Mailing EDITION IPlPfegtHlJNBRIBtiEB VOLUMN 18 1 THE CAJIOLINA TIME3 SATURDAY JANUARY 1, 1938 Beacks Tlie Mass ll ■ Headers rmic£ FIVE curfs 103 YEAR-0LD GRANDMOTHER IS SLAIN ‘SLIPPERY EEL’ SLIPS; ‘Lucky’.Morris Nabbed At Local Bank B(|iieved Miich Hunted iBurglar AiRnaUR •‘iLucky" Morris, 23- ycar-old young man of Oj^ Fay etteville street was arrested^ here this week #>y local police when he Httempted tO cash a Li^ett and 1 Myers Tabacck) Company eheCfC ^ at a local :bank. Morris is belicv-1 ed (by police to be the person re sponsible for the wave of bflr-„L glaries that has swept over the * city "for the past several months, Known to pdice aa the “9Mp- pery Bel” and to the underwofM as “Lucky” St appears that both the “Eli^perynesB” and the luck of Morns fcave out at the same Morris it has been learned who has been posinfr as a student of th« Morth Carolina €oU«8£. was nabbed after,» bank teller sus pecting that the I8O1 (ei^hy dol lar check which the alleged bur glar attempted to cash was a sto len one. Policeman J, Haith- cock together with detectives 8- THE SLIPPERY EEL LOUISIANA COP HITS AME DIGNITARY CaK« Confer«BC* Asicmbijt A ■Div* ^ ,L. Woods and L. H. Owens mads the an’est. Morris made no at tempt to ^ ^way; LocaO police believe Morris is ■ responsible or more than 40 burglaries which have ibeen com mitted in Durham and Raleigh during the past sevipaff montK. When questioned apout the Ijjir* gilaries Morris denied any know ledge of_h»''^8 entered homes in Durhaip, but admitted having , Tburglai^ed homes in'Raleigh. A corrtplit^. Pisher wh# has alreadv search of his place of abode dis- *>«en placed in jail «^mits having closed two oveifcoats, seven wat- taken part in ^ Ralegh bur- ^ches, two suits, billfollds, fpun- glarles. *>«t denies any r know* tain pens, radios, purses and^r®*^^* Durham tfajws. r other arti!le8 many of whien Morria recentiy worked as an. have already been identified as orderly at Duke hospital and *t AJtTHWe *^LyCK¥» MORRtS, knewa a« tk« ‘^^ipery Eal* who wu armatad liara ’niarMlay whra fca alt«»p4a4 • io cash • ckaek wliicli i« aBcgad to hav* •tol«B from tk» horn* of a local raiidoat. Morris k b«li«v«4 to Imt* kaoa- roapoasiUo lor tko naB7 otiior robboriM eommlttod koro aaS in RaMjk daring llie l«*t savaral moatlM. having been taken from Durhain homes. ^ The most startling 3evelop- one time was employed as a- bell-, ibdy at the Washington Duke ho tel. Fisher at the time he was ment 7}i the entire case was the arrested was'employed as a shoe implication of David Fisher, -«o» shine boy at Jake Korkin’s plae^ of Bishop H. L. Pisher, ms an ae- on Main St. ■ OAKDALE, La., Dee. 2«—(By Thos. J. (Birown for ANF)—Thisi benighted little city was the scene of an outrage . committed by a white marshall upon a vete- an minister and editor last Wednesday, when Roland Bass, marshal', assaulted Rev. J. H. Clayborn of .Little Rock. Rev. Cluyborn whj^ is editor of the Southern Christian Recorder and a Mndida\« for high in the church was struck by Hillbilly officer when the fninuitcr t ied to protest the dignity of the chui’ch, during a session of the Central Louisiana Annual Goiiference 'KiTd at Greater Hays Chapetr The marshpdl - entered the church and forcing his way thru the 1200 chuj^chfUen’ and women near the entran-ce of the crowded auditorium, defying Bishop S. L. Green who was the presiding pre late, the presiding elders, pastors and laymen, and yelled out with out any previous warning.” “Hyah, if you all don’t get dem kyars offen dis highway, I’m going to close dis dive.” MI beg your pardon sir, said Rev. Clayjborn,’ but this is no dive. I “What de he!l you got to Tio wid tt,*’ demanded the marshall? “I am a general^ officer and would have you know that this is an annual conference of AJME Wurch and not a -'di’ said Rev. ClaybK»m. “I don’t give a damn who you Coatianeii on page' eifki N.C.Mulyal PresMenl Says Save Money 81 Ceiisli “oOo— This week, wedged as we between a Merry fjhristmas and the prospects Of a \Prosperous Have you ever thought whn'« the .|5,5i5«,0(W) lield in trust by these companies would be today New Year, individuals, church :s, (had not the people pinned their schools, businesses, and what not' faith to these orgamzations Aear- ai-e seeking to bal*ncc their bud- ly forty years ago and saved thjir get to see whether the.y are on money? Do you know this huge 'the black or red ink side of ♦he , amount of money that has been ledger. My advice to, all of ur paid into these companies be’ontr people is to examine the ins'if—| to you who havp paid the money their own opportunities—whether . into them and not to its officers they are prcnaihinst,. teaclrin?, and employees? T^iey participate working in |Seivice, sellinpf » o~ j only in proportion to the amount eeries, of life insurance. j*b|esch individual has pai^ in. Did Ed Alston Confesses To Battering Head Of Aged Woman Last Thursday SLAIN you know nearly al! of the money | would have been spent and for- is just as important as the other Hie main thing for all of us' to | consider is the way w(^ do" our^ffotten had you not decided long work. Ail work is honorable , to salt something down whether it be sVemmirig tofeacco, j week'y, monthly, or annually for placing labels on finished ^ack- a rainy day. All of tl^i^ is no !c- axes of cigaiettes or smiling cvet to those whose wives and tobacco, digt^ng foundation^, or, childran hav^ sharad in some ?ix- putting the rmitthing touches ii«n te«^ n«i!Uaip„ ,4Jllyayi that has buildings; or whatever our voca tion in life be. My experience, dating from Ebenezer or ms X m as Popularity Contest -oO*> Hie First Annual Populari'.y and Christtmis ( iGtft Contest staged by the Carolina Times closed here Wednesday afternoon with Rev. T, A. Orady pastor of Sibei^ezer BaiJtist church aa ths' winner of tfie filJW worth «f merchandise^ offered by the mer chants of Durham. ' Rev^ Grady who was catapult ed three weeks ago to the too of the many ministers nominated Ip the contest maintained hit leadi throughout the remainder of the wishes to extend congratulatigi^s to those contestants who tuada it interesting* iby working so arduo usly to fore# the winner to go the limit io the contest The finest deniohsitaiion of ROOSEVELT CONDEMNS RA CIAL INTOLERANCE *wwY the lead to poll a toital of ,a0,M5.OOti votes, , , , ' i 1 , , ' r Up until last week'^Rev. J. H. T!/homas and Rev. W. H* Pullet* had remained a threat to th« perfect working machine which Rev. Grady had ibullt durtng tha “eampalgn ran ao— swij^othly - -th*- last few days that he out distan- rr'd all ©pponenta iby a Tnore than saf» margin. The managemeiil. of the Ca rolina Times wishe* to thank ill of those who contribated to ijja WABHINIGTIGN, Dec. 29-—(C HA.)'—'PresidcBt Rnjoseve'.t this sportsman*ip, was e*Wbited du-_^^ conaemned Hitler’s and iTHt the contMt an con- Mussolinf’s. exploitation 'of dif- testant^ This iplHt larted even after the closing on Wednesday . Germany and evening and- wa» i^ evidence by itaiS./Although not «penly’call- the congratulations which were Europi^an coWries by extended the winning contejtant by the loaara and their name, the text of the Presi- dent’s me that the onl|r dishonomblo work is tiiat which is done in rv sHp-8hod”^di8bonarable way. My first job was washing dishes in a hotel. I washed £hose di^^ with so much enthusiasm, speeS; nni cleanliness that the the mahaPTPv advanced me to that of head bellman, then to that of waiter, and finally 1 was tendered the headwaite-ship of the hotel. Re member, I 4)egan at the bottom, t^e only place to make a real be- i^nning, provided you decide when you start not to jemain at 4h« ■ bottom- - but -Ao. work Jio sjr way up. My salary began at $2.'50 per week and all the food a -3iah- washer could convert to his own usb. One of the secifet»-of fny ’ifit^cess, if there was a secret, \vas that I began saving a part of every dollar I earnrf and that is the subject I wish to discuss in this article — "Thes, Thrift or Saving Habit.” With the oppoffuniiies af&rd- ed'people today to oarn money, 1 hdpe all of , us will includt* a definite saving plan in our New Year’s* resolution and /begin Mon day,' Januaiy third to either de- p'Stit in the Mechanics and Far mers Bank—Christmas been paid tov them' by North Ca rolina Mutual Life'’ Insurance Company and allied institutions in the form of tflaips, endow- the timejl^ :7aa a^boy^^M ta’ «^rrents and other benefits. The Kcniih'al unsettled rionditiSons of the whole world today make it imperative that we adjust our spending so we will not grow poorer as we grow older. Let's begin the New Year with the ^ving haibit arid see how much happier your next Christ- ma.s will be. Visit our Home Of fice Building on Parrish Street or our branch offices on Fayette- vilV Street. You will be accorded a hearty welcome. POLICEMAN gets 13 MONTHS IN WORKHOUSE ED ALSTON, local tobacco worker wko k«s b*oa ckargoJ witli tmkmg tke life of Mn. Jeo- B.e WiSkersoB, 103-yeor o!d resi dent of Piedmont Avenno. Al«ton will be tried for first degree marder at the next terM ^ Dw- Connty criminal court. Robbery ha« • been attributed at tke mo- tiTe for the crime. MAY SMASH BARS AND CINCtNN4''3i, Dec. 2X—(AN p)—Convicted on charges of polhtiiig- fire^ms and assault sud battery, Robert MdOteT'recently ‘.suspended patrolman, Friday sen tenced' by Municipal Judge Sam uel W. Bell to ^rve 13 months in the city .wo'ikhouse. He awaits tii^ on cfiarges of assault vvith intent to kill. . Samuel Montgomery i^ the MRS. JENNIE WILKERSON, aged grandmother who was beat en to death with a heavy stick of wood fa>y Ed. Alston in Durham’s laloat and most horribly killing.' Mr*. Wilkerson sucmimbed to WRESTLE FOR NEBRASKA U. The full whieh this has joyed ’for the past several months frrm the commission of heinous crimes was broken hare last Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Jennie Wilkerson, 103-year old resident nf P'e'trtjont Av». w*4 beaten to death wttk • heavy stick of wood by £i ^ ton, 23-7ear-otd tolMieco woikcr. Mis Frances Elliott, granddaughter of the aged wo man was also battered into oa- ii^K'iou n "*s by Aiston, whose motive for the uiutaL crime ~s— said to hive been robbery. Mr«. Wi kersrtn, who was not dead at. the time she was for.nd by a rqlaltive. was . rushed t»» Duke hdspitaf toother with her »randdaughte». Th^ elderly died fr«m a fractured skoU in than an hour .after !*he had been admitted %o tht hospital. The latest reports, obtained bv the Carolina Times from tha physician in charge • bf Miss B- liott, are to the effect that her condition is still critical, and that although she has not , yet ^ined total i-onsciousness, sha has an even chance of recover ing. ’1 Alston who was arrested Fri- ' day^ ha? a’r?ady cintesned to committing the crime accordiT?^ to police, and gave as robbery the motive for taking the life cf . LINCOLM, Neb. Dec. 27—(ANP) —The “gentleman’s agreerjient” of the (Mg; Sjx conference Which bars Negroes tiom participating br iBjtnrtes within an hoar •lF¥eri‘in athletics will. .apftaren^’y be she is alleged to haTe saulted by Alston. been as- broken this school year because of the announcement by FIGH'S.TO SAVE JANITOR FROM S. C. CHAIN GANG aei mancgomery me og-n.d *1,;. Savings being suspended ifor misconduct. Department—, save through the Mutual (Etailding and Loan Asso ciation, or secure adequate liJe insurance with the North Caro lina Mutual Life Insurance Co. These organizations have compe tent, honest personnel, who will glad'.y explain the different plans of saving; took him from the Laurel Hcmss housing Rtflie£t_#nd beat him ovei^the head and face with a revolver, and then forced him to go to the home of, E’sie Jones where the policeman also ' beat the woman. Jealousy was biamed for the attacks. ’ ^ THEY LED THE ^ CONTESJ ’> Jones, new director of athletics, that John WiBiams wiH .be » r«-' gular fti ember of the Nebra.ska university wrestling team.' / I ' . » Williams, a junior fiom Omaha won thie universitf^ championship at 145 pounds. Coach Jones im-'" on NEW YORK, Dec. 28—(CNA) A dramatic legal battle to save Brooklyn janitor from death j mediately placed hgn oiT the vav- a South Catotoa chain gang _ gity squad, telling Wiliams the aged eitiien. At the time Alston battevi'i Mrs. Wiklerson over the h^nd- witR' the stick of w'ooti Miss Fl- liott^was lying aerosj; a bed sleep. Aeco dipg* to police he struck her to preveot het frj>m malving a,n outcry. o$enea mis weeK in the fifth] compete against teams out- j w District Magistrates Court, lEpLijide the Big Six as^ wer'as Xevf-Lp: ambuigs Bridge Plaza, Erooklj-n. • conference-, teams which do With Gov. Lehman of New,"®* actually object to celorcd It is believeu that Alston must have seen Richard Holeman. ^ahdsoti 6T Mr^. Wiikerson the elderiy lady $60 to* keep f«r him earlier in the day, and that he returned when he kne^ the . most of the other occupants of the home would be away with the intention,of roibbing Mrs. Wilk**r- s6n of the money. The mone.' I was STippo.sed to have been hristmas saving -fuada o£. tne grandson.. -Alston stated that 1.# only got $10 from Mrs. Wilker-^ son.rf ’ - • It - IS a’leged that when th« accused was questioned by police Ycirk promising to -^yithhold act-.• ^ ion on extradition papei^ **"| Wil.iams wins his letter, he quested by South Carolina autho- wUl b® the first Negro youth rities, a battery of lawyers went «*» 3° s>«ce the day of GHnton{as to why he committed tK into eoui>t to take first ste^ to Ros®! a football stjir at Nebraska j crime that he stated' he wanted stoD the senaration nf Louis Doe more than 2€ years ago. «*he a new suit for Crist^. last Negro to win his letter at a j Alston will doabtie^ be triad T«onference kHqoI was Holloway 1 at th^ next terfti of crminal stop the separation of I^uia Doe Continned on page eight of Io5^j.^State, AU-Conference . .. , and /AJl-Westem foctball^ tackle | degree robb^hr and it. 1926-27. In addition to Iowa ' assault on Miss Elliott with in- State and Ne>braska, other Big , tent to kill, provided Jthe lw:t"n; Six Echools are Kanss^' Kansas liaes not succumb to the injuri*.** State, Missouri and Oklahoma, (she sustained at the time the I crimf* ^ns committed. ITie fiaat doubt as to their ideotity. of all cont«rtants ft aa follows-* e ming here b» June, 1(986, ^o. »ta^ aviation. iH* plans to io Citing the democratic tradl- to linden, w^ere h« has a bro- tions Jf Wie United States, tiha su’ccess of the contest and to ax-,her who h«« told him there are Presitl^nt emphasized that *‘ww tend its' cong»aiulatlon» to thalm'aiiy opportunities open for avi- are determine^ to maintain'* winner of the jMriBes. It alw lators la Bnftond. . them. National ROBERT he.e.'on a charge of first Coattnwod m paga eight - finishcsT^vTation course W NE*»ASKA IiINCOiLN, Neto., Dec. B9—(A NP.)—iSidney Kennard, a native* oi iEMtidL.Gu|ina wl«re his fa ther is a ir*vemm#nt oilkW,' haa Just c^mffeted tha course -pro- scra»e4 tor a transport pilot after eaiJ^h of th^ groups conteibntes. . - ia "Instead .of deiflering the va riety -of racial strilns and»apirl- tuiftl traditions which are an in herent part of our _pepole,” the statement said, “we welcome them as a token of freedom that we enjoy and Jbeliyes that the fflbmmon Ufa. enrJched^. by '^hat ~wo eniioy and believe that tRi compion life is enriched by what AFTER m t (Itib” IRobinaon, about 35 ya|ur» ago. He w** th* mason of thfa ^mbend -of-Mttr *fli«i|llWrta i Tko above picture are those of didatos in the Carina Times; Rev. Thomas is^paKtor i>f die Mt, Rev* T. A. Gradgr (loft), lEe^-. J. P^pnlarity. and Ckristma* CliftVemon Baptist t^rck wd Rov. H, notaat (seator) and Rev. W. Contest. Re"^. Cradjy is paster of, Falior k . pa«t«w mt H. Foliar, the tkr«« kighest can-1 the E^benex^r B»T^i>t ckarck. | Hope Baptist city died at hie 'hetote aon who yer«t««ii kjBfc Hebane ¥ridby akeming Paawnd servicec 'hm after an iMam^ itefat two from St. weeks. Mr. *•*& ma which h • waa mr' attributed to pgnmonia. The de- aftenoiHi at cessed was 65 swrs ag* at wifi -ha A* tko Gae4 the tima ot hia Mr. Soi»iBM3| W bom ^ Con*,