KG’S MAX 11^ FIRST Mailing EDITION CALIFdlNIAIfS CHAAM INSURANCE EXpUTUTlVES ■ l^pii^RUThTllNiBm^E r VOLUMlRE N*. t4 DURHAM, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JUNE 28lh. 193S PRICE FIVE CENTS National ISegro tns. Meet In Cleveland ED ALSTON GETS NEtrmL Mn. William Nickerson, The attractive Californians Jr-. f w«re the center of mtrch atten- BOMBER SETTLES SCORE Error Found In Charge Agamst IN ONE ROUND Murderer YANKEE StADIUM, ff E W . YORK, Jim* ^(SnM^pl)—It ^wa» m Hffmrmt L*«ia wke tmm»4 Mai ScliaMllac, M-^aiipiaai a ■ d CUrte^n ak^Bamcwr for t Ih • baayr^Utkt to- Mi«kt f*«H L*«ia wIm wrat t* ^fawt baf«r« tk« richt Ihm4 •■•laockt af ScliM«liat tw* raam.^t** More than 80,000 fans, many' of whom had travelled from «« far away at £urop« to witness Uiis irreatest of all the fistic sneotaelea v«re dkimb- founde.d at^the quick work of the champion. Hany of them could not believe it was over. Many of them, latecomers, nev er g^t to their seats before they were met by the crowd leaving the stadium. If JOE IX>UIS has proved a great fighter in the past he proved a greiAer fighter to night, if|, not the greatest figh ter to wear tlM heavy- w«jight emwn. Sehn^ing tiever had a chance, and his dumb- ^tounded .Ipok as he went down for the first count of four plainly showed that he was of the .opinion that be was not in the ring with the same* man he ^fac ed t^ years age. '' Soliinteling was the fifst to enter the ring, and his appear- (PLEASE nm TO PAGE •)/ VcTcational Meet Held In Gate City June 14 GRESKSBOS0, N. C. — The two'^'iien wacM absent f|pri the Negro vocational teachers of first seminar. 11i« fpllowing per- agricultare »f North Carolina sens were present for the first held tb«ir annual conference at ' session, W. N. Elam, Federal Chowan B e a c fi in Hertiord | Agent for Agricultural Sduca* County June 14-18. The first‘tion, H. L. THgg, State High meeting was hel] in the audito- School Inspector, R. E. Jones, I ( LOUIS JOE RALEICrl, June 22nd, Tk« •4at« ■uprame dowri. (ranted a ■•w trMi today to ED ALSTON, , , ■ . ^ . • „ . „ . . ^ , 1 roiult of tko lajiinos, b«t her Dttrham JN«jro conTicted last f ■ a ■ ■ . hor Ifraaddaugtor. Sko 4i«i la- tar at D«iko_ keegMlf I frooi «tko Mrs. ' Fokruary of murderinf Janie WilkoraOn, 103 yesjr old Ai^tlont of Pfedi^^nt aVenuo: Tko court fowivcl orror grand4laUi\tor Mo was ala*l GETS. NEW TRIAL l^saten ovor tko jkoad wjtk a pieco of stovowood wkBo sko w«.s lying aaloop across a kod in . ... anotkor rooar fiaally roiovoroj. cnarf* nado to tko jury ky , I j «.»■ I* « n + - -2*®_jsZ8 aftor tko altacka Jndiro W. H. S. Burfwyn. t ^ ^ ji ^ Ai^TON was arrostod and Tko ofpinioa^ wkiiOi was finally confossod to tko aiardof * %«lritten ky Judfo A. A. F^ Sea- of tko oldorly wOaiaa aa4 aa * wollji stated tkat Judge Bur- ' ilttack on k«r gwyn kad «karg«d tko jtiry tkat Rokbory was gtvoa as tko mo- tko dofoadaDt kad to pH>v4 to tivo. ' i- J': l^ao (jury beyOivd a reasonable | Wk'en tko case 'finally csmo - to trial Alston ropudiatod kis confession on tko staad, statiag 49ubt tkat ko was drunk at tka time ke committad ko murder wkick was con^ary to tko law ia tkis stato. The N o r t k Carolina statute read tkat tka dofondant (must prove '^k^.t he was fdrunk to {tka satisfaction of -tka jury. Alston was under santeneo of doatk, and tko n«i*r trial (granted Uai V^'now, f^ktlilig ckantia kis lifo,\^ if M is able to provo tkat ko^'^va* too drunk at of Durkam to raprosont tko tiaio ko ^''^fVBsa^ittO’i^ - tka defoliant wko apj^oalod tkat ko was afraid not to siga tko confession for foar of kaia|i beaten by tko poli i. Ho ta^i- fioi tkat ko was 4^ai^ aost of tko day aad kfid no foasamk- ran«o of wkat ko kad d e ■ • during tka tiaso. r ' Tko court appoi^tod C. W. Hall m>J i1 rnaad Moyor botk tko crimo to knew wkaii ka was do- cat)e wifk 3[3 oxcaAionte kapng| I iisilod. '' 'hope of ais t(f.tamay| ma wMi.' • .. fo*' a new trial was kaaod oa tko '■ Mrs. WrUcerson fourjl #itk kor kead crusked in last Docemkor 24 at tko home of fact koifeaa'r ikat ^ho iudglai orrod in kis ckargo to tko jury. ED. ALSTON / £onVi. toid larft FaHrnary ’ inurdoring Mr^. Jai^ia son, 103 year old Pietdmont avanuo woman, wko was grant ed a now tifisi' by tko N o r t k Carolina supreme court Wednes day.' '* ~i WHITE GEORGIA DAILY BUYS SUBSCRIPTION TO CALVIN SERVICE CITIZENS OFFER FINGER PRINTS TO AID POLICE HUNT giam with Ale« Blaine presiding.' State 4-H'Cljjb Leader, and Roy I =pssff»st wss ef H. S4ate Supermar «l »ev«ral brieriSlks by visitors an41 Vocational Agricultural Educa:| the iQain address was delivered ^ tion, by President F. D. lifluford of A and T. College. President com GREENSBORO, N. C., Juno 23, (ANP) In an xfiFort to coep)orato ^itk^ ^cal aw- tkoNoa, akout 75 colored residents kara last Monday offarosl to kavo tkoir fingor l^ints checked wilk tkoso of an asaailapnt wko Sal;^-d;ay aigkt struck Mrs. Alex Wall er, wkite over tko kead witk • «»«*•*• , Mr*. Waller, it was reported, was stijuck by a unidentified Negror-^ th - dining room of her home aa she went there to inves- MICP Ms£ Coiopmise Mrmeiit |g II.C. Krancli Case S. €. Andextson, teacher of mended the men on Tr. wWch they are doing throughout the state^ ana advised the tea-^ *"***®** ^ W**®” Train- NEW YORK, The proposed compromise between the Nation al Association for the Advance ment of Colored People and the District of Columbia brancn of th* NAACP, Inc.,, drawn up in May was revised so drasll cally by the board of directors •of the association at its meet ing June 13 that th# siiit o>f the national body to prevent the use of its name by cerfiRn in divlduals in the DisD^T' lof Columbia will probebly be st|l down for a finished legal fight f^ere, The intrud er 'left ^|yag9^>rints on china ware She^ - Calvin ' HoUis said, A posse, using bloodhounds, trailed the man but failed t o | find him. The sheriff' s a id* he may accept the offer of the * in the courts next fall. Tbs’ acrefament reoa^gnizetd the validity of the election of Janyaryf:!^! 193>7, which wa^ the chief bcpe of contenti>n. In its revision, the national board of directors refined to farmers te grow more and bet ter livestock. Roy k, TTnomas, State Super visor of Vocational Agriculture, made^ a report o» the achieve- mei^ of the teachers of agricul-. ^re. oyer the past year. He stat- f(| tbat IIM acres ef land have l^eti terraced by the department, |198 'acral of land planted in (oil' building crops, 198 poultry i|ouses constructed, S56 persons ^tending district meetings and ^nquets, 16 new departments of I tgricuHure addes and 4249. stu dents reached. He su^rested jn closing remarks that special TWO PERS(M4S INJURED IN wreck i^EAR REIDSVILLE iat ScifioU . A. *Blcoma -•dd*esa|^^j was made by Prof. H. C. Pree-‘ land, Pricipal of tha SchOi^l. Hv L. Trigg, State High School In- sp.ector of Negro schools spoke en the general policies which should be set up and followed by school principals and vqpational teachers. W. N. Elam, Federal Agent in his address to the tea chers called their attention' to bertain rural problems >• which should be ef major -importance to teacKers of agriculture. The health problem, and the' h}using problem were discussed by the Agent. In his ^sing remarks, he stated' that the Negro teachers in the south were leadi^ the 76 colored cjtisens if the assail-1 concede tfe* legality of t ,Ii; e, ■January, 15, 193i7, election, and ijB pl*ee^ dll' StStowiitg-jeotialijFiF^SaTriii^ lave a bot^ [»ints—Better Classroem Teach*’*^ler prepared program when all Better Supervised Practice I frogr%m. And letter Text Books. Supervisor o^ Agricultural rucation^ Negro AchooU S. Simnwiitif >eporte4 that only factors Have teen considered. Tlii* improvement ii based on a itody of vacational agriculture wrfrk tbrougOut the U. S. by H. (PLEA3E> TURN TO PAGE «) — January 14 be recognized. REIDS,yiLLE, Juno 23rj^ (Special) An^ong those who «fsro viOims of wecjk end aecidon,ts in ’ tko viciaity of Raidsvillo ware A a r o a The revised agreement also stipulatd * that no monies or assets raised by th;e regular' D. C. branch of the NAACP be. the newly incorporated branch. It was the position of the national board of directors that the failure of the District of Columbia branch to abide by its order to hold another elec- of the protested one of January 15 1937 •conEti(;^ t»d an act of insubordination. T^is act was further aggravated by the fact fhat three oificers of-^the D. C. branch, John 0. -vibs>- -Jones oHly Bruc^, pr^ident; A.'S. mnfceU,- mafned at the hospital over- secretary and Jphn T. Rhines, night as his v/ounds were nol treasurer, secretly Jinc(>r:;{or(ited very serious. He had tendons'the branch without the know ^t in the right hand and cuts I ledge of the national officers or on the bskck ,o/ the hands and 'of the executive com'mittee of wrists., .* lUie-branch fn order to escape GEN. JAN SMUTS DEMANDS FAIR TREATMENT OF AFRICAfi r^ATIVES i .JSEW YORK, (jC) G. R. Bo»% well, general manager of ^ the Auguiilta Ij^e^ald, daily news paper of Augusta,^ Ga. with 2i, iXH) eirculatioB, atifA the paper’s check last Week ' for ^25 for subscription to Calvin’s News paper Service news releases i for ona year, on behalf o f Walter S»-Harris, editor of the colored news department of the Herald. The Service was I ecommended to Mr. Harris by Dr. Channing H. Tobias, New York Y executive, who is a na tive of Augusta. Ofn receipt -if the check, Floyd J. Calvin, editor, announced that this ^is the second daily newspaper to take the service by the year and pay cash, the first being the Atlanta Daily World, only Negro daily fn~ the country. and Miss E. Nickerson, '^chatm- ing wife and daughter of William Nickerson, Jr., president of the thriving Golden State Mutual Life Insurance C^, of Los Ange les, California, who accortipanied Mr. Nickerson to th« Naticnitl Insurance Association annual nfeeting held last week in Cleve land, Ohio. * tion fr^RV the innuranee esecta- tivea.and social circles in' the various cities where they visited in the East. Steps were mad* at Kansas City, St. Lojuis, Chicago, New York, Washinirtun, Diniham and Tuskegee Institute. Son Mel vin accompanied the party, -liia chief objective bcine the A>o Louis-Max ScHmeling bout. States ; Represented At Gathering CLEVELANl), June 22.— (By |nesiay evening. J. F. Morning, M. C. Clarke for ANP)—At its j Cleveland manager of the Sb- 18th annual meeting-here We^d- {Breme Liberty Life, waa master nesday through Friday, the Nat- j of cermoniea. The principal ad- ional N^o Insura^S^ssociation j dress was delivered by Robert elected Louis C. BloMt .presi- L. Vann, editor of the Pittsburgh dent. Other officers elected^’Vere Courier, on “The Pr-jgijesa of Ne- Dr. P. P. Creuzot, 1st vife pre- * gro'injsiness Finai^e^ Negro sident; C. R. Alexander, 2nd ! Capital.” Mr. VaAn waa introduc- vice presideat; Dr. Julian Kelso, ed by Harry H. Pace, presidenr vice preseident; Dr. Julian Kelso, 'of the Supreme Liberty Life of 4th vice j^esident; C. L. Townes, ^ Chicago. Uthers on the program secretar^^; A. M. Carter, awistant ' fi-eU W. Kaaiaey, welfare secretary; H. L. Street, treasur-' director of Cieveiand; L. B. er; Howard W. Russell, 4t'haplain; * Biakemore, deputy superintea>. Asa T. Spaulding, act/ary; Ma- ' dent of insurance of Ohio ; the «il« Hicker*on» -eteteitician; J. ■ Rev. Oiiver B. Quick, paator of i>eonard Lewis, general counsel; ' t'ory M. E. cnurch; Harry Davis, and M. S. Stuart, historian. I M. C. Clarke, presid«!nt of Dun- Mtend^nce this year at the bar Mutual of C^ivehind, and W. ^vention of the association, • O. Walker, edito#' Cleveland the only national organization ' Call and Post. The resp»ae oo of Negro insurance men, set a ; ^half of the association CAPE TOWN, S.,, Africa, June 22—(ANP)—Last week, while addressing a crowded ifieeting at Wynberg Town H»lli' General Smuts, the Deputy Prime Mini ster made an appeal for justice and fair treatment for colored people declaring they were a minority in this country and should got be discriminated against-,—or— jaaated—m—if*.-*- thej^ ed Kere last Wedncaday when awi. Brown, 21. .and Lorenzo Jones, 22,vQf Ruffin who were injured! tion in place in an automobiTe accident. They were admitted to Memorial Hospital, where lEtrown received treatment for a broken rigbt leg and collarbone and two -broken ..— —, " ( were^ nsonkeys or baboons. The GeneraUtold his big audi ence of whites that he was ask ing them to do things that -were by no means easy. He aaid they were solving the racial question be^eea the. Engliah and Afri= kariers, but they should not ■tc'p^ there—tfiey should- take> in the other races as well. The General said: *‘We hear people talking about segregating colored people, driv ing them apart ai)d herding them together as if they had not hu man rights—as if they were ba-. boons and monkeys. “Respect th e other man’s rights, although he is not of the same color as yoprself. Do not try to krall (corrall) him as if he were an animal. °If you do tha* you will pay a heavy price. ETHIOS^ANi RU^S AMOK iN ROME, SLASHES FOUR WITH SWORD ROME, ftaly, June ISrd, (A NP) Four persons, an army officer a butcher’s boy and two Faaeist BtiHtiamen, were wound new record. Approximately 200 delegates, from Ig states and the District of Columbia were in at tendance, representing 35 com panies. A production slightly in excess made by Thomas -J. -WiMser, v. president of the Pilgrim * Health and Life Inauraitce ea. The business ' sessions were held in the au^it^rium of the Phillis Wheatley association. A- of |14,i000,000 was reported for mong those who deliwred lad- the week from-May 9-14 by the dresses Were George W. Cox, Committee on National Ntgrc^' chairman of the “National Negro Insurance Week, and special certificates were awarded by the association to the'agencies and agents produciijg^ j|pecified a- mounts of insurance- ; One of the convention higlt.^ lights was the annual me.^sage of the retiring president, G. D. Rodgers. In his address he out lined and recommended a con structive program of operation for the association. Tlha public'" meeting was held at Antioch BapUst church Wed- Insurance Week” committee, A. T. S{>aulding, A. Maceo Walker, Attorney B. V. Lawson- Jr, L. C. blount. Miss Estter O. Tibbs, and Miss Bernice Sanders. . Tht Supreme Liberty Life In surance company of Chicago and the Dunbar Mutual In^tfrswe*^ society iM Cleveland were hosts , to the conveneti'in”. Of the new officers electcd, L. ' C. Blount is vice president-sec- retary of the Great Lakes Mutu- (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 81 obeying the mslruction of the national hnarJ of directors. were " ITie revised agreement ” was transmitted by Charles H. Hous ton, of the nationaT legal staff, to the attorneys for the D. C. branch ’and ito. Justice Jennings Bailey, expressing to tbe latter the reviM'd agraement and Ethiopian ran amok with, a sword, slashing furiously at all who come within striking dis tance. The incident occurred befor.^ tha manumant- ^mmemoratrng the Italian soldiers' who were I slaiightered by Ethiopian at Dogali in 1887. A giled lion of Judab taken in Addis Ababa during the recent Ethiopian campaign, is at the base of the monument. The Ethiopian was observed praying akud before the lion of Judah when an army captai n stepped up. Th^ kneel ing man suddenly sprang to' his feet, pulled forth i^e scrimitar and woulde^ the captain' sever- ly. A butcher’s delivery bo, near by, hurled his bicycle at t h e Ethiopian, was in turn slashed by the man. Two Fascist also eats—bafr in the melee one of them fired four shots which felled the sword wielder. N Beauiorl Coiifllyiaiitier lliiiaitlis Small Faftii WAile Ploughing r WASHINGTON, N. €., Ji^ne 23, (Special) WbUe ploughing on the farm of Dallas Joran, in ,E«aufort county about three weeks ago, his adopted son tur ed up three dull colored bars of metal which turned, put to worth thousands. The bars were said to be gold after an inspection by a jewe ler and an assayer to whom the bars were sent said' that they were of very high gold content After selling a small amount to a local Jeveler, Jpr^an, 4i^t the;, remainder %o WaViinifo^j D. C. where it waS found to be worth between $1^00 an'd |1, «o6. Justice iBailey said the would be calandared for October term of Court. The spof wttere ^ gold was found ia neAr tbe old mill ' site at Jordan's Creek, near Winstead ville. One story about the case ' gold ia tiiat it is pirate treasure the left by Edward Teaeh, (Black I beard) whQ roamed ths w*t«» ANOTHER “GHOSr' — NUDE MAN ROAMS OVER OLO MERIDIAN HILL WASHlKiG NP —Residei. ridian Hill ' stood old telephoned ; man in th through tlM of pants, &• although a (PLEASE > \ X, June 22—(A ur round ing Me- ^ where once lid Seminary. '%t a colored |r«s roaming ^ % member* • shoes I , ' »rch waa ^GE •) ®f the Pamli ted the crwi navigable. When Jordi ftirtia seveiW 'f the ground wa- es where som«M Mr been dig^n» However, he importance t frequea r*