . . terms that will fit you exactly! i ^ Our prices ore QS low as any in town! Just com-^ por^, then come in and buy. y ov SUIT AS LOW AS SOc Tom Credifl is Goodl With UsI NO MONEY DOWN Vernon Hall, 4|, el 908 Ilclcei Street died June M at the Stat« hoapital at OoldriMro. Mr. Hall is sorviTed by hte wife, mother, father and one aiitar. Bui^ ter- vices wore hefd at City Cenetery June 29th. Sc«!torough Funeral Home in diart»> Jamss Barton, &fi, ef Bouts 6 Box 170 Iforrfanille, died at the Uncoln Hoq^iti^ June afth. He is survived fcjr Ills trtfe, Ms mot her and father. Barial held North Carolina, Durham Ceonty, TBUSTEE SALB t>F LAND under AND VXSTUE of the power conferred npoto me In a certain deed of trust dsted M«y ®» 1922, and executed by Ralph John son an wife, Rosa B, Johnson, and duly recorded in the (^fics of the Register of Deeds for Durham County in Book of Mortfairte 192, at pfige 372; defsulti having been made in the payment ef the same,^ the undersigned. Trustee will offer ior sale to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door, for eash, on, SATIHIDAY, JULl 17TH, IftJT at 12 o'clock' Noon, the following described land, to- wit; ADJOlNINiG lands of Nelson Turner, W. G. Pearson on Divis ion Street, et al: BBGXNINING at a stake on the North side of IMvi- sion Street in the Southwest cor ner of Nelson Turner's line and running '^in a Westerly direction along said Division Street, 8€ feet to a stake in the Southwest comer of W. G. Pearson's Hne; thence along said W. G. Pearson's line In a northerly direction, -186 feet to a stake; thence in an easterly direction 30 feet to the westeoi tine of sail Nelson Turner; thenee South 125 feet along the western line df said Nelson Turner to the I point of beginning, the same being the Eastern portion of Lots 21 snd 23 which formerly belonfired to the Enterprise fjand Company. See deed from Ira Jones to W.S. In gram dated May 22, ld06, record ed in Deed Book at page 200 iSee also, deed £rom W. S. IngFam and wlfH io W. G. lH»raon« dated Has^h MdCenw^, 40 dM tt Duke Hospital Friday June agth . , - ***«*■ •» illneas of a litie over 2 fSansriAlwielca. Mr, McKellar urtjo Uy^d bt 617 St. Josei^ St. la awnKlved by his wife and four ^ifldreii. Burial wv held Juo« 871^ Fatr- nont, N. 0. Meliaurh) Funeral Home in chaiv** , ♦ M «omer ef n Htnte^ the bagjusiny. duly.i>fccoi dad In the Office «f and Kve and HBil' in chaiv*. Jamm Dickey, 80 of 90t Bam- key St. Died at Duke Ho^>ltal 0une 2KS after an illness of a- bout three weeks. Mr. Dickey is survived by his fattier and three siAer& Funeral sewleea were held in the funeral chapel June 28th. Burial waa at Grove Hilf Cemetery. ' McLaurin Funeral Home in charge. Helen, the S months old daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kn.igbt died at Duke Hospital with pheumonia on June 2ftb. Mrs. Enied Moss, 98 of Gran ville County, died Jun« 27th. Mrs Moss is survived iiy her son Rev. S. L. Allen. Services were hetJ at Union Chapel in Granville County on the 28th. Carolina Funeral Home in Charge. SATlMl&AY JULY 3. NOSTH CAROUNA DU8BAM COUNTY IN gVPERIOS COURT ALK3E ARMSTRON, Administra trix of W, J. Annatron, Decease«l, and Armstponi'j Individu- B«y,- vs. Salli« Chalmers, heir-at-law W. J. Amstron, Deceased NOTICl The defendant, 9allie Chal mers, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Soperioi^ Court «f Durham County, North CaroliMa to sell land of W. J. lArmstrong, deceased, to make as sets; and the said defendant, wih further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk bf the superior cour t of said County in the Courthouse i* Durham, N. C ten days ffter the 3 August, 1937, and answer or dfr mur to the'^dmplaint in said act ion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. Jas. R. Stone Ass't. C. S. C:, Durham County This 28 day of June, 19S7. tbi««^iter of Deeds for Dux* laa Ceunty in Book of Mortga ges 171, at i^«e 214; default having been made tn th« payment of the UBdertii3}.ed Trastee will for sale at pnblle jinctlofi to the highest bidder for at th« Courthouse door in Dsrham, N. C., on • TBV^AY, JULY 8th^ 1987 at 12 o'clock Noon, th« following deecribed ||nd| tp- wit: BEGINNING at a point, the Southeast Corner of Alma Street (formerly Third Avenue), and ing' Lota'Nvfl^red 1, I, 8, £ and 6 in BlodI Number t9f_W 'tt'ewn osrtlwt pist-oH^ erty of the NorthMat Land which said plat ia dvly recorded in the Office of the Seiner of Deeds for Durham County to Plat Book fi, at pages 98 and 98 and * p*i’t of the property oonvefed te C. H. kosaer jM- 0. Markham and wife, See deed from the Trustees^ thf, Primi- ttv* Ifoptist Chtti^ of Durham fivei^reen Street; and runiiing to M G. Markham. See also dtwds thenoe along the South side of!r*o»rded in Books and psgea aa Bvergeen Street South 86. deg. I follows d6^65; and 6*0-615. . Infant child of Wade Ingram Hied June jjSth and was buried at the Golden Gate Cemetery on the same date. -Carolina Funeral Home in charge. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Now that the holiday season is at hand, and so many of »B will bebuying new things, I advisO' a visit to, . Bab'a Slipper Shop where they are offering their $1.99 shoes for only $1—Shop early at IBab’s pti this* sale lasts untU July 4th—lee creamr—that is something that We all like. The Durham Dairy Ice cream is rich in flavors and is, made of good ice cream—for your holiday des- ser^ order Sl ptot or a guart of your favorite ice cream from the Duriuun Dairy Ice Cream Store in Hayti of which Mrs. Laura Husband is manager, PER WEEK GET YOUR AUTO BATTERIES, SEAT COVERS ANb' ACCESSORIES FOR LESS AT Blackwood’S lac. 434 WEST MAIN ST. PHONE L-7281 January 16th, 19122, and recorded in the Office 6f the Register of of Durhun ia Deed Boot «3, at page 198. ,THiS SAiLE will remain'open for .ten days to receive increase bis, as required by law. THIS PKOlPIEiRTY is sold at tihe request of the holder of said note. WS7. IDATED this 16th day of June, MBGHAKKSS AND FARMERS BANK, TRl^TiSB M. Hugh Thompson, Attornew. NAACP WARNS OF UNFAIR NESS IN WPA REDUCTIONS CoBtlBaed frons'pagja seven /^y»nf»i^tion for Advancement- of Colored People reveafettatin such re-employment as is taking place in various sections of the country very few jobs are bein|; pven to Negroes. This unfortun ate circumstance creates situation where reductions on rac^ basis would work greater harm to He roes than any other racial group We therefore urge reductions be made on basis of proportion of reemployment in private and public industry as such re-me ployment relatively affects white and Negro Americans." I OUR ICE PUTS THE SMILE ON THEIR FACES. JUST THE THING TO TOP OFF , THAT HOLIDAY FEAST. IN AIX FLAVORS AND PACKED FOR YOU* COPtVlENCES IN HALF PINTS, PINTS, AND QUAJtTS AND UP. IT IS RICH. CREAMY, AND NUTRITIOUS. ll^VOttC FOB YOUR CONVIENCES - i ■ . I is*-" PRODUCTS MRS. LAURA HUSBAND. Mgr. FAYETTEVILLE ST. NORTH CAROLINA ' DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a certain deed of orust dated April 30th, 1931, and exe cuted t>y Holt McClain and wife .Bwtba McClain and duly ^cord ed in tlte Office of the Reg^ter of Deeds for Durham County, in Sbok of Mortgages 203, at page 14; default having been made in the payment of the same, the un dersigned Trustee wfll offer for sale at pablie aoetion to the highest' bidder for cash at the Court^use door in Durham, N. C« fin FRIDAY, JULY 2nd, 1937* at 12 o’clock Noon, the following described land, to- wit; BBGINNING on the East side of Chatham Street, 152 f«ot South 24 deg. 55’ West from the southeast interaectin «f Chat ham and Baxter Staeetsi running thence South 68 deg. 41’ Eaat 85.1 feet to the Northwest cor ner of Lot No. 2, map hereinafter referred to; thence with the Wiestern line of Lot No. 2, South 23 deg. 2D' West 60 feet; thence North 68 deg...40*' West 87.7 feet to Chatham Street; thence with Chatham Street, North 24 deg. 65’ E 50 feet to the beginning. Same being Lot No. 1 of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance' Com pany’s property, as surveyed and platted by S. M. Credle, April 23rd, 1931; for more definite description s^ Map on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham Comty, Book 8, page 203. Further reference is .also made to CAmmissioner’s Deed ’from W. L. Fo^shee, Com missioner, to Sam Barbee, Book of Deeds 47, at page 689, Dur ham County Registry. Further ref^ence is also made to deed from Pittle Barbee to Sam Bar bee, Book of Deeds 48, at page 222, Durham County Registry See deed from E- R- Merrick, Trustee to R. N. Harris duly re corded in Book of Deeds 93, at page 533, Durham County Regis try, and deed from R. N. Harris land vi^e to North) Carolina Mu tual Life Insurai^ce Company, Siook of Deeds 91, at page 632 No. 2:—BBGINNINo at point on the West side of Mat- tihews Street, South 21 degB. 55' 151 feet from the Southwest in tersection o/ Baxter and Mat thews Sts.; running thence with the Western property line of Mathews St. South 21 deg. ^5' West M feet; thence North 68 deg. 40' West 87.f feet to the Southeast comer of Lot No. 1 map hereinafter referred to; thence with the eastem line Lot No. 1, N 23 deg. 20' E 60 feet; thence S 68 deg. 46' E' 85.1 feet to tbe^iwiaf of beginning. Same be!^ Lot No; 2 of the pli^ hereinafter referred'to and being property belonging 0.' Mutual Life Insurance Tympany as sarveyed and plat ted April 88, 1981 by S. M. Credle, C. E. See ;Map of said property on record in t^e Office of the Register of Deeds of Dur ham County , Plat Book 8, at .page 203. (Further referraicp may be obtained from the conve- yanee in Tlract No. 1.) THIS SAUi will remain open for ten days to.receiv^ incrtiase i^ds "as required by law. This .property is sold at the requent of (ji« holder ef said note.-. .Dated this 81st daj oi May,*" 1987. E. R. M&BRICK, TRUSTEE M. HUGH THOMPSON, ATTORNEY NORTH CAROLINA DIURHAM CO.UNTY TRUSTS? SAiLE OF LAND UNDER AND Bff VIETUaE .of the power confel^ed 'upon «e Trustee in ^ certain Deed of Trust dated ’ pJtober 8th. 1928 i ^d executed by Mathew Nunn I and Julia Nunn, bis wife, and 30 min. East 150 feet to a point in the South line of Evergreen Street: thnee S. 5 deg. 8 min W, 150.9 feet to a p^int, the Northeast comer of Lnt No 7 in Block No. 80 as shown on Mie plat hereinaiTter referred to, thence N 86 deg. SO min. W. ISO feet to a point in the lEast line of Alma Street at the Northwest comer of Lot No. 7 hereinafter mentionedthence along the East side of Alma Street, No, This sale will remain ^en ten days to reoejve inc^e^ bids,^M required'lby law. ^This property is sold at ths re quest of the holder of said nnte. Dated this 7th day of June, 1987. » • E. R. MERRICK, TBUSTEE M. HUGH THOMPSON,. ATTORNi^Y IlitllllllHiUIUIHUUIIIIipiillilKHtll DR. ALEXAHDER CLELAND PHYiSlGIAN and SUAGBON Special AtteaUe* Dlijbasea ef CbUdreM Teiepbe^ Day—L-0961 Wgbft—N.333 iiuiiiiiiitiiiHiitiiiiiiniiiiHiiniiiiiiiiH LOOK! BIC MONEY FOR YOU! RnVs Yw Big Ch«m li Mito M MiMf-te NfMrt f^SNEET GEIMMailOilMMrllPKsk«llaMdlC^ IPtEiqrl Do you to make experieiKe. Work in ^>areTimet $4|jM a wedt or up to in a sini^ day. FREE SAMPLES SwNf No Mmtmyi Mail rhis ( oi idn Ntiw JustfiBinmoponandmafltt^lSSn^^ I today for PrtBEtAlin.ES of I _ y. y- I Hair DrwBng, Face Pwder and * wa*s»»i--«iidSp*cWStetoWtriirtrt.i«ir. j Spedal Offer to AGENl^ Don’t ^ iVMM »wait. Man the COimm NOWI J ^. « • J lMiiiorPro4i|^C«. V ! | 2Mi Istfsss Anase, Wssge B wPterte your dollar buys Department Street Stores IS READY ior JULY FOURTH With Your Every Needl i.YOU WILL FIND WEARING APPAREL FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. PRICED ~ wiTHnr'WinmaiCBr ^ome Arid Compare! SATIN SI.IPS You will admire these for their fine quality and workmanship. Full length. Tea rose and white. GIRL’S ORGANDY AND BATISTE DRESSES Plain and fancy colors. New styles. Sizes 7 to 14. LADl^’ COOL SHEER DRESSES BEACH SANDALS Fashioned of plain and printed batiste, ergandy i> liatcnt uppers with . , „ ...... ' aol«i, Cuban and other sport materials.^ Yon will find a vast array to choose from, in sizes f4 to 50 $1.00 LADIES’ HATS FOR THE FVOURTMt Made of linens, crepes piques and straws. AU styles and colors. 79 LADIES ARCH SUPPORT SHOES in white kid jbafhers. Styles thst took well and fit well. $1 *98 1 PRINTED sheer MATERIALS in a splendid collection of itsttems. It is ,tp^e to make an extra dress #o^tlle 4th. -5=^ LITTLE BOYS’ 3-PIECE RUGBY SUITS Beautifully made of fancy'suitings. Si^es 3 to 9. 1 ■rf SLACK PANTS A(;i^s alack v^pants, in neat ^hecks ft stripes. Made with extra waist bands. Cuff bottom. Full cut. Don’t over look ^ml LADIES’ DRESSES Ledies' acetate-- BemtMrg dre*M» ia plain colon of white •ad pastel shedei. Light and dark prints.' Reeliy, the«e ar, remarkable. Sise« 14 to 44. $1.98 MEN’S POLO SHIRTS of ^ rayon and cotton, knits. Desirable colors. Unusnal value, MJEN’S HATIS in many I choose frmn. value. tO: styles Unasnal KNICKERS MSN’S SHIRTS Boys* i^immer erA in crash and salt- ing" BSterials. Sizes ^ $1 to 16. Nicely made. knick. Men’a broadcloth dress shirts. Fancy patterns, fused cellars, falPmake. Unusual values. 79c heels, , T ^^np«. In white, red, Mue,^ maize and ^multl-eolors. Big assortment to * choose from. \ $ 1 LADlfiS’ LINEN SUITS ft WAFFLE COATS' Cleanup of the balance of our atoefc. $1,98 ILAIHBS’ WOOL BATHING 8UIT8 All «ew^l987 stytea. You wUI wMder at this value. $1.98 MEN’S WHITE SHOBS^ FOR THE 4th Leather soles n^ith good uppers. AH good styles. ~$4-.98 1 BOYS' PANTS Boys" long‘sport pants. Especially well >ade. Sixes 10 to 18. Unusual value. $ 1 Men! Get into on^ of these snaimar-wits, made, of suiting and gal^rdine. Phin e«^r% dMcks and plalda. Single and double breasted Models. PLAIN AND SP(»T BACKS, AS LOW AS $3.98

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