LIKA TIMltS. 117 ABr Wl.y did th tlM£i fATUfcOAY " THfr CAROLINA «Lr*yy:’i Mr attd who ahe l#ft Broken h^^rtedt SW has eauMd me lot* of hf»rt Scientific F^ily Gams Boy MnTtt- VOUR auestion will be Maswfred: i'REE in this column (uH.iane, tumptd rOnii no/ rntE ADVICt or ’ Pu-'«l'’”s ;.nd all Utteri to: ABBE WALLACE, care of THE ,^^^0- S«nd all utter* t ^ Strttt. Durham. N. CaTohni. want i.iy ship or hic? photf. thoy Wa:= tryiiij trnTT to An, .- Y'U th= Ml nil wiiin- nit whiit youriji man d>* -n t likf tv havt* tlu; phuti of a prctij on hi.- dr.'-^er. V »u an' U!K- ini' t'jiit. ciimpliment too in^;' from any sort "rntiii ^ »pdl, An«! Your (laughter i» a very diiirinini'd ijirl and she has no Tntentionn of marrying' a "man he doc'^ not loVe. I advise you to let h«>r handk her own love affnfi'.i for »hc knows hettw than you do ■who nhe want« to marry. Sh« i!« not Roinfr to marry this boy you ask about. ConvenUon Theme DHV—Dear Mr. Wallace, “t- a muakinsr you if you are married or single? I »aw your picture in the paper and 1 have fallen in , lov^^'Kh you. I want me a goodcultural qpportunitles, and leisure The IMS Winaton Salem con vention theme for the N. C. Con- gren of Parent* and Teachers will he the “Child in the Com* munity.” Several aspbcts of the main theme will be considered, «uch at present-day t^ueeti^, parents’ reaponsibility, health and character-building agenciao, PI,—My mother i.? .iick. Is :-hc 'hurt? Who hurt her? Ans; Your mother is not hurt. Her condition i* due to a run down body. She ntedi the tlon of a pood mfdlcal duelor who will have her up and abi-ut in short order. She is not'suffer- HGR II 1 do whttt I have in mind in thf boy- that I desire to ^ I with will ‘I be fortunat.* enouKh to stay out^of trouble? I An; : You will b« making a bijt nM.stake little triil if -you de.;ide Ui do tbesc 'things you have in min^ to '{ft wifh the boy*. For the sake^f your future happiness —don't make this mistake. If you do you will lose your.ielf- ri'spect and no deccnt boy will care to go with you. SMD—Will my daughter marry tlic man who wanted to marry husband to care for me and come and live with me. I love you from yniir tjyar picture (smile) Mr. Wallace. This IF“true "bs—0e4-4»- Heavon,” Ans: My Dear. Girl—I want you to know that 1 am highly flattered by th« compliment you have paid me. It so happeins how^ ever that 1 already have a wif3 arid baby laAd -we live very htyjpl- Don't let this newa diHRapoint you too mufch for a younK man will come into your life this Summer who w€l brin* to you the happiness you fCrave. 'RW—Will I ever get the truck I want? If iSo, when? Ans:' If you Iteep atowine yoiir spa^e nickles and dimes in the baiik—you will ^be aHe to buy the truck you want around the first pt May 1938. time. The convention will opeij Wednesday morning April 20, continue through Thursday w^th _8 Th\^raday evening toanquet, ahd adjourn at Tiool 22. Headquarters the Robert E. Hotel. it might be best to have notbiii^r more to do with him but for the sake of your babies—try to be a little more reasonable with him for jf handled right—he will make a good father t® the child ren and will cut out running around. BW I give a lawyer a mortgage on my home and I pya him every week. Is be going .to take my money and then try to sell my place or not? Ans: As long - as you keep your end of the bargain—he v'lll keep his. Whenever you make payments on this loan don’t .'ail to get a receipt for your money and besure to keep these receipts in fi safe place. MY NEW^38 JIEADINGS ARE NOW OFF THE PRESS-- ORDER YOURS TODAY! EH—Will my husband and ever agree on living togeth again? Why must I have to be bothered, with him now and then? He does nothing but tell lies all the time. Ans: If you had no children x-v V- : Tha Executive Committee «?f thf state board met* in Green^ boro, Jan. 6 and 7 in the beauti ful njiw Alumnae Building at the Woman’s College; twenty of the twenty three officers and director* wure pre.sent, with MVs. J. Buren Sdbury of .Wilmington, state pVfsidont, presiding over all aes- sionK. The purpose of the ex*“cu- tive meeting wag to chopae a con vention theme, arrange detailb of tho convention program, and corjsidei-’ poli'ies of the state as- ntion._ Official convention h^atesT Mrs. Mt'lville Prongny of Winaton Salem, president of PTA Council Mrs. N, L. Walker of first vicl’-president, waa chosen general convention chairman and- Mrs. Jam«j N. Plaster of Winston Salem, ccfrreppimding secretary, asroeiate chairman. Other chair men were named to various posts. Slated for consideration at the Winbton Salem’ meeting are the changes in the state by-laws to place the NortA Carolina ^s.\*i- ation in line with the national association as regards the three- year-tenure of office recently adopted at the Richmond conven tion las tx.ear. Another matter of importancd' is the possibility of establishing state office head quarters with a full time secvs- tary; ofTic espace In Little Guil ford building at the ' Woman’s College has been offered to the association. yNhf ^ bothered with on uaton'^lk ilfidi downtown «rh«n if l« m M««K • hutf It's Ion ohfep*!- tv rkhi th« bta Neve worr> about perking tpocft. 4^i fv lr>t long, broictn Kjmcr-^rf arwi or apofo Hm t^irv»a A IUd» 14m Iwccai lovt M jyurhamPublk k -.4* DON’T FLY TOO HIGH Hm€>Money Good news to all local unit* is the announcement that associations which have mot all other qualifications for winning Standard Certificates may be fully eligible if -a. representative is sent-to the Winston Salem con vention; air other items have to bS' reported by March 15, but this aealiiijsatiQnL be added aX the Rlch'flhind fron'rention or the summer institute at Chapel Hill to attain staiidard ratine;. The Legislative committee of which Mrs. W. iB'. Aycock of Ral eigh is chairman will meet in January to draw up the legisla tive program to submit to the state convention; this will eon- F LYING too high future with INSTALLMENT d'^bls putiinq a mortgage on your will be sure to lead to a CRASH when your gas . . . your MONEY . . . qivei oui. ® Buy and enjoy life . . . but FIRST havo “the money and be sure you can AFFORD it. START SAVING REGULARLY NOVf We W e I c o'm ,6 Your B a n k 4 n qi B u s I n e s s. Durham Bank Raleigii AINJVBODV Call Afford To Build! Becaus* canditions concerning the planning, fikaacihg abd actual coBtti'ttctioB *f a new home have nevar bMn ^ore faTorablSf ab*olutely no reason why you can't liavo tke hooM ye« de- •ir«. Undar the Federal plana yo« can build with tha eartainty of full o;wneriIiip . . , a homa that will ba yeura in 10 or 20 yaara. Asti j'our initial invcitment nood be only 20 par cont of tha 'nJaa of jronr profierty! This new method of financing is easier, mor» eoa* ▼anient and n^ore economical... Taka advantage of this golcUa op portunity no V. ■- ■ I . . ■’ '-.t ‘‘ come; m.MC^rOR all INFOHMATlOR^AfOUr FEDERAL LQANS AND, HOME FINANC1N(^ PLANS ■I" sts In OS Mr. R. Hill is aity of N. C. in August, M. Grumman of Chapel chairman of the Institite. For the current year, 35,000 all inclusive meijiberahipR have already been sent in to the state treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Burks of Gibsonville, who says, however, that the membentfaip work ia just getting under way good. IfT charge of exhibit at the -fitate convontJon wtH ibe Mrs. V. H. Darden of Hertford. Every one of the ten\ districta will havp ! a* 4^omplete showing of its work-1 ing equipment. ce~TJlsnB—voar 1938-S9 will be submitted by each chairman of the executive board at the post-conventijn meeting; material thus prepai^d will ffo into local unit presidents packages in August.^ Mrs. J. Buren SiJbury repre- c senfeed the PTA at a conference held In Ralligh Jan. J to cor relate work dealing with youth assistance in the state. Mrs. Sid* bury has been named a member of Governor Hoey’s commission to study ways and means of providing more switkble and ad equate instruction fo rexception- al children. The asimciation will also be represented in Washing ton at the national conference on Better Care for Mothers and Babies. BENNETT STUDENTS BRING BACK INTERESTING REPORT OF STUDENT UNION ,vwta n CALOtlE lee-jdo CAiORiii IN CAIOS 100 CALO* SWNACM K*TION MSA» ftMtTION (t| (0«.t0 MIIK—ONi 6LASS LOSES HBM 3 loses heat •Y EVAPOHATION hittsrtkAnoM Dr. Charles W. Brabbee, format professor of heating and air cortditloning at the University of Berlln-Charlottenburg, with the Them r,; which he daalgned to shT)w that you cool to heat for the new shov/rooms of 14 companlea of American Radiator and Standard Sanitary CDr.iofatlon. tain not only legislative endorsed by the nationalij'association, but measures to T)e puT Before the N. ^ General"Assembly of ’39, con cerning matters pertaining to the schools and children. Another January meeting ,. scheduled to be held in Chapel Hill will be de voted to plans for the 1938 Pa- rent-Teachers Institute ' to be held itTconnection wjlh the Ex- tension division of tie , Univ2r- GRiEENSBORO, N. C.—Frances Jones and Elizabeth Williams, students of Bennett College who attended the American Student Union on the Vassar College Campus at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where approximately 600 ^u- dents were in attendance, made ejeceliemt^ report during the week. “What shall be the, policy of the American Student Union on the question of Peace” seemed to have beep" the paramount topic of the conference, which f the “X.Vference subject was discu.tsed by Joseph Lash, national executive secre- tary of ..the, organization. His COMPLETING a family of eclen- .tiflc models, the world-famous Dresden man and the Qlua Woman have now been supvlemeiited by the Thermal Poy who iVM Just been loatallKl In the worid’r largest showroom of bulUtng equipment recently opened at Otn Street in New York City by 14 companies of the Araertcan Radlr ator and Standard Sanitary Corpo ration. . Designed by Dr. Charles W. Drab- bee, former professor of heating and air conditloniag at the Unlver- a'ty of Berlln-Chartottenburg, the boy. a Ufe-sise model, demonstrates the little known fact that It Is Im possible to supply heat externally to the human body. Through flashing lights, rushing air currents, and changes In the appearance of the boy hlmself.’sthe elaborate ^heat mechanism of the human body upon which life Uself depends is demonstrated. Operated by the spectator, the boy travels through a complete cycle showing how heat Is supplied to the body only Internally through the combustion of food and demon strating how to get rid of this heat on the hottest days.. Even i^n the acaaoas chknifa and the oeWest winter approaches, the body must lose heat, and arti ficial heating merely keeps It from losing too murh hint to the air and surroumlinj- oh! He warns that heat can be la ,r m-more than one.way'iind fni'ii the nifwt exact regulation of air tf‘mji. i;ifr,ro alone will not keep, a per.^^n cojivfortable. A human belnM, the boy show's) loeee heat to cooIim- air and is un comfortable becaiu i he caniiotloBe ' It to warmer ajr. l>itt at the same time, a mysl*‘rlou: i f Ion Is going on where heat^^fV^fby-radiation or ether waves, i if to the ether waves of raflio.^und science 1« Just beginning to thr import ance of this 8t i .'jnil' ^;tion. A minlniunr o{-. 40iJ heat units must t>e lost evi-ry hour to main tain the boily tfi;'i': nUtire of 98.6 degrees Paiuenh-it-. r.iiii when the first two mt'thu'!.. f.til, ertcnce uti lizes a saft'ly \i'lve in the form ot perspiration whitli .Irawa heat from tjie b(Kl.v as It siame way .tli' t from a stovu plained. 'Pbo new iici’ : It, Is demonstr;;t heaf balance hi nier Ijy conttolii: a, in the >r ia!es Keat lioil, It is ez- 'iitloiiing, ii- jvlilea for a « T and Bum- thi t- riperatura" of surrounding a-tr, tho rnpAcity af that air to wHsorb ev.T|torated mois ture, and the amoiint of hoat that . the *a*ttM4oil». ei,ii-i-y thr the ether to siirrnttii !l';j* obji-cts, supplylnp rount r ru i ■ v hou the'lass bfcou;..;; t, ..‘l- i She also read an excerpt fram IRA KEMP’S UNION TO opinion was that they should not support .the Oxford pledge when in doubt,-^K) it woutd keep them from taking part in the impor tant evfnts of the world today, Mr. Liaih also’ spoke of a drive toward^ better V understanding among all of the constituents «f the Upion; especially was he in terested in the Negro students of the South, according to Misa. Jones. aiaaaKii Whiten^your skin —with this famous bleach I President Roosevelt's letter to ^ which stated flat* it was encouraging to find that there were students sufficiently serious minded to devote a part of their Christmas holidays to the solution of social, economic and political problems of today. Miss Williams, who worked on the special Negro comlnission headed by Louie E. fEHirnham, reports the conference interests in the solution of inter-raeiel j issues, bringing out the fact 'hat the re-actions of the conference denoted markel improvement in the fair-findpdness/ of present- day students. •CARRY ON NEW yOiiK - (t i 111 ii I'o'iH- ing meeting Sundtiy ' at tl’eir hall, 25-1 W. 135tii itrei't . th' Ilariem Labor rntmded ’,y the Jat'e ira-l^r.ip. jiiftl,- d thtiii- selvc‘H to “c'.r'j vn'‘ in the-f.nlrit of the di'iiarti 'i ieadcP, John Par ris; one of-Kt.nip's close associ- ate.s, prtsilled; Arthur Reid, on'j I of the fiiuritlei-;, rveiew’ed the work of the oi fanizijjrmtj—and followitifr his upeeih a new. divi- :sion was set" to oruany;o^Har-^ Itin house workers. -J.; SCARBOROUGH & HARGETT > FUNERAL DIRECTORS j Ambnlanee Service ^ ' I ■ . ' I PHONES D5^Y J-372I — NIGHT J-3722 822 EAST PETTIGREW ST. DURHAM, N, We are excluaive agent* for the nationallv known DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE SHADE CLOIH For Quality Window SbKdci Call J\9931 . ‘ Odd Sisei Our Specialty. — Liberal AlloWanct^ For Cld Ro1I«t» Durham Shade Works SHADE SPECIALISTS FOR 22 YEARS OONT fool around with ^ . Use Nadinola teach ing’ Cream—known fof years — the bleach that really bleaches and puriiies the skJ^ Nadinola Bleachmg Cream ;«an,‘t be dupli^ted forriestilts because the sed-et Nadinola foipuia cSn’t be imitated. Nothing el§e doe^ ao much to listen the SKfo ajiquickly, so surely. • fetarttonightwlthNadinoIa Bleaching Creaiti and watch how your complexion growi liS^iter in tone, smoother and softer in texture. Alldruggistscarry Nadinola in regular size at 50c and ex- toa large money saving size at $1^00. Full directions and iflpney-back guarantee with every j'ar. If your druggist can’t gutoly, Ipke no substi- tiite, send tooney and we will toyou postpaid with book of tttosurra'beauty secrets, NAblNOLA, Bat 144, Paris, Tenn. Fire Insurance - Rentals -'Reat Estate Properly Management - Automobile and All Kinds Of Insurance. r ^ H? M.*^ MICHAUX, Manager ; . , ■ . . ■ ; , j ; N. C. Plione J ■UiHi FIDELITY ^HOSPITAL JNSURANCE SJOiCNEW SURETY BONDS 115 EAST CHAPEL HILL ST. p; And All Because She Discovered ... GQPEFROY^St lARI EilS E ^ERAIDINE* i* ^ou see her * J with ft h^o of aotil aot so T«r7 toas 24o> Gtrry wa> R eiWrcirhr* ctCTtare, far AS now, ap- hai^. Hut Ju^t nl^fy la tf*' you want.' tf wfl! >our]h iir u il-,!’, c\t of tct htarit. L'a Ahadc XII* J i trlit srtr-ltreaked. One daW « ahnnt fiortt’froy’t I.«riwB« HalreMw twmtnt aouodtd «tmol«. r. hrown, or h!■ h■■;. Tli suftnV .and • »on‘t f t - i t V in OMeriniaea to aiake a Ust atrutde to fecap'- tuf* her rotra« charm. Her iucccsa shows ia th« cotiqucats ahc’t makiag every day. ttcisy o 6521 SOUTHERN nOEUTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY sfid nik for i'btJitlc ot Godctfoyi' larteu^e. Siui^faction ot dc^lit will celuod youf mu^y. GODEFBOW If your daalar dou not have It, send $1.25 direct to *9mm COLOR HAIR w. tount.iao