Mailing I EDITIOW] m OJNBRID&E^^ Beaclifs Tk Mass Oi Beato VOLUMNE «8 no. 3 DURHAM. N. C. SATURDAY JAN. 15, M38 micc FIVE cuns Fight On Antt-Lynching Bill Stilt Raging Jh Senate Local Business Man Is Freed By Lower Court Of Vanhook Slayinfl Shortly Before Tommie Heard The News JUDGE W. H.“ Murdock pro- Bidinff 6ver the Recotders Conrt here Wednesday exonomted. T. D. Pftrh^m, jjrominent business man of Durham of a manslaugh ter charge for the slayini; of 'home earlier in the day and had told her that he was goinc to kill her hiuftiand. * Parham took stand in his own, defense and told how Van- hook had slpaped him a year agro James ft. Vanhook here on Tues- and had ts^qcized him and his family sine* that tfane. He testi fied that he was afraid of Van- hook as a wild animal. The de fendant also teatified %|^.to Mr. Vanihook had- "^beaten his young son Ward on the day' of the shoting. MEMPHIANS RILED' OVER SLAYING OT NEGRO POSTMAN day evenJn? Janurry 'i-. The bearing which consumed most of the morning session, and a grcater^ai-t of the after^ noon was attended by a packcd courtroom with Attomey Victor S. Bryant and Attorn^ M ..H, Thompson roygaseot^ng - the--Ae> •fen»> and S. C. t&rawl«y, jp»*!Cr cutinJv attorney of tbs Tl .^xiers Court assisted l^y AttoyiJjr"'R. 0. Everett, representing the state. Numerous prominent persons According to tsstlmohy of PtriM^flcyAihook. giv ing him eonsiderable traubl« I over a printing Job' which hs had ! failed to satisffictorily get out for him during the Christmas, of the city were bn hand to testi-1 . , , .. ' and had threatened to sue hnn and his entire family. He tcsti- , had been mispelled in getting fy to the good character of the 4f^^4*^nt, including Sheriff E G. Belvin, City Manager, H. A. ' Yancey, Dr. James E. Shepard, I . *irs i.i.„ prealdLt of North Carolina College; C. C. Spaulding, pve- “«e™pted - - -- - sident of the North, J^arolina If Mutual Life Insmance Company; J. Franklin Barfield, fi\actioneer^; MEMPHIS, Jan. J5—(ANP) — Many cititens this Week were outspoken in criticism of the po lice .dfspartment for what th«?y term the wanton, cold blooded* * slaying -ef George W. . BrpokSj J a colored, mail carrier, shot four times ind killed by Dt. Sgt. A. O. Clark, as he sat in his cnr at Iowa and ..Main Itreets. .. Clark SAki that iBooks shot at him first, the buUet gtirg ■bstween liis legs. He was exone rated by Chief Lee., The car- i ricrV Blsying^ Allowed a te«p set for him by Clark, another po lice official named Fox and R. H. fied that the wrS ^'ieautician—- Tomlin^n,- poUftrffice .inspector. A young white woman who claimed she had been annoyed over a period of weeks by a co lored postman, was told to meet the man at Iowa and Third st^. Police say JB ooks drove up to FIGHT INSULTS OF WHITE THEATER CORPORATIOH More than 1,000 students of .lor- ctt and A. and T. Colleges f w II—iiold a mass meeting in Tommie Walls. Htile Mejkleiftur^ Xetra rwfiri Bt atwppetf- .After brinit asswe^ pieture «aa te bave died for first degi-ee^nrKltu-l^ Friday, not be used in detective mai;a7;inis. Walls conwnted. is SBcn as hs was Interviewed In Wsrd?n H.' K |‘'I’m innocent, bet I'm not* afraid„.to die.” b? t(.ld Wilson's •ffloe Wednesday. Three hours after this j TIIMTEH Reporter DoWitt Caiv.:ll (riglitt as the t»;ioto-_ ptaotogrsph was taken, word came tliat Governor : xrc')!! was taken. Wa-i'en K, K. W>' an ii senl-fT Hoey had commuted his sentence to »ife ininr.'-o-i- ' .•*t his tlesk to the rifht cl Walls.—Siaff r.iolo liv ment. Walls at first would not allaw his picUve to - JTchn Lonrcy. , ■s ■/ . ^ — Z ;J»Koto- Courteiy Raleigh Times) Green sib oro Fiiday evening at a o’clock for t’-'.e purose of fur- j thering- a boycott of the , locnl j whit-e theaters es a ptotR'rt i' against the resolutions passed at ' the meetir.g of the Southern Theatres Incorpowted which t p- posed Negro and white actor.^ a^pea- ing in mction pictures on an equal social basis. The students wbQ h»ve alrc-idr -boycotted the theatves are c»ilm I upon other citizeus of Greeiis- j boro t» aid thenCin t'leir effort. I and the meeting is expected to-be attended by a large nijm- i ber Ne^ro theatres goers out- SUCC . Mr S ’N TREN!TO« NEW JFRSFY avail to Van- 'hook by telling him that since he did not get the job until Dr. S. L. Warren, "prominent i corner, that the young V3- ^)hysician; J. C. ScarWrough, deliver it to overlook j^^n entered his csjV-Jfeiilt as the prominent undertaker; Rev. M. . . | police 'ran forward she sprang Fisher and many others who did , liow out the opposite door. Dt Sgt. not actually testify ■ a^ to the Vanhook entered his esta- ^ clark said that as he got into the good character of Mr. Parham, j Wishment on the night of the fa- ^ front seat to place Brooks under but "were present for that pur- SiJ^uthern Senate Leaders T h r e a t e n Dem ocr a tic Split Oyer Lynching Bill side the two schools. pose. Judge Murddck stated that het did not feel that there was a jury anywhere that would convict Mr| Parham under t!ie evidence nre-f sented by the defense. Mrs. Edith Parham, wife the defendant tostiJied Mr. Vanhook had called hei’ tal shooting with tiis left l^d m-rest and take him to the station in his pocket as though he had a . r i ooks fired, gun. Believing that Vanhook in-1 ’ gut friends of the slain man tended to carry out th^ threat ^.here want to khow why the post- office inspector, Tbmlinson, ^d not prevent the murder, and, if rUe of 1 t,hai to kill him he saw him standing outside the door he opened it in the manner afore described and started shooting at his legs. When Vanhook kept advaciiig he stated he shot him in the head. Centinned es pag* eight iTames Bailey, Jr. Passes Afler Slioit HIness -oO»- sentdtive of the Royal Knights of King David. James Hart Bailey, well kniwn son of Mr. and Mrs. James II. Bailey of 1.213 Dawkins sttHiet I „ „ died at the home of his paren'ts Baileji’s work in the field here Tuesday morning January I ^ 10, from a paralytic stroke and Relief Admifu^i^- other contributory causes. his annoyance of the white wo man was known, why wasn't he srpested4-before^ Broeks’ fri3U.U insist there is great uneasiness among the Negro personnel at the post office. Fewer Negroes than r sveT, it la ^ported, are be ing separated frM^'the service ing sepera^ed from th seervice on the slightest pretext OPENS NEW TYPE OF COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, Jan. Ii5—The. Chi- cago f^oard of 'Education at the Although " Mr. Jailey had been slij^tly ill for several weeks it was not considered of a grave nature, and those of his imme diate family did not become alann^ w)tete.^h^efi4»|>lain«d of . not feejing welLSwhea he made his usual week-end trip from ,^ens|^ro he^e fast i^turda}'. The deceased was bom in Dur ham and attended iha {ititblic schools here. He was a graduate of Kilherforce Universiity in the class of IftliS, and also attended father the. Atlanta S^chool of Social two sister Service in liSSfr-8'6. , ' “ Mr. Bailey’s first employment after finishing Wilberforce was with the Fcaternal Bank Relief*- AamtfuBtFa- tion. He was later empli>yed ^ an interviewer of the Nortji Ca- WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. — Senator Josiah W. Bailey, erst while leader of the Baptist church ran amuck in the senate here today in ^ tirade . against Negroes in his speech opposing the anti-lynching bill now before the uipper^ hous^ ^ Charging that' northern “So-^ ciatists had captured powerful positions in the Democratic party and that they were trying to force the anti-lynching bill on the south the forffier smhassactor of the Christian religion faix'ly foamed at the mouth as he wprn- ed the supporters of the bill, it passagt wo.uld possibly mean a split of the Democratic party. was the same old jackass bray ing about “a white man’s gover nment” that use ot be heard in the senate in the 'bygone days of tAilaibama’s T^m Heflin, and South Carolina’s Cole Blease. It was the best monkey show seen in the- senate in many years. Senator Bailey could not have had a more disti‘essing nightmare^estion ef Superintendent W. H. Johnson, has established a nfw lypef of cH«mercial school for the befiefit young men end womicn jyho arc desirous of if he had filled his'^elly with OA- rolina Employment Service, and fittir. jr themwlves, iii* a thorough rolina fatback. Yesterday he. manner, to pnter the field of pWtured the 13,000,000 Nlegroes business at [the completion of 'J' .■Vmerica seizing' the United their high Mhool courses. j'States from the more than 115,- 'The sciiool is sftuated in the '000,000 whites and* controlling 615 _Plyniouth *^he Democratic party, the federal was transfsrrsd several weeks ago from here to Greensboro to continue his work in that parti cular field. UpL iwtil t|be time of his depsi'^^ loop dialrict at about (he Negioes in Penn.'^yl vania and the other states,” he declared, “but when you oonie down to North Carolina arfd try to impose your will on us—-in that hour, so help me God, you'll learn a lesso^ you’ll never for- get.’» The senator said northern De mocrats eliminated _the w, o- t-'.irds rule for nomination of a presidential candidate “in the twinkling of an eye” at the last Democratic convention;- Cetering To Negro Vote “Now a party is being mad" to cater'to the Negro vote,he shouted. ‘I give you warning thdt no national administration can survive sudh a step. ‘'TEut you say the people of the south won’t be aroused. You I FOUR SOUTHERNERS .HELD IN FATAL SHOOTING OF CONSTABLE Mrs. R. E. WL'liu-.i.;. diud Ia«t week in Tienton, N. Ji at tlM home of her daughter and and son in law. Dr. & Mrs. H. SB'andT. The funeral was held at° the Mt. Bright laptiat Churdi, BKti^ boro. N. C. of which iba had been ^ member a gre^ aMBy_ vf.'ir*’.* The pastor Rev. A. & Johnson preached* 'the ftmeraL The burial was held at the famSy plot of the Oak Wood Cemetery, Hillsboro, Scartjorougb Under- rtMkbia in thafgei. — I Thofe out ol town attendn^ the funeral were;. Dr. aed * Mrs. Howard il-undy, Trenton, N. J.j Marvin ,€. Williams Washington, D. C., ,.sen; B. C. Howard, Wms^ ington, D. C.; grandson; MrK L. Thompson and ms.ster Howard Taylor, Wilson ; grand daackter great grandson; Mrs. Mabel El liot, Durham. Mrs. Lillian Jaeh- boycott of all white, theatres son. New York City; B, "fit. Berry, catering-jta Negro patrons,, whb W bitted, ^artto are members of the Southern ^ ineertt. Graves Vincent, K. Ki' Theatres Incorporated. J lone, Mebane; Mias S. V. Cald- *Protesta from the North Ca- well,'Chapel lliil, Geo. Elliot. L. rolina Inter-Racial _ Comm^tae Parham, Durham, and several other or^ranizations, ■ _ ■ li. B.' Austin, editor of the Carolina Times and other speak ers have been invited to appear on the program Friday night. ~ Asit now appears ^ othe- schoolS throughout the state will join the move started by th? students of the two Greensboro sghools, and in a few weeks the I leaders hope-to have a state-wide ESTIL, S . C.j, Jan. 15—(AN i P)—Deputy H. C. Mixon said I last Tiiesday that Cleveland Far mer, 22, had. been reipove4, mov ed, to the Staie penitentaiary hospital after he had confessed he had sjiot and killed Constable _ Kenneth Co’wgan and seriously j wounded Ma^slrate N. A. Pat terson here on Monday night, 1 Deputy Mixon said that thre; others two 'of them 'named Far mer, the othef RoSch, had been arrested in connection wi^^the shootings and taken to unnamo'd jai’s. Magistrate Patterson an 1 Constable Cohagan Vere driving both white and colored, have ul- ready been for.varded to the the atre organization, learn it has been sliiuie Suecumbs Lying in state beneath s ket of roses in the. Alice • blan- Free- where she graduated. She was a cultured apd refined person, cou- and man Palmer Building, the body! scientious f in aiii of hep | ap- f Miss Ola Glover, nurse at Pal- proach to life and a s^dendid «x- I mer Memorial Institute for 18 ample of womanhood. She held fe&ts, was paid final tribute by a position cf trust in Va. b«- t'hi “students and teachers an 1 fore coming to Palmer Memorial need not woi^y la;bout that. They two prisoners when they stopped will respond responded. Among lother tors who sp( were Tenn.) as they'have always a truck to question the drivpi- about reckless dri'ting atrd^ driv- t southern sena- ke against the bill Senator McKellar (D. who read statistics to ■ing without proper lights. - Th^'Cfficers said? offupants tf . , , Henderson Institute at Hender friends from the state and other states. “Tiiis occasion is for me," said Dr.- Gotton, president of eommSttedj^^, ii that I onlv oi ture for his new relief work in ^ court, easily accessible to puiii’s, goverhment ¥na""whafno?s Greensboro. Mr. Bailey was Sup-' from'all, sijctions , of t}» erinteniient of the Sunday School ^Th*q central loCfition will city, j Refute* To Yeild ^ also “Well not yeild”, he sai'a,; of St Jose(ph AME Chur3i, and, add »ently to the efficiency of .“W,e’ll not let anybody take the a staunch worker in other de-.the Placement Bureau which will Democratic party away from us. partments of the church. it>e maintaitied at ,this school for Tt is an. institution down there. ... In addition to his mother and Jhe punii^o of assisting, graduat-. lAind no matter what happens, wo t’.e foi-m of telegrams and lett-:r!5 r Mr. (Bailey is survived by , es, Wh 'hoyp and girls, to obtai.n will still be there in the same old_ wore pouring in frgm white and Mrs. Thelma Xanier position^! , . I Democratic pavt^” nVs and Miss Addie L: Bailey of“IHi3; Tte'lcflilorwTlT^ —!‘Whon show tfiat of the 380 murders in Illinois last year one person had been ptfnished, and Senator Russell (D. Ga), Sen.itor McKel'af s accusation wa? i^alTen^d'by Senator Die^ trich ni^.) who said the who preached the fu neral sermon, “one of j ^dni-3s and one 6f joy; fad because it takes fronw>ur midst this noble •./omnn and joyous because ‘ of ! the. influence of her life and the Institute where for eighteen yrn. she has been; the school nurse and nurse companion ’ of th> pre->_ drat of the school. She sei%^ ta various capacities at the iastito* tion and was often cottsidwed a sort of hub on which ttttn^d. She was faithful aii4 understandingr aAd she beUevad wholeheactedly in sll that fcer scuthern' senaterrs were afraid of losing their- constitutional right to lynch Negroes. In the meftn tii9i^ pressure in the trucks, all Negro^, j 'started • ^ firing immediately. Cohagan was ^ killed instantly and Magistrata Patterson, wounded in the left shoulder and lung,) was rushed to Savannah, Ga*., hospital. With the escape of the -men iw the truck,! ^ . • i. i. ui , ~ . , . I contnbutioin which she was ablg, presadent stood for. '« a posse of 100 was formgd, and . , ^ rv •i.1. ui ju J j” II I to make to this institution. Dr. > with 'biooahounds. nrpwed an nil- , _ . ci..* Johtt -fcyico, ehaplw at-jPidaser 13 yearj who was associated with Miss Glover, reviewed her lifp and told of the high standards of womtinhood for which she- stood. Dr. R. T. Weathe.byv pastor of tj'ie St. Matthesrs M. E. Church Jidth blooLdhounds. prea^ed an all night search for ^e fugitives, Cleveland Farmer and the tliree others were caught the next day. HILLSIDE . TO OBSERVE pouring in white ack, citizens of the soi^th and the victory north- d»mandi^t^-th«t a yotfe-bo. NATIONAL NEGRO HISTORY WEEK beloved by the students: many w%o parsed l&fn lihe’ sclioot dnrfn^ these rm^ turn often to expma for ber loving care of thaws. S|m was highly appreeiatM ky l»#r fellow feitchers and lored t>jr tia in. Greensboro reitd the serigrture.} ® Telegrramsi were read by Rev.' children she served m tte «isy Ksn^eth, R WUliams of the Pal- \ ^ city; two brothers Mack galley enrorm«rt«: on .Tanuafy^ ai, , 1&32,’ Bailey said, “Wjs won taken oh the bill and that ther' National Nagro History' Wet k fjjcuUy. Among the t4Bk-. Q'^ite tmassumiag, ktrt \K "W * J V-t.-. nr- ' j» ^11 \ A... __ . «. . _ .. m A . x ' pm ' . ... . ^ ^ Arytn rt ^ —- - * *”dof Durham.. Trust Company of this eity. He^ The funeral will ha held from was cslled from that posltio/f St Joseph AME chuixh, Tl>«r«- td Cashier of the Commercial day afternoon st 8:80. The Rov. Ttenk of Wilson, N. C. After ^J. A. Valentina, pastor of* the leaving there he accepted a do- church will bo in charge of the sitlon with- the Century Life In- eefemoni«. Scarborough iPune- sarance Company o f Ltttlo ral Hrms will be in. charge of Rock, Arkansas. He later'worked the remains. IntermeHt will ba at for fiva years as travellinif repr*-1 the Old City Cemetery. of Newark, N. J., and John W. for students have completed ** * Democratic par-ty. Then a-, circus led by such men a£' Bailey ^ officially ^beginning February bth was one from Dr. Mary 1 strong will, she vailed a abV* the 9'*^ "rd 10th grades in the 1 Soiialists swooped down be ended. ! but due to t’.ie fact that the McLeod Bethune^-for whom o» ida&aettt on'TRe party ahd~lKey“'~ha-v^ noVj lIoRt~ orTRe opposition' on- T senior high .■^rbools. and who de-1 party ahd~lKey“'~ha-v^ noVj Most onRe opposition' on- Sund^—the •Glover" furmeily—wwr»fd,' »;ro to enter the field of r .a. i ' bers of t'.ie senate admit that ®*^ools begin to observe the : ing the‘life which ■ihe naU left ne.'is iipo-V graduation. Etevmth »>tid twelfCT grade work will be offered, aiw will consist of in “You can do what yo|j please they do not have enough votei celebration on^Btonday, -- - O der to meet the demands for tensive training in shorthand, ^ Ttnachii^e operattor^ hookeepli.g, typ!nig, and ■ellln? courses tn the operation of boote and morc’-.andising, and clerieal .liieping, billing and calsulating practice. In addlHon to this, in' mchines will be fkvailahle. — ea!t the bllL but they hope to talk tintij other senators andJ ^^3® Fafk HFeK S^ool, uhder their cohstituents would become tired of the talking and force tha anti-lyndhmg bill off the ca’en- 7th. The History Club of HilV p.uptrvia^on cf Mrs. P. W. Ju^C-^ dan is p;e paring two plays too in eoBtact She fwHld !■ hearta of eveyytedy I both white and colorwi. • August 12, spent her early Hist Glover theie- ‘ She presented during Negro History studied/^ IMi^ {'^oaptal eon- Contmued’, an page’ eigM . | nected with lustiuac person m-the Mmaulal

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