S’ V ^ % 1 A'- Sugfgestions The Week-End ■“ >, Me n n ■Mk (By A«at -^>»- Hot Rolli Ooff» Lemon Chiffon W« Milk Tm Coffea MUk FEIDAY . , BlMkfMt Oriuigti Juief Corn fl»k«i with dlM 1>u)Aiuu> ^nnr. rwinni ilinHIBgfL lEgM. To*»t LUNCH Oyster Soup G een PfM- Rol'* DINNER BiUted Mwk«»l Siiinach SATORDAY MtEAKPAST I Gnj>efruit Juice Tout Hmm I ^ Cinsftmon Poached Egjri SteaV CM-fota Cookies Tea , Jlilk Siie«d Leuian £Uced Wliit« Poptosi LUNCH [Ch*M* Souflo Suidwlche* r Tonart® Saisd «oii Frwucli I ]>reMing Pl*in C*ke Tea OINNEI^^ B«k«d Ham Sweet Potatoeo ^ SrocGoli $A^ wmmxt BRfiAKrASr Bilked Applw Comflidtv Bacon and Waffle* with Honey Coffee Milk pimiEit (MaUicat. Radishea (lArded Partrldg*) Baked Umas wftli Manhmallovw BruMela ^rosta Gamnt * (ChertDBt Charlotte) Coffee^. Milk SUFPEK •pLobater Catleta Parialenne PotatoM ^dic« &i]«d rUimal'ii'lM PinMnnl* fin)?l43et uBtaietod irfili ji5P_ istxtofw vilil ubl«M bWkB«a. Brown BUfar toMf ba used to _^jtiwee o/ ^Qvdei^ abpff. MULLIGAT sour Omm Md 9M ImU# ^eaiad* »f a ■kealder of lasab atewed wltli X oal«a« aad tw« «arr«tt. Wkea the Meet k,tender, reaa»«« Ikmi the ■lock, frf one a«loa with eae tablMpoea of batter, ud me of eurrjr ^w4mr. WhM aicoly Wewmed j*tir i»lo m tiMeepeoil of' peanut butter end oB4Nhalf cup of '‘fraah eoaooaut, | Mybi thl* up into m aHooth la HWl ft b«i>*th« irMat «ad lipa. INit ikmsr^into tfa* lata and th*' tail. Tla firmly Suli the bird well with aoit tar a&dk aprinkle with laK an^ f%eii dredfe flo«. Pal In a hot iven and cook for 'lO adsatea. or If preferred rare, not eo Jon*. Make a bread and ^nread thickly on at hot d then place the lardod partridKc* 1 nold at J on it. Gamirii witii pareley. ‘U Ant Rntye) pailie*; from n>iw reaa i' d^oBp LOBSTER CUTLE.TS Rtth two tehleepoona 4>f buti.cf four tableapoona of flour itigetber. “P^t oi»« cap of half arilfc and »" " add the lamb brot]^ Ptefc the {and, wtien It la hot add the but- t from the boBOt and odd to and flour. Stir until it boito. CINNAMON TSA§T 4 TO*. Batter ; » 1-2 Cup Pondered Su|rar 1 Teesp. Cinnamon 4 Slieea Bread Cream btttter, combine with BURar and.idn&afflon miied to- tbe toup. If the peanjat bhtUr doea not thieken aufficiealy, u«e » Utlo flour to bind It. Iferve with rice, aeperate, and aii«M of lo' than atk in the yolk* "of two eg** , and l«t it oook for one'^or two minutea. Remove ri'om the fire j and add two cup* of fr^t fcoUed , non. 1 or ^nned lobater, one tableapoon ; LAJIDED FARTRlDGfS lot .fla^f chopped , parajjiy, *ome | Pick aitd-^dean the partridgea * gnied nutmeg', si^t, and a dash well and wipe carefrfly outaide of paprtka. Mix well and turn throQgh tbe hotiday* a dfy doea one gatherintf of a or leaa feative nature. So, the wiaa hoatees (or lioaff ,wHI be prepared! One good thing to keep ‘ in mind at thla time ia that, ain&i there are to many parties, do YBiir *-"^"Tfi"*ii li 11 i'["'lrrff—pwi?" guesta on their feet iy refrain ing frogi aerving too hnav.7 drinks, fwS. B^e of eouatf sfia!'- ing with the egg nog. Of cours.* this is the aeason for it, but re member that a little nog go 33 8 long way. CHAMPAGNE CUP OR PUNCH I P«ar I aplit 1 0*. Umon — 4 thin atlnea of orange 1-2 pitcher etilbad lev 1 pony maraa«iite« 2 oz. orange jake I pt. champagna $ thin aUee lemo^ 1 tlaip. sugar Garniah witi^, mint rHj^irtPACNP rnrrTAiJL For Gifts That Will Be Appreciated. EACH YEAR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING TURNS MORE AND MOR E TO THE PRACTICAL, USEFUL CIFT. AND EACH YEAR THE ELECTRICAl. GIFT HAS BECOME MORE PCMHJLAR BECAUSE OF TIME AND LABOR SAVING ELEMENTS. OUR STOCKS ARE REPLETElWITH ELECTRICAL APPUANCE GIFCT SELECTION, AND NEED WE REMIND YOU THAT WHEN A PERSON »RE- CEIVES A GIFT PURCHASED AT THE PUBUC SERVICE HE OR SHE KNOWS TH4it ITS “QUALITY MERCHANDISE.’ 'I—iiiir»'»|juii« -«-■ ^ 'fc», YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MAKE OUR SALES BUILDIN.G YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS. EVERYTOING ABOUT THE ]^bAC«—FROM SIE FRCa^ WINDOWS TO THE INDIVIDUAL ROOM DISPLAYS—CARRIES THE CHEER OF CWIISTMAS. WE WANT YOU TO FEEL FREE fO tJdnr TOta TttlS,^^^4a|(»aii^^ HAVE ANY QUESTION, OR DESIRE GIFT SUGGESTIONS, fomi into cutlet or fli«t fi^tly In flburT -y^-esf - -egg, cracker duat. Fry in boiling Iw-i and serve with a cream aaace. CHESTNUT CHARLOTTE Uie half a jar of preserved cheatnuta wtih the syrup, rub though a colander or ch^ very' ^ine. -Whip one quart of double cream to a stiff, dry froth, jvnd j put into a ibowl, which must fee packed in ice; stir the chestnuts into the whipped cream; cover « bosr of gelatine w5th cold w*t«r and stand where the saQcepan will be warm enoui^i t« melt the ^latine; when thor^ghly dw- aolved, strain into ttie whipped cream, add a tablespioon of mar aschino and, if it ia needed, add more sugfar; irtir gently until th«r cream beglna to harden, then turn into small molds. When it ^ become hard, turn out and serve { with whioped cream. • 1-2 cube sugar Small piece oiranga peel Champagnn. jrell chilled 1 cube Ice ' 2 daehea ‘Mtters Place sugar whkh has aoaked tip bittera, cube of iae and naall piece orange peel in glaa» Fill twith champagn*. : : d CAKE AND ALE cheps, rcll "then in a lillyn iia^Oit-CAAOLESS Cake Is as much a part of the Christmaa tradition aa pudding and pie. In Ae old day* eakoa and ale were a favorite eontbliM^ tion for regaling the Chriatmm I carolera. A Santa Claua eake, 'flanked by fcood aupply n>t eoolk- ies, «rit hcoffe, wine, cider oV ipunch, laT (proper 'fare for the modern iChristmas BJve f^ivity, "whether you ceterate '^th danc ing, earoling or jui^ trimming the family tree. .lliiB eake, and the cookiei^ too, we easy to make with swee^ned condensed milk, and iit without strata intO'^ the crowded holiday adiedtile of tra brewing and bdking. ex- PARTON12E OUR ADVERTISERS OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE HAPPY TO BE W SERVICE. iPtiERAnwserS^ To ThatV'Inporlanl” Cift Probleni $ 3 ^COLORED MANS DISCOVERY Used and Recommeiied by Thotisaiids NATURES OWN PRESCRIPTION TMa» FROM THE EARTH Areyeuladediaiiithedhk? Do you (offer from low ef atrMifdi sml mmmff Do w ltd TlREa RUN DOWN, PmJESS, SKKLY, WEAK. NERVOUS? It your manhood weakt How is your Do you (et w oftan aiihtT Do you tire «rickly} Art you botb^ «r«d widi minw INDIGES'nOIi DIZZINESS, FULUtigSS, SUEEP. LESSNESS? Then if to, you naed a loed natwiJ iraa I —IMajgt pve IGifaji M. M. a tri*17 Kitby’s M. M. hd^ lo rabuttdl ywer heeldi and aids in r4Si|S^ fSTilbod ei®; strenglli, and couraga. FIVE WEEKS TREATMENT POSTPAm.-«1.00 Kiibr*» M. M. b dbadutaly goarantaad. Conwdar iba low pricc of Kitby't M. M. Mail $1.00 today for a fiva weak*' traalmaat deiivarad to your botaa. . KIRSys MINERAL PRODUCTS litfKEAVllNUE— - UNION, 8, C ' Pre-Chpisfmas -MV'., TH(m WASHER “ •M.95 np KELVZNATOR ♦MAW WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE Yams AboariKto A Week Bocawaet on to inany^'of the Hema liatcd below we eaiTy th« Une& of leveral manu- facturora, the makera* namoa bavo not boon atated. Every product, however, la made by oatabliahod fiima whoae reputa- tfcm' atanda lii|^ ia the applj^e* iadaatry. SENSATIONAL Mark downs VALUES TO «3.0b a4i«intog inJ»M aiit- womnn Aa t&a sat dow sill Waiting for har waaher L&a m. To bring home tte laundry to get her pay — 8o that all would tw retdy nnd -bJL. SfucK11 et IJs Swgg*sf^Giie^^ HEATING PADS $3.S0 to $9M ELECTRIC JR^NS 3.2ft l« 8.M lES STUDY LAMPS —3.25 to 9.0B - —* —*8,28- to IfcTfi HABt DRYERS 7.Mi, to lk»S CURUNG mOflS t.M to 33» Give The One Yoa LoVc percolaitors — S6'lt 0% 0S‘9f 2.»s to ie.00 toasters — SILEX coffee makers tbASlEK JET» 8.0Br*a g» "*1^ ^ HOT PLATES — MIUC ]H^iUtMER (bottio) 2.9S to 8.00 COFFEE URN SETS ^4.aS to 6S.00 ROOM HEATERS 4.95 to 14.9S VIBRATORS 7.80 to 14.95 FOOD MIXERS « 23.75 to Xe-M .79 ^ One Big Table Of Odds 4c Ends Offer^ A nUtitlSH STREETS TELEPHOME F-lBl PUMPS STRAPS . TIES OXFORDS AND VALUES TO $4.00 Xmas day, 8h« got kinda an©-y when _ the the clock struck four ‘ Cause Liza had never t>een that late before. And when the clock struck five idle was «n her 'wmy To see how come Liza hid'nt been ^t^day. Ab she turned in the road to Liza, lil'a place A wane of pity came across her young fliee the honae wm j^d and the jrard wm unkept And bow she could manage with out any help Waa.-a«>f«r ^yond that puszted brain of Lou'a Aa St. Nicholas would be singing ^e blaea Aa she atepped on the porch aha heard not a sound ^ s . And ,ahe thought ma^ Ua had «>ne into town; But then a strong lung jbahy let »o somewhere And the odor of chitlings perfu med the air. At laat the door was opened and there stood Liz Wltii her handa on her hips and defiant eyea. Loq’s moutii flew open but utter ed not a word Cause Liz started spouting like a talking bird. "Misa Lou,” she said. I aint f^nna wash nio more Cauae Jims got a bonus and that ♦neans dough ’jTwas got from the government '^or Xmas time So washing laundry aint go' be in my line. t Kot .»^ea green dress with a hriirht r^ sash And Jim gimme 25 doHars in "aril, 1 got me some powder and some ♦hree thread hose And I goT^Soijie Bttppewf'wltho it any toes. I bought me some jeweJry ®t the «! * 10 atrainfhten* my hair as '‘taight aa a,pin. "here's cake in the cake - S'™ ♦^here’e pie in th* pan , ''"here’s nuta in the pantty, ^ere’s ftniit in |he can l$iere's duck in the ice box, "^hrt. on the fire And everything else tHaPiRonav -an Ijuv. vou see Miss Itou why I can’t’ '’*ooi> so low ^ 4» to Washing your clothes fW~ you any mort. “ . j^”st "nien ’ ’A long yellow Buick drove lip in ♦be yard f'?ehind the wheel was Jim and a /Jog name l^d. Be ih^ ■ a cheeked s^ and a •»T«en cravat ' . ^ He hsd on rod tan shoes and B-itish ta9 apata. He bad a Nteated coat and a brass knob cane ^ And a' great ibig cigar with a gild ed frame, f And with peach pomade spiear^d over his hair He lookad to Lou juat exactly like a bear, As lie spread hjs mouth open in wide grin And saying “Miss Lou jest how is you fceen.” You see 1 got money now and Liz and me Is mightly busy as yoB iff apt _to see And as soon as she dresses and paints her li{w We’re go' pack oiil' clothes and tak« a New York trip. Well .yvaa |yro months exactly when tou To the on that STYLES AMD COLORS AAA TO P floslery Spo«i«} BLACK HE^ HOSE mt down wfrtfare plant side of town, And who should s}ie see getting b»d~and meM' But that high flying Jim and ftis Liza Ifl. His nine rsd tan shoes that had covered a ten Had ibeem striped with a knife to #et the air in And that p^, green dress with lace around the neck Looked just about like the Hes- ''*"11 - —- Anit •Ofttr-A st^diag. two of at kind . Just convieta cause they hadn’t attved a dime, Wian get oiir bonus and oilr Xmas pay Don*t be a Jfm and Li* and liirp^'^ it mm-, _ •&it tt-y to make yours^ .»nd on» around you learn ^ That a dollar you caiT save~i« . a dolar well earned. Dixon THE SMALLEST BIBLE Only Ml* Ineb (eng and ono-^ inrfi \hielc. It wailplw ona- ludf ennoo, and earn ka.»ad only by aatary a ssagali^rteg glaaa. •‘t—-i'