PASS FOU« THE CAROLINA TUI£J iATUWAV MOV. 20, ttS7 NOTfet—VOCfR tr/W 6* mMwer^ FREE in thiM columa OMLY wkttt you lacludt a dipping of (fci* column twJl m»m», hirthdMf, and correct •«f«fre« *o Touf PrirM keolr" . *#«! oalj (i5c) and a telt-addressed. ttamped Prirata Kepir , ASTROLOGY READING and racaira by ADVICE om 0> Quaatioas. maraTop0 /»r rtturn matl FREE Send .11 lettm to: ABBE WALLACE, care of THE CARO- LINA TIMES, 117 E. Petbo4y Street. Durham, N. Carolma- RMW Will I ffft the -promi.'i* ^ b»auUful jadn:: rhildren., JUgfoll/ 4>i.omcii,LQn at■..Kiaild I ,da I mi^t .a yaung — in bas*ines¥ for mjscif? Ans- You very probably would 6w tL »o mairy me iA spite of my mjf- in life. Should I ni«wy hjm?‘ .-*1^ i»l *' better satiafied in your vw.^i ^ . . fcfannew but it would not be wla« I There » no good re««on quittinR TOW frtaera. burinei^’^hy marry the connection at as you are until after (he'pFOtnO' . .1 WC—Hf la^^r* and brother both h»T* food jtfte MminK nU# ■alarin. Should my brother cc.n' tinu* to work and help tuppoH the family or go b«c^ to school? Ana; There is no doubt what your brothcrt aalary would be n addition to tha family budg'et, ho^aver, I think the famil>' could manage without hit help during the Khool term. He ha* every Tight to secure an educa tion and,should be allowed to do no. HAJESt—For o'^er four yaara 1 have been troubled with lar|{«, ugly apota on my face. If there ia any way wheret>y l’ can ha'-e ^h«0e qiote remo>v«d I am wiil’ng and aMe to work UiB re»t Af hiy life to do »o. Will I get them re moved? jfort to get it. Moat wortliwhilt thinga mre gainad only through hard work and faihfulneaa to I RKH—Will my hair evty grow long and like the hair of other girla? When will I marry? I An*: There are leveral pr^pa rationii on the market that would »id you in growing a lustrous ,h«ad of hair, I am aendins you ;tha information tody that wfll tell you where and how to secura Junt what you need for your hajr. You wilLiiil married aa aoon ar you laam to mak* yoUTf«lf atractiva. COLORBD PB^LE CO BACK TO SCHCXH. UMDtA FEDKBA L GOVIRNMENT connection at tsia time. Remain 1 man and try to live ia pea(^ and £,. jke«»fert for tha balanca of yoi» tion or until you are in better He must be a noble person financial circumstances. EWt«.-I am‘'the mother of two to forgive your willing to be a children. mistake and be father of your ^IlifllUIIiltiiilllilllllllll^ Ride T6e BENNETT QUARTETTE TO SING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE’S FORUM IN BALTIMORE Praaidant Jooa* To Spaak Ana; It ia indeed unfortunate that a young, and o'therwise at tractive girl, ahotlld be afflictad in au^ S w;y a. yourself. What-f OB^^OnO- Th^ Bennett fever means yqu.employ to r.mftfe l^f^rtette, upon specl jnviUtloa- the blemi*he»: do so only with City-Wids Young the advice and physician.. _ conaent of your (JPeople'a 'Forum, Baltimore, Mary land on Friday fivening,- Novem* ber 19' at 8:00 o’clock and Dr. , _ David D. Jones, president of the MF-I. there any need of coUgee. Will deliver an -»ddre« keeping my boy with me l^dtng htm to gchdott and Ans; Absolutely . . . Keep your aon with you at all costs and see that he secures tha best educa- ro» "The AaCfi of Woman in Edu cation Today.” R. Nathaniel Dett ia dirsctor of music*^al §teo»ett Cdllefire "7,! group to Baltimore aftd speak tm the right path of life d«rl»g | the Woman's his early y«an and he will mako •> Why both«r»d with on automobll* 9syr htndi downtown cvvry toy It b •• «M|r ti Mtch • bua? It'i lots r\dm tf\« but and ymt h«yt t* worry about porkiri^ ¥>ocm. fg* ^ ln§ tong broV*ri bijmpcr* •nfl you proud of him in his manhood. AMF—Is there a "jinx’* on me or* just what is the trouble? It seema that I never get th3 thligs that I want Ans; I fear that you have a- dopted an attitude of wistful waiting in trying to gain the good things in life, rather than really working for them. You have no right to expect to gain anything without making an ef- The repertoire \pf the quartfctta will include "Homing” (Del Rie- go); “Star" (Rogers); “Some body’s knoclting at your Door,” “There’s a Meetin^f^here^nigfi'i,’ and “Sinner Please don't let this Harvest Pass” a spiritual arrang ed by Dett and twor Swing Low Sweet Chariot" and “I am Seek ing a City”, arranged by Bur leigh. The memibei's ^ the quartett« are the Misses Minnie Keeves, Fiances Randall. Phyllis Shelton and Frances Lucas. Miss Daphh« DENIED tii* privilag* of pub lic education ia tliair jroutli by lack of faeltillas, apathy ob tha part of tha gjri>Ue. tor ignoraBca on tha part of thair paranti, ov«r 380,000 col^hred aaa and woman nil ovar tha conntry hava In tha past faw yaart baan going back to school— in. laisura daytina hours, arsnings aftar work> avan lata at night. Packing makathift WPA stady oaattars, lhay 'ka^. ■afiaad aagarly apon opportuni tias for laamiag which bafora the •tart of tha woirk-^«Uaf program did not aaiat. Thair tanckata. too, aro banalittlng through tha program, aa thair work with tjpa WPA keapa tham in trim for a boiler faaching Job. Shown abova ara an alaman* tajry clnas in raading and writ ing (uppar laftQ. a shorthand elaaa (apper right), a class in tha chemistry of cosmaticia (lowar ta(ft), and a class in radio me chanics (lowar right). Tha Inset above shows a student in a lita racy class learning simple arith metic with the aid of the teacha^. WPA Photo* DurharnPublM ServiqsCa So Good Hair Grower A Qalninc i*en»w Grows iwc uay bair, iwoomoieaded hj your doctor lor Scalp Dtseasea, ItiiB Bair PERSONAL LOANS ARRANGED AT SO-GOOD HAIR 8TBA10BTENEB Tima Applied For Is To $50 Qrswwe Oaiara tazsa) Mi«IShtaMr kns« bazn) ■Mshteacr LOVE & CO. BROKERS 202 Depositors Natiinai Bank Phone L-1931 OU «aan Br ««»a Oaly. Aients Wanted ffT-fl MsMf Ordrr. W« Pay Paa*V L CO. SO GOOD CHEMICAL GOCP FOOD POR FAMILY or FRIEMDS AT LOWEST PRICES Maryland ^egro Teacher Seeks Equal Salary Scale PRINCE FREDERICK, Md., | Elizabeth iBIroWn, sete lortn that Nov. 17—A petition seeking a ahe ia a graduate of the Philalel- «rri\i of mandamus to compel the ^ phia, Pa., normal school and has board of education of Calvert * taiken courses at Hampton irsti- oftunty “to adopt and establidk j tute, holds a first grade certifi- adtodiriw^^or-toaehera aBj|«ate a# tiw first class issaad t>y principals in Calvert county with- the state de(partment of educa- -m Hollywood Inn Cafe MRS. C. C, HAYEaWOOD, Prop. tl» S. MANCUM ST. tDVRHAM. M. & out distinction as to race or color of teachers or as to the school taught’’ was filed in the Circuit court here November 10 by at- EHiaaibeth tomeya>. acllug '^or I Brown, a teacher in the Hope colored school. The ord^ was signed by J udge tion in Maryland and is in her eighth year of teaching experts ence in the state of Md. The petition declared that she is feeing paid |7t a month ior 8 Mount months or a total of f'6M>, whc^re as white teachers in Calvert coun ty with the same quaUfteations same dirties receive a salary at the rate of fllOO annually. Thee petition avers that the differentials in salaries ^between white and colored teachers aie ^ blU6d aolety on race d» c^or and I that the enforcement of the sala- jry schedule ‘‘is unlawful and ar^ bitrary and in violation of the I cdnstitutioi\ of the sate of Mai y- land and denies your petitioner and others of her race the oqurt M. Loker. The petitioner, and experience and .forming the wiBiiiaiiMii 1^ '* ACCIDENT HOSPITAL INSURE SICI04ESS AIMYBODY Can Afford to Build! Becansa conditioBs eoncanalBg tk« pUmalltg> f&w*eilig akd aatuJ aonstra^ios of a new h«* kaTe aaTer baea Biora falmatlii«t tkara'a abiolntely reaaon wliy y^if can’t kara tka ha«a 7** 4a* sire. Vnder tka Federal ^ana yon can build witk tkta aarts/bUy «f fnll ownarakip . . . a koma wBl be yonra in 1® «r SO ysss*. Attli y*onr initial inyastment nood be only 20 par cant of tka •! yonr property! This new method of flnancfaig la aiUiar, riMm 4Mi> vaniant aad more a«oaeniieal,» Taka advantage of tUa galdkl Vp- portnaltr mw. eOME W *eWHFeE-ALL INFeitMATMW AB90T FEDEJLAL, LOANS AND HOME FINANCIN^ PLAMl FIDEHTX BAIL SURETY BONDS SOUTHERN FtDEUTY MUIDAL INSUBAKCE COUPANY , prfltectipn of the laws iruaran- teed by the fourteenth amend ment to the constitution of the u. s;” , . iThe hoard of education pf Cal vert county, the petition rjcitea. I wM requ'i^sted by petition filed o^jr September 28, 1987 to ^dopt and enforce a salary schedule providing for equal salaries to all teachers with “the same quali fication and experience without any distinction as to race or color but the board of education re fused to adopt such a schedule and still refuses to do so. Thurgod Marshall, nsemeber of the legal staff of the National Association for -the Advarcc ment of Colored People, is coun sel for the petitioner. He declared counties for elementary teachors is $1202, whereas the colbred average is *f^36; that tha white aveiage for Calvert county is $104f0, whereas the colored is The averSfiB salB^f "for white high school teachers in the state is $1469 and the coia- red f817; but in Calvert ounty, the average is |1S49 for white' and 1668 for colored. » Mr. Marshall said the mini mum salary Schedule for Mary land county elementary t;acaers, as set forth in article 77. Mary land Code of Laws, provides for $600 minimum for white teachers with third grade certificates and from one to three years experi ence; and a minimum^for Negro teachers of the sameg raJe and experience of $320. The highest salary for Negro elementary tea chers is $6#0 a year for flfit grade certificate and eight years or,more of experience; white tea chers of this grade receive $li~50 a year. A whita teacher with a third grade certificate and one to three years experience re-. ceiVifs the same salary of a Ne gro teacher with a first grade (Continued on. page five) that the average salary in fHE ONLY CASUALTY COMPANY CHARTERED Ilf NORTH CAROLINA Specialists In Flee Insurance - Rentais r l^al Estate- Propi^ Mattajgtenienf - Aufomoi|ie and All - ' Kinds Of iBsiirance. Uuixm MICHAUX,_-Manager., , . |Dwhani,N. C H i Phone J-6531 -*C' DON’T FLY TOO yiGH Flying to© nigh . . puttlnq a mortgage on your “ future witfc INSTALLMBNT'SoSts . . • wilt bo sure to lead to a CRASH your ga» ... your MOREY . . . gives oui. , ^ ' Yes, Buy*^^0cl enjoy life . . . but FIRST. >>av the money and be sure you ca() AFFORCnir . j START SAVING REGULARLY NOW W« Welconne -YourP an.Icing Business Whiten your skin ™ with this famous bleach Durhaym Raleigh kOMT fool around witU 1 strange blraclses. Be sen sible. Use JNadiiibia Bieach- iai^Oeain—^known for years -~the bleach that really tueawes and purifies the skin. Nadinola Bleaching Cream can't be duplicated £}r'results bK^ause the secret Nadinola fortnula can’t be imitated. "VS _ 60 sorely. Start tonight with Nadinola . Bleachiiyj Cream and watch how your complexion growb lighter in tone, smoother a§d. softer in texture. “ All druggistscarry Nadinola ui regular size at ^ and ex tra large money saving si^ at- ' $1.00. Full directicm and . money-back niarantee with every jar. If your druggist v can’t supply, take no substi- ' te^jgaaiucgiBywift maMto you po^paidwIiaiKXik—“ of treasure b^uty secrets. NADINOLA, Boa 144, Pafb. Tmm.

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