m THf CAHOLWA TIMfi lAi^AY DIC. ♦, Ifff J. A. Rogers Reveals Truth About Negrfl vvEEXSBORO t . ■‘ni.; .»%-vnmgf Wf«>'4 to th“ Nf |tro i' »bout p^r teni Mid J, A. Roi-.‘r . in Hjx’akint t ths- ituilenU- and f:u ulty «'f fipn- nc'tt I «l thfii oi;e durlngr the wfvk. He I’s"*! hi. Mp. j. ot “Artvrntuw in N»*- fttyi'pry.‘—Mti'w head of thf department of Hi.*- tory, in introiiucing Mr. Ro?cr«, •taUd that hr wa* present at »he coronation «if Haile S^la^^ie in _ , ' ■ t.. 1 has devoted his Mr. Ruge, lift! to independ’ent twivol research ah^ has add^d niatorial- ly U‘ f’ur histprieal record >if the Xi'UKi. Perhaps hi*. be«, knox^Ti hodk ■!.- ‘From Superman to Man’ Hi.' 4ddie.'- included many ;'cr- Tient facts. llshod “The iirst i..'rt«»H ta maltP ■ slavery leir«T waj. a Neirro An- Ithony Johnson, who brought a* ' hfiut the fir>t dwi ion reK»rdinjC ^ the eiwlaveineiit of Negroeb j whn had heen'•“ervant.” he''••n- tinueil.- f> T)iiee times it I: THT rpcorded in coiihtl'r found in Itaiy, G«rmafly, Huttia and Sp«in, but th«f ww* dcit- troytd durinf A* Preneh R»*v> lution. Wh«n tiMjr 'w«r« ropIa«*d after the. nvoluUm th«/ ware painted black but Cauca* gii»jrfaatMrMi. Howerer, within the Wriae* Uiara mtm ume of the oririaal imafva. On-i of tEe earlieit and the priiiicipal aaint of G«niiany ia a Sagro, St. Morris, whoa* •mbiem, the Ua cap who cited the law a.s reiordea !n | today." tiw Ntm York P^blk Ijbrttry to ^ H« furttier itated that" the prove hU statement. He utateJ head of the Medici family, the amd mat saeh Ipw vran y*ry neae. firet faiiiUy «f jpuropA'ISm, ixiiat the early 1»"‘ o' that NefO'o*’'* were prohibited from buying white people •* agaves, according t« Mr. Rogers, I ea^le, Hitter wears on $ary in what is now the state of' Louisiana. The f»:t was l)rougbt out th*t Ne^roeK were tho fiK»t pe>plp to inherit the new world and that I the olde't monuments in the l ame ‘"we were of Negroes. He faid, not “Tlie oldest images in Europe 6f cultural backfroaiid and from which Michael Aftfdio ed, waii a Negro. deeeend* "The whit# race in Europe has no prejudices, but there is a conepiracy in this country arain- 8t the reel truth getttaig out >- bout the Negro, regardleM of “The fu>^t Ne^roe^ tha: to Virginia in 1610 were slaves,” Mr. Ro^rrns said «nd «re made^of th« black Christ and this, “he continued, “you will ro further stated that it mWnot ur»^ ( the black Virgin' Mapy and had as' far as your vision point* yon til 1682 that slavery wa* csta.*)- I Neirroitl featurw. Tlieae were to go." To sttbatantiate this ■tatement he eaUad attention to ihe^fact that at present there is a Negro instructor in bscli^io- iogy at Harvard Univer-lty pho it in charge of the Wasleminn test labrstory and who recently h»8 made ?ery raliubi* discover- BUS Im both«r«d with an outorVwblW «n Nendi ^CMmiown «v«>ry doFf whtm It li M Miif ti Mt«h « ^ If • bin ch«op«f t« rkk th« ami ym ni^ Hew H worry obout parking spocM. t«o« f»r mi^Ip knf i#no, brok«n bump«r» mn4 4an «r IIm inMiw l«v« M$mtf T^jrhaniPublk ServiceGk OIOA. DOCTOR CUTS flOitTH CARmJNA COMMIT TEE ON NEGKO AFPAUtS— C«nllBuedl from ^ge fear the state, while those of the op'> potiti race are provided that t^e of trsining, from public funiM, right here in North Caro lina. In Iasi ^ek's iuue of th« Carolina Timaft there waa publl- ahed an account i of a Chinese girl being kieeepted as a Uud>)nt at the Urilversity of North Caro lina while native Megro Ameri can citisens and taxpayers are denied an opportunity of any kind of professional training Within tliB mte Mtjii V. These and hundreds of other damnable wrong!' make tha meet-^ NOTB:—VOtrj? auettioB will bm answered FREE ia thia column ONLY wbeu yon loo/ud* « clipping of tbia column and aiga your full name, birthdata, and corract address to your latter. For ^ "Private Ka^y" .,. acad only (25c) and a self-addreaaad, atampad anvelopa tor my nmr ASTROLOGY READING and racaiva by return mail FREE ADVICE on (3) Questions. Send all letters to; ABBS WALLACE, care of ,THE CAMO- LTft^A TIMas: 117 g. Peabodv Street. Parham, N. Carolina. MBT—Please let me know if ' ing to be held in Raleigh on l>^>c-,^y®'* think there is a chance of ember the 12: an important gat- "’y getting the money 'tny decca hering, and'it should bk attended by N^froes from all over the state. Dhe race must be awaicen' ed to th«M" deliberate" InjusticeF committed against its devel^ ment. 'It must become aroused to action. Frankly the Carolina Times feels that too long we have pur sued a pacif^t course in thess matters, and gotten no wh^vc with It. We believfc tha race ought to try the federal courts'^ If dugfit'to try for once in North/ Carolini, its rights to those' things ifuvMnteed it under the er I should consider going thru college or to get married? I Ans; College is‘the placu for you young lady and don’t let any one try to talk yo« out ot going You can get married wh*n you graduate . .“. awr—H yon wflt until then . . . jiuu will make a more desirable choice I feel ^ constitution of the United States ' ! P*. Q- I* iJfTHCOTT f — ai..;fay*aia dwing the. JgforU uid the £itate of North Carolina, and destroyed the letter.^ Don't Who w«i» inttalUd recently at War, and wmt formerly direeier Here is work a plenty for the. judge* him too harshly Mnd forget sed Aunt left for ne? Ans; Bight at this time it iooka. dotdbiful . , . Ipsur- anro company doea ne^ ta pay the claim until T«;;ards they hold are somewhat clearer than they ar« now. It is going to be neveral months before the matter ia entirely cleared up. AXT—Did my husband deliver the letter that I found some few dttJS *go 1 , How will it end? Ana; J^'o . . . he didn’t dellvfer U Indeed you will—how- the letter after all. He felt that you aren’t going to con- were suspicious and he t«»ok in the line work but a cott- “cold fett*’ at the last moment of years. A* that timt . you will begin into something entirUy new.. lEKiA-—I would like to know If I am going to lucceed in the jvork that I. am undertaking right PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Itkysieian in charge at th^ OkU. * of health in the TnUa »chool North Carolina State Hospital for Negro insane, j tystem, and targeon in chief of Affairs, at Taft, beiag tl>« tecoad tine the TuUa Municipal Hospital No. he received the appointment.-Dr. 2. The doctor wa§ hacked for tke Lythcott, a jvaduate of both ^ poit by \he Oldahoma State Me- 4lottoi and Harvard univertitie* dical Society. (CSl Committee on LAST WEEK’S BEST editorial (Ce»t>aued from psife four) 5 on their territory and indepen dence; Under the wise and in his sUrtling Chicago addiesa: “I hate war.” From the standpoint of econo mic; and industry, the nation has cause for thanksgiving. The Ship of State seems successfully to have weathered ihe sitre'^ and storm of ite worst and longent panic. " Employment has phenomenal gaii^, and industry the lonfc distance call for it really had nothing to do with what you have in mind. MC—Will I be able to get a '36 ’37 Chevrolet in the spring of this coming year? — SB—Does this naan that says he love me, mean anything' to me? Ans; He do^ love you . . .but you ceitalnly are not iosing any sleep over him. It wouldn’t be , j v.-j . ,, „ . ^ ^ibuy a small second hand car ana advisable lo waste teo much f . Ans;,You could do so if you. arranged to do without evsty^ thing else under the sun. Why don’t you watt until you have enough money in the bank to |tatcsmanlike leadership of Sec- j is seeing its house in ordc.- retary of State, Cordell Hull an , replenish the era of good feeling over the e»-,, .merchandise, has be»R to reduced stocks of the manufacture ,1 . , ,. ^ u ■ pay casb for it. . . to pureluftfp made your time with h.m for he wouldn’t even ever to mean anythmrf ^ gas to run it more to you than he does at thift ■. on. , time. 1 tire Western World ushered in. W hile wars and turmoil threat ened the peace and tranquility of the Far East and parts of. the assure the /permannence of and sale of which- wer e halti^ by ^ the depression. With careful safeguarding of its international lelationships to WBR—I am undecided wheth- the'^Sn ation’s j, „IiSW—Will ray husband and Ij - «*eitiiKfi .Jiappiy_ lo^ again. ■ I Ans: T’m afraid not. 'The best thing for both of you to do is to European continent, the attituda of President RooseVelt Is reaf- He vehemenly declajed sunng. Peace, and with the continued prudent guiiance of the execu tive officecs charged wiih the DON'T FLY TOO HiGh lHaven\4onj^ ELYING-too high . . . putlinq « mortgage on your fwture with INSTALLMENT ri^bts . . . v«ll b?. atire yon^ MONEY to lead to VCKASH when, your gas . givei ou^ • Yes, Buy and en{oy life .but Fir.ST money »nd be sure you c^n AFFORD it. START SAVING REGUIARLI NOW We Wefcome Your Banking Bi^sines* Mechanics & Fanners Bank Durhani good food FOR CAMILY or FRIE1«># at; USiWEST PRICES iLnHywond Inn Cafe responsU)ility for business, America should move forward in the next few years ^ companion. Yba, to an era of unprecendented »e-^ „,ake a go of things tti«‘ curity, prosperity and happintwi. time—and it isn’t likelyj For the gains made in con quering unemployment, for the progre is in so many consjpi^ious cases' ol.:s^i*3 and hamanitariftn lej:islation. for a noticeable gain in toleruice, for increasing evi dences of interracial goodwill, for the blessings of Peace home and abroad, let,, ut give thaniu! Let us obs«rve the annual fes tival -of Thanksgiving in the that you would if you ware try' it again. * •i' J. N. Mills M. D. PHYSICIAN * SURGEON OFFICE lOft 1-2 PARRISH ST. Can Afford to Biiild! Because conditions concerning tha plaoaibg, fi'&aaeihg ead actaai I--- • - i> (^iii^ractioa m( a new home have never bean murf^^^favorable, ^ there's absolutely no reason why you can’t have tha honM yoa'^e* sire. Under the Federal yiam you can ballj with- the sertaiaty ^ full ownership . . . i^ome that will ha yours la 10 or 20 years. AmJ jHour ii^iHai investmeat ntfe^ Im only SO Rer cent ef ^ vala# of yoar propertyl fhis new miithbd of~fraaacing Is easier, moia eea* venieat and more economical.,. Take adraataga of this golden op portunity now. COME IN NOW FOR J^L INFORMATION ABOUT FEDERAL LOANS AND HOME FINANCING PLANS Fire Insurance - Rentals - Reti Estate- Yoper4y Mlanagemeiit- A^moWe anFini~" Kinds Of Insurance. Union Insurance & Hj.M. MICHAUX, Manage nrJiain, N. C. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF W0Mi2^ HAYESWOOD. Prop. DURHAM. N, C ,.av6 Unto thee, O God, do wo give thanks; for that, thy name is near, thy wondrous virorks de clare DALLAS EXPRESS 113 S. MANCU^ ST TRAINED NURIE IN ^ ATTENDANCE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Aaabalance Service PHONES DAY J-3721 — NIGHT J-3TU ' BU EAST PETTIGREW ST. DURHAM. N. C Raleigh We are eaelasive afeata for the nationally known DUPONTi lONTlNE WASHABLE^ SHADE CLOTH For Quality Window Sl>ades Call J-9931 Odd Slses Otar Speclalfcr. Liberal Allowanca For CU Rall^ Durham Shade Works Whiten your skin with this famous bleach SHADE SPECIALISTS FOR 31 YEARS IIB EAST CHAPEL HILL ST. _ Crpam and watch bo# jnHir complexicm ^owk Utiftter in tone, smoother and anftPr in etri^ice blea«K^ B# e. tJse NadinblCBle^ Cceam=Jaia — the bleach that • really' bteacher and pufi^^tfie^i N^inola Bleaching Ctmn ican’t be duplicat^^er mulls because the secr^ N'admola Mnnihrean’t be imitated. AiUbuiSPstseaFryNadinda at 50c and ex* trd large ifiahey saving size at $1.00. Ftill directions and money-back.,^aranteg with every jar. If yoar^drjiggist can’t supply, take no surati d m mail tovQiy postpaid with of trcMurw beauty secrets. NA1>IK0LA, Boa 144. Paris. Tenn (9^ Nothing else does so much uicidy. to hghten the skin ao q 80 sQrely. Start tonight with Nadinola I'l T XCCIDJ|NT FIDELITY BAIL HOSPITAL BRiU.DINE,- i» ou ttt her now, >p- Jutt« oriamJiMr. But SOSETY BONDS INSURAl^CF sieicimss And AITffeca us e Sff«1^tcov«l , .. GODEFROY^S iAmiUSI '4 eSlPbi onJ-6s| SOUfHERN FiDEUTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COIPANY unsx^'tTns crtatnre, E«r btir ttty-art*k*4. Oos day a (ricodf told hec (bout Codcfror’sLsrlcas* Hslr Coloring, The treatmeot aouiuJrd sioipla, lo Gttrr ductmifis^to s l«n stniaal* >o temp- (Uie her former iSiiRD. HarlDCCnriinnr*- iit (b« coaqucfM >h«') makiac tvtry 4ty. ooDivnon ily LMeoM^a dis rolor jroe - . It will males you( hair a ricL avsa shade' hfat'fe. Mseli. dirt, m«Si *”iJR>wiCoT^uiuu‘ue. apd iheea that cveryooa sd^f^year kalt' won't look dyed—it woa'l.b« Slldv •« smell)'. Don'tdelay—so to you dsslar ae> di«y and ailc for ■ bOHls of Godalrer's > tafiewis. Satiifictina aasmaasj ot dsaldt ^ will riffuDd your iBoa*r. , memmmsm If your isaaiar t!o0» net have hair C0U0RIN6 m; %»ir>OY LtANUPACtOMNO COMMNY • 3S10 OUVI IT. • ST. lOIHI, I jmii-

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