PkCt. SIX TOE CAROLINA TlMtf SATURDAY DEC. *5, liJ7 2 unT'R'—YOUR awMtioM will ht tmwwmt04 FREE in oSZf . cHppiag jj tbiM COlmmn fatt Bkin* birtbdttt, mad correct addttm tp T»ur Itttmr, For m oiOj (iSt) mm4 » mott^ruMd, «»./ free advice OB (f) QMeMticM. S«nd all lett.r. to: ABBE WALLACE, cw* LINA '^IMSa, U7 *. P««boijp Str««t. DurtMna, N. Carolin*. IMS asVrolocy reading NOW READY I F am Roing to Texas Lonpi l 'w^ on th# 19th of ihi* inprth or maybe ni'sct month and :>r .. I am jroinjr to find a^ Ani: You wiU f*» work •l-( Anti Y*», h* do«« lik* t»* •»«* will ii*« yon • Bic* Httb gift fv Chritlmaa — allfcou(Ii »1«» tbing tbat yon liav* worry moat about U tb« way yo«r moth er will tako tbo mattor. You had battar bafin ■waming bar ^at you M'ra Ch*at«iil Htfl, ftr*ohli»«« Masti la Ardar to ■•««»« m aiarrfa(« liaoata It li ■•etaaary far yaa :i|^ Iko CaMty Saat 6r Co CHKlSTMAft CONCERT GIVEW ^Y THE A. AND T. COLLEGE CHORAL GROUPS ^ pa lha tlosaa ia tba Caimty wliara girl friand Ifraa. T!^ai« III a imall faa attacliad to aama. ■waathaart ao •ha will «ot ha ahochaA though it-may bo ba ai gooJ ai| ^ ” ym expect. Thi» dianca will halp, PIMa«r write in yoUT col- both you and your ftiaiid ^^n how I can write to Jack y«u will enjoy tha tijna; »pa«t I* Sharkey M I am moat interested in obtaining hia, address? 1 want also to know where I can » thii- eity SA—r)o* my friend re(\»y j licens?? love me a^id is'he fping to 'srfvffj Writa‘‘lo J«ek ' Sharkay. me tho'sritt I want for Xmas? Ride The BUS MJ—PlMae tell ma why boy» don’t pay m« any attention and why ii) a awaetheart ao very hard to find? Ab«i Thay ara plantiful—but you haTan't baan 'ortuna.ta •- naagh to «Mat any of the young* «■ fallow* in 'your city. There l(«’t any «a«d of your worrying for by tha tina yo« ara aightaen ya«r« ot aga yoa will hare to to tarn dowa nambar* of so- call«d (waathaart*. AJ&6—I am very despondent ovcir my circumstan!es. Will 1 aecura « that will pay a__ salary enough to defray the •*- penaes of my family the first of 1|B37 'i Aa*i Hiara I* * ■larkad chaaga ia yoar financial coaditioa bafara (ptring — al- thoagh it *eam* to me that you ara going to taka up *oma part tima job at aight or work longer boar* in ordar to bring about tkla ckanga. Hold up your chia doa't bacoma dapre**ad. LEM—Will mother and Auntie I give me a bike for Xmas? Am*i TVay are pinching pen- aiaa right aad laft and if tha bika doa*n’t raaeh you by Xmas tima—it 1*1 aara to ba your* on year l^rth^y wliich 1« only a faw awatht away. Omega Essay Contest Winners Announced Tha Chrittma* Ca^ol Concert i/iven by *'^a Choral Society and Men’* Glaa Club of the Agricul- j tural aad Technical College, by a large audiaace of aaora than one thoa«and, that filled tha Catr l«3* Gymaaeiuaa bayoad aaatiag capacity, Tha concert, which waa Greeniboro, North Caroltna, »t under the naatarly direction of i5s30 P. M. Sunday, December Warner Lawton, eminent piani*t 19, wa* most imprattiTo and wa* and director, raflactaj rara received %«4th deap appraciation tra.'aing and praparatiOB. i ^ — ^ ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA READY FOR GRAND CONFAB * km bottimrmc • Nandi dOMfnivwn wtfrv »t la m g MMH • kui^ Ift oh9Qp*r f rkSt the but ontf yitu Iwrwi l» vMrry ol^t porktng IpocM. fOfft Ur Inf Un§, brot(«r bumtiM om« A KM* 4m liiaw HefviceCa AJ—Tell me if thia man I am going with and is pretending to me, will he ever -be mine, An*; The man lovaa yea hat hat dee* not want to aiga hi* nliina' on tha dotted , liaa that would ma][»^ you lawf dRy hU. Marriage i* w^at yon waat and you ihould not taka aaythiag else in it* place. 1938 ASTROLOGY READINGS NOW READY DON’T FLY TOO HIGH T1avel\f&n£y Flying too high . . . ^uttinq a. mortg^e on y*r future with INSTALLMENT dobts . . . will be sure to lead to a CRASH when your gas . j, . ybuf MONEY- ... gives 6U*. • ^ 1 : * Y6s, Buy andenjoy life , . . but FIRST hav* tha money and be sure you can AFFv!)RD it, f START SAVINS REGULARLY NOW. ^ W •' W e I c o m e Y o u r *B ^ a Jc i ng Business Meeliaiiics& Far Aiers Bank F0ILADELPHIA, Pa. — R. D. Baakervill, National Director of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’*, Ne^ro Achievement Project, an- nooneea the following succes:iful contestants in ilie essay contest, sponsored (by the Omega Psi Phi F^temity. COUiEJGi: ) 1st: Ernest Baer Johnson, Io wa University, Iowa City, Iowa; 2nd: Henry George Washington, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga.; 3rd; Otto McClarrin, Howard U., Washington, D. C.; 4th: Albert Maurine Moody, Southern Uni versity, Scotlandville, La. 5th' Eataliford Duncan, A. & T. Col lege, Greensboro, ,N. C.; 6th; Le vi Huff, C. A. A N. University, Langston, Okla; 8th; Mary Eli- caibeth Jackson, Mather Norman School, Camden, S. C. HIGH SCHOOL 1st; Grant" S. Schoehley, North east High School, Philadelphia, Pa.; 2nd: J. Dorothy Nicholfpn, Terrell High Schiiol, Fort Worth Texas; 3rd; Alice Maxine Hicks, Lincoln High School, Wheeling, W. Va.; 4th; Pearle Perry, Arm strong School, Richmond, Vr.; 6th: Anna Pearl Wilder; Willis- ton Industrial High School, Wil- mingtdh, N. G.; 6th; Della Bur- well, West Phlladdphia High School, Philadelphia, Fa.* 7th: Bernice Byrd, Second Wai NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 22 —■ (ANP)—Alpha Kappa Alpha So rority will hold its, annual con vention or Boule in New Or leans, La., Decemlber 27-3Ky, with Alpha Beta Omega chapter as hostess. Mrs. Mae 3>erhal Rhodes is president of the local groupr A record breaking attendance is DECRY FAILURE OF DOCTCMtS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE COURSES— ONLY FIVE AT HOWARD VENEREAL SCI«X)L WA?ff«NOTON. D. C., n»c. 22—'(ANP)—Although thp U. S. i Public Health Service has set up pe#*-eeedati^ m '♦•ne. real disear o control at Howard univ^r^ ty, manned by ,speci%l teachers from the U- S. Public Health organijsation, the att^n- danci; haa Ijeen extremely disap pointing to those in charge of*!t. Despite the fact that* grants \»vt been made available hy the gov ernment through the various atate health departments where by Negro" phyiicians are givart the opi>ortunity of attending this school, withtitit i’BSf .’in.d with mi nimum expense* paid, there ware the first term of three months, 1 from Baltimore «nd 6 from D. C. and In the second te^ m there are hut 0, one from California, one from Neffraska and the other three from the District of Colum bia. There ai'e more than 4,000 co lored physicians in the count’.Tr and facilities have been provided for fifteen to attend eacl) -o£ the three terms per year, a. totaJ-4»f Tex. Over IIW contestants compe ted in what has been termed ore of the most significant essay coAtest from the view point of expected from the 122 ch*pter» . that comprise thft^ oorority’a l?l"tered thus far . While .he^ membershjp. T?ie daily l>usiness l^ra'^ts were made available by sessions will be held at the great federal government, the Dillard university. The open pub- state.public health officers have lie meetin* and reception will tbe privilege of .-^tlectlnir the take place at the beautiful Xa- physidan* who attend. The mg- vier university. America’s only gestion has been advanced that Catholic university for Negroes, '^ery "few qualified Negro doctors Dr. Dorothy Bouldinr Fkrebae of applied to their state health Waahington, D. C., will be the o?icers. main speaker at the public m««t- ] courses cover all phases , I of dia^osi^ and treatment. Lee- Many vital iasuea will be di»- clinics in syphilology cussed at this annual meeting of urology are pven Negro 'college women. , The fifth P”*- Ha*en and IL T- $.1000 Foreign fellowshij) will be,J”nes of U. S. P. Hr S. and the awarded. Plans for ^continuing the $800 national loan fund will Higk School, Charlotte N. TT:'8tHT Itellie Kinftiebrew, looker T. Washington High School, Dallas’ subject matter, research and ori- formulated. Further plans tor gmality. The subject treated, extending the health e^vice of the Mississippi Health t»roject, nile .^Delinquency Among Ne- ARA project that has attract- groes.” The first and second national attention, will be winners In the College and High presented by Dr. Dorothy Boulrf. School Diviswnn received cash Perebee, director of the pro awards in addition to a subsorip- je^t, and Mary L. Williams, pub- tion of the Journal of Negro Ed- jjg health nurse, ucation and the two divisions | The foHowing national officers received subscriptions to any, jjj attendance; Negro newspaper of the eontes-1 Margaret Davis iBbwen, Ne-n? tant's .'election, for one year. In Orleans,*• La.; Maude El Brown, addition to the awards enume- '^chairman of the National Pan rated, every, contestant to whom Hellenic Council, Louisville, Ky.; an award was made received a subscription to the Oracle, Ome ga Psi phi organ, for the year 1938. Motivation for the selec tion of the essay rubject arf'iO Betilah Whitbj, ,Detroit, Mich*, Ruth Avery Handy, New York City; Ethel 'Bellinger, Pittftburg, Pa.; Irma Clark, Chica^, lU.; Ethel H. Lyle, honorary presi- .be*’’use of the necesstiy to un- Phila., Pa.; Elizabeth John- derstand the factors which^ Louisville, Ky.; Sadie I. tard the progress of the race. jjf^^el, author of Women Build- Judges for the contest were F. S. Weaver, of Washington, D. C., "Obyd T. "Bafnes, 'and Wflliaw Cr Jason, Jr., Esq., of Phila., Pa. Dtirham' Raleigb /vimVbody jTi ” ■ % - - ■ Gan Afford To Bityd! ! •” Becaaa* aMditlMM HI llil' "lilti'nplllllWirili ■ ■ ll l> | aild can(tnic*iMi *f a mw Ihmm katp« Mv«r bam ^bm Ik'VWnaH*, aWohiteljr m »i*a«i wky fM m'i hmrm Hm Imm jtm ia- •tr«. Ual«r tbe iNaaa yMi eaa WSi «Hk ite MVMlMy di ^ • ‘ • fce ram k )• w M Aafl jr^cNir iBitiai iavMtMrat mmmi W M nw Mat 1^ ^ yaar prapartyl TW« mw «f HmmIbc h aulM, hm» itm- ewewUeet. Talla aTaW>ga of (Us mMmw »- - MW. ^—’ COME IN NOW FOR AU. HVOIU«ATION ABOUT FWERAL LOANS and HOMB FINANCING KJUt^ • -f eis, Washington, D C.: Edna O. Qray, Haltimore, Md.; Viola Chaplain, Greensboro, N. O.; Wilbretta Pape, Cleveland. Ohio; Alice McGhee, St. Louis, Mo.; C. R. Harris, Nashville, . Tenn^; M. V. iButler,"* Houston, university medical school staff. Intensive diacussSoa of the prob lems of follw-up and case find ing under the social service s^ff, clinical pathological con ference are included in the cpuj^se. It is pointed out that in* forrhation can be obtained by physicians throuRti their ?tat* health officers or by writing Dean Numa P. G. Adams, How ard University or Dr. Roscoe Brown "of the U. S. ^blic Health Service. SUGGESTS CRISIS BE PUT IN FVERY LIBRARY NBW YORK, Dec. 22—(ANP) —Enthused over an article by William Picken* in the Decem ber Crisis which The Nation ren fused to publjBh, Rosa M. Miller, of Lorain, O., has suggested that thinldn«r Negroes for 1'938 adopt the slogan, “The Crisis in every public library in the U. S." She is herself paying for a subscrip tion for_the Lorain Public Library. Helen Finley, Wichata Kansas and Ursula Adams, Los Angeles, Texaf); dalif. SCARBOROIIfiH & HARGEH FyHMAJL. BIREC^TCMI Amb«l«a«« 54s»iem " F^mSS OAY — NIGHT JJTSt Kt2 EAST PITTIGRKW ST. DURHAM, N. C. with this famous bleach ar» •aclwH* »(«■*• •« *>• known DUPONT TONTINt WASHABUE SHADE CLOTH F«r QwUtf Itimdmw Call J-9931 OM SIMM 0«r SpMldtr. — Vkmrml AOawaaea For Old ReHei^ Dorham Shade Works “^SHADE Kewm*m%a wm tt years ni RAST CaiAFEL HILL ST. I^ONT fool around with I-'/etrange bleaches. ume. Use Nadinqla Bleach> k^Qr^un—knbwil in' lileach that really bletches and pimfiesthe ekin., caS . because the secret Nadinola ft»inula can't be imitated. Nbtiiing dse does so much to liie^ten the sldo so qiiickljr, 80 Surely. Start toni^t with Nadinola Bleaching Cream and watch how your complexion grow!» in toi^ «nKx>th^ and arater in texture. AHdruggtatscarryNadinoIa in regular size at ^ and ex* tra large money saving size at $1.00- Pull directions and tute, e«id money and «e will mailtoybupostr^dwithbook of treasure b^uty secrets. NADINOLA. Boi i44. Parii^Tenn. ram Fire insurance - Rentals - Real Esfate- ^ Property AfanagenMMtf - Autnmoblle *r d All ^ Kinds CM Insurance. ^ ion ACOIDBNT HOSPITAL H» M. MICHAUX, Manager PIOILITY :f«RETT And AH iecaufo She Discovor«cl LARIEUSE ..J, GOD IF ROY'S GBtAUMNI, •• fsa tM hm Mw, *1^ petr* wkh • ku« «f ciMkwu faiMclSst until aotao T«r loo« Phone J-^31 SOUTHERN FIDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANH . 'cbsfioMl n* tr'eatmsBt loawiad tiittpta. lo ict*mla«d toBalMRlMtitnulewraca^- tonliMfonBW china. Iftt aoccui Aowi la iS« coaqa«R« tb*'i trtrr oom.fnoin If ypur dMlar 4I0M not kaw It, tMid $1.21 diract to jMt apalr ia tb« colef ro» ) It %ill oikk* youi hail » rich, even Mu of f*i Uccic, biacic, dark, medium otUakt brtw% •* bioadr^^^afaias ii Uinawaa* ' «^TlSiHnS«t^8^nridiuliti. yewM* took drtdi^tt won^ b« Mickr m Don't delar—*D to your dnler to day uk for a bottla of Godafm’) Laritaa*. Satiafactioa «uatuM«d or dolw will Mtand you* money, - gUggjp HAIR COLORING %90irROf MANyMCniRIN« GOMMNT • M10 OUVI IT. • IT. lOUM, MO.