Gas Fumes lAre Fatal To Three In Steel Plant Harriaon Dabney Jr. Kncx-ifirst string performer with the K. ville College star athlete, wasjC. Quintet, »nd last year «howed caught off-side by the "G v e at ij.p as the fastest man on the team.. "Little Harry", playing a smooth ^ame' at ^'ftrd tn every Ref free" and sufferi'd hi.-^ great est penalty when he was accit,l«nu ly killed Saturday, July 10,*^in a (gam- last season, became recogni- ateel plant in W» hi)«i«,,,,^own, (md as a great defensive playor. Gary, Indiana. “Little Harry", hh ! Coaoh W. O. Hawkinfc will hav“ a he was known to hi.-s Afhoolmatcs, djfficuTt task of finiing a player -waa the soo of, MW »nd Mr*. Har- .with Datney’s ability In both rison Dabney Sr. of 2'041 Caro- fooibull and basketball. lina Street, tiary. I , . . i,. t I services for the popu- News of ^»a*i«J|w untim 'ly lar K. C. studeTrt weve held on death reached the^’colbge Monday j Tuesday, July 13 His classmates J in a telegrarii. Since Juno, he had sent a beautiful floral offering been ecnployed In one of the^ J&ryTfor ,the occasion. His college steeT plants, and it wa.s there that ^-oommatjc, William Pen'dfiettn, he met with ths fatal accident. * member of'^'he Knoxvilffe College According to report.>, he t/as kill-j quai’tet, and Puth Roberts, ‘37 ed when overcome by gas fgmo# graduate, T)oth of Gary, sanff • PRIZE WINNING WA5H1NGTOH BLOCK in the plant. Two white'employees' were killed in the same accident. ^ “Little Harry” had comY)lcte l his sophomore work at K. C. last June and was planning to ent^i the junior class in Septemb'T. Fer two years he has bgen a key man in the K. O. Bulldog forward wall, and was called the best little man on the squad. Last yeai he made a great .showing at his (puard position and was picked o n the se’ond string Ai L L- SOUTHERN TEAM. But with all his football playing, Dabney also ddyoted fi deal of time, to his classes and was rated as a very good. stvidQiit. Bfsides >bc»irig miKKe«l on the gridiron, Dabnoy'.s thletic proW.-s,*! I will also be missed on the hajd- wood. He iplayed two years as duet at the services. KEEP KOOL WITH ' KLOTHES To ke>'p cftol during these sweltering days mean to , avoid doing some o those thingrs that you dearly love, to do and to do others that you prol>a'bly won’t like or can’t' afford. Neverthe less the United State Fuolic Health Seryic« oflTers som» note worthy advice. , Among the do’s and don’ts ar": Put away the dark cloths and turw out jn something net only light in weight, but light in color. And be sure your hat is on'wh Mi you go "out under the sun. you probobly will be compell'-'d Photo Bhowia i>ri^e (v*inning I by the Afro-American, a news-1 campaign in W^'flvntfton, and bloisk in Washington, D. C., at h|ap!r, of Baltimore, Md., Carl 120,000 In,Baltimore. The drive 120k> Walter Place, Southeast, in | Miirphy, pfre^Jin* *ind edtljtoi'.’ wa« undertaken as a community ike Clean-Up campaign sponsored More than 5.&U0 people .joined the j ateiHrice Ify the newspiaji|^, Second hational hegro Congress Meet In Oct. lo WASHINGTON, D. C. July l6, | Sch-duled to .be held in May 1937—Declaring that “the cold- 1937, the Second. Congress wai blooded brutality and anti-Negro I postponed to allow organizing bias evidenced in the trial and 'effort among Southern Negro and conviction of Clarence Norris plus Wa are exclusive agent* for the naiio'nitlly Icnown DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE. SHADE CLOTH For Quality Window Shadei Call J-9931 Odd Site* Our Specialty. — Liberal Allowance For Old Rollers DURHAM SHADE WORKS SHADE SPECIALISTS FOR 2i YEARS ll5 EAST CHAPEL HILL ST. SCAR60R0UCH & HARCETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service . |»HONj:S DAY J-3721 B22 EAST PEITIGREW ST. NIGHT J-3722 DURHAM, N. C. ^OOD FOOD FOR, FAMILY or FRIENDS AT LOWEST PRICES Hailywood Inn Cafe MRS. C. C. HAYESWOOD, Prop. 118 S. MANGUM ST. ' DURHAM. N. C. SYMPATHETIC S £ R V I C Et Mct^urin the growing vigilante terrorism, gives added meaning and import to the call for the Second Na tional Negr-o Congress”, John P. Davis, youthful Congress Secie- tary announced that the Second Congress will be held in Philadel phia, Pa. Octo'ber” l6,‘f7, 18 1937. Shocked and angered at readin*? news of a “guilty verdict” in the Norris case, Mr. Davis stated; “The Philadelphia Congress in ttle HiUss October should 'rccord anger of the Negro people and their sym.pathizers at tl>e uncivi- ^iz'etl barbaritji ^ tlfiS Vertict, andi oji^niz'Sl tHeir dtetoti'mined will for the full freedom of all Scottsboro defendents. “The Second Copgress should also",continued Mr. Davis, “push the organized fight for civil and _ democratic rights now thi-eatnnnd by vigilante terrorism, legal dis- -p franchisement and m»b rule.” |s ^ — , |1 and I Negro steel workers. Following the Southern Youth Con'ference, held February past in Richmond, Virginia, there has a* militant Southein youth movement which in turn has ibrought trade union organi zation and improved living and working conditions for thousands of Southern workers. Mr. Davis stated that tTie Con- gri'ess could feel justly, proud of the part it played in oi^anizing Negro steel workers by throwing Oongirest fftrces behind the steel Workers Ora^nizing Committee. It was one of the importarit fac tors in forming the Negro Com mittee to Sup5>ort Organization of Steel Workers, a group was ac- tive'in every Negro community and which en^raced a majority of Negro community leaders. “Fifteen months of activity have won many friends and af filiates to the Congress. Many leaders who thought the Congfress was a “dual” organization whose purpose was to duplicate the work . of existing organizations have ACCIDENT HOSPITAL INSURANCE SICKNESS FIDELITY BAIL SURETY BONDS / Eat I Funeral Horne LrCENSED EMBALMERS ^ Offic4> PAonei F-07B1 —oOo—• RMlde«ee 1*^M F-§7SS 1108 Fay*tt«vill« S(r**l Dufcaa, M.^Ct Clothes Tailored! ■ » For You’ CL&ANING Jk PRESSING | to eat. Then, choose fruits ^ege-tables, very litt°l meat, fish. E>rink long drinks 0|f cool, not very 'Cold, beverag«s, hut Tivoid alcohol. Moderate exercise is ad vocated, but not while the sun is higli. Take an aft^r-lunch uap, if possible, ^d lb yall mean.s, get plenty of sweip at night. Tal^ you can’t sleep at home, slee^p m the park. fr9qpj9jt4spiiii..nqt cold ibaths. If jy^„y6a'"fee'l fainty, put your wrist under cold water. In other wards, “Take it Easy.” COMMUNITY LEIAjGUE Continued from page four ' Jimmy Gnn at his flbest. Admis- SOUTHERN HDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COHPANY ^ THE ONLY CASUALTY COMPANY CHARTEHED IN NORTH CAROLINA sion, Spectators, 85 cents and I dain^:jb ^l'.'(J|0. wiU -have the same i^ectional i^pi-«- sentation for the Grand prize. W. R. Collins, Exec. Sec Johnston County 'Community _—riLeague ALTERINQ . A SPEmtn^ 112 PHONE L-649I UNION TAILORING CO. PARRISH ST. ^ DURHAM, N. C. g OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes the Gui^s out of Baking and Saves you . YOURI THE ONLY GIRL FOR 1Vtr If BUT i WAS WE • iOHELY 6MU. UNTIL / USMP OODEFnOYi lARIEUSE ON MY /^AIR heea. cl*rifi«d *®®* vlne«d by the actlvitlii and pilti- ciplea of the Congreai Movement, th*t there ia *-definite n»ed for a United People’* Movement «m- bilBijing of^nisAtiona aa each”, explained Mr. Oavia. The 0«€fcl CaM Ur the Con- grm. now in preparation by »■ Committee, will »o out on Au- guat 1. Among thoae signing the Call will be Max Yergan, head of ihe American Committee on Afri can Affairs; A. Phillip Randolph, presidfnt of the Pullman Porters Union, president of the Congress and foremoat Negro labor leader, Marlon-Cuthbert, niember of the National Council of yWCA;_ Jas. W. Ford, tTommuniat ticket; Ar thur H. Fauset,writer and educa tor and vice-president of the Can- gr^^^; ThSlra Bdwafda, brilliant. Negro woi|an Social Worker, traveler and lecturer;'Edwar»l E. strong. oMtstant^ng church and youS leader, the chairman of the Youth Section of the Congress. Many o»er outatandin^r pecaona have,, made known their willing ness and desire to sign the Call, tlhl 11m -4ol, . d n|AoA Two weeks before the isaurance of the Call, delegrates are expect ed from Cuba and the West In dies. Mr. Fauset, who is now On toujr of the Carrii)ean countr^^ will contact interested groups throughout thef West Indies, and South and Central America. Recallnig the mass response lo, and the experiences and results of the first Chicago -Congreiiii, one |)v>u^nd delegates* hammered out its organization and policies, Mr. Davis is confi- df nt that the Second Congress “will be another historic land mark in the march of the Negri peiiple toward n^anhood rigjhttj and freedom. , “Labor is on the march”, he concluded, “a >ppjitical ferment is i|nliv)»ning and changing the American scene; a unified, mili- tantly lead^ for a people’s move ment at this historic moment can do much to\^rd smabhfing thj> w?elt-wom yoke and aiding the cause of progress for all Ameri cans.” .tion of tke I CMUIlUcr, tetfiiy otiail far wH«d and unrelenting* fi|^ for *i!|i tfpeidem of tlM Sa^tMtara boys. ■ “Tlva whot« world i* shodtai at this verdict,” said the ttat*-j meut, "and immediate «t*pa nwrt; b« Uken to intensify the flfh*^ for the complete -fVresdom o? all ■ nine defendents. The charge ol Judge Calfahan to the jury was liis uaual pifejudicad Aatement. It shows that the Morgan county court has no intention of ad- miniatering jur» ice to . i e youthi. "^e defend'?nta haveoein ordered Uo trial in machine-like ' faAion at Uie rate of two || wcoA, further evidence that thet'e in no' desire to give justice, but ta hustle the case through t h e | courts. We urjfe every person a contribution to the Scott»boro defense Committee, 112 East 19 Street; N^w York City. The f^nse is in desperate need of funds. We have a long, hard.l bitter battle before na in which nothing must stand in th way of complete vindication and acqait- tal.” •embljr of tbr American at which time, they^ Inteiul fo laao* tr— fk^u ta erana. w^ anderatamd inat tlie gates of Duke itadinm will thrown open to them alM>. all of which, m commendabf^. Indeed. On the other band, att'TRptA to get an opening at N. C. Otiiegn Ne^ jrterans have faUeh flat Thia is why local Negro profeMional J>aM ball elnb* neetl a park. If som? pnhlic spirit«i tk; new. Hillaida Parity wM)e m process of construction, eoald be •o arranked to take car» nf prr>- fessional Base ball, thia would not only leaaen or strike out tax^s tirely for ita xjj^^-p. but off«r i probabl? solution' to the cmbai*- raasing situations, in which local or home b^e ball clubs now find themselves. NAAC.P DENOUNCES SCOTTSlEORO VERDICT NEW YORK, July l«.->-Con- demning in strongest terms the deatli penalty meted out to Clar ence Norris, Scottslboro de^end- t bv a inrj;_in jjepatiir, Ah»^ KILLS BABY AND ^IFE THEN TAKES OWN LIFE LEXINGTON, Miss.. Ju»y 22— (ANff*)^A fsimil$' q«tarrel' rf suited Tuesday in the suicide of Sam Crawford, 35 year old far mer, after shooting his wife and eight month old balby girl to death. ' It ia- not the^ purpose 'of Vht ^•iter to criti;ta ioUeifa board, nor the athktie park misaion, but to simply recit/ tW faets «acL-J« suggest a remedy :n the hope that our open-minded Durham citi*sna may !iet oar plight and come to our rescue,' ■JK)t "with high sounding moral pmr I I; and t^hnjca'Jcies. b^k with a much needed park for the 10,(KI> Negroes of Durham. Frank Geo. Sowell, Pres, of East Dorham Biack Sox doVOiIqamble like this? ■COMI SiVCN 'Wn.1. fAT . Nxr WEEK‘ —ye OR THIS?*^ •NO, I DON'T N«0 ANY INtURAMCE. YOU SeE.l^l HAVE A FtRC I WILL HAVE SAVED the PREMIUM* See the Cocal Agent of - BANKERS' FIRE INSUM^ COMPANY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CONSERVATIVE—SOUP-DEPENDABLE Union las. ft Realty Co. DarhaM Acoia Realty Cn. Raleicb July 15, the National Association for the advancement of Colored People, as a member organiza- Pits $10 MOMTBLY FOROSE OT1D4Y CklldrMi aad B«aeficiary Now iiMar«4 at no Additional Co«t. Aa Entirely New Faatur* Offered by b« Other Company Durham, N. C.—An accident insarance x>oUcy inturinj three people: thajprincipal, the bene- fieiary and one child now offered by Southern Fidelity Motaal is i* Immediate benefit from date^ o(f premium payment Weekly benefits are from f 10.00 te |26.- 00. Peath benefits from 1250.00, to flSOO.OO, and the Cost is oal^^ on* cent.pei- day or 9S.M per y*». You Must see this poficy at our expense. Read It, and onderstaAd exactly what itacvers, then if you are ntkfieil, send $8.65 to put it In force for 1 year. Each year all benefits inerease 1(0 per cent aSHTEBOol per cent moM at no additional cost. T^ora^n and ttien are accepted. No a&'a^cal axaialaatton, no red- tape. nosey with appli cation. Jtiat wri^ your name, age addtesa,^ beneflciary’a name and relationsfa^ and mail t« "the Soutiiem Fidelia Mutual Insur- rance Company, I>urliam, Notih Caroliaa, for free policy inspec* tion. ‘ (AdT). m r: WhitcH your skin^ with this famous bleach OQNTfsol moaoA with strange U»che& Be aen- . Use Nadi»:da Bleadi* ing Crea&—foni^eiars • — the bleach that really ^ bleadies and purifies tlK sldn. can’t be duflkatei'fcrjresalts because ^ secret Nadinola foriBula can’t be imibite«L Nothing else doe^ s6-much to lighten tbfe skin so quickly, 80 surely. Start tonight withNadjiiola Bkadiing Cresun and watch bow ycm C0Q:Q>lezion pom fighter m tane, saioother and softer in texture. Alldruggistscarry Nadinola in regular sze at SOc and ex $1.00. Fufl daectioas and nMney-back 'tuaraatee with every jar. If your drukg^ (5n’t supply, take no substi tute, send m»ey and we will mail toyou po^pi^ with bocdc of treasured b^uty secrets. NADINOLA. Boa M4. Fin. Toa. ADMTUNG (Uoccs, datet. .invitstions—eTerVairlwjnu ■ them — and here’s Touhm’i se cret of how to them— "Do M I did, ■ (he'o. tell you—"Color >wrhair with Godeftor's Latieuse. A lincle application Of thii WonaetM Mtpa^tioii transform»diill, streaked—TM (tm Grty hair—into a brilliant, aU*t*iuiis haw.'* Laricuse may be appllwjl with a imall hrush., at bo^. The diriectiona a«cio«Ml with the bottle tell yba HOW. T*lte Qaly a feir - tinutes. Color warned conua ermly —'jet black, black; dark. taediioB or Ugkt brown, or bldade. Stage and screen atars, iDcietr aitd boil- nest pewple, tb«r««t Gedafr9r’a LariMM — have (Of nearly 4i year*. Laaieaa* cm nwka roitr JiMt aj loraly m WWa. Tmb, ne lonwi^api tea. leoely. Tnea m caa win and mao you want for yoo*'T«ry owa-^i ioT* and loouiK* cskia. Ask e bif not attisMd. year d«al«c will WoaMr fund you money. LOOK! BIG MONEY FOR YOU! Mirt*s Ymt Mg Cl—Cl te IM» trick Umt&s-U JltMl fir SMST ^ GBim 1^ IWr Bmiiw Mncb CnM^ 3M PnM Do 3W1 need Money? Do you widi fat ihe good tUngs that Ikteaey wtiuiii buy to ymih^OT? 11am become a SW^ C»NtolA HMVrn RfakhwAGCMT. MenaRdWiamenwanted everywhere asAOPIT>iarIWW GODEFROY'S If your dttamr io«tn t liav* It i*nd $1.25 direct to . french HAIR to/ormg •ODIfROY MANUrACnmilM COMPANY • U10 OUVI IT. * |T. .VIORQIA BMOWN Hair-Dressipg Poatade, Ito Strength. Sidal Blsfh Cream. Face I’tiwder. Perftanea, 300 ProduksTYou (kd’ enaHfenoe. Work in Spare Time or F^i Thae. We show you bow ts a wedt or up to ICiJI in a diqr. FREE SAMPLES SmadNoMommyl _ . — ^,fin_in OOM^ ao^ man ft | ma tocky fcr raCS tAIVUS of i ti> Mite fMftapM*. riw aw Hair Drea^ag. Ace fNwjber and ! 4011^000*1 Iffmm. ■ vS^Mia tiiecwMNHna I BU Mhn H

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