THt CAROUNA TQIKS SATtmfrA,Y DEC. M, ft9T Bl/\i llTli ? HAIR... TURNS MFN S THOUGHTS ro ROMANCE WHAT WOULD CHRISTMAS BE WITWOUT FINE FRUITS f iU^I^LES, ORANCES, BANANAS, GRAPES AND PESAJRS— WE'VE GATHJCRED THE PICK OF THE CROPS OF EVfeRY KIND OF FRUIT TO MAKE YftUR XMAS DELIGHTFUl/ We AI«o Hara On Haad Cliick«D«, Tarloyt, Egg* And Coantry At Low«(t PricM—Strict AttMtioa Civan All O^dar* Regard!*** To Sin. L«t U* Sail You Ya«r Fruit* And Vcgatabla* I> Larga qMaatitia* And Sav* Monay ALL DEUVHUES FREjE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CMtN£R MOfUl|S A MOROAJt STS POVT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINirHE RUSH Bailey Fluit&Pioiloce Go. Make YOlHt l^«ams Come True ... Use GODEFROY’S URIEUSE 'l^yfBN o*T«f Bak* Kwa* m cirl*_wbo onUauV' w«r aluMt’y* *IM MHlom I 1 ACCORDING TO Wt- PHYSll;iAI^S ELWOOD GOINS IMPROVlHCptURVEY SHOWS ASTOUND ING. JLLITERACY AMONG SO. Ehrood Go in*, yoynger aon of ICv. and Mrs. M., JL- Goiiu who has Mriously ill is much im- prov«d aoeordj^g to announce- meht by hi* >ph]mi)eiar, Dr. R. 1*. Randolph. AVthur' OoIm who ha* been doing hiRh •ehool work in Cleveland, Ohio i* horn* for tb« holiday* and to viait hi* brother. » ; cMEAPt^ BECAUSE BETTER I i*f "^It* ■•'a klu" to a f*d«d, af*r-l>*i*^ bImi tlicr (dain a wonaa with richljr coi- or*4, t^ttr (Itamia* b*ur. So, if roa an miuio* loT* McaaM roar hair ii dtill, iroo- ^off-colot or aunkad with trtr, >ei UfiaaM i* ao awM troabl* to i 7*t tha baaaijAil 4ateff it *iT«i to roox b*i( will ao* Mb a at wa«k oat tad will Um • loat tin*. Color waand COOM* trcalj: itt black, black, datfc. ■«diaai or lithi bfowa, ot bloada. No dr*d look, ao MickiiiMS. DO tm*U. A«k row dMltr fat Godcfrojr’t Laricu*. lb« Hair Coloria* li Ihtrtdbox. ET*t7battl*it*a*raat*«dtoai»i J*«lat will MftiaJ roar OODEill»ir^, Corner MoroU. A. Morgan Dnrham, N. If yowr daala# 4aa« na* hava It, wnd $1.23 diract fa a»v uhm»-^ •OOinOT MANUmCTU^C COMPANY HAIR COLORING 1310 ouvi ST. • tr. tout*. Ma DQUBLf mum DOUUi ACTIN6 HAIR GBOWER CAROLINU^ NEGROES dilion, all *tadfinl» at* Jttw b*-1 «k’ inatDucticni' in health and sfcni- tationl recVelitibh,' ind * tlva'*M*e o1 1 library facUitia*. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 21—(ANP)— A recent report mibmitted here to the Educarion Division of the Work Proifrps« Administration by Lawrence M. Pinckney, South Carolina state Administrator, show* appaltn,^ ilHtera«y among the Negroes of ^he State who have been consis tently 'detlied the fundameiitala of education by lack of achoo.'^ and t!faining and hy the inequali ties of !9tate-legialated fund* a» -t'biftwrrp white and Negro school children. . _ According to the report of State Administrator Pinckney, a eurviay of 61,006 Neg^o homes in South Carolina made in the fall of I'SaB reveafied that 27,916 mo-' thers and fathers could not read, 28,397 could not ,write, and I,-, 869 children between the age* 1 of sir and fourteen yeMr* -wwa • Aut of school. This information, brought up to date by a later I house to hous» canvass by teach> ers, is the basis upon which the present program has been work ed out. nov fifth ft* y re^l^ of this work,! Mr. Pinckn»;y report*, many pupils, old and young, who were illite rate three or four years ago are doing work of fourth and j h grade levels and the begin- ners of a year ago are writing simple letters and reading simple materials of first and^ *ecpndi grade levels.'At tha same time| there has been created within the parenti the desire not only to better their childr^i^^s conli-1 tion, bu^'their own as well. I So Good HairGrovi^r A 0»lnln« • Grow* !•»« ^ulr. r»eomtnw4e4 ^ jovr t*f ■Mdt Dtcra***. *a*- Hal*. tO-OOOD HAIB ■TRAlOflntENn withoat haat aa . dart* W«**) .•• MMT Iars* baxaa) SeeChi' BSa Bair Btralirat*a«v 0f)m WW*m*r ... CaaMsat jon *•** ■a yr" OalT. *■»"♦» WMt«a (mA Maaaj Order. W* Paj PaMas* SO GOOD CHEMICAL CO « Mm wr.. s. I •• .Uln ia. ua. I Regal Theatre FRIDAY AUD SATURDAY CHRISTMAS DAY EDWARD ,G. ROBINSON —iVl— " QAfcAMAD^’ wn ihM UM Mluic hik. k mtam *1 ■■■ MHMp h*i>.'IW t«|ulu Ml ^ bwM MM iM !«*• of WMk. lai4r.0.6•*t«l^^iMM•4L«n^• THI MtM. C. J. WALKfR MF«. CO *—AlUWXIt, INDIANA 30 Yf iRb THE STANDARD 4i ^1\ At present the WPA program employs a total of 242 teaoheits tW^ number of enroll^; is 17,966^ while the number participatintii in related activities is *approxi- mately 26,50(>. More than 10,000 persons have beeh taught to i^ad and write. The program ^now includes li teracy plasses, general adult ed ucation, nursery schools, classe® in agricultural subjects, and classes in homemaking. In cd- PAYS $100 MO^iTBLV FOR01 OTA m TUESDAY A WEfrNESD^Y DECEMBER 28—it9 ‘MARKED WOMAN IWiMM ASK OUR CUSTQMOr Childran and Banafi^iary No« InaHrod at bo Additional Co*t. An Entiroly Now Faaturo Offered by no Othar Company a \ “THtSt KtL'-'fS (VRt THt TOUGHEST tN 42 Durham, N. C.—An accident insurance foUcy insuring thre* '^people: th* principal, the bene ficiary and one cljild now offered by ^he Southern .Fidelity Mutual is in immediate benefit from date of premium payment Weekl> benefits are from |10.00 to $25. 00. Death benefits from $250.00 to $1500.00, and_^'the cost is only ■one cent per day or $3.65 pei year. ^ ^ You must see this policy at our exnense. Read it, and under.'itanc* exactly what it covers, then if you are satisfied, send $3.65 to put -ir in force l ye«i. Eaul yeai WE TAKE THIS OPP^TUNITY AT'THIS YULETIDE SEASON? TO EXTEND GREETINGS TO ALL • OUr” CUSTOMERS >NIV FRIENDS WHO HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR THIS BANK TO BECOME THE LARGEST BANK OWNED AND OPERATED BY NEiGROES ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. WE WANT YOU TO AND EMPLOYES ARE GLAD TO « , DUiUNG THE KNOW THAT THE OFFICERS HAVE HAD TOE PLEASURE OF SERVirfG YOU ~r PAST year, AND THAT WE LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN A BAGGER! WAY DURING. THE NEW YEAR. WHENi YOU Vv‘-‘ .' , . . ,—J-, _ii_ ARE IN NEED OF BANKING SERVXCfc FEEL FREE -TO CALL ON US. ' . ,1 i all benefits increase 1(0 per cent i until th« policy has a -/alue of BO per cent more at no additional cost Women and nien are accepted No medfcaf exSmination, «o red- t£>pe. Send nc money with appli cation. Just writs your name, age address, beneficiary’s name add’ relationship and mail td , the Southern Fidelity Mutual Insur- rance Company, DarhanSi Notth Carolina, for fi«a policy ingptie- ^n. (Adv). 4 OVER A MILLIDN AND A IN RESOURCES 411 Deposits. ll|i -To $5,009 Insnranee ByTiie Federal ^ PeiposH iBSirancc Corporation WASHINGTON, D. C. 1WRHAM,N.C; a BPAUOHHC. PftESIDElfT BANK -DR. s. L WARREN, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD 349 WEST MAIN ST. PHONE L-891I Fat BACKS Sliced Pi^ Feet . BEEF Roast.. pare RIBS V This ARMORVBBER Tread Saves You Money on Every MiU ' • We don't h«lievn iii nuk ing claims^ So weflre passing «n to you what oar-etutomers •re saying— ^ had waha ing tirei^’Ki^ing^houaands of extra miles," "Tnad looka lik* new after six months* sarriee.** ' As tire experts we Icmw why KellyaarebreiddngaU local mile age records. It's th^ tread. It's ma^ of Aiawrabbes^ taagh, jdense, long er-wearinar ntbb«r Ovr colored repretenta- tivoa are outstandini' busina** mOn of Hayti. Thoir name* and ad- draaac* are li*ted b^w X1>oy will appreciate your patronage perfected In Kelly laboratories, Thai great tire brings us new cust^ers every day; Come in and find out why. £!ompare our piniNia and aervice.You’Il find you save dealing wUHus. KELLY S^MNfiFlELD TIRES ^ WILLIAM CAROLINA FOISeRAL HOME 1. H. WILLIAMS, HAWK TAXT COMPANY HARVEY DAWSON, STAR TAXI CO. - Bianile Sefvice'Station PHONE L-919 • ^ ' niisfaraRfciEs™ MAIl!) Jk l«INtH STREET E. S^-PHILLIPS. Prop. AT FIVE POINTS MGR. J. W. COMBS Wig DELIVER ANYWH ERE WITHOt CITY trEKRYX^A«.‘ I’ve IF YOUVC BOUfi’HT 'fOO*. Home Killed Turkeys Hom% Kilted" j Hens . 2^ HAVE YOU PURCHASED *'**■ **• piece de r^v^lance far yaar Chrittma* dinner Tlie fiaa*t tar> key that ever.^ gobbled a *waB> K>nj o'( ,i|ialr|:^om to a keliday appetitie i* awaiting year iealt. One of tlie*e fowl^will make the comi^ fea*t day a moinorable one. Let ua terre iroia. Wo dellvec. •^resh Pork .Ham 8-10 lb.*Avg. 23 Pork i Roast . '20 Extra Special—^ lbs 19' Steak .. 20c I Liver I7I/2C Select ^gs 25** CHEESE 20 RAtElCI^ N. C. R. L. MeW^VOALD,. VlC»/.3B*ESIDlENT, CASHIER £lge 17^ OOR SHOTO BR1>HT rT^VOT AND WERE .foujre, Our neicrsw BOTH ARi RlG-HT I' CHOPS . 15' Oleo. 12

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