.1-, thi carouna BAFTISTS HONOR Civic, Business And Professional Leaders Honors Churchman MlTCHEt-t SAYS EX MIDSHIPMAN, SATIA0AY JULY U. 19*7 TMVSRS. IS “NOT OH^CAiGO, Jujly 22—ANIW CUma^itsr 43 yor* of dUtinguUh- ing leadership in church, civic political and btiainess'clrclca and 21 years as' the i>Astor of Chi- ca(|j'a fanited, Olivet ’ \3aptist church having one of the lariffst iProteqfDan^ ^onj^ej;ati|QnB i n America—^the church and lay lea ders of 14 Baptist churches and iteveral thousand of Chicago’ti business and professional l«ad era joined last Thursday in paying deserved tribute to Dr. Lacy Kirk Williams, nationally known pas tor and president of the National Baptist Convention of Amciica. The t»ig church edifice at 31 •t.#a«t and .south Parkway was filled to capacity longf before the hour set for the anniversary pro gram and amonjT the huge crwod assembled to honor Dr. Willla.ns war* the . deacons, trustees and memblETs of the following Bap- l^st churches: lEteth pdeti, Mt, Heujmon. Profrre^|l^lve, Bcrean, Elbtenezer, Monumental!. W fst Point. Greater St. John, Pilsrrim. *Mt. Vernon, Shiloh, St. Luke. B>1thesda and Lilpdtele*. During* Dr. Williams’ pastorate, the fi nancial report shows 9,S60 members, with a member-jjie oountrjf preacher, his ■t;>ip peak, during pre-depres»ion variaty of aermons has begp equal days of l2.00p. Olivet now has to the occasion and in atep with the march of time. It is hot an easy job to pastor a church the a personnel of 24, includes 14 circles and many auxiliariea a> mong Its acti\^(ies. Among the chUrch leaders pay ing tribute to the Bs »>tist leader were S. A. Griffin. “A Review of the Pastoral Work of Dr, Will iams”, J. T. Carrothers, “What Dr. Williams Has Meant to the Com munity" and 1^ E. Hlenderson. “The (Church Answering Huuian N/aeds Stephen A.^riflfin, dhalir- man Deacon and Trustee B*oards cxtoUe(l the pasttor as folloMra: “T'jom the bvinning c.f Dr. Wj^filJan^s’ prjjjtorate in 19^1^1 there has been a growth and de velopment in every phase of our church w(rk ^n^ manj n^ fea tures have been added. We have aeen Oli^t grow rfrom 26 de partments in 1916, to more than 65 today; fronj eight pitd work era. to as man^ as 14; from a membership of 3.600 to 12,000; from a property valu® of |75, too. to that of 1258,268; from an [average income of around ?16, [ OOr). jto an^era,!' heighifc of $1,075,184 ^^ster of 260.‘ to more than 650.” fYPE THAT WOUU> MAKE GOOD IN TH« NAVY ^ WASHINGTON. July 22— (A NP)—After probing the resij:n ation of MidshipmanGaorge J. Trivera. his recwit aippo^i*^^® the U. S Naval academy at 'An- na4>olfs, K«p. Awtlkur W. ^Mitchell of Illinois declared laat week h® had come to the conclusion that tfie'.youth “is not the that would mak« good in the navy.” ti2e of OlSvet becaus® we draw membtrship from erery stoto In the Union and many coma with, strongly that their individual ideas of' thurr*i management. We have been forth- nate to rement them into a whole^^ other young men I-have known they join the rank and file of th#‘»^ 1 i:« membership and become whole hearted supporters of the church p!lVgram... In all |l>r. Williants has been identified with all pro- Cres^va mo>^ment,si to Matter Olivet and the commhnit^ and Chicago ^ the better for his hav ing lived he^.’’ ' Dr.D. W. Kelly- waa master of Post Graduate Students Learns Of New Veniereal ✓ Disease at Chicago U* "'Win. Mitchell Loses Appeal; May Die a white man for colored Murdar of Atty. CiMrlaa W. WUiiafl •f Hatid*rs>n ^ited in tha •tt Monday. CHICAGO, a*.—(ANP) ini»td until l«2fi —The remarkabU fight which isjPrei produced a whtn Wilhtlm a specifk tnt diaordtr. Thia. tw* | on venerai dlaeaaas j now that »Evti» test Md ia ^ -itt is known as tha Frti test ana au^orities | ^j^pioatic f«r this compara. newsjwper*- hare Itfted the veil of these dr^ad ail* | any position that ri^uirea stren n^enta, has bnou^t to light a [ edus effort; that he ia like many new terror which the. publia at large had been unfamiliar Keing made throughout the country. “I do not believe he Is of the' piif}UcJ^th fighting type”’ said the congresa- news^per*-have latwi tively new disedW. as the Waastr- man. “I am impreased rather of aeirecy which formerly »nd Kohn testa art for he. does not wish ed mention of these dr*!aa Thj, „ew v*ner«al di- ■ease is known as LyMphograso- loma Venereum. Other name* for ... _. . . “‘the diaeasa are ■Lymphogranulon** ho wishes to move along the Ime The twenty-six .physicUns reprc-. Lym^»Hopathia Vener- of least resistance. senting a doien states who are in | ’climatic Bubo. t ., in attendaiMa upon the post-grad-» I am only too sorry tha^ school bei^ carried on this! “The disease is generolly con •ummer by Provldenet HjDspital tracted through the sex organa, and tha Univaraify of Chicago, J but thara ia a coaa. on racord at here, have had a fuU preaenta- Provident Hospital wher^ tha di tion of (this comparatively new j aease was trasmnitter from tha disease made by Dr. Waltar S. fai fected mother to her tyo y^T Grant oT'ProVtdent WoaottaL 4Kho old child who al#pt with her. This not discover this weakness in him ^ before he was named as a candt date for the scholarship at the academy. It is my opinion he woult not make good. jf he re main^d in the academy. Uulike reremonies and the arrangements, Johnson, an appoin- oomhiittee included J. T. Caroth-| «« who resigned swerol ers, D. R.‘Taylor and John what I reg_ard as as the total amount handled and i Or. Wilfiami at a Preacher disbursements amounting to $2, | Speaning of Dr. Williams’ 075,184.27. /popularity as a preacher. Dr. D. 16,Cpo Acceiiiot* Duriny HU ^ R. Taylor, veteran member of tho Paitorate ^ . Deacon’s board, said “In the 21 Since he answererf thb cail to J of his ,. pastorate, here, J Olivet in 1926. Dr. Williams has have not heard ohe person who added iS.070 communicants to tho pave an expression of dislike for church membership, which 21 his preaching. .. Dr. WilliamV years ago was 3,6''CtQ, today has sermons have bten unlike those lor. *he standard required in military life.” . ^ Travel Expert Sees Advance In Business is recognized as on* of the for«> most urologists in practice. ' Provident Hospital had h«d ' ^00 f qaaea offllrm'iho^^AB^jlomai ., and the medical fraternity of the !.cjtj» has shown interest in their ' development and care. Dr.Grant is expected to'issue a publication soon fecording the more malig nant and important cases in this 'graup. onder treatment. CLARKSDALE, Miss., July 21 —ANP—WiUiam CUrk Mitcrell, 5.5 yeor old white World war veteran who burned a Negro father and son- to death in a rob bery. Tuesday lost his appeal for a new hearing on ris mental con- isthe young«st *»■» Twcord. ttittoR -befoim Circuit coort ("ha child recoiversd (>rtoriptl7| ' "The disease ia characterised by appearance of small 'blisters pimples or superficial ulcers on tl^e genital orgjans. The^e may disappear within a few days, but soon afterwards there sfppfar large swellings involving ont 01 bQth groins.These glandular swell- ge J. M. Kuykendall at Coffe*" ville and was again sentenced to be hanged. The date> ia Aug.30 | For ihe torch murder of . Louis and (Coot Bi|-ant in Y%lofcusha county during 1932, Michell hos betn stntenced six tim^ to die and has been saved five times. The stat6 supreme court upheld his death sentence and the gov SvtAim and Gonorrhea have «ngs may break down and dis-jemor refused to intervene after venereal or charge pus for weeks or months, the slayer was found sane in an .iImtyfov(bd Ibusini^i condlitionfi the country over will result in in- cr^dsed proapqrity flrr Negro business men and workers gen erally, according^ to Mr. Dudley Luckj, Continental QlT^ompany’s special Negro representative and director of the Negro Branch - of the Qfihoco Travel Bureau. This been recognised «> —. social diseases for many genera- tiona”. said Dr. Grtnt in • lad ture 'before tha post-graduate ^ 'school Tuesday, ^‘and great pro of this service should K^ess has been made in the diag- and treatmant oif theae ^ inqmnr*! V ^iakinQ w A. (HUBER.T 1D37 lNTTE*K,VTtO*»I. NE**0 fMSS ditions will be reflected in more travel by Negroes thils summer than has been the case in some years, he believes. Mr. Luck, who has been in the employ of Continental Oil Com pany for some years, is the foun der of the Negro- Travel Service Tire T)%yei‘ Btireau, which has headquarters in the Continental Oil Buildings Denver. Colorado, offers special personalized trip services to any point in the United States, Cana da or Mexico ^ no charge to the tourist The touraide, as the service is called, includes specially marked sectional road maps, descriptions of points on the route which have unusual scjenie or historic inter est. and lists of cottage camps, hotels and other tourist accommo. dations. Each Touraide is incrib- ed with the nafe of the tourist for whom it was made. *J. c 226 MORGAR 5T.- THE FISH MAN U Now Locatad Naat Oo«r To TIm-. Bannor WarahowM CarrylBg A Varialy Of Fish* ;resh daily Gattls PHONE J-44S1 iSi>eoial ■ (listp 0 f accomni dations for Negiro tourists ar? part of every Touraide sent to Negroes. These . are compiled Mr. Luck, who travels over the Conoco teritory gathering this in- formstiion and helping N^gro d^len* :»tni|rchandise Conoco Products. Readiers who wsh^to avail themselv^ , address a request for a Touraide to the Oandco Ti^vdl fBUi^eau, disoases. Ohwcroid (soft ulcer) to the j.arwco ^ veneraal disease whvch a.sking for the special service for ~ " - The route and destina- “ prevalent and i. time the times mistaen for the primary ‘It has been qutta qw^ntHy; "Other manifestations are ex tensive uideratlons xrf the fen*- tal organs, or strictures and fia tulas which involve the lower rectum and the tissues about the external sex organs.. ' ( , ^^gHosed ear^ and^ prjDpeifly trea'bod these l«sions heal quickly, but when negject- ed the disease may l^t for moi^ha and years and produce examination by statt doitors, but his life was saved through a wirit of etrHf roram nobis issued on the ground that questions of his sanity had no fbeen properly brought before' the court. . » iGaddis Witthima wlste^ state commander of Disabled ‘Vetserans of the World war. declartd the hearing Tuesday that he believed Mitchell would escape the gallows since “w© do not +beli«v® him and istress to «ane.” His attorney s announced distase luis Beeii -bfoiMgSt ‘ |a new appeal to th« supreme Some excellent and mirAeulotra*court, . - I s»|>n. Although it has probably} results have been obtained in tb? | There is considerable resent- SEMI-PROFESSIONAL for manjv many ytars;.! treatment of these cases At the ment in some circle* against its true nature was not recog-l Provident Hospital. , | breaking precedent and hanging _ often Negvoos. tion, together with the ^vu-. trip wili be taken, should be clear- ly indicated. The^ Touraide will has lO^n 4 mailed promptly, with no however that a fourth vener^^untold discomfort charge, not even for postage. ^ 1 attention of tht mfedical profen- j ' Ofpfil. f^a4rlXVUKlt *V * NEGRO BEAUTIFUL Any girl can ke«p her conplea* ion beautiful by rcguUrly using Dr. Fred Palmer's Slbn Whitencr Ointment. This preparation, f»- mona.for fifty years, softew and lightens the darkest skin, clears op pimpl«s, blotchcs and tan oiarto 'td ,lo)M away with that "oily, ft'aty” loot Regular use of thla Keparation along with the other '. Fred Palmer Skin Whitenor Preparations, keeps your skin soft hid smooth and mAf 70a logA-' beantiiuL * BASEBALL Pr. Fred cMuists of: Dr. Skin Whitencr Whitcaer Faco Powder; HID Deod( ■tores for 25_c fiid open red F^lme 17, Atlanta, eoraplste Un* Fred Palmer's intmeot; Skia Skin Viniitencr air Dresser anti Sold at all drug or sent poat> ot price. Qr. ratohes, Psy». r A gciMroaa trial «ampl* ot tha Skn Whitcncr.' Soap and Fic« Pcmd«r tnt for 4c ia Fred SKIN WHITENER 'Keejm yai complt^a foathia^ Instead of wat^^r, ths poet j might aptly - say “Parks,, parks, j eVtrywlnirt!, and not a one to fiay ^ in.” This would accurately dis-. crUbe an emjbarras^ng aituation , in which local Negro semi-pro- feMional base bi^l chibs often find themselves, so that, what we n^ed in Durham is a park for Ne groes. In our fair city this condition is more pronounced on special occassions, as July 4, which has just passed, and July 25, which marks the opening date lof the American iLegion convention. There are’ two parka which might flccorrodafce N«gro clubs: the N. C. Collega park, and the .Durham Athletic park. According to Dr. Shepard, the coUege board, will not permit the use of its park. W© are permitted to use the city by' park, if the Bulls ar« not going to need it. It so happened that th* Bulls were here July 4, all local lilubs had to play out of the city. Again, it so h&pipiens ,that I .the P^lls will b» here during the ~iih Continued ob PagO Four •IT WAS MY LUCKY DAY •SWEETHEART LUCKY FOR ME TOO DEAHJ ( YES, LUCKT THAT/ Dt^covcRED eoDEmori Royal Crown Cola presents an other al^orbing chapter in the ring career of Jack Dempsey,''as he de fends his title against BiliTBrennan; a blow by blow description with com ments by Dempsey himself and a back- grotind. of his restavt^^t in Ne^ Jfork gt the prossroads of the worfd* NEXT WEDNESDAY D^MP- S;EY verMip BRENNAN,^ TUNE^IN EVERY WEDNES- PAY AT 6i30 P.M. WDNC. OYAL ROWN CDLA LAR/E(/SE IN TIME ) . wy^N^bedy to kaow |mt wpst lua jdoaatokMp^irhiir to btSH- UfuL It alwaja.j^wiM UkaiUk. What’la tha Mcrat of har routhful-look- laA halrf Yon could aarar teaaa—luat a'alaapla^>pli«atloa of Oodafroy’a Laftanaa. Tliat’a Sva'a ttcnt, aad you maj It, too. . .nut aak yaw tfsalar for a bottfa of nooacaJLAJUir.USoVtha la tha Tud boa. Apply with I l^w It tlvaa yoUr hair that aoft, ahlmDMrini, Iva* ■ troua flnlali ao much adntratf hr aracr* ona. J , ,1 Gray tOM—atraaka diaappaor—irith «■' alntla aopllcatloo. Colov wastjrf camaa aTanly«-Jat black, blapk; dark«'madlaaa or IlAht brown, or blondf. No fOaa, ao mora troubla t^an a ahanwooi. D^'t wait—tiy Oodatlpr’m lultmtt day. If aatlaAad, your daalae Mil promptly rafwuLyour aaooar. If ya«f daolaf doM aat hova *a«d $1 GODEFROY'S /rencJif HAil R co/oMa liWWACTWHHf flWlf/WT • |{I0 9UVI IT. a ti; JWi. WILL YOURL CHILD RECEIVE A COLLEGE EDUCATION Thfo quMtion hos b««ii ontw«r«l for Hi« p^rantt of tho child pIcfitftiJ abovo. A North Coroliiio MutMol EdiKoHptiol Micy hot providiNj ffco fiiwdt for hireollo9« doroor. Tho prdblom of odiicoting childron It ono fhof *vlll foco ovory potonf loonor or loftr. Thoughtful parentt reolixe thot child oducofjoii connot bo Itft to chonco.' Careful plonning is ossontiol. For many young men and woinon, tho eommonconiofrf toosoa rapidly opprooching jfJII ho^. timo of. reloicing — thji posting of tho flnt milottono on tho rOad to o successful coreer. Far otheri_it will moon tho ond. C«n you offord to jeopordize your child's future thr^gh^lock of o definfto plonF Wo offer this tuggeition. Inveshgote the potsibilitios of a Nortli olind Mutuol Educationol Policy. Th? cost* is reosonoblo. Results oro cor- toin. An Educational Endowment Po!icy is the ono'^uro onswor to perplexing problem of child education. N. C. Mutiial Life Insuraifce Co. DURHAK^/NORTH/CAROLINA ^ : C. C. SPAULDING, President J I *HVo Home Is Complete Without North Carolina Mutual Policies*

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