THI CAMOUia TIMES SXTUllD^ i^LIf *4. !«3T PAGE FOUR ' — — — _ . REAL ESTATE-LEGAL ADVERTISING NC»nTH rAR.;>t.KMA Pl’RHAM = ?U NT\’ IM SVfKRH»R :ol'RT ^ . tAT.ft'ie ARMSTROK. AilnMnUtr*- irix Vi'. J. Annstron, »nd Ahfr Atmftiong. ImliYklo- Sulfi# ('♦Tjil’nWi*. hfii nt-Uw W. J. Aimsli’.n. * NOTICE Thf drffnd«nt. StUie Ch«.- nn>r». wjH t«k« notice thot an «cii‘*n i-ntitlfd us has been ^comnnnird • ill SupeiU' s ourn«t-Wuii>a^ 'oitntyf N»i l' Tartilina to Ui- J* ^rmntrsinj. d. to 4ii«ki’ as- »nd the -wd dff«-nd»nt will rujther take notuV that shf is re- quire}"^ •pp‘or at the Office, of th« {'^erk of tl>e superior coiir t Of County in the Coui’thouse in - Purhani, N. C., ten a«y!« • *rttr the 3 day of Auffust, 1*937. and answer or ^e. rour t« t'le complaint in said ftct- ion, 'or the ^imiiff vrill app»v to the foOTt for the. reli*f d«*mand- ,d in said complaint. J»s. R. Stone ■Ass’t. f. S'. '••■ r>urhai« County Thiis 23 .day of June,-1937. North (’aroljna, Vttrlurm OuBty, and executed by L. W, WilholU and wife, PtW T. Wllh*IUi, *ljd duly recftred in th« offic* of the R>gistcr of Deedi in Book of. Martwe* iW, at f*gt 407J de. fiult having been, made In the payment of the ham«i tl!» undw» .siirned Trustee will ofer for «*'i -«t public auction to-the hightrt bidder for ;*«h,*t the Courthouao door it? Durham, N. C„ on SATURDAY^ Au*u»t 14, 1937 at lit d’elocJt. Noon The following diecriged land, to- wit:.- "beginning* »t r rtake in the Sotrth«aat cgrner of the L. "W, Wilhoite .homeplace and^jTinnlng ^orth,^n2 feet to a stake; thence' East »8 feet tlo a.^take in ‘he Northwest corner >f the L. J- Spanlding property: thence Couth il2 feet to a etake in the South west corner of the L."J. Spaulding property; thenc. West -parallel to Umatead Street, ^ f«et tc the point or place «f beginning. THIS CALE will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. THIS PROREDTTTis sold at the equest of the holder of aaid note. Dated this 13 day of July, 1.937. E. R. Merrick, Trusted M. Hugrh I^ompson, Attorney 0 . * ■■. ■ TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND U.S'DKR. .^.Nw BY VITUE Durham County lUr power confeiied Upon tlie I Adniinistrator’a Notice Trustee in a certain Deed olj Having qualified as adminiatra Trust dated N'ove*nb«r 6, l‘.*30 tor of the eaatate of ilaon firown // V DON’T BE "HOOKED Hav^oney eETrRICH-QUICI^ cehftinflrs have ''hooked" many a man^kjgoi his hard-earned money. These schemers are not all dead yet . . . and they have not quit "working" the ‘“easy marks." Ask sonrte level-headed man before YOU bite or they may land you In their net. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Buiinesi Meclianjcs & Fanners Bank Dnrham Raleigh NOTE:—yOl^X qnntion will b§ *anr«r«4 FRKE in tbig cotuma ONLY when ^ou iacluSt a cnpplag of fWf co/mnn and aiga your fall name, birthdat*, aad corr#c addretM to your lutfr.> For a "JPrivat* Replf... aomd oaiy (2Se) aad a Mt-addraMaad, atampfd envlapa "•w ASTROLOGY READIMO aad raeaiva by raturn mail FREE ADVICE oa (S) Quattioaa. 'Send iU lettert ttr. ABBB WALLACSr car# of THB CARO LINA TIMES, 117 S. P««b«dtr Strtvt. Durhanv N. Carolina. NSA—iPkeaae tell me why ray l»oy fi^end stopped con^ to sec me all of a sudden? Put in the column immed|at)oly please. ■' /AJha: Ih^an^' j|n«^|^»t;»d' in ' ANOTHER GBRL. It aeema to me that you mad* your friend lose interest l>y CALUNG him 80 often. Don’*t run after the boy^ but sit still and they wall seek your company. HJB—I am a constant reader of your column. Tell me if I should proceed wit)^ the plan I hav« in mind at thia time? Ans: I »ni inclined to Jbelieve tha*c things in general are NOT kVS SERPUS as you believe them ot b*, therefore your plaa would not amount to much. Wait uniil the first j|f 3ep«femt|er b©foi|^ making any change and you will be able to clearly de^trmine your circumstances. WWJ—Pleas^teU me if I am going to get the Job tha% I want next summer? Ans; Don't deptnd on it—when nex% ^mmer comes around you deceased, late of Du^am County North Carolina thia ia to notify all’ j>ersons havinir elaima agmmst (estate of Mide^aaaed to exhibit them to the underaitBed at 803 Pine Stre^ Durham, N. C., on or before the 21 day of An* gust, 1937, or thia notie« will b« pleadjed in1>ar of thair raeoTeqr. All persons indebted to said estate will, please make immediate p^> raent.’A. £. Teele, Administrator of Wilson Brown, deceased. Dated this 17 day of July 193,7 will be so far advano«4l thatyou w^p^t ewn WANT THfJ JOB. Study hard thia fall and winter and y.QU will be able *o g»t a much be’tter .paying position next sumnvet than the one in mind. SPLBflDlB SRCAO PHONE J-t7t2 «18 FajMtteriU* St. GPP—Til me tf there is any danger for me by going with th» man lAm now going with? Ans: There is datvR!?. of yot^“ FAIiLING IN iLOVE.with th« man —bu% that is all. The man in qu|i8iion Vs (very sll»ii|ri1^ «ni doubts any one he comes in con tact T^th—^ ^n’t l*ow youi* emotions^ %oo much ii% his pre sence. LBT-Will my husband still go with th« woman 1 have in mind? ^hat should I do? , Nns; Do nothing until you act- aully see^ your husband wl^ th« girl. If byi chance you should see them together again—th«n thore are two things to do. Go home or remain wi^ him and say notb- in|^ Your husband does not love any other woman but he do«« lov* « good time. WBF-i-My parents are sappose to visit'^ me this summer and 1 am worried bstcause my place i» so small I cannot tke them in comfort. Should I «slc them not to com®? - * Ans; No, thia would break their iieai^ bad ;r(tither conn* and sleep on the floor than to be disal^inted. TMa trip has E Stoiidoute. K.IN6 QUC>V swmer*'' r uM>y or wmofwAs 1 STVtClH SOH&V'tLtA ILOSCT «T(kH.T)0*A VIA THE •m T^\KST IH 1«/S'VAVK3 NCAVS 115 0'WH’0RW.V«» lI TO »»» >TO«a AT SAy^'^ ‘TOO &HOMC 0 tAC •XWt Senator’s Death May Hurt Anti- Lynch Bill WAOHINGTON, p. C. July 16. adjournment. —-The death of Senator oseph B. | Unless the friends of the anti- Robinson majority leader of. the ^ lynching bill »«t with speed, the Senate has thrown W^aahingtan ^ measure will be pushed to one circles,into a turmoil and may re. side in the mad scramibl6 to wind suit ti grave danj^er to the anti-! up Senate business and adjourn, lynching bill. ' i Messages should be sent sena- The Senate was beigg Jrtven ^ tors ur^ng no adjournment be- through a hot^summer session by j fore the anti-lynching ibill is acted Senator Ro'binson, leader of tl^ ^upon. The letters and telegrams adniinistration forces, in an ef- ghuold be in a friendly tone, but fort to get action on the Presi- firm. Ambti^ the senators who been planned -for several months j dent’s supreme court bUl. •. With have promised to vote against ad^ ydnaour 9>arenta will enjoy stay- the death of the leader, there is journment unless the anti-lynch- Gharity Bail To Be Given Rriday Night July 26 SMITKFIELD, N. €.—The bigg est all Eastern Charity Ball in the History of Eastern North Caro lina will be held Monday night July 24, at tha^old Leaf Ware house, Smithfield, N. C., featur- cHi^s should build one, or if the Negroes of Johnston County it was necessary for the sponsors to arrange creait accounts. These accounts, will represent a mini mum of 11,500 and a maximum ot |2,0CV), »l?fliing a total account, ed for by the League as sponsors in the last eighteen months, $111,60)0, with f9j50fl cf this amount actual cash. The N«rro population in Snrithfield is ap proximately 950, in the County it ia 17.JOOO. ll^our small Apartm)»nt. A chmxige i« what interests them. OLW—Do you think that my brother ig iw h» right fnind tii« the way he is treating my moth«r and his wif®? Ans: Your brother is very up set—but he is . in his ri^rht mind. Your mother and sister-in-law should avoid as much* as posible until he feels himself again for he is more than a%>t to say some thing that will make one oif them dispiso him the rest of hs life. talk on all sides of dropping^ ying bill is voted upon are Arthur court bill ond going home speedi- copper of Kansas and A. Harry ly. If those opposed to the court bill are able to hovo thoir way, they will sidetrack it by recom- Moore^of New Jersey. Most suppoijters of, the antl- IjKnching Ibil! thought Senator mittin* it to committee and then Robinson the greatest obstecle to dump overboard all controversial j its pas^aigle—and he a^^s not legislation, and drive for a quick |friendly to iti—but i/on ically enough, the death of the AVkan' after her house. Is it anott;«r man | ®an has /brought ^eater danger that keeps her away? v, , isn’t another man but) Walter White, NAACP secre- it is the NEIGHBORHOOD GOS-ltary, h«re this week in the inter- it ought to pass once it got to the floor. ^” The chief southern opponents to the 'Ull will all make tq>eecheea a^nst it and vote against it, but they have said they will not filibuster. Senator William E. Borah is also slated to make a speech against the bill, as was expected. The immediate task is to im press senators with the neccsji- to the legisli^tion than when he was alive. This' trick of the fates comes, too, at a timci when, seem ingly, the way is clear for passage ty of acting upon-the bill befor? adjournment. It can be passed, p^erhaps with only two days of speeches, since 'the longest spe^h''thus far announced is one of an hour by a leading southern senator^ •In an effort to rally su^ort for action on the bill before ad journment the NAACP has hent eighty-four tel^rams to its leadr ing branches and to organizations throughout the country who have been cooperatmg^n the fight for a fderal anti-lnching'’bill request ing them to - write the senatorff* from their states unging action. The net receipts from the Big Charity Prise Dance will b« nsed by the League to cancel credil accounts arrangtd by the league Orchestr*. A New W87 Ford V.8 Sedan is offered as a sectional prise,, to be delivered at this Big Pitze Dance, ^nsored by the Johnston County Community Li'‘ague The various sections of North Carolina «re competing or the GraiiRJ*riM. ,tY ,ofinish the Community Center This proj^ pro nounced finished by the Works r| ojpH^ *tAdim4r^^^a|ion.‘ June) 20, 19OT. You can ea^ly aee that when you buy your ticket for this en- te^adnment, it - will repiissent more than the cost of admission to an accomplishment Uiat is re ceiving iboth State and National attention,- because of it» impor tance in supplying opportunities for the development of youth and adults alike. Come and dance with us Monday night July 26, white we make this supreme effort to protect Ihe personal credit of the League, or join the group of white spectaljors who will hear Contiaueil on fiv* So Good HairGroWbr A QsIkIm Gr«w* ilkr hair. rMMnmMitoA li)p 4m'tar iw Scalp OlaraaM. •'■I- Uat Bair. BO-OOOD HAUl STBAIGHTBNER wUhoDi hrat ar Orowara '(lar«a bo*aa) MrMshteaer lat«a baxrt) ...i. S«« M»’« Hal» StfalsM*^ ..f'.J Skla Whitaaw i.... CtMoaBBt oil Saap 1*" Br M«M OiHr. M.OOS Ac»nta Waatad BaaS II*Mf Or4»r. Wa Pa» r#a*M« SO GOOD CHEMICAL CO. 78 FAIR ST., S. K a- Atlanta, CJ«. PWE—^My wife runs from one neigMwn house to aoother all th* time and ia never home long to fix n|eals and loot SIP that calls h&r all hours o^^ the day and early part of each night. This is « habit that she could overcome if you will help her. Talk wth her for she could be reasoned with but never fuss about the way>she acts. est of the bill, was assured once mo^;e by Senators Robert F. W'ag- ner and Frederick Van Nuys that they had received definite promi ses from leading southern sena tors that there would be no fili- btister against the bill and that DR. W. ALEXANDER CLELAND PHYSICIAN and SURGEK)N Spaeial Attention to Dictate* e# Children Taloi^onle Day—H-d961 Nlgbt—N-333^ Hm a CkEAN SHAVE Without Using a Hmxoi . . . Simply Your Beard OFF! At last science has fotmd a way to remove a beard Irlthout shaving. No 'nore razor, no scrapidg, no cuts, no soap, iK> bother. apply Magic Shaving Powdsr as wrectea — then wipe off, leaving a clear, smooth skin. Don’t waltl SSc bi^s a geoarotis slieapiuduife at any vug store.elf you want w try before you buy, write Magic dhav^^wdar Cq., Dept.34 ^Vftnnah, Qa:, for free tnal iampla. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH^^ ANYBODY » - ' Can Afford to Build! ■•cau»« conditioni concerning th* planaihff, fQulicAg akd aetaai .Mnitruction of a new home kara aeTMr bean Bora favoraUaf ^ there’s abielutely no reason why y«« caa't hara the hasila yaa 4«* ^ire.i Un4«r the Fedlaral plant yo« can b«Q4 witk tl^ cartaiaty at full awHWitIp . i hema 1^1 win be ym la 1® »r 20 yeanTJ&r at** ■ -'y^ur initial inveitment need he aaly 20 par caat af tltt valaa *ff your property! Thi» new methadi af flaaaiBiBg Is aasiar^ atatia eaa- Tci^ient and more •conon»ical...yTaka advaataga *f thia gaUaa «P- p.rt„„lty now. COME IN NOW F IP FEDEifi5nOANS ALL INFORMATION ABOUT fD HOME financing PLANS / MADAM JONES \ HAIR GLORY FOR MEN AND WOMKN K =» JciK 9B both«r«d with on •utomobHt nill Jtwn fvtry duf It to •• Mi|f li SMOf* , Nalrr- and who does not?—loee no time in keeping your Hair in Or«wl»K $Mm4ma»ammma^HAtK hetpa to aoften aad If you crave It's Ms shMPfr !• r«lt Ikis «rW yw nmm havt w#rry obout parking ipocgs, Inf tM bn^ broken bur^ri ani «r #ii«y«s. •LOny helpa to aoften ,aad Smoou Short, HmiA, Stubby, Stiff andlUnky H^r. Adu life and gloaa to faded, dead looUng hair. Before you know it you ahoold be able to dfeas your haiiT in attractiva faahion «^ch alioiild^tiiiii the adatiratioB «f yoar fri««l and Iwed oaea. Retnenber, yovr nair glary. Somakayoursel andm>iy) by aporting a bean tifnl bead 9t well fcapt htfir t let haSr hair FREEfg^i lirf4«Vou back any ipnser.^^st aend naoM andaddicaa WtUUL Nair TraartMMrtMaS^ iFtce aad leara aamr it ia to' have beantifnl, laiig. ■tralght liair with MMlBiii ■ae Memr.Ttofyl fiictSdayl MAOAM JONCS CO. pectallsts In Insurance - Rentals - Real fisfate- Plfc^erly Management - Anfcmoblle and All ' Kinds Of insurance. Insurance & ‘Realty Co, Ho M. MICHAUX, Manager Phone J-65S1

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