HTION VOLUMN ao M*. 17 DUftHAM, N. C. WEEK E^NC SATURDAY MAY 7. 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS ROSENWALD FELLOWSHIPS FOR 1938 ARE 34Ne^oes Share $85,000 Fund For Qbseiye Guiile Further Study CHICAGO. .May i—(ANP)i— Fallovship awards by the Julius RoMMwald Fund to ^4 Negrroes were announced AUi week by EX R. £mbree. ^eaideat of the Fund. Awards to white sonthem- ers were announced last week. Approxiaiately has been devoted to fellowshipe this year, Mr. iEtabree said. The indi- vidu*l amounts nngt from a few hundred dollars upward, and aveiwce around |1,600. lie •wards to white fellows are res tricted to tiiose who are maldngr tteir careers in the sooth, and who propose to work on pro]^ lems with « distinct bearini^ up on that region. The awards to Nesroea are not limited geosn^p- hieally or as regards fields of interest, and the fellows are per mitted to work with the fullest freedom. Amonr the awards to Neffroes the field. of sociologry claims seven. tiM largest number of fellow* fn en» (i«ii^ino>o|rjr, drama, economies, and history have three each, chemistry and lanfuage and literature two eicli,' and Aete is one each in physics political science, tnathe- maties, music and creative writ ings Awards are made once a year by a committee e«jisisting of Dr. Will W. Alexander, director of Fann S«eurity Administration. Dr. Charles S. Johnson, of Fisk university. Mr. Henry rA. Moore, l^eeretary ef the John Simeon gugigenheim Mumorial EV>unda- tion, Mr- Edwin R. iBmbree, pre sident of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, and Mr, Raymond director for fellowships of the Fund. There were 18 awards to whits scholars and |i4 to Negro stu dents. Those receiving awards in the Negro group and the field '^hich they will work, follow; Fred W. Alsup, head ef the Sciense department, Morri^itown coHege, Morristown, Tenn.; ioj- logical studies at the Universtiy of • Pennsylvania. FANNIN S. BEOL^mmfl, aAiis- MOLDS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY "V Local Kappas REfV. H. S. DAVIS, princii«l of Mujt Potter Memorial SchooL Oxferdt The Presbyterian Insti tution is celebrating it’s Golden anniversary on Monday, May 9th with exercises at the^ school audi torium. Under tiie leadership of priBcli»I Davis, Mary Potter has made remarlmfcle progress in the educational field. Rev. Davis has been head of the school since he is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University, having finished both eollege and Theology ther^. He* has done graduate work at Northwestern, Garrett, and Columbia Univer- ^ aities. He if a member of th^te the public through the church Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. (Fou- chee Press Service). Riglit Week The Durham chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity along with other chapters throughout the nation tring before the pub- ,lic an educational program for the youth which ^ has become known as “Guide Right Wee.” (May 8-16)f. The purpose of this movement, which has been going on for several years, is to help lh« yiung man to discoYer Hfan- self before leaving high school to enter college. To explain, many boys enter college with no specifier educational purple. Many who are skilled in various fields loose sight of such skill and enter college to pursue an A. B. or B. S. degree when he should follow the type of course tffered by some technical insti tution or directly into one of the trades. ®y means of questionaires, conferences, lectures, forums, and self-analy«is blanks, the te nets of the young man are pos sibly discovered and he is then advised to pursue the course for which he soems best fitted, thus- ly saving him a great loss of time and money which would be necessarily involved in the trial and error manned of seeking r vocation. The rfovement tends to en- engage the attention of parents, teachers, business* and professio nal men, the tradesmen, churches and schools; and is thTot'ihi open - . -—^^" •_; North Wilkesbore Police Kills 13-Year'Old Boy; Set Free By Coroners Jury sxMrnciiur SATTERFIEUJ-DAVIS DRAMA- TIC CLUB TO SPONSOR MOTHERS’ DAY PROGRAM HE^ GIVES tant professor of English, direc tor of dramatics, Wekt Virginia State college; studies in d.ama at Yale university. At its bi-weekly meeting held at the home of Miss Lutiile- Baines tbe Satterfield - Davis Dramatic Club of St. Joseph Church completed plans for the Mothers’ Day program to be giv en at the Allen Chnstian ]^dea^ vor League, 'Sunday May 8th. The program will conMst ,f readings, solos, discussions of the topic, "Mother and Voca tional Guidance.” and toasts^, mother by the members of the club. W. Taylor, president of the dramatic club will lead in the discussion of the topic. The Lea gue program will start promptly- at 6:15 P. M. and close at 7:30 P. M. in order to get out of the way of the night's program. Other business of injpottance wos discussed after which tliss Baines, the hostess served potato salad and punch. Mem'Sers pnre- sent were, Mrs. J. A. Valentine, Misses F. Weavjpr. A. Tu)(:kj;r, E. Burnette, T. Spaulding, M. Holloway, Mesdames Markham, E. Gransey, and the hostess. Miss L. Baines; Messrs C. Cobb. W. Colley, L. McCloud, W. Tay lor, and C. Doom. The club will meet at the home of €. Doom on Umstead Street, Wednesday May 18th. , * DR. W. H. SLAUGHTER Who ga.T« ch»«rf«lly aad cab- ■tkntiaily to the $S(^000 Mtilkarry { gets through it will be (Special To Carolina Tines) NORTH WILKBaBORO, May 3.-—The old -vworn out gag that his pistol went off when he stum bled and fell was used here ef fectively this week by C. V. Lloyd, North Wilkesboro police man who testified before a cor oner’s jury that he killed little 13-year-oId Willie Howell Negro boy of this city wfeen he was chasing him after fie h&d fotind him with two other boys t^rying t* break into a bakery. Mrs, Laura Howell, “elderly grandmother of the boy labelled as fal»e the rumors circulated here that jjhe had accepted an amount of |50 as a bribe to~drtjf the case against the policeman. She also denied that she had threatened suit against the town of North Wilkesboro. "I have put. the matter in the h^nds of the Lord and when He no use MRS. J. DaSHAZOR JACK-1 manaceineat ef Mrs, SON, Sot rotary - Sap«rvi«or of! who when applyinc for North tho Dothaaor Boanty Syttom, in-j Carolina lieenses a* a boanti fan corporalod o f Darkain and maila ono of tho kifkeat Barks Brooklyn, N. Y. Tho ^Dnrham «Tor roeorded by the cxaminia« ostaUishmeat of tho well known j ba»i^d in this state, beauty systom is nndor the direct | day Mayl'5, SCKK) college-trained by soliciting the services of pas- men of Kappa Alpha Psi will tora to include the idea in their sponsor what'has been designed morning sermons. This year we j as Guide Right Concentration ar« confronted with "Mother’s' Week. - Dav”. Hcnce, the committee is I The chief purpose of the week *»king the pastprs of all the | will be to contact Negro high school’ senior boys, and other in terested young men throughout bring greater joy to the hearts the nation,- and cpncantrate their of mothers by including ftT^is j attention upon thinking' through words their further preparations for 1 churches to consider unique I relation of mother and son. To ' Arna Bontemps, whiter, Cri* cago, Illinois; crMtive writing. i^|:ailsford R, Braxeal, d:an of , “Mother’s Day” sermon men, Moiehoui|^ college, Atlanta ;of wisdom to the son, which will I success in life in terms of a de- Caae^ Cltayt' fumd ralsad mm»ug gradaatos of Moliarry Meileal college, Nashville, Tenn., recent ly. Dr. Sl,augkter, now a trustee of tEe callege, settled in OUa- hoDka in territorial days and now has extansive realty holding in Oklahoma City. Oil has also con- ^ tributed to his rise to ajjfhienco, and he has a home that is noted throughout tiie Scrnthwest. (CS> ; N, C. C. COMMENCEMENT ‘ SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED for anybody to say this, that or the other, said Mr*. Howell.”' According to the officer young Howell was killed at the rear of the bakery in an alley. The other two boys escaped the of ficer testified^ After hearing the testimony of the officer the coroner’s jury composed entirely of white men, held that the boy came to his death by accident. 36911) INFANTliY TO HAVE FIRST MEGRO’COLONa AS COMMANDING OFFICER NEW YORK, May 4—(ANP) has .always had Negro officer* —rCfol. B. 0. Davis, ranking Ne- except when they we e caahi^ed gro officer in the United States during the Wcrid war while the army, is to become commander reg^iment was in Fr4nce.-_The 369 Dr. James £. Shepard, presi dent of J^orth darollna College >bas announced the speakers for Cormmenoemjetit e^ercjses during the week lof June S-10. The baccalaureate sermcilii on Sunday June & at 3KH> P. M. will be delivered by Dr. A. Clayton Powell. Jr. pastor of the Abys- synia Baptist Church in New KERNERSVTLLH USHERS TO MEET SUNDAY studies in economic at Columbia unfveraity. ” (Contiued on page eight) guide him rightly into some use-, finite, suitably chosen life work. ful field pf life’s endeavor. The following, is the Guide ^*4 Right ,Pr/oclamataon for 1938 issued by the Grand Polemarch of Kappa Alpba Psi, Theepolis M. Mann. Commencing Sunday May 8th and continuing through Satur- HatiOMt Hiiiipital na> Thursday, May IQ, is to be IJncoln flo^ital M National Hospital Day. This dat«, which , it , the birttday of iPloi«n;e Nightingale, is an'^n- iraa! celebi%tion and is observed by practkally all of the hospitals }yi the country, having been Ina- '■^gurated May 12, l-SSil by tho An^ertcan Hospital Association. The celebration at Lincoln Hos- ||!tal will feature open house and ^ girand rminion of all of the ^bies who have been bora at Hoaplta during the past five jeari, . Beginnning at 10;30 M. the ]frogT»m for the day feature conducted tours of all depart- 9ien|s of the hospital. These ^oury will shew how and what is J[i» I at Iinc In an 1 pro to ^ highly iuformativc. letrs wUl alao be ■ exhibits and fRprvrontMl^ ef dena la all of tfce vartotn senf* ef the hoqiltiil. lie Jcal dq^urtoMnt wW nt up'lfr afe^group. (grating rem a dhplap | Thh W. C. out EN-ery phaM of 'the opera tion will be plainly.-ahow^ with the aid of Dummies. From l;^ to 8 :00 P, M. the" bSby reunion will he hel^ on the hospital lawn. Every mother whose ohild was born at Lincoln Hospital during the pa-^t five years is urged to register her ebild^ for the reunion at the ad mitting office at some time be fore Thursday, May ,12. 'Hie merchants and commer- cial ncncems lof Durham have shown a spirit that is worthy of pntise in the willing manner In which they have cooperated in trying to make thia reunion a auocess. The various department stores, dairies, etc. have donated tricylcejone of the motiiers will numerous,priies which are to be receive a coffe maker* from the preaented to the ^ildren who ] Durham Gas_ Company; The will be Juds!fii winners In the'J~BaiByIin^ at EStifd’s “ Department To this end elaborate plans l^ave already been perfected, includ ing mars meetings, methods of self-analysis and expert (counse lor service for the boys, radio addresses, forum discussions, and other special features, ilnasmuJti'^ faoweyjr, as ^is Dr. Ralph W:; Sockman will give the commencement Address. marks the fifteenth year in which the frate|?Dity has promoted such a movement, we know tWt our efforts will be more successful if we have the wholehearted C3- operation from the homes, schools, churches and community (Coistiued on paga aight) York Tuesday Tnoraing, June: t, j rdr; fema^ Brown, J. The Ushers of Kernersville, North Carolina will present as their main speaker, on Sunday May 8, L. E. Austin, who is Pre sident of the N. G‘ State Ushers Association. The progrram arran ged by Mrs. Pearl Matthews will consist of vocal selections by Miss Beatrice Hayes and C. H. Friends; papers by Mrs. MUlie Williams B,nd Miss ,Frances Tay- Rftnnftt College Holds GRiBENSBORO, Sunday evening Bennett College dedicated a new dormitory, the fourth building given to tlje col lege by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer of New York City, nam ing It the Annie Merner Hall, in honor i>f Mrs. Pfieffer. Annie Memer Hall, together with a more r^ient gift of $100,000 for endowment , makes a total^ of $i4‘7^00 which these friends have contributed College. closeiJ^tlie Twelth .^nual Home making Institute, Dr. Arthur D. Wright, president pf the South ern Education Foundation, Waa- service which j illness of Mr. Pfeiffer, Mrs. A. K. Rower of -New York City ac cepted tfa«- keys in her behalf from the architect, Odis_.. (3iay Poundstone of Atlanta.' Mrs. J. hington, D. C., spoke on “TOe , W. 6one, chairman of the Build- Cohtribution of Modren {Educa tion to Pi’esent Day Society.”"At this time announcement was made that the> new library, .the gift of the General Education Board, to be constructed this’ to Oennett summer at a cost of |100,000 is different contests, ^ne of the p?l*wr if to bw -f*ws to the ehfftf wbo ia In the b«kt health eon'dition for his particu- lyon Hari^wre Btanntr in which a major i Co. will ^ve to the most healthy. J« jlwtwJ Mid Miri«d i fesr-yMr-oId A 1>miotifBl Store will give a variety of articles 4or the baby”t Pea* body Drug Co. will donate a variety of baby, toilet articles; a bpsket of miscellaneous food articles for babies will be given by A. & H. Market; canned goods (Centiucd on page eight) ings and Gtounds Committee of the Board of Trustees, Crreens- boro, accepted the keys on be half of the board^tod Mra. Jane H. Freeman of Deleware, Ohio gavk the invocation. The sopho more. clans, which occupies the W. Doak, Mrs. Pearl Felder, J. H. Friends, (President)^ The welcome address by Mrs. C. L. Johnson will be responded to by Mrs. Ida WrigLt. s / Music for this occasion will be furnished by a special choir and the closing remarks will be made by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Led- well. L. J. SPAULDllfG LEADS FIGHT TO SAVE YOUTHS L. J. Spatilding, local business 2—IaJ—an— of the 369th " Infantry of , New York state.. Governor Hetbert H. Lehman announced Wednesday in*. Albany thit Col. Da via had been appointed ,by the War De partment as an instructor from the regular army to the 369th and that he in turn was appoint ing him commander of the regi ment which Js part of the state militia. CoL Davis will take up his duties, on July 1. This is the last of a series of rapid chang^es made during the past few weeks and which have revamped the leadership of the regiment CoL Joseph A. Munday white, was appointed to the coionelelf last Ibrch, succeeding Col. Grimley, also white, who re tired under iharges. Major Cha- uncy Hooper was then promoted to it. Colonel, a post which had j previously been fOled always by white officers. ' For the first timt. this regi- has been commanded by several famed and aristocratic white men, including Q>1. William Schieflf«‘^;n and Col. Arthwr W. Little. Likewise for the first time. Colonel Davis, cjie of the ablest officers in the army, a man who would grace bflgadier-general's epairiets with dignity, will far the first time comman'l a regi ment. He has been denied active duty by the implacable bigct^^ and prejudice of the United States army because his rank would have placed ‘ him albove white ocicers. Instead, he has been shunted about to different schools. For years he was com mandant at Tu^egee insfifute; he is at present stationed at Wilberforce university. Governor. Lehman, in his state ment, said, “When Colonel Davis reports for duty as Regular ’ Army instructor of the 369ta ment fameus in peace and he- infantry, he ^ill be commissioned roic in war. will have Negro of- a Colonel of the New York fleers in complete control. The ’ National Guard thus, becoming 8th Ilhnoia, the only other com- „ot only the instructor, but th» plete Negro regiment in tbe Commanding Officer as weU.' country, and located at Chiiago, I ^ the lives of three young men wSo have been sentenced .to die for im attack on a whke womftA. anH doctor; to be named the Thomas F. Hoi- building, assisted in the aervice. ^te Library in honor of Dr.. jjiss Merze Tate of the college Thomas F. Holgate of iE>ranston, j faculty, chairmito of 'twmmittee IlL, treasurer of the Bennett'.qq 4edic*tion, arranged the ser vice. beaotffolly College Board of Trustees and also of Ae IBbard of Education of t"h e Methodfst Episcopal Music was very church. {.rendered %y the colle*^ choir, T directed Hby Dr. R.^ Nathani#r The dedicatory service was led by Mrs. W. H. C. Goode,'f - .■ " president of the Woman’s Home Nofevo Man •■d Woman Missionary' Society, of Sidney, Ohio. In the absence ef Mr. and Mn. Pfeiffer on account^ the liMt iUgkter V*t« One of the l^ys, James Outlaw, has already been killed by ^ the state but JJje other twj, Epper son Outlaw anj} John Gardner, were gren^ed thirty-d a y re prieves by the Govern>r as re sult of Mr. Spaulding’s efTotts. The fight was great!/ aided by Dr. J. N. Mills who used his in fluence with the local branch of th# NAACP to secure funds. At torney M. Hugh Th impi jn has g^iven a grelt deal of legal aid and it was he who conferred with Governor Hoey in tha interest of the bpyji. Mr. Spaulding stafeci that he beeame interested in the case iMdien' the father of two of the home fer the use of the tele phone. „ ~ €EL£SRATE3 BIRTHDAY - Mrs. Mabel Scott ^ I1O66 Moreland Ave. ^ebrated her 26th birthday Thursday eve ning,' April 28th at the Durham Chauffeurs Club Ropn^ ThfetQ were many gQ»ts NO FEDERAL LAW VIOLATED IN KIDNAPPING OF BRIDE NEW YORK, May 4.— The Federal l^reau of Investigation (G-Men) has indicated that the Lindbergh kidnapping act was not violated when the white bride of William Stewart, colo red, was taken forcibly from ilar •* ^ T. J. MOORE TO BE INSTALL ED AT CHRISTIAN CONGRE GATIONAL CHURCH Chicago I and retunied to Ne w YorSrSW charge of - her relatives During the two-week period. May 9-22, the United Christian Congregationa Church at the eorner of 5^man and Pine fits, will hold installation services for Rev. Themas Jefferson Moore. Pastors and choirs from moafe af the city’s churches wUl take part in these meetings^ ' On Monday night, ^May 8, l|ie NAACP, which has been trying td get' the Department of Justice to act in kidnapping and lynching cases involving^olored people, requested an . investiga tion by the G-Men as soon as tbe alleged kidnapping of Stewart’s bride was made public. The Ni^'art from GetteetMne ACP previously had . opposed the Ab Young kidnapping and lynching in li931 to tihe G-Men becahse Youi^ was taken acro& the Tennessee- Miss, line and from Mt. Vernon Baptist church win have charge; l%«sday night. Rev. T. C. Graham and choir from W e sf*‘" Dhrham Eaptist Church; Wednesday night. Rev. .W. A. Green from Northsid*; Thursday night, R^v, J. Staw- C^ur^k; and Friday night, ^v. E. W. Lassiter of Orange Grove. Rev. Jefferson’s sermon Sunday moni- ning will be “Corref^jpg Wrong Ideas, pf Religion^” During the. Ijrnch^d. The department failed.week of this meeting the speakers will be; Reverents J. T. speakara wQl be; Reverends J. T. Tabrom, S. P. Periy, and Fiiday, night May 20, _tbe Dor* to act. The NAACP also reported the Claude Neal kidnapping and lyn ching tn )9M,; When Neal was U^en fram Al^aM into . Fla^ and lynched. The department also refused te Ml kere. In Tng depaftmeavs' atiHti^ to ttk* Stewi^ ease, tbe Asaeeia- tion acted nendy oa principle and ttum aaj int»e*t in Ae details of ibe Stewart iaterracM Wriiaj(« tsacie. ^•’5 ' *- ham Ushers' Ui^n will ctoiipr and h. ■Aogtm, prcri' dept of the state Vshers Aasoe|> *.tioy. wilL.ape«k, at 18 instaHaton Ay swrmon at three o’cluck will i^livtred by Dr. Stanley C. Bif* r^L pastor of tbe CniaMHitiiii al" CbristSln Chaich Wtil W. «