s*ry«6AV >ic, as, m? SAfaK&Ay'DEC, m. tf|t u—i.ma. • E^UTH^OWBBtD w Vote For Your Favorite Minister And Help. Him Have A Merry Ctiristmas Contest Nov. ^ 17 Closes 6:00 P./V\. December-27 WINNER ANNOUNCED AND PRIZES AWARDED DECEMBER 30, $;P. M. HILLSIDE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM r' '' , ,‘J . CLIP COUPON ON THIS PAGE OF YOUR COPY AND START YOUR ,£^ORITE MINISTER OFF WITH ’SOOO VOTES RULES OF THE CONTEST READ RULES CAREFULLY $ 100.00 Ilfr«HZES 1. Any nhitftar pastering church within the limits Durham. Par son, Oranga or Granville Counties may be entered as a partici. ‘’"'-pant is this eonteat, provided the coupon on this page is clipped and brought or forwarded to this office. 2. Coupons will be published in the Carolina Times for the 4 weeks of Hha ^contest and wiir be numbered ]• 2, 3, and 4, and will be accepted only when clipped'and properly signed on or before' WedBaad*y> 6 o'clock, following the issue in which it appears. 3. Copies of the Carolina Times'Stui'fng thi» positively not be sold in bulk, but must be purchased from newstands, re gular newsboys or agents. « ^ 4. Each vote brought or sent to this office must be. signed by the person voting. Any person may bring or send as many vores as desired, provided same ore properly, signed. No single person may v«tt«Mnore than once per week. Person’s desiring to vote for ministers not pastors of theii re- pec^ve churchea wiay-^^lo " “ •" Person’s desiring to vote for different ministers ^ different weeks of the contest may do so. 7. The rela.tiva stasding of each contestant will be published in the Carolina Times each week of the contest. The actual stand ing wfll be published in the issue following Decmeber 27. the closing date of the contest. ' _ . _ • '* ■** ■» T V. A committee of 5 to be selected at t)ie time and place of the m.M»wii»g I»f the prize, will count the Votes' and determine the winner.^ ~ ^— —* ' W Vote For Your Favorite Mijiister FILL OUT THE COUPON BELOW EACH WEEK AND Vote Each Week CONTEST BEGINS WITH NOV 20, ISSUE OF THE CAROHnW TIMES. OFF THE PRESS THURSDAY 3 O CLOCK, P M COUPON 9. No minister who relative of any employee of the Carolina Tinas wiU be acce|Lied as a c^ndida‘te in ^hi* contest. 10. The contest opens'.Friday November 19 and positively, closes Monday December 27 at 6 P. M. % MINIST^’S POPULARITY AND CHRISTMAS GIFT CONTEST CONTEST MANAGER: J " ' - , ■ I hereby cast my vote for R-v. ■ ■■ - — ’ ' Pastor of- — ' ' -Church Signed COUPON Nb. 6 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES Number Coupon not good after Monday Dec. 27, 9 P. M. i •- L. , The Merchants Listed Below Are Cooperating With Our Annual Minister’s Populartiy And Christrnas Gift Contest And Have Donated Prizes To Be Awarded Ti^ursday Decepiber 30^ 8;00 P. M At ^ Hillside Auditoriurh ^ - I SS.PO WORTH OF GROCERIES ■i i*-- -^ ' ONE,XPiy OF COAL" ' McGEeTCoaT^e iT37 PETTIGREW STREET PHONE J-1941 A BRAND NEW MAT CHOICE OF THE BEST HAT IN OUR STORE T'f ■ WEST MAIN STREET W. R. $6.00 IN TRADE MUSIC $5.00 WORTH 6F SHIRTS 4!)qI1 ar Stof e ■M.j 324 WEST MAIN STREET TO the winner a $5.00 SAVING ACCOUNT ^ MECHANICsITfARMERS BAJP« ONE TON OF COAL Mirennric ICE A^ ISQAL COV 418 MORGAN STREET PHONES J-0341 F-4001 ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CAROLINA TIMES The Carolina. Tilhes 117 PEABODY STREET ^ r m. ■ SILVER'S WEST MAIN STREET SEE US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS' GIFTS $8.00 WATCH CHAIN GIVEN Globe Jewelry Co. 115 EAST MAIN STREET is.co wdRTff OF AND PRESSING ( UNION TAILORING SHOP 112 PARRISH STREET $S,Sfi IN TRADE ^ ' . : , \ '.a:-- $3.00 WORTH OF COSMETICS $2.00 WORTH OF BARBER WORK • BULL CITY BARBER SHOP * l^EAUTY PARLOR $5,010 PAIR OF JARMAN SHOES BELK-kEGGETT WEST MAIN STREET .ONE $5 ELECTRIC CLOCK Store DURHAM'S^ SHOPPING CENILR 115 W MAIN ST ONE hAIN COAT VALUE $5.00 “any $s.WAirTtcpri^ five firestone lubrication JOiSS • ^ . * n • at any^one of our 3 Stations Alexander Motpr Co UNITED FURNITURE STORE i 320 EAST CHAPEL HILL ST. S(VUUi(&rC^ Durham Merfs Shop. $5.00 WORTH OF PERFECTION PAINT OR WALLPAPER Co. TIRE DIVISION MORGAN STREET OPP. ARMORY PEOPLE'S FRUIT 4k PRODUCE MARKET ' PkONE L-979 , WE wnx dfvE $5.00 GEM RAZOR TO WlJfNER CUT RATE D>RUG STORE 332 W. MAIN STREET