_ ;‘; -t •'iiSib5?^\» .1^1 ■'"■. . •• •: V feik>A:->' .*• t,. -.ir *- •' . r*fit etesr niB coiotfl^b Tuiy- iBuil^Y, juur ir. i PATRONIZE THESE MERGHANTS LISTED BELOW BAB’S SUPPER SHOP tor W. MAIM STREET Ijglv Mals. ■ m .. ■* M. 1400 Pc«. Ill Tlu« liot 1000 Pr. WHITE ICO«E EIRLY While They Last A.&T. C»aU>a^ Fi>»m allowed to rccommeod fKulty to th« president inrtltution. 2! No telephofSriii tJia office of Airricttliure, ftut « i>Ji4»ii« gn'ovMk^ in the oth»r dfliMirtBieatt. ' &. AJ! divisions of our depart ment must b«*r expense and make money, Th« dspaftraent^ is not operated as M sducational pro ject, but is strictly on m commer- cia] basis. i7 Jlie President Is not inter*' «RbBd in Agriculture 'enough to come over and pay visits except when company comes, then it is played up to the hmit S. The Oftnr^nfAd by • ^lacksw^th with no eoll>t« ^In- Inc. Tbs fiMr«sifliltft''iind treasury dictate to him eoncM^inc the ^•ration of the farm and whan "wluras ars made and mistakes am blamed sl>oat it, 6« The f\»riA sajM-lnttndont hires and fires. Ht telU me h; is not going to do a thing when wants to. ?. In Ml attempt to fire me another man was hired to take my plaee. (I undentand at a much man the Job for wblcb be hlKdj *a*te him. Iiwenti. 8. Tilt lar»e*t lalulia of ^ej Dr. insUtution an* paid ie IVeiich ColuBibas Ceun^. teachers, rslativs# and ^wrial fri»ndi^ i|ualificationi are not eon- sidered. 9. Too maay of the Pretfdont't relative* on the . 10. The faeuK]! neiabHrs. an* out of state people with the ex ception of two. favorable outwmrd wma lM>ra in From 1917 to |.§19 be served in the United lltates Navy as a member of t)i« IhBsifcsncy fltet at Norfolk and WUfftiogton. Me grad«)*t«d from A- Ud'T. in th» cla« of l#26. A«cordfog to information ohi ^n«d ftwHB* Dr. Bpaulding, Ke «nui preaifi^nt of the student bod,y 11. No gwfHSbsa irom jjj. James B. Dudley was school have woived sehotarship. the college, dl^, and sxcsq^t r*lativ«e. 12. 1 and laenritiMa of taf iamU ty are not, shown eqiMl req>ee> m tt accorded other faculty Dr. Wgford fee elected to the l^fs and deans. Since ^recelvinfj ^ Onlv against ti»e wishes, of the entire student body signed a petition to 'the^ trustee boaiHi tcquesting higher salary th«i I* am paid) and |»y Docterita he has PrMiHent Siutord ia now tryinal'my Doctorate *»e has never #re- President Bluford is now tryin»| my Doctorate Be Has never pre- to fire me in,, order td give the' sented mt to tho stodoit |>ody i/t North Carolina Durham Coi^ty Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra. tor of the eastate of ilson Srown deceased, late of Durham County North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims agjimst thu I estate of Maide^eased to exhibit them to the 'undersigned at 803 f^o Street, Durham, N. C., on or before the 21 day of Au gust, 1987, or this notic« will be pleaded in }>ar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi«te ment X. E" ~Aaill!lft«Hfter of Wilson Brows, deceased. Dated this 17 day of juljr 1937 CORKIER WINDOWS NEW BUILDING TREND Regal Theatre xyf 3DAY AMb WEDNESDAY JULY 20 a«4 21 Penrod & Sam WitH ■mE NEW COLORED CHILD STAR ~AUo Lopez Orchestra — SptH-t Reel — Betty ttloop To th* right; C«ruer French Windows for thr Living Room To tkt Uff. , Corutr ^ Ciitmtni WitdvM for the Bri(utfa$l Nook to allow me to have thetii. The last one was a created scholar ship at the pecommMidation of the State Dept, of Ed, Raligh. 1 was given a leave lof absence in 1992 to go to school and my seholar«hip was" taken from me and given a Virginian. I entOMd. Mass. State CflU^ ^4uat« SJhool Sept, • 1W2. !arly ib ^k)vem^er 1 hitd made such impreuioBS on the Dean of the Oraduate school that I waa seat for and asked to apply for the position of GnduAte A»- iiliitwil -^ij -jSt Hey Kid« iNew.Groj^^l^eaaeg U^ygj-Atfjto Home .^DTCADB'^twoag*. !»©•••• •» »!»• «*»*tnr biww hTsprout* p^psidency 3f the school. Only one member of the student be- ^iM'ep Dr. §j^uldpng ^gpiedtJvft ftotition and that was Dr. Blu- ford’s offloo boy. When the peti tion was prtoented to th> board of trustees it was thought by itj tnemabers tiD be tha majority re- quert of the students body. Dr. Spaulding did this as a personal favor to Dr. Blu 11 d to aid him ia obtaining the (presidency of the institution. «. JtofMWd Scholanhip* According to fi>rth« informa tion obtained from Dr. Spauld ing, Dr. Bluford has done all in his power to prevent bis from ob taining free AholarshiiM for ad ditional trainif^. Also the pi-esi- dent ton several occasions has chafed Dr. Spaulding with start ing strikes among the students and ^betng a trouble, malier for ^ school. FurOier coi»plainta made'against the present adminf. stration of A. and T. College by lltr. Spaulding are as follows: ' “I was employed i>y A. and T. College in Sept. 1'928. as prof, t*#- Agronomy. Acted as dean 1929. Dean 199K32, during the intenm, 1 tny contract \ms held up by ^ President SBt^ord because of s rdtaior that I had pot out the wwd that he had resigned and waa leaving. When traced ^ was found that I had no connection whatev^. ^ fVom^ iSf28 foH8Z, tArg“r|i scholar^ips were sent to the institution for me fcut my Pres. .(^nRnistrative officer) refused' tion 1 held 'til I re«|^ed to re* turn to A. and*T. Colloge to servo the N^^ea of North Carolina, with a Doctor of Philosophy de gree and no incre»ae in salary over a masters degree, and with tjwlae ye«rs teaching e^ipMenc n a New England College. TW^ CHICAGO YOUTHS T© A HALT-iMlLLION WeiUtb By H»«lr Motker SaU Te M*v* Aecanw atodi Pvooi Oil InMMele In Arit. CHICAGO — (ANP) —#Bdg* John J. O'Connell iof tho Cook County Probate Court, ajpproved last week the ref>ort of th* City {of reiU estate bi southern stAtfi, National Baftk and Trust Co.. as ’ |S£,'000 In oil royalties f If.OOO' guardfaui of the #§00^,0(N) estat'>|in ’ oth^ acevm^taitod income of two youth^l Chicag>o«n«, !fl8J,000 In bonds, and fl7i,000i* Arthur W. aijd John W. SewellJmortgagks deaertbed as “of John Is it. The woalth mu boqseated to ths boys by their. . Mother, Mrs. ptrtMote Edith |Ebr7 SmwII who died in 1990. ^ had gain- «d it through lioldiats in oil lands in Arit»n«M a fans'-left her by her ]Ntr»nt* > > The estate ta imported on by the bank includoa twoive piee«s into his inheritance year. ffor this year b^auM I refused to divulge the names of some sum* mer schiool students who report ed that one of Prwrident Blnlordi.** pet lady teachers had 'made ex* pvesaions to one of her classes relative to my wife? unbecoming not given a contract J to the profession. SCOTTSBORO BOY- Co«Ua««d Ftcip rag* 1 j she had been taken fyon tha train', ^ I Immadiately after the verdict |. was rendered iiy £be jttrjr Uebq* , wits, chief couBsol for the defense^ announced that he would appeal ^ the ;nse to hell and b*ck- “THE TRUMPET |:ING OF SWING" Louis "Satchmo” ARMSTR0N6 AND HIS 17 Piece ORCHESTRA FEATURING —— LUIS RUSS^ HENRY "RED* ALIXN BOBBIE CASTON , SONNY OOOS BANNER WHSE. DURHAM, N. C. FRIDAY JULY SSnL DOORS OPENS • P. M. UNTII. Sdb TichMl' 70t Plm IW- Ois Sal^ GarMtt's BUtatera Drvg Stera $1410 AT DOOR ,^'pra-potAM.^ ewnllMi mM pwehea ww SlMwd to, maulated «nd mad w aa «xtn imf*»orf tlia aatira teHOy.^Wlen a suit*, •Me pprdi did not «iM. M aMltloaal roon waa aM«d tdr this ^i»n>oaa.aCbint«.lwWiiir^M4 eagee of^««Mrtaa brtgbtwed everyj B^^borbootf^'J " ^ LET PASCHALL FURNISH YOUR Picnic Bread, Rolls, Cake & Pies OR ASK ^Tb* Joya of ^Mti' 1iinira:f(»ai,^aftar *%baiwnfciw- •verjItoilHiva certatirdrewbedta. neasaat tyday. tbeaa reaai wero Idlaeovarad t* bav* tte’tntdttlea*! of the goidSsb bawl after .auate eiMtrie ligu, «itlMr / one of the muy rtftdea had ,t0 be*4iawa or the whela aai^ afiood casual pawiwby liad a spot-lli^ted view of tha Carnlly ikiso, briag entirely ol wior theee rooms w«ra bar;|L,|o te In an attraetiva way.xwl* eMuw grottptair «l wladows iraa a logical comprmnlM aa4ao aue^ful that they are r^dly in creasing In pppularM(r.%ThiB^»r' rangemeat ot wlndowi la b^jbob* fined ^tofanytonefroMB'l tail tha taottse9lt Islsulteble forittvlag to«B,^li^^roow,'4bedr^Jor tKraakfaat • aook.« Itfpr«*Mea 'an ty pea lot ^iplicatloB tor the ii^ag. i'AueavipivvAua •« •«« alao give easy accesa^ Jfee =-.itc!de tannaw'or terrace.' • •^'•juiothw b to have two groups for two or mor« regulstton sash or »caaemeatlLwiadows.|kBroad^wln- a«M« oa m»'«r 1>6th walls.' wtB »rovld«' iT-^ilaee for readlne •r reitlat well as a grand pUy- waea tor.ahUdren. with storage jVMtJfor toys inside the seats. HerafebildraB can plaji ta stiii- UghtfwhUa Biother meads, goes over her aecouots and yet keeps aa aye oa wbltt i* going on. In a bOBta^wltbo • ^Bparate nursery, tha aame plan can be #ork«^ toeraT*"'*' —- •. breakfast nooit'is a pitrtic> oiarly pleasant place to uee thi^ double grouping. Nowhere is it more pleasant to have plenty ot, ■ualitht'and air than at the break-^ fMt table.« Too often these spac- * es are dark and totally devoid of any circulation* ot air at lUI, and Just a little planning wouM make poe^ble thia change. You _ will B, tnis type of grouping is, of course, easjr '^lans. Consult your local arebi- t«t or builder and heytlMell you how/.T"’'*^ '-, Try having a sttn-corner and then wonder how^yoi|_«ver gqt along without one.*' ' - ' Most Liberal Guarantee EVER WRITTEN ON TIRES UP TO 5 MONTHS TO PAY LIBERAL TRADE-IN FOR OLD TIRES LARGER STRONGER — HEAVIER — S^ER ' Cor. Mort*n «nd Ro«ey~Sk». ^poaita Carolina N-aill W. C. Ijwlirdwart Co. .HE/UNzU^TERS for ^PORTING >p6M»S. HARDWARE AND PLAYTHINGS 3, TRADE AT OUR STORE WE CARRY EVERYTHING 11^ HARDV^E LOOK EVERYBCttrY WOODALL IS HEADQUARTERS FCM BATHING SUITS — PLAYTHINGS AND , sporting GOODS ^ f " WE CARRY ALL- SIZf» AND COiXHtS NO matter WHERE YOU GO THIS SUMMER YHJT WILL NEED A SMART a ■ > ■ & OLDEST BAKERY DURHAM’S ^lliillilUlllilllllililillllllillllllUllllim Week-eml Specials PAIR F^ Men, Wemea and ChUdrta i9c Vaiae EVERY ^WM-E SEWED ON tar Sfic Vmhum FAIR S»c Pr ES DYED ANY CWjOR REPAIRING I^ARTMENT IN 'ras BASeUlSNT CHAKL HUUL CHAnOL HILL STREET BUT- We Only Bay the Croam of tbo R aad G’d. safety tested, O. K.'J, AND BLUE SEAL USED CARS We Go Fartk^r Than That. We elieek TWeas a»dl D* Whatever EJM^Thoy Need I* , - PUT THEM IN A.| CONDIH»II ? . ■ That’* Why Wo Say Yoa Get a ^ , ' BETTER OSED Ci^ 'jl . From U* Than Anywher* la N. C. aad '1 AT PRICES $SO to $110 'J UNDER THEIR MARKET VALUE ' ' We Imy oar earc for caek. Natarally wo ea» soB than chaaper tkaa tha doaler tiwft Imm to ^ than l«r on o. new ear jtl a higk Jlowaaeo. i»37 Ford 4-Do«r DH.IUM Sedan driven only 3,400 mites and'can^ tbM same 1936 ‘ Cmimobilo ‘pouring Bodu) driven onljr 14,Q»00 miles. Owned ajod drivejn by a lady and as spotless asf a oew car and carries the same guarantee. Cost new late last T«ar ^ Oar fMrldo oaly T*s-f . » $675 1 • 3 • ClMvi;^bt ^Co«pe> Extra clean, low milage and runs Bke a top. Only', rile. gaarant!^ as a new car at a savinei of ^ ^ 1931 Ford TadUr Sodaa. Absolutely the eleaaest model "A’* In Duriiam. Pric ed at onl(y...... $160 S«« Onr Uted Car Di^ay al „ 318 Mangaai Straot .■ _ C^p. Bae Statitea The“ Old NetMoal ^ato EMhango Lot| Yours FROM B. G, WOODALL Gempany MJRHAM, N. 6., M Other Real Bargain*—^All Majlw* aad Model* Fr^ fSo. to iSUHji. ' T TJLADES ACCEPTED-Torm, uj to It MMtk. ~ - OARS WANTED-CASH waiting If Wo Caa’t Savo You Money Wo Don’t Ea^t Yoar Razees Miiein Used Car te. “Ex«i«*iTe U*od Car Dealer*” 3M E. Mata St. Phoae J*S491