-T" THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 1»37 7 nnr^feffe iflitdiir -LEGAL NOHlft CAROUNA mJRHAM COUNTY EXECUT»S‘ NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED m Exe cutor of the e«Ute of Dr. Fr#nk T. Ptif, d(«e«Md, late of IhJrham Count/. North Carolin*. thi» if to notify aM person! having clsim* ■fainat the estate of said de^pased to exhibit thenv to the undersiijn- ed a^ 114 W. Parrish Strif^, Dur ham, N. C., on or before the 7th day of August 1938, «r thi* notice will be pleaded, in bar of their ■•covery. All persons in.diibti*d to said ' eatate will please make imni«d)at« payueat. ment, Thiif4th day of Anruat, 10S7. Meefyinica and, Farmer* Bank Adminl*kratar Hanry IBilaTirtt •atate. M. Hugh Thompaon, Atty.^ ‘ Thii, the 6th day. of August, l»S7. Sarh J, Paga *j»l Mechfinics anl * xu j s j Co-Executm nnder^ed at SOrPfne Str«et^ DurluuttrK. C-, Fanner* Frank T. Bank, Page, Deceaser. M. Hugh Thompson, Atty 0 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S XOTICE ^vlng qualified as admini strator of the ertate of Henrj' Damett, decea8e4, late of Dur- TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND North Carolin*, ham CoUnty, N6^ Carolina, this ia to notify all persons having claima against the esttfte of said »decesaed to exhibit them to the undenigned kt_114 W. Pairieh Street, Durham, N. C., on or be- for? the 6th day of Auguat, I a certain Deed ot Tniit datwl No- 1»38, or thi* notice will be plaad- vember 6th, 19» and axecutad by ed In bar of their rwoVfry. All Fred Bynum and wife, Nellie By- per*ona indebted to aaid eaUto I num, and, dwl|f> recorded In the o£- will pl««e maka immediatt Regliter of Deedi for Durham Cotmty to Book of Mort gages 183, at p*^ S6; and default naving been aifda in the payment of the same, the uBdarsigned Trustee will offer for »ale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, at the Courthouse door in Durham, N. C., on FRIDAY, AU GUST 20th, 1937^t 12 o’clock Noon, the falloi^^ described land, to*wit: ^ ADJ01MM3 the lands of Sid- tiey R. House and James M. House and others; beginning at a stake on New (now Cafnell) Street, and running thence Eastward 232 feet to a stake in Sidney R. House and Janies M. House line; thence Northward Trttfe 41i«ir linaa 65 feet to a stake; thence westward 232 feet to a, stake in New (now CarneU) Street; thence Southward with the line of said New Street 56 feet to the beginning. See deed from Sylvester Bynum (widow) to Fre^ W. Bynum dated June 12, 1922, recorded in Book of. Deeds 63, at paga 378, Durham County Registry. Long Employment Is Given To Thousands of Negroes ^Qrth Carolina Durban! County A^miniatrator'a Notice Having qualified as adminlatra. or of the estate of Wilson Brown deceased, late Durban County North Carolina thia is to notify tall persohs having claims agamst 'the estate of said deceased to on or before the 21 day of Au gust, 1987, or this nofice wlH be pleaded in ba&of tibeir recoTcry. All peraons indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate pay ment. A. jC Teele, Adn^^strator of Wilaon Brown, deceased. Dated this 17 day of July 1837 - Under and by virtue ot the pow er c6hfei*red upon the Trustee in This sale wll^ remain open for ten (10) days to receive increase bids, as prescribed by law. This property is sold at the re quest of the holder of said note. Dated this l&th day of July, 1987. A. M. SHEARIN, M. Hugh Thompson, Trustee. Attorney. ALL-COLORED MARYLAND TOWN CELEBRATES 2ad ANNIVERSARY IJpHDUSAKDiS* ot Negroei DONT BE "HOOKED // V GET-RICH-QUICK schemers have "hooked" many a man and got his hard-earned money. • These schemers are not ^ dead yet . . . and they have not quit* "worfclnig*''the "easy marks." Ask some JeveMteaded man before YOU bite or they may land you in their net. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business' MecMcs & Fainiers Bank Darham Raleigh FAIR MONT HEIGHTS, Md.— (ANIP) More than 600 townfolk headed by tt»e local Citizens* Association participated last Fri day in this all-colored town’s second anniverMry ■ celebration and banquet, heW Jkt JUks’ Home. The commitee on arrange ments was headed by Miss Mary M. J,, Hawkins, and among the speakers wer^ Benjftmine Mont- ’^Kftery, nephew of the founder. Mound Bayou, Miss.; former Mayor W. M. Imeas of North ' B rent wood; dent Citizens’ Association; and L.oftlns have enjoyed long and profitable ser vice as employees of the Esso Har keters. The above group, whose picture appeared In The Esso Mar keter, bouse organ of the Esso Marketert, has a tomTrtned service of JSt^ywirs—a representative tn* dicatlon o{ the position occupied by Negroes in the world's leading pctrcteum organization • Negroes have been luectifled with she Esso Marketers einee the found- tiig of the orlRlnal convpaiiy many. t*cades ago. Through these years millions of doKnrs have been pg!d M) iiu-m&erB ot the race. It is doubtful if any other cpmfany lu the United States has as many t4e- groes weaHng service buttons em- found amonK thS 'fOThery, oil field,'' and bulk plant personnel of thai Esso Marketers, and few companisa have as many living pensioners. The nine men in the picture are employees of the Wilmington, N. C.,' bulk plant. W, F. Dodd, center, haa been employed 42 years — longer than any other person In the divi sion. Others, with their years of «f‘rvi*e, art' left to rig?»t. frant row, Fercy Nenl. H): Jackson Watkins, 14; H. H. H.iv.Rrd, 17; L. M. Sim mons. 17. row, J. R. Herring, 1!>: Jan.-s 17; Js.iac Jones, 17, &nd C. W. £,tilng»l',ia, 25. NOTE:—FOCTK auttioa will bt aatwtrtd FREE in this column ONLY wbtn you Include m clipping of this column and sign your full name, birtbdata. and corract address to your letter. For f "Private Mplf ... sand only (25c) and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my new ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail FREE ADVICE on (3) Questions. Send all lettera tot A^BE WALLACE, care of THE CARO LINA TIMES, 117 E. Peafio4y Staeet, Durham, N. Carolina. . • T , V days. It^will probably be Xnia.i before this visit can be"T«Tangeil. ' Jtd- -Is there a chanci* of my getting the job tl»t I applied for j|t a„recenii date’ ,— A Ans: Several people lU'o after thia same job—play safe and look around for- st^melbinff else while you are awaiting news of just who 18 the fortunate one. You are going to work in thf> month of Sep.t on some kind (of job. , JWW—What about this man b clothes my wife washed this week and claims sRe don't know who they belong to and I want to know all atoout it air Just as soon as^x*’^ put it pa per? Ans; There Isn’t anything for you to woiry abqut tor sh« does not know the party intimately. Your wife ia interested in making a few pennies and she has sonxe- thing more to do than get out and hunt up some man’s clothes tjo wash gratis. I' ELM—r am in loVe with a boy in Chicago and wonder if I will getL. a chance to visit him have hoped to do thia summer? MORE REFLECTIONS FOR CCM.ORED PEOPLE ' (By William Pickem) —Continued From Lait Itiua — The pastor of the great T0t. Olivet Baptist church, the Rev. Maxwell, fortunately has a good sense of humor,—as „ any Ncgrro saaethave, if fee is not te bea^ tain mntters ~T>f tnterest a Negro leader, a god-send, to year. is very fonfl of you tout isn’t at Jail ready to settle down a%i get .married. en by his tipht-rope life alonpf the i , color line. He told his congrega- j XAC—Will my, hui^and and I ti^n th(i| whenever he goes to re- tpgether again or what must I Hef stations manned by white expect? clerks, he gets instant courte?V| Ans: He is terribly upset over and considr’ration as? soon as He the whole thin.g and M this time announces: “I am the Rev. Mr. I believe that he is trying to dis- Maxwell; pastor of Mt. OH vet pose of your home. He is a little church, and I want to discuss cer- too stubborn^ to try to convince Ans: No—you won’t be able ^ make the trip to ^ Chicago. It will be fall when you two meet , , again, and at the same COLLEJGE f labors are ,ealo« of you attended this past year. Hofy''.'* therefore they talk cess of marriage and prove to my husband that I am no^guHty of the neighborhood gossip th>t goes around ftboutt me? Ans: >E!y minding your own af- faii's and sticking to your homo as you are doing at this time. Y>our husband doesn’t doubt you M06 TARS LABOR MAN N TEXAS WHO SHOWS WOMEN IN NEGRO, WHITE PICKET LINE Be kind to your husband and overlook the little things that; come up and you will hhve a happy home. DALiLAS, Tex., Aug. 17—(A- NP)—Soon tifter he had shown a labor film Monday night in which colored and wjhite woiiun marched together in a picket line, Herbert HaiVjs, 47, white* ■HocIaTrBT party organizer. Was kidnaped a geoup of Keddltims who raided the labor meetinpr, oiled and feathered and dumped from an auto on a main st. Get back uip North,” ihoutcd the abductors. There were about 20 men in the mob that invaded the park TneetlHg ’was trr uro-'! ^ gress. They overturned Harris’ auto, which carried a projection machine. "Kie audience of 200 scattered as the organizer was pushed into an auto and taken in> to the , country whei*e his outer garments were torn off and crude oil and feathers splashed uver him. Harris was uninjured and after being returned here; joked and talked with newsmen about the kidnaping as he pissed for pic tures. of my I that there has been a mistake T 1» e I made, and you may as well let menTbers and people, help them solve some -(of theiir | whites jump to the o^ortunity; jhim have his way. complex problems among the ^ colored race, but they have a high (iolgfr'ed peopl'e?V White people SPLENDID BREAD PHONE J-3792 612 ^ajrctteville St. I and habitual regard for intellec- jnay* have a low regard for the j tual and social power. They rei- ™'“ jlize that here is a person who is not merely their coual. bat. moi-e likp^v heir superic^ij.—Then ®r. George Palmer. Dancinc followed the banquet. Have a CLEAN SHAVE Wirtout Using a Razor . . . Simpty Your Beard — OFF! At last science has found a way to remove a beard without shaving. No ’More razor, no scraping, no cuts, no soap, no bother. Merely apply Magic Shaving Powder as directed — tlien wipe off, leaving a clear, smooth Bkln. Don’t wait I 35c buys a generous sizecpackage at any drug store.eif jrou want to try before you buy, write Magic Shaving Powder Co., Dept. 34 Savannah, Ga., for free ti^al sample Maxwell had to call at one of th? stations manned by colbred. In Ihe first placeK the little person ar the tjied to ignore Ida presence liy not even looking un as the minister approached and modesty beVan: am the Rev. Mr. Maxwell, pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist chrfrch^” and (that’s sa far as he got, for the little fellow at the desk co’kc'd his head and looked up and shot back: “Well, what of it? ANVBODV _^n Afford to Build! , con'dittont concerning tlie pla&nlliiK, fiha&elhg afcd aetul ■oattrucftion of a new home hare never been morn fayoraMet tkere's alxelutcly no reason yon can't lutTe the bonie yon de sire. Under the Federal plan* yon can bn{ld wi& t^e certainty of f«ll ownersbip ..in home that wHI be jronrt In 10 W 20 years. Ami y^emr initial inveatment need be only 20 per east of the vain* of your pri^ieriy I Tbi> -new i^ethod of flnaiitsing I* easier, moK oon« I ' ■ r-- . ▼enient and more ,economical... Take advantage of this golden op- portanity now. ^ ^ ^ COME IN NOW FOR ALL INFORMATION ABOUT - FEDERAL LOANS AND HOME FINANCING PLANS * I I i --^ Specialists Fire Insurance-Rentals-Real £sfat e- " _ Managetnent - Automobile and All Kinds 01 Insurance^ Union Insurance & Reaity Co, » Oh.' What A Mystery An annual mystery is why so njany business nien “think a sun drenched golf course is coolei- hah their office. WWJ—Will my daughter visit me anytime ir» the near future and does she want to see me? Ana;-. You b^t Bhe-wont& to see her old dad again. Just as soon as she can arrange tio be away from home a few days she is go ing to make you a visit of a f!w MBM—Please tell me if the lawyer my father has secured will be able to get his divorce all- right and how soon Ans: Yes—he will be able .to get the divorce although it is Hke* ly that he.will have to_pay some alimony. This shotiU bo a son think that he is -going to reseive ilia money before October. VZ—Why does my husband want to move? What should 1 3o Ans: Humor him and. go a- kead and do the things that he to your father as he is entirely' liked.' If you don’t it will be im- too old to marry young. I also 'possible to live with him. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiininiiiiiiiiinii DR. W. ALEXANDER CLELAND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special Attention to Disieases of ChQdron Telephoi^ Dax—L-0961 Night—.N-33S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money AGENTS! MAKE BIG MONEY GIVING AWAY PICTURE JOE LOUIS Champion ' M Full Siz* Specially PoMd Photo FREE wfith Every Can of Sweet Georgia Bromm Hair Drti^g Here’s the biggest money-nuking opportunity ever offered to Agents! Don’t lose any time taking advan tage rf this sensational offer! Just think how your cus tomers W01 buy yoo Offer them a bmutiful Auto graphed Photo (9^*12") of, JOE LOUIS absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet S>earria Brown Hair Dress ing. Ewerylxxly wants a picture « this coining world’s champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send nanae and address fof FREE samples of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing, Face Powder, Agents Offer and Special JOE 1,0018 FREE Picture CWer. Hurry! Write today! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. D«pt. IM 2241 Insane Aveswe Chicago, Illinois Ride The H. M. MICHAUX, Manager i^holiie J-6531 Whiten your sfdn ll —with this famous bleach I^ONT fool around with strange bleachcs: Be sen sible. Use Nadiribla'Bleach ing Cream—known ^r.years — the bleach^that really bleaches anc^ purifies the skto. Nadinola Bitching Creatn can’t be duplicated for-resolts because the secret Nadinola formula can’t be imitated. —Nothing else does SQ.mudi to lighten the skin so quickly, eo surely.. Start tonight with Nadinpla Bleaching Cream and watfeh how yottf C(»nplexion ferows lighter in tone, smooth^ and softer in texture. AUdruggistscarryNadinoIa m regulv size at 50c and ex* tra large money saving size at $1.00. Full dire^iottt and money>back nia^tee with every jar. If yoiiir druggist’ an*t, RnraJy».take no MMtl-, tute, seiM money and irt will mail toyouMst^d withlsook of treasured beaUty secrets. HADlKOm, Boa U4.'rBis, Tsdq. mm ba .both«r«d with an autompbllt an liands downtown tv«ry 4uf tt It •• li Mt«h • but? It's bti eh«ap«r t« rid* th« but and yM never fwvs ts worry obout parking tpocM. Inf loo lorto# broktn bumpors ond imorftgd Mn or iporo-tlro thlovM. Bkb Iweeee o»d Moooy 0 ServUxGot—^ •k. '^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin