" TH* CAHOUH* TWli tATintDAY. fULY 31. fif FACE TMIX* GOVERNOR URGED TO PUJM LYNCHERS -oO«- ed With Stabbing Policeman « NEW YORK, Jut/ 23.-rU»g of extensiyelj ih £8peta of ■ th 'ttje PbfceB~«t liis oomnii^nd to the country and the fact that the apprehend and-pum»*i the \lj^nch-1 victims were taken from a Jail eerg of two 18-year-old b^s at fn a city the size of Tkllahassee tallahasaeie was urged upon gtov*|fqur block^ from the state capf*' ernor Fred P. Cone, of Florida, tol has served to drive home the in a telegram {rom the NAACP. I argument that local officers and Governor Oone was quoted 'in government officials cannot b»» de- the press as saying that the I pendc'd on to prevent lynching? double lynching was not lynching or -punish lyiwhecs. ^ but murder. However, the NAA* CP pointed out that he was misJ taken in that ?Ke m&b find re moved the boys from^jail fini executed them without trial. The NAACP also stated that the lynch ing )^id—tay n {jiagp “virtually under the windows* of the state Capitol.” The association is seeking ad ditional information on t h £ 'EW YORK AiGE CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION OF U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY who wert lynched stlJ&ed a police man rtiK^. ju^rely trying to question them about a robbery. It is a well-kii'own fact that very few, if any, 18-year-odd Negro youths in a state like Florida would stafb a policfeni^n who was merely trying to ask Ch''m a ques tion. The double lynchinTr In Talla hassee stirred instant discu.^sioii in Washington even with the ex- citment of the debate on the Pi^6H:^’|>nti& ^j-p^eme court biJi and the ejection of a new majori ty leader. .Senator Robert F. Wagner, of New York, announc ed to the. associatiow that he would call up the anti-l^nchiiig bill at this session and that he was confident it would be parsed. The Tallahassee lynching was car- N E W YORK, July 29.—0— THE NEW KOlRiK AJE JfeWawJed editorially’ last week that the •!!, S. Naval Academy at Annapblirf be investigated. Under the Caj) tion, ‘‘Investigafte Naval Acad^; lynching asd is frankfy skeptical t\y”, the paper said; jof the story that iiuB^two boys , , ,, . , ' - "Negro leoders n all part, of. the countuy s’#ould ^t bpWind Congressman Mite ^11' in his de mand for an investigation of the United States Natal Academy at Annapolis, Md. For 40 yearsi no Negro was able to get a nomi- nat on to become a mid-shopmaa a t this goveXiment training school for nafaj officers. Then during the past two years con gressman Mitchell succeeded in securing the appoiRtm«nt of two, and neit er of them were able to staip because of the j'im-crow practices of the student ^body and officei*s in charge. ‘‘According to reports, G«orgo L. Trivers, 'the latest victim, whp was sworn in on- June 17, was forced to leave last 'Week because of the insults heaped upon nim. ^loth he and Mid-shipmen John* CalviA^Digest FUjA Jv Cahrfai _ Compromisa ' ' ' ’ Surprising as it may aeera, »1- NOTB: YOUR question will answered FREE in tbis column hoogh it wa« really expected, tht QNLYIxJ^ jm include m. clmaai- QlMli* ~ TTCTi^T’^oglnnTnF'orTIe grwif /Sw »nd correct. sddtess tq your Itter. For • ^ full name, birthdate, and correct.m~~-~— Vj "Private Reply" . .. send only (2Sc) and a self-addressed, stuped envelope tor my ntw AST&^OGY READING and recefvf by return taaJI FREE ADVICE an. (3) Questions. return mail Send all Utteri to; ABBE WALLACE, car. C^O- LINA TIMES, 117 E. Peabody Street. Durham, N. Carolina. EjbH—Ihave a small lot in a'that I am expecting? rorth^ state and I am wonder-1 An.i Witin tl»« ne*t ing if I will 'be* able to sell it anytime aoon? An«t Y*«, provided jrou «dT«r- the property for Wl*y not pul it in th* hands of «omo Roal Estate At*ney and ikrM Scottaboro compromiM haa gone, Death has not been askei^ by the State of Alabama for Andy Wright, whfe was twlca before been convicted and. sentenced to death in th^ spme cases, "nie at torneys for the prosecution ex- ‘plain to the jury: “It i« not for 1- trafn^d gMBp fot a pfranry ■ tc *r > pwar on Broadway in a natr and' for laaajr -oi Um> hi th^ went on tour. Todd Dancan, Anne Brown, Baby Elyy were ti»» mtmrm t»Talnp .l « hif a -ry i'.ft f of Ih# b« pr, • (1^ aii«i that iwwo^^-ni-nt _■ ■*! avar what gr.r,i M -ti colored people try to rutka h r eontrtt)Ution by g1- ;='.ng over or heir fifteenth’ annual leaeion of the National (Bar Asaociation at JPh^lfideljpl|>_eaiiy in Augu^ may take pi^de in aomenatoblc achievement of their proesalon. • The naming of Judge Hastie to the Federal bench waa a distinct | Bot ttom Oennwln, fiegtietM should lej^ thto: tt,at they ^ ^.rd mork Ame{^ if m **-- —— 'Mak^n^' of many fine and im- portant cantribwtlonai—thov ContributioBs cannot be made un less Utey. are made on a certain —are up tr> a certain stwid In music, no iesa than in months. Thie-tiionoy will com# to member* of the jury to aik you in smal amounts, but yoa will OTentually got it all. CJD.—Will I ever pull through hav* iiis strain and will I ever be hap- tkom dispose of It for you. Don’t sell unless you can get a t>o^ price for the lot. 0(Ct,-r-My hue^nd jls in jail and I want to know if I will be •Ibe to get him out? Ans; «(hen you get the n«*c »»• money to pmy his fint^ then jro«>can get Him out. However, it he continues te go to jail at he has done this year it will not py again?--., Anst Indeed you will. You Will pay for your home and thi« a- lone 4trill chanfo your present dis position to a happy one. Your CHItDREN are also g^g t# >change, for ttie better and they will make your life more con tented.. EJ.—rJly' husband just walks out and leaves me I~ Want to The know why he ('l^en’t ^ta|y at wbji wc did what 'se did (ask fo" life instead of death). That ia foi the State.” What bearing this new turn gain; the iSntlng of the book, other fields, the itandirds must •Negroes and the Law"*, by Atty. 1 Styles of'tj^e Phil«delpbia b*r> >» another aihievemenl worthy of commendation; the organisation of a State association of colot^ed lawyer* in Oklahoma, which was addk^saed by a Fj^deral Judge who Mid colorM lawyers get a fair deal in his iome little lUtta^ _or, ‘niece’.* fdek -ip tome^'?Kih, and go on eat^Jo epend It in the fint salooe .they ome to.' To achieve lasting fam br reputation that will atand tffe CaatisMd e«i fag* F*ur will have on the other cases re- the naming of a colored Itwyer mains to be seen. Whether the bp the State Boar.c^ of Affairs of Scottaboro boys will get their Oklahoma to represent it are'wor- freedom Is still a matter #f ' con- thy of note; the naming of “ a jecture, and is dpubtful; but that'woAan, Elise Auatin. as assistant they will not die in the elacric atto’Wiey general of Ohio, and the chair is almost certain. ^naming of a woman, Jane Bolin, ' as assistant Corporation CouneU Trouble for FDR in New York, are not to be over- We are apprehensive for the looked; and finally the fact that success of other Roosevelt pro jected reforms because of the fu rore created by tfie Court ■JBill. The Anti-Lynching Bill is of mi>re a stronger fraternal spirit is de veloping among the lawy^ers i.i a hopeful sign ftor the.future. so li(ht on l»im next time. mw| j people around you do not have home with me like he vsed to do. ^ importance to the colored citizens Ans; It fs not a girl this time than the Court Bill; and the frif{ anything to do with his going to /ail. imii iniMHfliMiamniiBiiiiPiiiiHiiiniiiBMBiniiBiniBiHHiiB We are 'eaclusive agents for the nationally known DUPONT ‘ , TONTliiE WASHABLE SHADE CLOTH For Quality Window Shades Call J-9931 Odd Sises Qur Specialty. — Liberal Allowance For Old Rollers DURHAM SHADE WORKS SHADE SPECIALISTS FOR 2i YEARS^ • « U5 EAST CHAPEL HILL ST.* WW.—Please help me. I want a boy friend to call my own and wOnder if I will ever get one. - —«=j- ■ . Ans: Without doubt. Cup»d,’s arrow is going to be pointed at yon before the next nine months and it hits, you are going to be about the worst “love sick” per son imaginably. Good times are in store fwr you. that is keeping him away from hom,e but It Is some interesting tinue this way for he is already card games. He isn’t going to con- getting disgusted and will take a more active interest in his homO. of events may endanger other im portant pieces k>f legislation which are also of importance to cititr.is of America. It is our hope that the Pi'esi- dent may still be able to ride the storm, and carry through the ^ going with a major reforms which, he feels the an and she won’t do like I want. because they have he to do and I want to know if I SCARBOROUGH & HARCETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service VJf' r't PHONES DAY J-3721 — NIGHT J-3722 % B22 EAST PETTIGREW ST. » DURHAM, N. C. TT’ead your column 'ind enjoy it. Tell me what to do to make away with the disease that I now have and will. I ever got well? ’ *;V Ans: See a GOOD DOCTOR immediately, if you do this it will only be a short time until you are 00nn)^eteiy cured. Neglecting yourself will only make things worse. ’ what should I do? man '‘Wrap her around their finger'’, but shK]^ 1|[oing to kesp you guessing. It will take lot Colored lawyers still have to figfit within l^eir group for clients, as well as from without. Too many coAoredj p«oi|le wiio ought to know better, who have legal business of importance io trMisiact, because of habit and tradit8*on, go to wliite tawyers, not stopping to think how much they are doing to hold their own group dowh ,by this simple act. Thfy take money /but of the unprecedented ^ g*'oup in a field which white peo- ' pie are not inclined given him such po|)^!^r' support. The jfact Iinclined to support, mains, however, that poipular suip-1 ** * matter of policy, and there- Ans: She isn t going to lei anjT merely places One In a po.*!!- take oipportunities away whivh Jjbn of powtr; gen^ralMhip^ what is necessary to deal with NVT—Please tell me how long it wil (be before I get the mpnej’ GOOD FOOD FOR EAMILY or FRIENDS AT^ LOWEST PRICES Hollywood Inn Cafe MRS. C. C. HAYESWOOD. Prop. 1 8 S. MANGUM ST. DURHAM, N. C. ivmm SYMPATHETIC SERVICE! McLawrin Funeral Home LICENSED EMBALMERS OffPAoae* F-07B1 —eO*-^ ReeldMce Ph*M F-0782 IIOS Fayetteville. Steeel -t. - D•rika■^ M. C. Clothes Tailored! - ■!- ' « For You CL&ANING A PRESSING ~tiT‘n W"t‘‘ ip .scq^reg-alcd rooms on the second deck (third floor) in a remote, unused part pf |lancxoft Hatt. Whit« mid shipmen refused to associate with •the youth and made insulting re marks when passing him in the corridors. “During the period that mid shipman Johnson (the other Ne gro to gain'admission) was at the instjtutlion^ Ifpebblfs and sticks* were ‘tossed against his window, and bottles ibrokqn nearby after he had gone to (bed at 10 p.m. jThe youth was able to prove that white boys entered his room and disarranged Itrafter he had clean ed it. Two Angles to Case “Congressman Mitchell state.s that there are two angles to the present case. The first is to de- liDrmine wheather the Academy oiRcials mistreated Trivers be cause of his color. The second angle involves Johnson, who was so fair in complexion he could hardly be distinguished from his white classmates. “Jf private educational Insti' tutions can matriculate students of the Negilo and other races, without this racial friction s6 cofti- nion at the NavpJ Academy, there should be no "reason whp there should be this difficulty -at.. a government Khokjl, except with the sanctions of those heading the government. And if their actions have approval of President Rbose- yelit anjl Secretary Swanson, the public should know about it. the cunning and the shrewd. The of coaxing and attention to m.ke | demonstrated he I has generalship, too. We believe * ■ he. will puU through. h«r care for you for she is jurt about as independent as come. She is a clever To««g ladw. NAACP WIRES BARKLEY Walter Wbito, NAACP secre tary, tel«'graphed Senator Al6en W. Barkley, of Kentuc^iy, con gratulating Kim upon his election Lawyers Meet in Philadelphia Colored ’Hjwyers, meeting in able nnd^TrrrcompromiBing leader ship, the Wagner-Van Nuya anti- lynching bill which more than 65 9enaV>» favtor will apeedily be as majority leader saying, “W*'called up for defbete and passage are confident that under your ! at this session.” mm ACCIDENT HOSPITAL INSUg/I^CE A SICKNESS ■■p.1 FIDELITY ■AIL iURETY BONPS SOUTHERN FIDEUTT MUTDAL INSURANCE C0HPAN1 THE ONLY CASUALTY COMPANY CHARTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA OCCO-NEE-CHEE ^ Self-Rising Fkmr Takes the Guess of Baking and Saves you Money . YOURI THE ONLY GIRL FOR. Mi PHONE UNION TAILORINQ CO. ^^112 PARRISH ST. DURHAM. N. C. havtt dirttcft HE DO£SNr KNOW IT BUT / WAS THE • LONELY GIRL UNTIL / USEV aaoms}^ lARIEUSE ON MY HAIR will be a long time returning. The fact that the lawyers -ire meeting at the University of Pennsylvania Law School is an indication of the rising esteenT of the colored man in the legal pr*»- fession. George Gershwin Colored peofle rightfully mou^n the passings of ' George Gershwin. He took a serious in terest in their lighter musw, and correlated it into a “Rhapsody in Blue,,. Then he wrote “Porgy and the opera, from the play, Jfhich •vfiisi haspH An nnval. ‘‘Porgy”. In jopera dolored artsts of the younger and better PiJs $100 Mosmy FOR«SIS ci’T J DIY Ckildrea and Beneficiary Now Insured at no Additional Cost. « ^ Entirely New Feature “Offered by no Other Company Durham, N. C.—An accident inauranee policy insuring three people: the principal, the bene- ficiary and one child now offered by the Southern Fidelity Mutual ^ .ia i* immediate {>enef}t from date of premium payment. Weekly boneflta are from |10.00 tti $25.- 00. Death benefits ftom |250,00, to 11600,00, and^ the cost is only one cent per day or |3.S5 per year. You must see this policy at our expetase. Read it, and Hfiderstand exactljr what it covers, then if you are satisfied, send |3.65 to put it in. force for 1 year. Each year all ^n^flta increase llQ pei: cent tintil thie policy has a value of 50 per cent more at no additional coat. Women and men are accepted. No medical examination, no red- tap^. Send no nioney witlv appli cation. Joat writ* your name, age address, beneficiary’s lyime and relationship and mail to the Soathem Fidelity Hutual Insar- rance Companyr^rham, North Carolina, for free policy inspec tion. ’^1, (Adv).~ ^0X)acfmsKy After dMag frenaa airfi—, Hareld Parhlww^t is tkmmm hmrm h«f*re be eyf d Me yaraclMHe Harold Pl^t^Ulwrit, jjt^bate jumpei, in a thriiling d«]bye^|amp. He'* calm about it, iso'c iw? He sayi about bis '*CameU give mildness Ssaew mcaniag.They never iaogle my nerve*." Don't forget tluc Ounela. are made frota — COSTLIER TOBACCOS! CAMELS NEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES! ooY(Hf gamble like this?! or this? *N0. I DON'T NEfO ANY INSURANCE. YOU SEE.I»^00NT HAVE AFIRE I WILL •COMC SEVEN •N I'LL EAIT NgXT week' PREMIUM Se& the £ocalAgQntof BANKERS’ FIRE INSURMCE DURHAM. WORTH CAROLiHA CONS ERVATIVE—SOLID-Ut>^tiN' f Union *a*. A Really Co. Durham Acme Realty Cn. Raleigb Whiten your skin —with thUfyfnous bleach kONT fool around with ' strange bleaches. Be sen- !. Use Naditfola Bleach* ing Creain—known for years — the bleach that really bleaches and purifies the skini Nadinola Bleaching Cream can’t be duplicated fonresults because the secret Nadinola' /onnula can’t be imitated. Nothing else does so much to lighten the skin so quickly, 60|urely..^ ^ ^ Start tonighWithNadinola Bleaching Cream and watich how yt^ complexion grows lighter in tone, smootho* and softer in texture. All druggistscarry Nadinola in regular size at jOc and ex* tra large money savi^ size at $1.00:- Full directiona aPi -money-back guarantee with every jar. If your drumst 3m’t supply, take no substi tute, send money and we will mail to you postpaid with book of treasurra b^uty sed^ets. NADINOLA. Bos 144. Pn, T«ga. LOOK! Bid MONEY FOR YOU! altering A SPECIALTY crec of how to wia them— "Do U I did," she'd c«U you—"Colot yoLT hue wia CWe&w’f (pplicauon of this woadcrful prepMaAii transforms/dull, streaked ^Yederea Gm hair—into ■ brilliaot, slistcaiDit hUe." Larieuse may be applied wiui • aauU hrush, |it home. The oirectioas fncloscd with the bottle tell you HOW. Ttkca only a few Minutes. Color wanted cornea erenly —>>e( black,. black; dark, -medium or lislii brown, or blonde. Stage and screeb stars, loclcfy and boal- ■ people, they ns« Godeiiroy’sXariaase — e tor aeaj* hare for aearly 45 years. Larieuse caa nake jroor hlir tost as loTtly ■* tbeirs. Thee, ■» loecer will yon be ■ May-a^.J>eiBe^foMot- tea, lonely. Then you can iHa and hoMthe aua yoa want for your rur owe—atloy lo*e and tonunce ataior bta re* , aoi satisiad, your dealer will Moni^ te> fund yoar money. ' Here's Ysar 1^ C1mm« te IWmi Qritk NMMy—It Nfwl fir SNEEf 6BMMMIpBWNItairlk«ssii«llMcliCr««i^3MPri^^ IfsEiqn Do you need Money? Do yoa wish for the good things that Money woukl buy to make you happv? Then becotm a SWOT CXoKgiA BROWM HI—■»«. MakbtgAGCNT. Men and Women wanted everywhere 4c AGENTS for CWtfT GEORGIA BROWN Hair l)res^ng Pocnad^ Hair Streo^h, Skin BrifbtMiac. Bleach 0«am. Face Powder, Perfumer 300 Products. You. (tsn’t nm any esfgerience. Work in ^>areTime or Full Tinafe.We show you how to ooakc up to fMJt a week or up te $C.M in a aincie day. CePEPROW M \ : I M:S t \)l ‘ ■ N N 'U ^ ftench HAIR co/oring wraovcB • ^ •" •ODIfROY MANUMCrgRIN* COMPANY • UlO OUVI fT. • Q. M» FREE SAMPLES .-I ~—Soad Wo HifMiftyf 1 Just fill in coupon an4 mail it ■ today for FRCE SAMPLES ' , _, - _ • tw«B» 10 aaka OMiak i Hair Dr^sing, Face Ptjw'der and ! ^riaa »mi s^adtioam loJ , Spedal Offer to AGENTS. Don’t ^ |«wait.MaN the COUPON NOWI 1 ValwerPro*ictsCeb*Sr* ^