PAOC SIX THE CAXCS.tKA TIMES SiVTURDAY Slft>T. 1937 N. C. C. ANNOUNCES STAFF ■ ■ ' ■I • New Workers Include Graduates Of Noted American Institutrons DURHAM, North C'arolin*— »t Cl.rk University pUc«» Df Jwnei li. «hcpw4 JPresiden; among the r»nki of th« msit t’arSfifltf Collee* for jHgHty- iuaineM m»n in seveiml ad- the country. *"^1 Assisting Dr. Oak tn the Dr- ,1 partment of Commerce U Misi A revie^ of | Harris! who recentlj of North Necroas, announce ditions to hiH administrative instructional staff for the aca demic year 1937-38, tiia preparation^ ot^ these new comers reveals that their gradu ate work has been done in j LK)uigyiHe. a native of Pennsyl University; Cornell Univerf.;t>; degree of The Sorbonne The Univeriity gcience in Business of Washington;; Iowa Univ^rsi Cee headed th* Commercial Depait- 'ment of Csntral High School in ty; and New York Univ'-Tsity. Work in the School of Corn Qierce will be given new impetus j t mdiir jMy diractioB of Dr-» . V* Oak, whdv received degree of Doctor of Philorophy in Buxi nes Administration from Clark University (Worcester Mnssachu- netts) in 1937. He spent much of last year engaged ia research work in Texas. The work which Dr. oak has recently complite l House Directresa in the GL'l’s Dormitory, has served as nurse in the Haacbek* Streep Home for Colored Wgmen in B«aton. „A graduate of the Nursa Training. School of Freedmen’s Ho*piU|, Bhp broadened her social experi- enees as a teacher in the Eobert Gould Shaw Settlement Housa in fc'oiton. Adminlsttation f r o » -Bradley Polytechnic Institute, and the Teacher’s Diploma from. Gregg College in Chicago. The latter institution h^s for years sorved as the tralntng^tenter for rica’s best teachers o£ .commer cial practice. Miss Harris Las apent one year in Paris at The AUiitnce Francaise, where ‘ shr did advanced work in the French language.' ’ • Mrs. Lottie PenW Kimble, the ^ET- Thwa DONT BE "HOOKEP" TktveJ^on^ ET-RJCH'pUiCK schemers have "hooked" many a m«n and got his hard-earned money. • jW "tchewwrs are not alt deed yet ^ > and 4hey have not quit "working" the "easy marks." Ask some level-headed man before YOU bite or they may land in their net. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW W# Welcome Your Banking'Businesi Meelianics & faiiners Bank Onrbam Raleigh Mrs. Annie F. Washington, whose late hukband wa s known throughout the country for hi» work as Commandant at Hamp ton Institute, will serve as House Mother in the boys’ new dwml-' tory. She brinp to her work a deep understanding of the ;>r'jU* lems "of young people. Her sis ter, Mrs. William M. Eich, in the wife of the efficient and popufar Superintendent of the Lincol4 Hospital in Durham. William Burghardt, who suc ceeds “Buddy” Adams as Diiec- tbr of Physical Education, in a graduate of Eureka Colleges in Illinois, and of the Universit/ dl Iowa, from which institution he received the degree of Master of Ar|j in Physical Education in 1937. He is rfmem/bered at West Virginia State College lor his outstanding work as line coach John !&. McLendon, Junior, who holds the master’s degree from Iowa State University, will serve as A.^iatant Coach. His under-graduate work was done at the University oi Kansas. He has been Coach at the High School in' Lawrence, Kansas, and was more recently , Director of Athletics at the Kalilsaa Voca tional SchooF'fn Topeka. Mrs. J. Lucille Jackson, who tvill direct the work in Horn? Eobnomicfi, completed her under graduate Work at New York U where she receivd the bachelor’s degree in 1929. For four years, beginning in 19^9,. she served as L. Of tins Nutrition lat with tJia Aaaftcla'.ion. for Imftrov^iC Conditloita of the Poor, « municipal organiiatloa in New York. H«r work had lar- gely to do with O'tttrition prob lems amont undemouwhed chil dren, and with pre-ichool cliutq.^. In 1934, •h« waa .awarded the degree of MialeP'~of Science in Home Ecottomica at the U«iver- nity'^ Washington in Seattle. G. M. Bush, on leave for study at Iowa University, .ii ve-. placed this year toy Ralph W. Mit chell, who holds the, degree of Master of Science from Cornell l^niversity. , Mitchell ia well known for hia lesearch work in the field of Industrial chemistry A number of (products from hi* labratory were on exhibit at ^the. recent meeting of the Natiotial Business Lei^we. Ho ia a :w.em- ber of the (tioard of Editor4 of the Chemical Formulary; a'uati onal iournal devoted to-“chemical research, and a Fellow of '.he American Association for th? .idvahcement of Science. Alphonao Heningfourg, I^i Seta Kappa winner from t?rrrtB‘eit College in Iowa, and recenfy Personnel Director at Tu^kegc^ inatitute, begrins his work as in-. Iiructor of French, and as Assis tant to the President. A Rosen- wald Fellow during four years m Iowa, He holds a di{)loma from tha Sort)onne, and has completed residence requirements at New York University for the degree of Doctor of Fitilosephy in Col lege Administration. He was le- cently elected Resident of the American TeacSer^ Association, formerly the National A.ssocia. tion of Tfeachers in Coiored Schools. A.&T. Has Large Freshman Class large number of FRESJ4- MEN REGISTER AT A. & T. COLLEGE SrL£NDID BREAD PMONE J-3792 •12 Fayatteville St. southern TENANT FARMERS UNION PLANS SPECIAL CONVENTION TO DECIDE ON CIO AFFILIATION “ Memphis, Sept.—(ANP)—A convention of the interraciaJ South ern Tenaint Farmers’ unio», to d* cide upon affilistion with the new Intjprnational union of Canery Agricultural, Packing-and Allied ^rkers of America ai^ the C. I O:, has been set for ’Sept. 24, i*. has been announced by H.- L. Mil chell, secretairy. If the dvle^ates vote to join the International arnd the C. }. O. the naBt fartaers^ iarian wItt* gy~trrr mediately into the Midsouth dis rict contention of the Interna tion- to be held'Sept. 25 and 26 whei. the union will hold a majority. "Phe International was formed a Arkajisias because of planter an the convention from July 9-12. which marekd^ the beiginning of-so idarity between agricultural and ir, duatrial workers and immediateJj votad to join the C. I. O. The ter. ant group, through its eiecuitivi conmmittee, sjgued the call for thi: convention and is Mlping build tht larger orgaaiization. J,‘ R. Butler president, ia vice president of th( The registration of ?reshmen at A. and T. Coll«K« began Sept. 15, and before the day had clos ed, nearly three hundred fresh men had registered. This is by far (the largest numiber ,of fresh men that tjie Cbllege ha.»t cvei registered is Jts history. AH dor mitory space has been taken, and many studeTita have had to be housed in the city. The CoHeg* is looking forward-to a record breaking attendaaea this the enrollment is expected *o ex- feeed seven hundred. , ^ These freshmen hav? corno fom twenty r fates an^ the Dis trict of Columbia. Orientation period for them continued t’lru Friday, .when they completed their registration. ThQ. freshnjen .were oi,:ontlatod I into the College Spirit ttiTO j tures. discussions, inspection library, laboratories, shops, tarms and a freshman jollification. Th”? leading student organizat'.cna Were instrumental in welcoming the freshmen to the College. Each freshman was given a hand book containing the College re gulations. , The President’s Reception for nfew students, which ig an annual affaif, was h?ld at the homj cf Dr. F. D. Bluford, ThUisday afternoon, at which time, he had other members of the facnttV welcomed the fre?hmen and students. Freshman orientation week en ded Sunday afteriioon at 8 p m. when Dr. Chrles Satchell Morris II, noted orator and educator and professor of English and So ciology at the Tenneasei> State College in Nashville, aittfress.cJ tiie students and faculty at the Yirst vehper service of the school year. t EG lURULACe NOTE'—FOI/l* question ■will b« answetei FI^E ia ibis eoJama ONLY when you include m clipping of this column and corrost address io your letter, ror ONLY full name, ’ Privmte Renlv" ... send only (2$c) and a self-addressed, stuped el^ih% ioVmy new ASTROLOSy READING and receive by return mail TREE ADVICE on (3) Questions. all letters to;1?LBBE' WALLACE. Cart of THE CARO LINA TIMES. 117 fe. Peabo4y Street. Durham, N. Carolina. EMW—Please tell me tho column if I will ever have a boy friend to call my own? Ant! You could M*ily •evaral boy friend* . . . but fi»»t you must com* out 1>f »'your "•hell" and m««t th» bojr» halt ^•y. They~areh*l fstsg to rttn •ft«r a girl who saems to b« «»- hamed -to «kow 'fac«. Get cut among your friend* and meet the boy«. EH—I would like to know if 1 should graduating in the 19387 "■ ’ very tnuoh depend on summer of whfch one I should give up as I can't tell? ^ , Ansi You are doing qiiiie/ well wUl» both of them aren't you? They are y«unf as well at your self so don’t think of fivin* up either frined at nothing teriout |g going to become of th# a^faii* anyway. KEC—I am confronted with a problem. Will I be successful in gettiag fi job that was promised me? HAYWOOD PATTEJtSON SEEKS HIS LIBBftTY WASHINtGTON — (PPS) - Haywood Patterson «p5»eal«4'4e, the United State* Supreme Court on Saturday in an. effort to e«- cape sentence of i^venty-five years’ imprisonment imposed by thcj AUubama courts in the cele*' brated Scottaboro case for an at tack on a white woman. Twice already Patterson has been . saved by the Suprem® Court from sentence of death. In 1'932 it ruled that Pattercon and the other defendants hai been withewt benefit of adequate counsel at their trial. In 1935 it again ordered a new trial for .Patterson and Clarence Norris bn the ground that Negroes >Mid been “systematically excluded” from the jury. At the latest trial P^tte.son was again convicted and jaileH fcp se¥enty-fiva..yjsra. _ r Hia petition said Norris hai again Ibeen sentenced to death. The nine (boys were accused >f attacking two white women. Rn,- by Bates and Victoria Price, on a moving freight train n’av ScottAoro, Al!a., in March, 1931. Patterson, however, was charged Ans! I urge you not to* lake a position at this lime if you can ' },|g jagj trial only with attack-- possibly do anything else. Go jng the Price woman. Ansj You . had better or there school and complete your — will be plenty of “fire works at |,ni,^ing as Business Woman for ; your home. There isn’t ^ia*>y rea- |jne of work you will be ton under the sun why you can’t to accomplish the desire pass ihtt latt yeawt work and y0^| sre working lowardt. you are acting very tilly by al- ' lowing yourtdf to gel nervout. | j^W—Will I be successful tak- Thit is ready youy saott interet-, I desire to make International and three otljers, >?er^ placed on the executive beard. The Southern Tenant Farmers’ union is remembered for its cotton choppers’ strike of May, 1936,' anti the national attjention focused on tfioJp.nue..s ^ ting year of all . am this t. MLD— PleaSe tell me if ] doing WTopg: by ^ot giving friend a- date whom leems care so much atoout me? Ant; No indeed. There are too many nice church going hoyt for you to go with without fooling away your tame with thit boy who detiret to drink and adver- t2te he doetn’l like to attend ctiurch. Your people would ob ject to hit company to ignore his advances. lUiis fall I AntK You will leave around the middle part of December and it wifi be an enjoyable trip for I you. Hold on to your job—a change wouldn’t help al all. You thould however, tave a UttI** ■nore money than you are doing now to tkat you will have m«>ney to tpend on your trip.- SlUC—My hualband and I are separated and he stilL. wants to eome to see me. Does he mean me any good? Atft: He would like to call the whole thing off and start living together again—but before tak ing any step you should ^eter- ■nine wkelker you love your hus band or your boy friend. Take your time a* you don't wish tO" make another mistake. I HAJ- *m-y life There are two gircj. in and I aip wondering AISIYBODV Can i^fford to Build! Because conditions concerning the plaaaing, fl'nanoihg aetaaJ •oBstruction of a new home hsTo aevar bem asor* favoraUe, there’s aheoluteiy mo reason why OMi't hava the hoiM 7o« de> ■ire. «Und«r the Federal plane yoa aan bvild with tha^CMtaloty of fall ownership ... a bene that wiQ ha jwan ia 10 ar 20 yaara. Aad y^r initial iovestment a«ed ho aal^ 20 par eaat af tha 'ralaa of your property I This aew method af ffaanolng la easier, oMra oon> venient and mere economical... Talce advantage of tins goUaa ap- pertnnity now. COME IH SOW FOR ALL INFORMATleN AB6UT FEDERAL LOANS AND HOME FINANCING PLANS Specialists In Tire Insnfanee -itentals - Reat^late- Property Management • AutomeMe and All ^ Kinds Of insurance. \ ‘j • ■ V ■ Union Insurance & Realty Go A^Tt! MAKE BIG MONEY GIVINC AWAY PICTURI JOE LOWS Champion A Foil Size Sptclaliy Poted Ftwto FREE witli Every Can «f Sw««t Georgia Brown Hair DrenhiC Ilere’t the bigntt roaney-inakli« oppoetimity ever offered to Agenul Don’tlose-any ^ «dv^ tage this oensational offer! Jtist tomert will buy when yt«i .offer thon * ^phed Photo (9X*12") of_JOB y>UlS al^u^y FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair D»ws- in«. Everybody wants picture of tlw coimng wocla s champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send nai^ and address for FREE samples of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Diess- inK. Face Powder, Agents Offer airf Special JOE LOUIS FREE Picture Offer. Hurry! Write today! VAI.IIIOR PRODUCTS 60, Dept. IM ' 22U Indiana Avwmm Chicago, llllneit LCC—Will it be possible for me to get in college this fall ns I am very anxious to go Ans! It wil be yes-^s you will haTe to help ot with your family at home. Go to work and ■mafciyyuui plain to 'witar lehuul again next fall when your oldest brotker Will be through with hit tchool work. * fninin”'"’ DR. W. ALEXANDER CISLAN» PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special Attention to Diaaates of Children .Telepliona Night—N-91S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiinHniiiii FREE SAMPLE WhShTod^ OCCO-NEE'CHEE / Self-Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking and SavK you Money xiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiuiih. Ride The Ho M. MICHAUX, Manager Phone J-6531 m, N. C Whiten your skin —with this famous bleach I ystrant Swe. Use -1^ around, ^ strange bleaches. Be sen- S5le. Use Nadinola Ble^- lag Cream—known for years — the bleach that really bleaches and liuritifts the skin. y^adinola Bleaching Cream can’t be duplicated for«result3 b^u»e the secret Nadinola formula can't be imitated. Nothing else does 80, touch to lighten the skin so qtiickl^ so surely. Start tonight with Nadinola how your c6mplexien grows> lighter in tone, smoo^er and softer in textvire. AlldruggistscarryNadinpla in regular size at Sk aiid ex tra large mcmey saving size at $1.00. Full directidns and ppl,. tute, send money and we idll mail ^youpbstpaid with book of treasurra b^uty secrets. NADINOLA. Boa: 144, Faria, Tenn. ba both«r«d with on automobll# in handi downtown «v«ry day it It M Mi|f II iatah • Ift Ms flh«Qp«r t« r1it th* but mnd ywu mrm h«v« worry omt parking ipoCM. tttpi hr Inf 1M J>^erii«n bu«np«n ond mmhmd faiv dtfi tr ^ ISde llw Bweee ewd^evw Mewf ^ jyurhamDublk Ji

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