f AAt n/6 rm CA»qLit4 Tmtfi tAna»A¥ MAJieii'is, ifst Social Notes -•o»- MOTHEA’S CLUB TO PRESENT S ED AHA SINGERS A delightful trwt i* in «lore for tfie people of Durham when the Mothcr> Club present , the Srdftlia Sjapert early in Apnl. Further announdement wiTT be jfiv. n in thii pap« *t an early date. THE SOCIAL COHERENCE CLUB MEETS The Social Coherence dob met *t the home of Miss Carrie Hlil of 514 F>9wler Avenue Monday, night 'March 7, at eight o’clock. The meeting Qpene‘3 by de- Totiona After which the business part of the meetmg tros carried out. Mrs. Marie Colling, chairman wu led by Mm. Bobbitt. Selec tion* were given by Mr*. Addie Fy>* and Mn. Rogera. The dab wa* flad to welcome a new member, ’ Mra. Vip(rnia 'j,y pelder. The lesson was read by Mr. Bill. Mrs. Sogers served (Jelicons reffeshments to all present. Mn. L. B. Hick* VicMat Da«(kt«r gram wms very interesting. FIRST >ID DEPT. OF ST. MARK HOLDS. MOMTUL.Y . M££T^ The First Aid Dept, of !^t. Mark AMS Zion Church held its regular mcNQthly meeting at ♦he home of J. P. Pemberton, liOS Umstead St. Sunday evening, Marth , at 4:00 o'clock. Ttie meeting was opened with a song Scriptura Williams. Mrs. L. B. Hicks, formerly of this cHy^ ia visiti&g ber daughter Mrs. James Henderson on Fayet teville Sti Mrs. Hicks was for merly connected with £incoln Hospital. ^r*« C*s HoM R^inlar Maeting The Three C dub hefjl ivs re gular business meeting ait the of^-lhe^ogram committee pre- 'f^om^ ^ j f, Scurborovgh, Jr. pared a very interesting program for tbe members and guests. Th-i program was as follows; Instru mental solo. Mias Carrie Hill, U*- citatiOTJ by Mas Gladys Souther land, Soto b/ Miss ¥[attie Har grove, A talk on Etiquette was made by the President, Miw Ju- vills Cmwford, a solo. Miss Con nie Mae Truitt. After the pro gram two new^members were taken into ^ elnb. A .visitor, Mrs. Georgia Longus oT^Ashing- ton, D, C. was presented. Miss Hill’s living room was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. She served the duo « variety of saiiawictes, * marsh mallows witii cocoa and cake. Wednesday night at 9:S0 o’clock. A brief discss^ion of important business items was carried on. MRS. MAJRY C. EVANS CON DUCTS A. C. E. LEAGUE PROGRAM SUNDAY A Hwng by Mr. Sligb and Pember ton was re'taBered. The minutes ^ were received and adof»t«d fr.im jibe last meeting. The |>y-l*wf were then explained by Mr. Pem- j bertoo* Music was rendered by ' the Liberty 4 Quartet. Demon stration on First Aid work was given by Miss Williams and how' the patients should be handled was exhibited by Mr. Pemberton. The next meeting will be held at the home of Daisey NeNin of 903 Pine St. the first Sunday in April. A delicious repast consis ting of frozen punch, chicCen salad, jello with whipped cream, peanuts and candy was served to members and -ten visitors. The meeting was dosed ‘with a song and the benediction was given by Rev. Perry. CROWNED UVINGSTONE" WISE AND OTHE« WISE CLUB MRS, HARRIS T^e Wise ^ and Other Wise club met Thurt4^ ei^fnj, 8 u‘d«k with Mrs. Annie Mae Harris as l^tess at her home on l>uii«t'>n Avenue, "^e meeting was clon ed with a hymn followed by pr$y~ er led by Mrs. Virginia Powoll. After a brief business discussion a social hour was helu. At the close of the meeting the ho^t^fs served delicious sandwiches with cocoa. Memebra present wer? llfesdsmes ISlf Mae Bailey, An- ai? ‘Me# •8m«is, DoUadla. Pratt, presideftt; Virgini* Poweli', *La- Vem Massenfiurirr Thelnwt Xifiie, Maggis Morgafl and Mary V. Siirann. STATE CCHiEGE DRAMATIC association HOLDS DIRECTORS MEET re st. COMMUNITY CLUE OF W|ALL TOWN MEETS The Community Glab of Wall- town met thtf home of Mrs. John Rogers of 1102 Second St Ifarch 2. Tfte’meeting was opened by the singing of “St*al Away to Jesus” by Hie members. The..Pre- aident read the 42nd Pslams A brief disctission of this chapter Prsident, Charles fioom. The pro- On Sunday evening, Mafcb 6, Mrs. Mary C. Evans conductad "the Allen Christian Bndeftvor ^ogram. The program was open ed by a song by Vhs congregation, Invocation w^ led by 6. W. Baldwin. Hie program proceeded with a recitation by Master Billie Baldwin, Miss Davis rendered an instrumental sdo, Miss Hester Thompson discussed the topk, a duet was rendered by the Misses Green. The lesson' was furthsr discussed by W. G. Rhodes. An instrumental duet was rendered by Misses Beulah Roland and Evelyn Roland. A beautiful F.nd effective solo ms rende*ed by Miss Lillian Burton. Very timely remarks were ma^e by tbe pas tor, Rev. J. A. Valentine, and the MRS. ROY DEBNAM EffTER- TAINS SILVER MOON CLUB Tuesday night, Mardi 8, Mrs. Roy Debnam was hostess to the Silver Moom club. The living room was decorated attractively with colorful i^iring blowers. The evening was spent in playing bin go and bridge. Prizes were pre sented to Miss 'Pierce for high score, Miss 0ielia Fuller wtMi second prize. In the late aftem«on Mrs. Deb nam served a very palatable sa lad course. Guests present were; MesftomoB Henry Holman, David Gilmore, Blanche Patterswi, Bbyd French, Misses Catherine Pierce, Odelia Fuller, Bessie Amey, and the hratess Mrs. Debnam. JONES TABERNACLE at In- dianapolk, IndlaM wmM recMtly tk* ef tb« crowniBg ef Milt RebeHii LmIm Gaba a* “Mils LivingstoM.'* Mils Gahn wM «iKc«(«fai in rmhitif tha high- •«t •mount ot money in the cliwrchM drtv* Cor fimda for PiMtikM T« SwiMg Ali^a Clt:A> Fiesta, Durluun’a most pof>ular club, will priesehT its Annual Spring dance at to early date so watch this paper for ..-ig announcement of this great so cial event. FANTASTfC KWrTTINC CLUB MEETS The Fantastic E&tttiAg Club met Monday nic^t March 7, *t the home of Miss Oordinna Allen Refresbments were served wni’.e the membrs knitted. Those pre sent were Misses Maatell Webb, Pres. Mary Chavis, Sec’y. Cath erine Wallace, treaa., Alease Bank», da M. Bvtlar, Boaetta Singleton, E^?eiyft Seott, Corinna Allen, Ethel Hargrave, and Hittie Allen. Spends W««k>-ead In Dabson Mrs. Caroline Dunn spent the week-en^ in Debson, N- ’C. with her father E. E. Allen. On her return she stopped hi Greensboro and was the guest of Mrs. Martha McClain. She retoirn«4 to h^r home on Thaxton Ave. Sunday night. ^ young LEADEJtS CLUB CONDUCTS MEETING Tthe Young Leaders Club, cently qrgmiikeS class of fcseplr' A- M. E. Church, met at the home of Miss Janette Doom Liviftittone Colleg* mt S«U»bury,j March 0 at 6 o’clock;. The class; is under the leader ship: Of M|ss Thelma Spaulding. dTiCers elected were president, — ' Miss Sarah Johnson, vice presi- regular montly |McAdains, three C’s. The .Miss Janette Doom, I and treasurer, MiSs* Cora Mc Adams. At the close of the meet ing Miss .sDbom, the, hostess sot- v%'d cakes "^aiid lemonade, Mem- First prize being won by Eddie-j bffrs'ptfeseiii wefe Mlsa Bpauld- N. C. The Mcond bighett wm Mis* Roberta Mammte Keaton. along with the meeting of the members played various games, such as whist, checkers, and a very exciting game of 'bb^o- ~TTKEEN5,BiORO, M>fch*g—JBm State College Dramatic Associa tion held a Dlrectom meefing Sat urday morning, March 6 at Ben nett College. The time and place of their annual Spring Festival was set. The Festival will be held at Fayetteville State Teachers College on April 18 and 20tb. Miss Jennie L. Douglas* is act ing as Festival Man^^^er. The fol lowing schools were represented. JohQsoB C. Smith University by Berhum Woodruff, Winston Sal em Teachers College bv J. Wel- fred Holme* and Harold Ttaylor, N.'C. State College by Miss Ka tie Kelly, Bfennett College by^ Mrs. Osceola Adams and Miss C. C. Johnson, Fayetteville Teachers College by Misses l^ouise Mnr- phy an4 Jennie L. Dou^^ass, Liv ingstone CoUej^,^ M‘5* lease ,i;aulkner. ROCK HILL BAPTIST PAYS CM'F DEBT Last August the Sock Hill Bap tist church of Cbaqjid Hill called to its pastora'te. Rev. John K. Stanford. When he accepted Ihe c&ll the church had ta its debt approximately seven hundred doQars. Wttti the chxnrch*s nntir- ing efforts and immense sacri fices the amount has been raised. I^t Sunday night ^e church was filled to its capacity and its“ be lieved that every -one contributed freely to_the cause. The iiisti^» lation service of the new pastor Will begins Monday night, Match 21. Plans are now being laid for the rmeodeling of the church. IBblding, second by J. C. Scar borough, Jr. The gues6»'*%ere usijered into, the, spacious 3ihTng rooiii where a taj>le wga beautiful ly decorated with cut flowers and a birth day cake with two two small candles on it. X’ y^xy delicious repast was served. ing, teacher. Misses Christine and Cora McAt^mii Ruth Mc- XiAugMin, Sarah Marga ret McOoy, Emma Shanklin :»^d^ Miss Janette Doom, hostess. Mrs. G. A. Winslow. _Thf. amount collected to date has been four hundred and seventeen dollars and nineteen cents. The sponsors of this campaign wish to thank all patron* and friends who havr responded so^ generous- ly- Special attention is called also to the comedy drama “A Manhat tan Honeymoon” that will be pre sented by the members of the Hillside Dramatiq Cl«b, Monday, March 14 at 8:00 P- M. This en- tertain^nent is being giyen for the benefit of the band fund. ALL SOCIAL NWS MUST BE IN OUR OFFICE BY PASTOR’S AID CLUB OF ST. JOSEPH MEET AT MBS DAVW GIUMORE ENTER TAINS THREE C’S The Pastor’s “Aad Club of St*. Joseph .A M. E. ^Siurch niet at the home of -Mrs. Clide Doom, ThuiSiday March 3rd. The meet- iqjjf was opened ‘by singing “Will There Be Any Stars In My I Crown.” 'The Lord’s Prayer was reported in concert, after wWcht 'the minutes of the last peeting Were read, by^ the secretiry. A Itogthy business discussion was held. The remainder of the pro gram was turned over to the Hos tess .who served a delicious repast consisting of sandwiches, fruit d HILLSIDE BAND FUND INCREASING The recent efforts put forth by the faculty of Hillside School to raise money for a band, have been DOOM highhly successfHil so far. Hiis campaign ijfill be brought to a close ia -th?: vtey near future. In addition to the programs that have been given, a contost has been conducted in each homa- rooih and reports have been made each ityomifig to the treasurer. What we get for nothing seldom.) spent for umbre. is IN MEMORIAM -I Remexnbar Wb watched Mother breatkinS through the night, A»j » »lUntljr we MMM4 to and ^ thought Her dying when »ha »lept» and sloeplng when iho By I»aae Suilt 'Ma«di 13, 1935 The -Three C Club was giiea'tsjjello, punch, mints and peajia^-.r of its president, David Gilmore'The meeting adjourned with at his hmoe Monday night, Mar. every one declaring Mrs. Doom 7th, celebrating hia birthdays delightful hostess. Everyday-Mii’acles VISGIMA JHANCIS Director Uatpoimt Elmetrl^ i^ookmry li^clitutm ^FOdD MARKET mce- perfectly normal man indulg ing in the “heel’.’ of a freshly-baked loaf of bre'-'^ presents a comely pic ture, bu • .lodern homemakers might find ic a study untrue to life, if the new Hotpoint electric range hadn’t brought bread-making up-to- ffiRi^aiiff “sippllfiigff tt to *ucha>'d^ee that it can ponnt- hot liquid and cool. Liquid slicukl be 110^ when ussd. Disselve^ yeast in 6 tablespoons wa .or with sugar.; Divide the flour into thirds, reserv ing 1 or 2 cups. Pour cool liquid into mixer bowL Add ^ of flour ind beat 5 minutes with the mixer -epeedr Add ^-«ote^ flour and beat 5 minutes. Then pro- OOO Help Waiitedr MemoriamS) Lost and Found^^Cards Of Thanks, _ Anhduncements, Etc, ' 2c per Word - ME4T prices In general are aone- what higher egain this week. Although forequarter euti of BEEF nnd tiAMB are atill very reaionable, STBAKS, CHOPS and BOASTS will colt a tittle more. PORK, both FRESH and SMOKSD i* alao more ezpeasire. VI:AL has been so high that a slight drop does not y«t make it aa attrac tive bliy. I Hlgih Wl|id* Unfavorable to Fiskermen High wiodi and rough seas have prevented' fishermen from bringing in Si much FISH as tiiree fast days this week would reqaire If prices are to be ihoderate. FRoZ&H, SMOKSD and CANNED varieties will be called on ia supplement ibe fresh. EGG prices are most attractive and egg dishes are osnslly anick and easy to prepare. CHEESE dishes, trv are eheap. jwholeioice and dellcidns: BUT- fSReonfinms U tti nBsa teasonable, IsvsL Plaespples Pleatlfal The PINEAPPUC season opens right OS tim% Pnerto Bieo sends as most of then dortat March aad April and Cuba dariiy IfcWtand together with^rorlng BHtJSAKB an2T STRAWBSBRIES makes all sorts of PBUIT, ORANGES and BANANAS. Try'vatyiBg combinatimi for fruit caps, compote which ia a mixtiife' of stewed fruits, salsds, and for replen ishing the preserve shelf. APPLES are still of good qaality both for eating snd cooking. However, it is well to buy only iii amovints to be nsed np promptly. South Amerieaa ORAPES sire~availal)le in:generous quantity. ■ > ■ lima Beans and ^e#' tisbbage | Inexpensif* Two excellent valiies of the vege* . table market this week are LIMA BEANS and KEW CABBAGE. CAR ROTS are Hgher ^e^aee oi the rains In California. Tisre sre fewer ve^ good values bat none except AJ3PABA* GU* is really expenslte'.’' A menu* calling for seasonable ana reasonsbl; priced foods follows: / Appetiser Salad' » ~ ' . Finnan Haddie au Gratin 1 Browned Mashed Potatoes ' Green Lima Beans > Relish 0* Picklei- ■ Bread and Batter .l^i^Compete Sponge C^ Csfces- Tea erOetfee- good things possible. All thiae'-rt^ ‘This menu tested and tsated in the tMOREN UX£ THIS AnER-SCHOOL BEVERAGE -7121 Durham, N.C. Homt^mtde breod U coming back into Mpidarity due lo Ae ejm «Iectr(c range method o/ bakiftg ia V witii pride to perfect loavea of bread tiiat take only 30 mhiutes, hot to bake, but to make, from, start to finish. Seems miraculous, doesn't iti Well, it is. But it’s the kind of miracle that worto every time, whether the homemaker ia an expe rienced cook, or not The.^t teick injfl#-new meifa- l>d uwd-malliii^ & use of ^e electric mixer. Thia takes all the drudgery out of bread-mixing, maldng it just as easy as mixiag a cake. Here.are tlw ingredients: Braad .. 2 cups ndlk 6 tablespooaa ,2 cups water warm wfitar 1^ tablMOOoaf ■alt 4 tablespooaa diorteninic 4table«poon» sugar Bring milk and wat*J to bf^lhtg' point on surface unit electric range switched to HIGH, fiemove {r»n unit and add salt and to ttme-Mving pressed yeaat 12-14 cups general jnupofe floOT ceed at SLOW speed, mixing the last H ‘’I flour. Knead the last cups . of flour into the dough. Mold, using a pulling motion until bread looks smoodi. About 10 minutes will give right texture. Shape iiito three loaves, divided ~or single, as desired. Place in greased bread pans. O la Cold Oven * Then place your loavu of bKSd. fa' a cold oyen. Turn oven Bwitfch" on for exjtctly one minute. Set the automatic temperature control ta- .400°. Turn switch foe^akjag anqi set tiie automatie or chef a brain, tp turn heat on '30 minutia later, and to turn htat off 1 boaf irom time heat is turned on. Th* 30 minutes interval before tbs heat is turned on iJermits tiie bread to wifecut rsq’^ii^S fs? atWto*. Dtabig this'lnterva^ tlie teml>sra- ture in the electric oven makes a» ideal woofing bo*—not too hot, not , too cold. Tbafa an.there U to it Sfinple, isn’t it? Three evenly broawea loaves of ttnad waiting to btt'takMi ifrom tl^ oven—what s flavors^ua ^ treat for ihe family! ? Ar.v. problismf are solved ,tr)th this luscioOs'beverage that ‘ta>8avitred snd spiced like pumpUn pie and-yet eontalas milk andi eggsi ^oknnie is aura to aet hia. dally quota of milk and eggs if you: make this aa Kcbegs for it Furthermore he fets an after-* school lunch, and he doesn't spoil hia apjN»tite tor the evening inesi. Thia‘bwenti«, however, is ^an mor« t«tapting to Johnnie whm tt ia chiltwt wtt% clear, spacing lea. cubes, which he. can. •makeuhlmaelC (with an ice cuber) froffi the pni^ Ice in, Mother’s alr'COQdttiosed lee reTngerator. Ko lOMnl' tbe to sisates-sas!^^ Blllng the container on top of tbe ijpe cuber wlot warm water and'i^‘ ting it on the cake of ice. Slmple^lsn’t tt? Aad this is tbe way Mother makes th«’PUMPKIN MIUC tiiat Johimtq. approvea so heartily: Sim beata 1' egg-yolk.^ln a email bowl and adds to it H ^spoon of salt 1 labl^poon ,of sugar, % cup of milk, % cj^ codked pumpkin, % teap spoon clnnampQ, % teaspoon ginger, and a pinch ot nutmeg. Thra she whltis all the ingi^tata together with her egg beater, pours t.bem Into a glass containing tbs crystal clear toe ctU>es, a&d the ttaalU^ liriaU ti

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