PACI CMHT T« CASCMJl^ nitta IaTUK&AY. 7ULY 23nA lIM A PARTIAL VICTORY CAN |«OT RIGHT SCOTT»ORO WRONG CCOMTINUEO FROM PAQE 1) lies told Md retold by on« wo- mu, Victori* rricefour ScoUa- ^©y« wer^ • ad frctd Isat two BeotTaboro boys w«r« C«il^ to U»« extent of 75 yemm of ^paikkluBent and one Sc^ttaboro boy guil^ to t b e extent *f » yeart imprison raent. A#«nt, Gr^tiaboro,’ N. C. £iirbtccn f«zsi«n were ^iven e«riiflc»tea of ncrlt for grow ins mora thaa ft DuihcU of com OB one «cf» in 1987 State- wkia corn jrrowinj/contest. They are aa followa: N'am® C'^unty- Bmriiefa John H. iJobnsont Halifax.. |97.8i James E. Boone, Pasquo--. | j tank —- NEGRO FARMERS HOLD BIG MEET IN WARRENTON (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) women *a Misa Francis McGregor, assistant State* 4-H Club Serviw, Raleirb, N. C. The Opportunities at Home, Two girla reprwnting jRfttns from NortJmmpton couWy, gave a de monstration on ‘Care of Clothes’ Ofllkera elected for the com ing yeat Included President T. M. Garm, Bertie Co'uiity, Vice- president; J. B. Jordan, Warren County 2nd" vice president, Sim pson Hart Edftecombe County and SecreUry-Treasujj^, John W. Mitchell, Negro District Bud Lyon, Granville J. B. Jones, Durham , |»3.6j 190.8 -88.8 Jamus Futtrell, Northamp- A, E. Garner, Alamance —_87.2 C. G. Goodman, Gate ■■■■.y—,8t. J. B. Jordan, barren ..-86.6 A. D. Lyons, Wake .... 84.6 George Shaw, Guilford ——$S. John W. Mitcbanar, Johnson 82 Odis Richmond. Orange C. F. Arnett, Robeson . -...81. ™78.6 T. A. Korneifay', Leoir 77.6 E|Sward BUia»., Wilson 4?6. H. L. Dixon, Edgecombe _..74.4 W. F. Williams, Craven ,...76.9 Frank Clayton, Person ^-....76 Average yield,, 83.6 bushels Alf'^jrage cost 27c per bushel, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stewart of this city are the parents of a fine new baby girl, Ethel Marie. She was born July 16. TRRBC CATS— Coatinucd from imf ■•TM at^ at times enthudaqftically accepted by the characlfcriiiil- cally critical Rialto audience. The winners of the first priee fire doIlir»ir were th«> three cats, vocal trio consisting of Theo dore Freeland, Bristbl Creecb,'' and James Neely, These boys were really “in tb« «rove" Tues day night and were unjinimous- ly chosen by the judges, Miss Jofinie Young and Joe Burke, siaKcrs will be warded crates of Boyal Crown Cola as second and third prizes respec tively. All of the participants on this program seemed to put the best that they had into their perfor mances. Thr singers not only song their songs; they really felt them sind the feeling that they showed was readily put over to the theater audience. The date for the next amateur hour in which Negro talent will be used is not kncfwn yet al though it is generally understood that the next show atten ded by Colored patrons wheth er it is held at the Rialto oi at some other place. ianeii Gluli A ■ freup of entbttaastic citizens who have a particular liking forflowers met on the lawn of Mr, and itfra, J. H, Dbvls Friday July 18 *nd or ganized a Garden Club. The purp‘J«e of the clulj being t«j' improve the external - appearance of homes and grounids. Many helpful aug^Astiona were given at the meeting concerning future programs and care .of gardens. It was decide by tHe group to hold tiie next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. W. V, Cordice the neyly elected Pres, from this point the group will tour interesting flower gardens. Officers were elected for tfce club as follows wsr«t Ite', and Mrs. J, W. Cordia* Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Baamie Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peddy Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCoy Mr*. Hazel Knox Mrs. Mary Ray Mrs. Alease Townsend Mrs. Minnie Turner M«. Lillian Farrington Mng. C. M. Forman MIm Bertha Donnell Mrs. Catherine Shaw Mrs. Nellie Toole ., Hostesses for the meeting were: Mn. Davis, Hamme and Peddy, The group is deeply indebted to Mr. T. A. Hamme for the part he played^ in tba Garden Club. Mrs. J. W. V. Cordice, .Pres. Mrs. T. A. Hamme, Sec'y Mrs. J. H. Davis, Asst-Sec’y Mrs. W. A. Peddy, Treas. I^embers of the club present AND VERDICT IN CASE OF ABC OFFICER t6 «E REACHED FRIDAY AFTERNOON (CONTINUED FROM PACE 1) WATCH FOR THE BLUE AND YELLOW TOP TRUCKS BUY YOURi ICE AND COAL FROM McDonald Ice & Coal Co. McDONALD ICE A COAL COMPANY TELEPHONE J-7 5 1 1 CRYSTAL ICE CORNER 9th and Q STREETS ■ COAL THAT BURNS ALL NIGHT TRY OUR COMPLETE LCBRICATION SERVICE Cu If Service Station s. C. RAY, PROPi WASHING-POLISHING-WAXING PHONi; F-8084 PINE & PETTIGREW STS. transversely it . went through the bladder and lodged in the pelvis. The three perforations I Wound lOn the body were said to have been caused by a safety pin which the bullet struck be fore entering the body. Other witnesses presented by the state were Roosevelt Owens William Mumford, William Ho^C- ten, Lem Rogers; Lee Heck; Lee Jeifers and Mrs. Ella McNeil all of whom were pre sent at the McNeil home at the time of the ' fatal shooting. Each and all of those witnesses stated that two of the officers, G. Bobbit and T. L. Bailey came to the front of the house >«s the evening of tbe raid while WiUtie cune around the house to the back do^r. The two Jtt the front door gained e&tniice to tbe house by tearing down ecfoen duor and on ontering thf house began beating Mc Neil with a blackjac)(. When Wilkie was unable to enter the back dour, he ripped the screen with his knife and entered after givinc the door a Jerk Just us bis head entered the door, “he was met by a glass” thrown by McNeil. On being struck by tne giasH he -whipped out bis pialtoi a^id shut McNeil. After shotting the man he is said to have stated: "ril kill any damned Nigger that knocks my teeths out like that.” llie next words that he spoKc were after litJbbit and Bailey bad beaten AieNeil’s head to a pulp. tie told Bailey that he beaten him enough. The jAi'ee officers then took the dying man to tne hospital. Mrs. Ella McNeil, wife of the slain man stated that she was put out of the room where the beating was going on and was readmitted only after going around the house and getting permission to enter through the back door in order to finish preparing her supper. She placed a wet towel on her husband’s head as he was being t^ken from the house and site also told bow she was treated by the officers when she attempted to get the keys to her liusband’s car. The state presented as evid ence in the case th^ bullet and two pieces fif metal which v-'ere fofind in McNdi’s body, the bloody trousers and shirt vor« ^ THE DAISY SCARBORROUGH NURSERY (CONTINUED FROM PAGE FOUR)_^ ing their early yeSts. The Daisy Scarborrough home proposes to take the children whose parents are forced to leave them istone while they w(>rk, and care for thgm^or the smaH sum of five cents a day. Certainly such an etfort is destined, to lower the percentages of incorfigibles in our city, and should be supported. This newspaper is glad to commend the founder of the home and such a benefactor of hisT'ellowmen as J. C. Scarborrough, Sr. who has been so thoughtful to establish the home as well as deed it lairge ,prap4?rties so as to ma^e it capable of carrying on, the good work of saving Negro youths. The state ought not to force the institution, as it has been doing, to give part of the income from its properties to it for taxes. It should at least follow the example set by the federal government and exempt the home from paying taxes. , iM» mhm imk •itrwnee to tin IfcNeO Itom*. T ]( e •tata ri^d at about fow P. M, Wednesday afternoon. *The witnesMi presuBted^ by tbe( defense were B. O. BobBlt, T. L. Bailey, tn. Y-atee, It. M- lltompcon and T. D. ^ilkie. M. M l^iompson, dei^ lieutea- aoit of the Durham Police de>,' partment and Depi^ty Clerk of' Recorder’s Court stated tbat he issued a icarch and oelmire war rant for iM^elTs liome on the afternoon' of Hay 27 and be identified a warrant presented to UiB as the «ae that be iMu- ed. The defense offered this warrant a* evidence, how ever, solicitor C»rr objected and his objection was sustained temporarily until the defense could prove that there is a ‘‘Special Statute” giving: *a ,De- q^ty Clerk permisiion to issue a warrant for iiarch for alcho- Be beverages. Aceoi^dins to tbe dtp^^nse, wHnessee Wilkie abbt James' McNeil after be had been hit in the mouth with the glass j^hrown by McNeil and after IfcNeiL^as advancing on hiM 3f%l|‘a^bair. The other two oflkers were not supposed! to have entered the room Tintil after t^ ahooting had occurr ed and ithey were under the impression tiuit Wilkie had been shot Alttorney Douglas, for the state found numerous falac iee in cthe testimony of defense witnesses. Itft 8\iBday P. M. »t the A s^iuieal prograoi wu Hjjiiir- «4 sod higiiiy enjojrad bj preseflt. The wisBer baby Joyce Qray dauchter of Mr. and Mta. Guy Oray ^ Other babies partteipatiBy war* Baby Thomas, Freeatan a a 4 Jones as well as o^ers. Wateh CoBtait i The Booslers’ Club of SuA Memorial AME Z|oji Chui^ sponsored a_ “Wat«h Contesi" wUsh was closed with a musical program Monday night, July 18th,_ JThe church was bsautl* fuHy decorated with flowexa and floor lamps. The program was directed by Mr^ Elisa Mor- riaon and after . the program a (delightful TcjMi^b wwi' ^rerred. OXFORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. lihomas Cotart of New York City are visiting their father Mr. Andrew Howell ofjjOsford. liasters Samuel and Lorensa Shephard the nons of Rev. Marahall L. Shephard are visit ing their grand mother, M r a. Bunn Owend. Miss Eva Mayo had a tea on the lawn of her grajndmotherfa home on Sunda;f; July_ ITA. Those who were present wne: Misses Pauline Turner A'fuaaiia Tyler, Elenda Anderson, Doris ^ g) Anderson, Mary Blanch Winston ' E2dith Carr, Messers McNeil Willuun Tyler, Willie Cooper, Joe Daivs Lorenza Shephard and Robert Shepard Jr. The music was fumi^ed' by Lee Hester. They tea was highly. BY MISS KRISTYNE YOUNG Visitiag Prom N«w J«rt«y Mrs. "Tiucy Hayes Crenshaw of Atlantic City, if. J. spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Hattie Hayes . RX>YAL TAlLCttlS * CLEANERS DYERS AND TAILORS WE CLEAN FOR DURHAM LET US CLEAN FOR YOU Royal Tailoring Co. 530 EAST PETTIGREW ST PHONE J-3894 TRADE AT LACY YOUR COMMUNITY GROCERY Fancy Grocery Meats vegetable* and 4t>nfectlonaires Lacy’s Crocery ,AT LINK PLACE AND RAMSEY ST. fe^UT RA FREE FREE TO THOSE WHO SPEND $ip.OO WITH US GET A FREE WASH STRICT ACCOUNT KEPT. Midway Service Station PINE AND popular STS, W. AMEY, MGR. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Neighborhood Grocery 1619 FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE L-3173 CALL US RogeiiP. Tucker Grd. Co. FANCY GROCERIES MEATS’ AND- VEGETABLES PHONE Jt1612 ^ 510 PROCTOR STREET Boykin’s Tailors. - PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT EXPERT TAILORING 715. FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE L-S49)3 TRY OUR HOME-MADE SANDWICHES THEY ARE FRESH AT ALL TIMES. WE MAKE ANY KIND ^ ,WE SERVE COLD DRINKS ^ . r AND CONFECTIONAIRES , OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Southern Cafe 1107 PINE STREET INSIST ON LOFTlN’S BREAD “^EST INGREDIEWTS USED Loftfn's Bakery 612 FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE J-3792 EATATTHE THE HOME OF GOOD FOOD LET US RENT YOU A BIKE FOR YOUR JOY RIDING Dixie Gafe J 61* TAYETTEVILLE street, DURHAM ,^15 1-2 MARKET ST, GREENSBORO JOHN HUGGINS. PRpP. FRIENDLY CITY BARBER SHQP WATCH THIS PAPER FOR IMPORTANT announcement IN NEX.T ISSUE). SOMETHING NEW AND GREAT WILL frAKE PLACE AT THE FfilENDLY CITY BARBER SHOP 711 FayettevlUe Street " A, C. ARTIST, PROP. IPH Grin’s Crocery HAYTI’S OLDEST GROC^ERY MERCHANT WITH A CCMfPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES FRESH MEATS C FRUITS AND VEGETABLES » CREAM'S GROCERY %14 PROF. PHONE 1^3591 A T T H E _ WILUAM’S GROCERY YOU WILL FIND A COMPLETE LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES, MEAtS, FRUITS AND VEGETA»«S. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED 1213 FaVttevill* Street PHONE F-8791 CKI AIOHS Of- Htj\.SONABI r DRUG I'Kk US Ml WEST MAIN Thifsday-Friday-^atnrday COUPON DAYS At Eckerd’s p o u p o N $1.00. SIZE , BEEF, WINE AND IRON Tonic WITH COUPON 2 FOR $1.00 COUPON $1.00 SIZE J E R I! S flair-Tonic WITH COUPON 2 F O R $1.00 COUPON POUND SIZE Talcum Powder WITH COUPON * lie COUPON $2.00 VALUE D O U B L E Compact WITH COUPON 39c 6 y O O T I I R-O N CO Rj t> S 14e * Q U A R ■f S i £ E COD LIVER OIL it ' 49e L I ST E R I N E 2 F(MI COUPON 3i5,e SIZE ' HAARLEM OIL Capsules WITH COUPON 25 PER CENT REDUCTIOff 'on bath SUITS AND S H O E S Attend WPA~ lastitttt* Mesdames Fannie Taylor and Mamie Holt Oscar Applewhite and John Wooten are attending the WPA Institute for adult education at Brick. -^Prtogrea^va C^iib Meets The Progressvie jClub met at the home of Mrs.L Horton on Mangum St. Monday nig'ht July 18, The meet opened with the t^ual procedure, after the busi ness session a delightful repast was served. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Trenton, New York. Officers of the dob are: Mrs. Harriet, President Mrs. Connie Young, Sec’y Bell Burnett, Treasurjer t' Oat Acaia Mrs. Marie Moore i ^s able to be out again after a short ill ness. Royal Twenty Throe Eatertain The Royal Twenty three en- tained a number of its friends at a bam dance Thursday night July 15, at the Masonic Hall. It was enjoyed by all those pre sent. This dub is one of the oldest and most popular in the T~ Viait In Durham Louis Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hanes spent a few hours in Durham Sunday visiting CHAPEL HILL NEWS Mrs. Veora. (Hackney) Floyd wife of Dr. H. G. Floyd of Palatka Florida and daughter of Mrs. Laura Hacldney and tb« late Dr. L. H. Haekney ^ a r • visiting her mother, sister and sister and brother for a month. Mrs. Floyd is one of the prominent school teachers o f Alachua country and holds thd principalship of one of the school tbere. She is anxious to see many of her many friends while in the state. :Habr Contest at St. MatthewS The Stewards Board number one-A of St. Matthew A. M. E. Church sponsored a baby con- G R E Y HAIR GET RID OF IT THIS QUICK ^ E A S. Y W A Y^ Qaoen-Aan Hair Dyo makas dull, faded, gray liair-toft JaC black aad atlraetive. Y o « look years, younger. Easily q«idk> ly applied at home. One i^pUc^> tion lasts for weeks and weahs. Mme. Christine HoweB, Naw I Jersey Beai^iy Comnissioaarg praises Qaeea-Ana highly. H«a> I •h'ads of SeairtteiaAs are us&t ' it daily. I SEND NO MOii£Y Pay pOstnaa only $1 plas past* age when Ke delivers your order. MOffEY BACK GUARANTEE If you are aot completely saUs- ^lad, ^our money will be gladly refunded within fiTa days. Or der Today*-write , * QUEEN-ANN MEa CO. 20 Richmond^ Street Nbwarl:, N. J. !■. , Dept. 14 PHONE N*57ll TWO DELIVERIES 10 A. M.—3 P. M. Levine Seafood 718 FayeMaviile St. ■ •• ALL VIRGINIA FISH “Wli SEU. TOE FISH WE CATCH" Moved M. 1. Tailor ANNCHJNCES HIS REMOVAL ,FROM 109 'SqU'^ MANGUM STREET TO * 122 SOUTH MANGUM STREET SPECIAL REMOVAL OFFER EXTRA PANTS FOR ONLY $1.00 WITH EACH MADE-TO-^I^SURE SUIT M. h Page, Tailor 182 SOUTH MAMCUM STREET’ DIAL F-«*21 immmmrnmmmm w

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