PACE SIX THE CAHOtniA Tims SATURDAY NOV. 30, i$$T Hillside tIi-Lights I BV tTHE CLASS IN 1 JOURNALISM Mr*. I. E, T*m*r FRENCH CLUB Vo BE ORGAN IZED; PROGRAMS to GIVEN By BruUlt RowUnd \i i mi of this -tix w, I'k^- j, L. ■; FiBnc*!"" «ill ui-^ uttiHfnls mut*'> at inusl* De ininiint nn- i.M'ragf ‘“'f »Ih v* Thf»" students will corrt'i« po,„l with «tud*-nt» wiJL pat a numb T?pT iind rttht-r f Frfneh ami jjopulai prt-i iit public pi i>^r»m ir::-,.Fmtieo.vits people, »*>d - R. ..i lit fxamjtiations ^nl(' it.« iHUTVIfWS humber fff gtudents Ijr.aiiuatiJ from the partiuent of Hillsid? sur/eys have Rhown tTiaT^ Education Wnli No% 7-lS, HillMiio Park Hiifh School. iroui»» ftsvp been working hard throuKh. out the entir" de purtrtient. For the Arnit*ti?e Pay I’roiriam Nov. 11, the ^lartnn'nt i>i'cKt!nteti; Sdeetjiin -"When Jornny Conic's marching Home"—®£y th» mixed quftrtettP. SohV- "Iim Trice. •War ford.'f THf Trio *a»4 iJloc- Club /urnisfted Melodies"- W’fllard Petti the ■nsr- Girli who have french de part? High Scho«l ar« competing with stad- onts- from high sjiiools all over 'state." ■ ■ “ “ ' >Ve are certainly prdu(l - 67 th«*»e students and it look* aT the present members afc fcdng to make the same proRre.sii MUSIC DEPARTMENT ACTlVf DURING AMERICAN EDUCA- > TION WEEK By Bertha Karden The Music Department played by .both team^. A an aetiv:^' part during Anierican from llanijjgion to Cotly I ■mivBic for the, »ehool'« ‘ Open House I'ay Piogram, Friday Nov, 12 1937. The Girls Trio nang- "Who Sylvia**, by .^Hubert. The Gilrs’ Glee Clyb gave two s lections; “Gfateful 0/tord Am I by ICaro. Roma K*nis:bt and La- die»—A minuet by Paderewski ,i« eompMUd tk* vUI* Hi tlUTM yard Ufl» wu out- ctandinf for th* locate. On th* next pl*jr «f th# g^» Carltoij th* ball ovtr for th* fiiM touch down. Lst«r lo th« thirl «uart*r on an off t««klo pUf 4Mtinfton ran 20 ymrda for th* sceoiid tally for the loeati. Th* outstanding performers of the vhlthig 'team were; Jone* and Miller. - On th* 19th the loeala will pttty Ral*i|fh their chief rival in Ral* eigh. The game promiMs be one of the hardeat'7«oght nf the ^eaton. The two teems foafht a 6-6 tie last year in Durham. jro OB SERVE BOOK WEEKt S|M*(»ra Poetry Poalir —CBjr- JEheBie^ li. MRS. ROOSEVELT CHICAGO TEACHER PICTURES FROM DISCOVERS WHO CREATED USELESS TRASH Do You Know? HILLSIDE HIGH HORNETS ^TING AGAIN j. By Albert Bobin»on Th^ locals 'pFTTrvt’d too much for the Fayetteville Hi olev^ Thursday afternoon at the N. C. College Park by defnatinj the vi.siting team 13-0. The g»me was featured ty » number of Tong Uins and p«sses 25 yard pass ■ivhlch The week of November 14-2t) will b* observed as book week by the Hillside libsary. Ak a ^?eial feature, the library is sponsoring a^ poetry and~j|^Bter contesi. ATT of the students are eligible, Ihd studentwho makes the bestpofttor representing his favorite chitta- cter, .book, or po*m will receive a prise of $ljOO. Th*--’-student who writes Um tiett original poem will also r*e«lv* « ^rixo of $1.00. Prises will be awarded to the winners in chapel. WIFI WHO KILLED minister HUSBAND FREED OF MURDER CHARGE PHONE J-4481 FOR QUICK SERVICE IF IT S SEA J=’OOD WE HAVE IT . 0- —..n— , FRESH FROM «HE SOUNDS DAILY — GOOD AS THE BEST CHEAP AS THE REST WE DRESS 'EM J»C:Gattis )r014 Cleveland St. N, Durham 5 Point* if- ACENTS' MAKE BIG MONEY CIVINC AWAY PKtUM “ME UHIS Champion A Full Slw Specially Piaed ^to FREE with Every Can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing ti~'a the bieEcst money-making opportunity ev« cflered to AKents! Don’t lose any time Uking advan tage of this sensationa] tomera will buy when y®“ irraphcKi Photo (9»j*12") 0 JOE WUIS» ateolut^ ing. Everybtidy a pictuic _ champion in i Iwir liftnw. So don’t wait. Seiri name aiid address for FREE samples of ^eet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing, Face Powder. Agents Offer and Special JOE LOUIS FREE Picture Offer. Hurry! Write today f VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. D*irt.ue 2241 InAana Avenue Chicaco. Illinois FREE SAMPLE lv>uieToday. 1 DOY^GAMBLE lire THiS? OR THIS ? “NO, I DON'T NEED ANY insurance. I YOU SEE.IFIDON'T HAVe AFt«E tWitU •COME SEVEN N I'LL EAT NgXT WEEK PREMIUM CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 17. — (AMf^ After 4*Ubeifatiai! for more than six hours, a jury in Judge David R. Herts’s Cri- minal Court, returned a v»rdiat of “not guilty’* freeing Mrs. Sal ly James of murder of her hus band. Rev. Mr. Horman James, ^ who she shot and killed last July 4th. _ The young attractive. itW) lb. widow was represented by Atty. Chester K. Gillespie, head of the local branch of KAACP, fully painted the picture of events leading up to the shoocingr to establish his client’s plea of ■ielf defense. ^ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ST i FACTS ON NEGRO ROBESON CMitlBM«d fron page t1ir«ar I’d make trouble. I should. “But look what happwytiv/hen I g& into a. provincial town. Dri- Y—T I * tKnlr tn riffce bands. Guys working on build- ings come itnd hnv© word, ^ , *"Hullo pauU” they shout. "«Tgorrf555Fron^«7*'ti^ say. “1 get on fine with those fel lows. We know each other. Tho3>j •tr* people I eome from-. And they understand wh»t I sin^, *‘I have managed to gaisi some success," said Paul Rcbesbn, ‘‘but there are thotieand» who haven’t had the chance. It's not enou^ for one to dt>e able to do it.. I want everyone to have the chance. ^ “The way thingrs are' it seems to me that from the artistic point of view there is a Io.m •£ human dignity and hope ai>d happhaess. "So I’m (Joining a workV.g claea threatre.” "Whe nistep pn to a »tag«*in future,” Uie celeJbrated arfisF iohtinued, “I goon as a reprs- ! sentative of the working cl»8s. I l^work wi^ the - conscioiisiiesa of that in mind. I share the richnses they can bring to art. 1 approach the stage from that angle.” FAYS $100 mnvi FOR 01 oest'a m Children and B***Clciary Now Insared at so A4liti*nal Cost. Aa Entlroljr N*w Fwit«r« Offered ky a* Other Cempaey _ _ fflHAT fishiii|'for tpo)v|«4 of th» ehl^ amuMin*ntt.*nd **eup*- X tions of the natives of the Bahamas? '^h* fisherman seareh** tM sponges by partly siit .lerglng a bottomless and topless eaak In the water. This centres the light upon th*^|i^g* which |* tli*n li*«k*d by « long gaff and pulled out of Oie water* Th* epensM fa*t*n them selves upon submerged objects and ean b* epotted by their flappina projections which keep^he water circulating thre'ii^ th* ipona* aanato. The sponge feeds off tiny organisms that ar* *arrl*g thr*uah It by Ml* flow of water. Th* photograil|^|liwgLjLf*ypl*^Mtlve« etaratiint fef sponges «t Nassau. ~ • ■ CHICAGO. Nov. 17 — (ANP) —A teacher who creates pictures from chicken 'bones» ' peanut shells, fish scid«s, s«wdu.«t, cof fee grounds—r anything diseard- ed by housewives as useless - - was “discovered” by Mrs. Frank lin Roosev«lt on her recent visic te the Chicago Southside. The mUsl i*—r Rosen- burg Foster, who teaches weav ing in Du Satble high schciol end who recifriiry'folir'' onSeF work b«for*H^ teachers' meeting at Uie University of Illinois. So im- presaed were they that she was sgked ts»- d^Hsrib* - it in a hoolf. Aa a resuh the manuscript of “Bricks Without Straw.’’ with color plates, is now in the hands of a New York pulilisher. When Mrs. Roosevelt mw xhe teacher’s work, she praiaed it£ highly and ordered live studies^ in. egg shells, match stlcka. milk weed, sandpaper and moss. They are to be delivered soon. i Add shells, pencil shaving^.U barks of various trees, flower pe tals, butterfly win^, chicicen feathers, paper, cotton and soap to the list, and you get the me> dium through which Mrs. Foater "asrat “he^f work. One of her most »»^eessfttl pieces is a colored landsiapo of mountain and waterfall. There Lt not "c paint brush stroks ia the picture. It is made of carefully Selected and placed pine bark, moss, peony petals and milkweed I She also has a dreamy iook'ng in pastel colors made 'Entirely of einrshells and chicken bonea. Thet technique is comparative ly Mntple but calla for patioiLC'3 and care. Materials receive co!or are then applied with prceise se lection for color t^ cardboard on which there ia glue. Transparent fish scales. jbavo been made into 'brillbuit pea cock. Yellow eggshell* and kotte* grounds have becom* sunflowers In-Jtront of a.birchbark fenc«» la a cotton dog. A girl clipped from a magaxine is dresaed in oencU tee for Medical Aid to Republi can Spain calls upon all progres sive America to emulate this act- ioif ^of ours and respond to the Loyalist appeal.” White >.v,rrf nd nu™. now .n criuhod ihril. J ComtiniMd on pace •even 1oeeu au shavlnga and ' diaeaied, washfig— become Easter funnies, Mn. Foster hit upon her uni» que Idea in 19S4 when the public ichools were struck by the d*» o^essian and teachers seldom got |the^r sal&ri^. Her weav4ng daaa ' tuffered because theV% w^re no funds to buy material* for tha Iboms. She spent nights trying to figure a way out, and finally vorked out the idea of utiliain^ hings people. throw awaf. - “What Jim pleased me moat ibout things is that I have b**ac ^ble to teach it to my ieHiataea.** the said. “Many of the girls earn enough for stockings or lunchea or carfare by making ..^aad sell* ing pictures of artificial flower* made aS fish scabe and other discareded materials. “One girl, who was ashamed to appear at graduatioa beeaua* of the condition of her t^th, paid her dentist’s bill through this work. Another tau^t it tc her brothers and father aad now this art is the chief support of the family. “None of my studenta discard anything. Sometimes a girl will come with a basket of eggshells she has asked a restaurant to save. The shop at Mhool ^vc* all used and paper. And we hnve been a(ble to utilizfe {verytliinif thus far.” N. Y. Group To Send Hospital Unit To Spain ♦ _ ~~ NEW YORK. Nov. 18—-(CKA) the aims of the committee' as PRIZEWINNERS IN CHICAGO “L” GARDEN CONTEST leAdTnS» 'HaMl'KB followi !..l ‘This gift of ours i6’ iff appre —A group of physicians ajid civic leaders ’ tl.':- week organized the^'Negrd* Pco ' ciation for the great aid demo pie’s Committee for M^edical Aid cratic and progressive mankind to Republican Spain. atid wo* ked hav» given to the struggle , for out plans to send a bullet-proof j freedom of the Scottsboro boys ambulance aifS* a corps of dcc | and to the Negro people Durbam, N. C. An aceideni nursed as a j^ft' to the“t»lly. See the £ocal Agent of \ BANKEI»’ FIRE MSUI^E COMPANY I DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CONSERVATIVE—solid-dependable Union las. St Realljr .Co i ■ JStwudfiAm-.- Acne Realty Co. Raleifb insurance policy insuring tbre* peopl*: the principal, the bene- ficiuy and one child now^offered l^y the Southern Fidelity Ifctoal is in immediate benefR from date o7 premium payment WeeU} benefits are from |10.00 Ut $25. 00. Deatii benefita from 1260.00 to 11500,00, and the coat is onl^ j (me cent per day or |8.SS p*i year. Yon mast aee ^lia poBcjr ota expense. Bead it, and nn^satand exactly what it eovan, Otea if yon are aatiafiad. a^pd |8.8S to put it in force for 1 yen. Ead^ year all benefita inereaa* SB p«ii|^*Kt unta poUey liaa a -vdtw of SO per cent none at n*. additional coat . Women and men are aeeepted. No medieal examination, no red* tape, ^nd ao money irttb ap^- cyttion. 7^ write your name, ace ndilniWb ban*fidacy'a naOM gbd relationdiip and mail to the Surathara fidelity Matnal Inaor- rance Company. Dtirham, N^b I CwroHna, jor IcM policy liu9«e* ♦ion. - ' (Adv). anti-fascist cause in Spain. I ‘We regard the cause of Re- Dr. James J. Jones, chiirmai puTjlican Spain no less thun that jf the committee and one of Har. jo/ the c.ause of ifiQack America, lem’s leading doctors. expla*n»d “The Negro People’s Commit- =rt»ove I Peo]9e do recognize diat the fiur.MORB EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS in Camel cigap rettes iqske a big difference ia the way they enjoy smoking. More Camels ace smoked than any other cigarette in America. One of the most uaiqu* of the road and which was restricted to ■tjaay garden and lawn contest j^^Mrden* on the ' right-of ^ held ia ChieaKo this past Sum- | way, oa the Senth, Narllt and mer was that sponsored by the Chicaco Rapid Transit Company, operators of the Elevated Rail- West sidas of the eity. Tha «uta- bar of each contestant was tint ed ia large letters oa his hoas*. COAL R.S. McGhee Coal Co. LET US SEjND YOU A TON PERFECT STOKER COAt ^HONE J-»S4i the back of which faced the "L” and paaseagers, as they rode 1^, woald^ note tlie gardens, th*a ▼ot« accordWg to the nainbere. Oa the city’s Seuthside se«t'*a, the colored wianstirs ia the cen* test Won high praUe for their ,fc|4ii|‘tiful gardens. jP^eto sh*w« the winners beiag preseated Ukeir awards by Mr. John J. Moraa, who represented the “L.” Liaae. j-Left to right, those arei Fr*Mt row,' Harry HarpetV Mrs. Barha* ra William*, Mrs. Walter MUes and Mr. Moran; Secoad row, Mrs. Palmer Walker, Mv*> Maaal* TiblM. and rear row, D. D. Mo> sely, in the yard of whose hem* the presentatioa- was made. (ANP) Say Yo» Saw it In Th* Times Values 8 never higher - Prices never lower ■ Prices, drastically cut - Free Delivery - All merchandise advertised is new Unusually lew prices on all used furniture, etc: - Again ive urg^ou to buy now while our stock is complete GENUINE FELT BASE ‘ LINOLEUM RUGS SMAkT DESIGNS . I LOW PRICES - SIZES 9 * 12 WITH BORDERS SALE PRICE POr Wly—t" $4- 99 HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS WHITE & BLACK OR WHITE AND RE4> 128.95 OTHER CABINETS $16.9S SHEET IRON HEATER^ $1.49 LOOK WHAT PRICE BED ROOM SUITES As Low As » $34.98 DINING ROOM.SUITES Full Siae — Well M^e $89.48 IRONING BOARDS WlOi Padded To|mi Only $1.00 Ssi IF YOU WISH SOMETHING FOR LESS MONEY ^SELECT FROM OUR USED FURNITURE K n 215 E. Main Street - OppositeZCourtlHouse DURHAM, N. C. Through the block to Parrish St.

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