s ia Restwed By CC.C. -•o®- I'hoto iliowB cajrtAon ed to whit* Ca^tb«Iie !MP«ra tiy tk« Nati«aal Cathidic N«w» 9*r* rk*, which appasrad (a kii« ‘^f ehly TaU«t raeantly. The piatnrad U raproducad hara by •paeial pari%is«toa, Fathar Fraf- eia, writiac tha Ifljaatl of th^^yrS- (iaal pictara, aatitlod *'A^ lia* Bffiai^ yUlt,’* Mid ia parti ,'Thara i« ona Tary Imporlaal thiag that Jaaui taaght whaa Ha was hara oa oarth. Ha aaid tlk»t wa ara all childraa of our haa raaly Fathar. That mMumt that wa all baloag to oaa liMrga family Ha U Jacat. oar Brothar. Evory oaa aUa in tha wo^d la alao oar hrothar or aiatar . • If tha Boy Jasa* aama I* »|^lt tha Uaitad Statas Ha w*al4 taraly caM oa Hb Httlo Hi»fro friaada . . . You caa aiaka mp t’ ato>y to ,go with tho pictar^ Wh«t ara thay talk ing aboat? What ara tha y««na- •tan' ^aama*? 3oa how f wall yoa can color tho«^UlU (Cal^Ia Sorrico)- FROM OUR READERS—r ; Coatlnnad from paga four Christmag Day. H»e few still waste while the multitude ne^d. ■Shop early ia the Christmns s^osan. But for whom? Everv penny spent for grifta during this gperiod of un.precedented hu man suffering should Itf spept to mitigate this sufferingi which, if it doea not exist on your favored sti'eet, canmost assuredly be found right around ttie corner. You might have given to tha Community Fund, but that does not matter. Men, women, nm’ children are cold, hungry, un- yourself on any street comer where the crowds go by and verify this fact. This is lio timo for luxurie4| and useless preaents to those w^io have. Business will not suffer, if those who have money, spend it this year buy ing ctethea, fuel, food and shel ter for the destitute instead .'/t fot trinkets with which to ex change needless gifts. ' Calvary. ipeaks louder this Christmas than do^ea OBethlehem. ;—Ii-ynii forget to remomber, you will proibably f|tuml)le over. clad and shelterless. Station LAST WEEKS TWO BEST EDITORIAL— Coathiaad form paga fo«r are spineless and have no pro gram on purpose except to faath- et their neats and pose as leaders the Job for which they ar® most unfit. Tljanlcs for your editorial. I hope you a Merry Christmas and ii-=fh»fipy JNew Year so you may continue to di^ out the truth and nothing but the truth in 1938. J. H. R. Cleaves ^ *07 E. 7th St. Wiaatoa Saloaii,. N. C. on your way to church on Christ mas- Day, some forlorn man or woman, stima hungry, bi^foot child, or perhaps over the poor txelong}ingf( o f some evicted faniily, shoved out into the cold at the behest of some modern Dives. _ All of this is ipossible if you forget to remember. -^ICHMONP i*LANET Colored anrpllees of Civilian Constrvation Corps ^amp MP-3 located to ■ Shiloh Natlbnal Mili-' tary Park, Tennesaee, have be gun the restoration of Bloody Pond, so named its waters were dyed crim on with the blood of wounded and dying men who crawlad to H to alake their thi»t during the ficrce fighting of April 6 and 7, 1€62, the gi>ate8t fought uip to thaf ' tim* in .be Chvil War. Tfee sod, wfilcTrtiir jfTOWti irv^ tht- area, has been remt^vcd and teat holes dug to deteimin * the limit* of the limits of the origf- Hal pond. It 1m believed that^ this will easily be determined since it has been discovered that a white clay formation existed at the bottom of the pond. The park, wkicb! was establish ed in 1894, ir sightly more than five and a half square miles' in extent With the historic high- ^ Confederate way. 17 mile, long, ccnnectms ^rs, nearly 11,000. Manj of ttte Coufederata soldiers are burled on the field. Following the fall of Fort-* Henry and Donelaon, the Con federates formed a new lint* oi defense from Memphis along th«! railtotkd to Chattanooga, and con centrated about 44,000 troopH at Corinth. Meanwhile G«nt*rAi Graiit had mored up the Ten nessee River in an attempt to break the line and had taken rp r position at Pittaburg Landing with iin army of some 4f0,000 On Sunday, Ap>?n 8i fJRb after daybreak, tha Confederate line struck the outlying Federal camps and the straggle r^red un til evening in the woodlandn, small fanff*^ itfieirings, and swam py ravines of the regrion. Durinof the nfght. Federal reenforce- ments arrived and on, the |«ven- th, they forced the Confederates to retire to ' Corinth. ‘ Feileral; lo'Bes were 11»047 killed, wound- ttoloiad veteranfc ia re^rbif the area to an afftfoximation of Ha wartime apjpoamace. Camp MP3 ha4 >b«en locatcU on this Bite in Shiloh National Mili'ary Park for the paat two yt'HiB. Their nnmberx ha«« ro- Ckntly been aagmented by Iransfur of a numiier of rotlpi’3 from Corinth, Miss., away, on the closing t^at camp.' IRELAND RECOGNIZES ITALV’S CONQUEST OF ETHIOPIA it with Corinth, Mississippi, it constitutes an area which 'wa^ vitally iinn?ortant in the military operation!' in the W^. This CCC Camp, made up of (4^1 GREETINGS ‘ the •>n- 20 of pi* bF Italy* At lai^ Th—day^s meetinc of Italy aa King, 0*>1 peror t«ni of the Jrih Free Sui* wW tVe#l^!! d« Valen. srfrf it-ww^|»ew jht that the new Irish Minister to neceaaAry tKit if a Mint^ df Aby*#*jto.' DUBLIN, Ireland, Dec. 22 — (ANP)—F^lluwinv. the decision decision the Irish Free State to apipoint a Minister to Rome, latlv. in return for that^untr]^ aippointment last .year of a mini ster to Dublin, it was - learned the Dail Eireahn (Irish Legisla ture) had given de'facto recogr nition of the conquest of Ethii)- P.4YS $l()(l MOiVTntV FOIIOSE CFll'A m Childrea bqI Bhaafloiary Now Iniurad at no Additional Cost. An Eatiraly Naw Faatara Offarad by no Othar Conpaay lerry a Christmas 4ND A Happj lew year AND «MT ■ * - • ^ I Cood Cheer Throughout The Year 1937 BALDWIN’S Dur^atn, N. C.—^An accident I insurance roUcy insuring thre* Ipecple; the principal, the ban*- : ficiary and one child now offered by khe Soutljem Fidelity Mutual is in immediate benefit from date of premium payment Weekl) benefits are from $10.00 to $26. ®0. Death benefits from $250.00 yg'^to $1600.C0, and the cost is only S one cent per day or $3.68 pei ^ J You must see thki policy at our W. exoense. Read it, and under:stand I exactly what it covers, then if you a.'e satisfied, send $3.65 to put « it in force for i year. Each year ^ I all benefits increase 1© per cent until the policy has a value of 60 ^ per cent more at no additional f - j Women and men are accepted. No medical exaaiination, no red- , t&pe; Send nc money with appli- ■ cation. Jutf^^writs'your name, age address, beneficiary’a nama and relationship and mail to the Southern Fidelity Mutual Insur- ranee Company, Duj*am, Notih Carolina, for free policy inspec- ■ion. fAdvt. Progressive Stores, lac. DURMAI*-—is H Gr*t*on St. — 7i2 Fayattavilk St.—!0« S. Catkf'M A*« 7«0 *th St. DURHAM—i«8 K. 1013 Ch«#al Hill St Fayattavill* St- —10# Boefceeo St, 714 S. Catkr'ia A North Moag«M St. •4fOiTH CJUtOLliNA STORES FOB BOilTH CAROLINA FEOTLE” A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPiaAlS FOR Chrfstmas BECINNlI^ MONbi^T; DECl SWi C- Aad Raaaiag All Waah—Shop Early COLD MEDAL MILK 3 Talf C«Bi !»■ CAF^ *t 3 lalT' caNa • — —22c 6 aauiU can . JELLO All Flarrr*, Phg. 5c HOT BREAKFAST COFFEE, po«nd — I7e EGGS CMaranlead, Dox. FEAWUT BUTTER, poaad >ar 1»* SUPERFINE MIDGET PEAS, No. 2 caa 19c SUPERFINE sWa^ PEAS. No. 2 ea. ISc CANDY Cocoaaut^^Bonlaan* pound 19c ■■ * Stick Candy, 2 pound box 23c Mixad Candy, ponad 10c ffUTS Largo CaH#. Waiaata, Braaii Mata, poaad Calif. Alaioaila, poaad Cocoanats, each 27c 6« Progrosain ^ SALAD DRESSilKI Half/^Bt Jar lOe Pint Jar J Qaart Jar 27a Ctieese CRAPEJUICE, Jj^ot bottle Whitehoiuse APPLE SAUCE, 2 No. 2 cant Red Sour Pitted CHERRIES, No., 2 caa CRANBERRY SAUCE. 17 oz. can iSe DELMONTE PEACHES, Larga cai PINEAPPLE, SLICED. n>. 2 can 19e I9e ARGO PEARS, No. 2 can ISc Mayfield ’* CRUSHED CORN, . 3 Ne. Hr e»n. FRUITS We hare bcA Qaaiity frait at Icwest price* ia years. Erory 4>ody can hare a tupp'y of fra't this Xaha*. Get years now! APPLES Nice Large Yothi, 10 ib*. 21c Nice Large York*, bethel baiket 90c Lanje Fancy Staymani, bmhel basket $1.50 Winesaps, -bushel basket $1.25 B!a^k Twigs, bu. basket $1.25 I)fBlicous, bushel basket $IuSO Wash. ^ State Delicious, box $2.00 Grimes Go!den, dosen 6c Winesaps, dozen lf)c to 15c CITRUS FRUITS OTHER FRUITS A VEGETABLES Ormnfei, dozen 12 l-2c to 2*^ Cotden YeHew Or>n(«, box 92.50 Bjinaaas, 4 H|>. ' 19c Oran(**, half box bag $1*25 Eaperor Grape*, 2 lb>. 15c Crai^berrie*, pound 15c TmBgerincw, large, dozen Calif. Fancy to 19e Celery, 1 v gm. stalk 9c Tanreriac*, box fl.SO Lettuce, 2 hard bazds T5c ' - * Cal f. Carrots, 2 bunches I5c Crapefmit, nice (ize, 6 for 25c No. 1 Grapefrail, per box $f,.SO 1 White Potatoes, ^10 Ibe. t»: NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE SALE OP LAND yNDER AND BY VXRTUB of the power conferred upon the Trustee in a deed of trust dated November 22nd, 192S, and exe cuted (by Dred McMillan and wife, Lula McMillan, ahd duly relord^ in tils'Office ®f Ui* %gister of Deeds for Durham County in iEtook of Mortgjmes 171, at page 4?8;'default Iwiving been made in the . payment af the same, the undersigned TroiV tee will offer for sale at public a^tiMi the: highest biddaivat the Cotethoule' do«r in Durham, N.'C., on SATURDAY,- JANUARY"* Btli. 1Q39 at 12 e’elock, the foUewing ieserlbad laad, to- wl%^ LYING AND BEING on thb East side of Cumbs'land Street. | iLIDGINNING at a point en the East tide of Cumbsrlahd Street, 50 feet North from the ci>nter of tha Norfo& and Wastam - Rail way tract; ruaaing .thenci} with the East side ef Cumberiaad Street, North 78.4 feet ta .m iron .stiike which is the .,,j»^th- we:«tern comer of Lot Nt>r-*^2; ruasing thence East 121 f4et t- loBg the Southern baundary Una of Let No. 112, tojin iron 4tak«; thence in a seuthweatamly diree- tiop along the lina «f the Nor folk and -Wifeism RailWiay light- •way 1&5.6’ le an iron stake, ibe- ing tha #aint of Mginsing. Said lot havi^ a frsntage eft the East aide of Ciimbwland Street of 78.4 feet, with a ff 125 feet. _ _ ■ thirteen o#^ Ian#: fcnu wii- itit~ wood Park*' as par sarvey and plat of th* same, now On fiJe ia tha Office of the Ritgiatap *f Deeds of ©urham County in plat Book 3, page 16. —^TTRS',SALB will remain op»n recalva bida as i^aqHived by THIS PROPERTY ia a»id at the requeat of the holder of said note. Dated this 7th day of ^>ecem- her, 19«7, R. L. McDOUOAJUD^ Tffmtoo it HUGH TaOKF%>^, AHornejr. Are CTratcful ^erveiff You This Year. We Wish You The Merriest And ^ » *1 C n PAGE SALAD Af DRESSING Pint J.r 17c CRANBERRY ; SAUCE oHry 2" 25c A. A P FANCY TINY PEAS 2 t C.U 35c . & P FANCY PUMPKIN 3 ^ ^ 25c * ‘ 1 Juicy Florida ORANGES • r- • . • V^-Box Bag J R. K. Rand JwdO Faric€T RUIT CAKE TANGERINES NUTS CANDY ^ A P Soft Twwt BREAD iiaf &€ Almonds, Ib. . .29c Pecans, lb. . .T^... 19c Mixed, lb 15c Wnlnots, lb 19c Brjiails, lb 1®c Cream Drops, lb Gum Drops, 2 lbs Ikm Bons, Ih. Stick Candy, 2 Mixed Candy, AS BEEN FOR FIFTY ODD YEARS AMERICA'S FAVOf ITE DRINK Dal Monte COMPLETE RELAXATION SIX BOTTLES IN CONVENIENT PACKAG|?^K "f Layar FlgB, Ib^ 18c Clientkt, M'lb. ......18c Piteeaiple. Mi-lb. .i...l2« Curranta, 2 p^^.....a6« Mine* Mesi» Coeotiuits. t-GfOMe C^^fIfc* •••*. WINE SAP APPLES DOZ OR CALL YOUR CSroCER FOR ACRAT£ QF 24 S DELICIOUS APPLES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS for 25c GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES n Baa — Cola Bottling rham for 13« AND MILTON AVE. RAND» PROP MAIN ST. DURHAit N. C.

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