Mailing B>IT10N CHAIMlflG SKIOK Ppf>^RUtHpNBRibliD^ DURHAM, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATlJ»DAV JULY 30Ui 193s' PRICE FIVE CENTS FILED DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE Rev. Fisher Says Sabbath Burial Geremonies K i IJ Meaning; Of Lord’s Day RENEWS ATTAck ON stlf^DAY FUNERALS Year *ditori«l on “Sundfiy flowers before « curiom though Fnn«nli’* provokei thne words. In 4t you said th«t I ‘'sUrt«d a crQaade against Sunday funerals in Durham several years ago, but doubtless ^v. ^ Fisher discover ed that he was too far ahead of hia time.” If this stattement) ia wholly it u painlfal . tq think tliat until } can}e*(o Durha^ (ibout /ivf ^ear> the undert^i^f? and aogae ^ereav^ families de- 9*cr»(«d withPBt cbnllente Chris- tiM Stbtmth with fun^ijils. They f*iiwaii]F eantiau» ttf ()« thj^ but S'wday {unMr«l]»^ completely dMtroy th« mesninf tl f b « Lanfi d»y. Sai^iay funernl# five Ml exeuM |i*r'‘aoB^vrc^ partkipation t« » hofft of p»o* pla iacl«l|ng an^l^takers their attctidanta, garaore men grave diggara florists Jier- families, tlwir fHends; etc. .#|‘f out # iiamony wlUi progreim, f UDM'r^H 4iscrin)f natei against the living in interest of the dead. 'kL I , NotwltihsiandiDg, vfed families (and not uader- non-lnterested audience en a Sunday- The , w^^oile ^bject of funerals which are pauperiz' ing Negroes should be reviewedi Instead of, as you aay; “Rev. Fisher" {discovering: “that ^e was too far ahead of his time,” it has been gratifying to notice that some mem.bers of the White Rock Baptist (Church have accepted my view about Sunday fi^ecals. I^r example, oux lamented Deacon-aidl^ Geo. WJjitley died on a Friday of tiiii y#«r. Ife was buried the £odlo^ng Mon^y, obtensibly to nvoid 4 Sunday funeral. Public notice was made of this f»ct, and oth#r j»rer* #ncpur»g- ed to thf iphristlan S^b- b«th for woi’ship eervlees. At least lone a year I have eoathn- ed to preach a fomwl strmen against Sunday funerala in Ikdh dition to «|»c.'iklnir iip'ainst them ag gff(?p as f'.MW fit Ta Speak Ai I dare net. nt«t i»riiae^ oi)l^ the living should not 4ake time from their Christian! duties to bury the *^dead (Matthew 8:2S) |)ec{im9 the^ gospel message is talcers;) who insist* on Suniday K®®^®olated to rsftch man in 8¥fry dCMrve great sympathy a n d | phase of his life. I make clear, patience. Sunday fun-1 however my views on funerals to every) Sunday bereaved buried "Uie ide^d ^lavie fop gam-j ^t » junprt^l oj:}^u» a^. tttry pe^sops and.hel^ jjja ^tfn.ef-j "JunJral f^ily cfjoosc its pwn funeral datg. f »!»} )?9Pf>y *9 Fep?i^^ tn%t fewejr i^n^ f/a^^r of the White Bock ffi^ptist 8|1 » wr|Bicfeing£^Uf)d#yr^MS^ or»it, Negroen d|;nie4 p^qgf]h tloa in «1m«>H IfU sitM#- tlon, finally aeliievi> noti«i , . . „ ^ i for. theiir fellows in death as {Church dfSlW Sttnctey the undertaker open the casket, *» u n**L Aur*h ^generally pine, cl»the-cover^ i White °c a() , . j u **will frown on Sunday funerals ipd aold under stram at about ten tin>e s i^ ^c^wal value) and C|iai;lef Ooony) yhe Allen Christian En^dea- ypp “League of St. Joseph X. M. g. Chqrcfi js... division ••‘’et ap§ft fpr l}ie youpger set of the church. Charles Poom is pfPKl^ent, On the. yurlous jjror prespnte4 during the li$ague hour, sppakeip of irter- ■«st are brought to bring a mess age or ideas bf--value to the younger group. jlaHds.y -July iti. Miss Lol» Gourdtne, secietary of the LoRi fHP j* hf ehtfi’gtt ut thm j^rogtnj^,'. Her speaker is one of Inter national reputatiun, Sher Mo hammed Quraishi of India. Mr. Quraishi is recoffriized as an au thority (ju Orlenm ifJfalf, peon- omie, political an'd ^ociaL* He is the author of several treaysfes -on‘ India’ and has appeared in sev^ial countries as » public BPMkff lucLutpc. Unfji'ubt- edly a foremost authority on Indian acairs, Mr. Quraishi ia becoming well knpw»i___, An^efic^ h§ aUea# Is in Asi§, . His Ust of lec|,4res includ«'; “Intti§ Today, The Changing 4: Pjtlilaiisliiiilj) ilfter 50 yrars Rev, Miles Mark Fither, popular ha* renewed hi* attack »n Sun- of White Rock Baptiti^! d»'y rwneral* and stat* hU opin- Ckurch, who In an»wor to an | l»n and poiition in the matt#r- idftol4al in the July 23n) ixsnr J ets* vk«re in -this i«sna. «4». TKE— 4!AacL.;#f.i ~ T5n;i.s» .V LYNNrMiss. July 30 (sANP) —Ending a schism tn Snights of Pythiaa ranks that dates haok 50 years, Pylbians of the East ern and Western Himkpheres last week merged with the Py- l^iians of North America, and both organizations ratified unification 4hI Supreme Chancellor a, A. m Watkina, of ChicagK) who ^aa Lynn in connection \^itJ> Grand Lodge visitations, . j ' ^ Ou'isJpndinff Beature of tiiQ long awaited merger waa the presence at the conference of tewis Williams and Jessie Hay es of Boston who 50 yeats ago ^dvokiated that t4i« OiRer re- >94lil\ M Rni^hts of' Phythias ef Korth America, eto. and C. W. CustUB Hartford Conn. whd v^thdrew,^ from the >iarent body aiid heiped form the Eas Wester® Hemisphere t^lel^ASE >URH to; PAGE «) MRS. J. R. holmes - ! Wl>« before her marriage On J«ly I ■ystem: Mr. Holmes is n»>w S, 1938 was Miss Carkttio B. I laeaiber of-tbt agmmcy forca^ wf Robbins. Miis Robbins 4s a I tlie North Carolina Matml Uim , tea. keq- in {bo Ourbaoi City I InsBranca Company. Many Genleslanis Enlei Ties $5,000 Campaip -oUe shows the "remams " Amidst Miss E/llen Harris’To Asl^ Court For Damages For Arrest On Local Bus Slvtce like CAAOi-i.A big hrue Campaign and Harroa Ceteurauan wm annwuntieu^'' catry btanlis commenced ( tu at tue Irate ot a icw each day ani there *re now aboist fiity wuo tiAve m««« taeur eauy or tiava been nominated by ilrientfa. •t 1 Iw caj>pai^a >• >>ust begtuuiitg tats week and if tbe entrina kMp cwnang la wntcu wa bope tney wuljva Wilt bave aruaad a kaadw- e«l entrants by tba t>r»t coi^la oi. weaks. Tbe nsave c«ateat- aotc we kave tl>« more mlaraatiag* the campetitioK t«r (ba big iMilCK:^Aftt/ aadans ^itt ba mmd t&r Wtt»r it will be lafT’ the contestaAka tn«w»»ei%e« m» tba votae wik ba m a r a evenly ais^rtbatrst. Itte list -bei*w saow* tbe aaaaas »md md- dress ut alt wiko hava enitered or wbo kave been aomtaated aaal tilers,Wy votes are tbe l‘K£l:. VOTIlS every psrsaa ia cne^taal With as soon as tbeir names and en|^ Uank is received by tba campaign manager. , Now is tbe time to make yoUr entry ia tba advice of the manager-get rigb tin at tbe start aisd tall aR yaw fi-iends that yua ara ia to W l^N and demonsirate it by gaiag ri|^t out after the BlQGEST I'RIZES OJFt-EREU. Otber« b a « • doatq it Sind you can^ too if yoa make up your nund and try b' » HURRY—don*^t wait—send or bring in y^r entry Uank to^y. *1 Quraishi answers any questions hi s heaie»-s may present. The Allen 'Christian JEndcavor Le^ue houi’ is at 6:15 d. m. The public is cordially invited. Orient, America and the India because o’f' their right^us “f Tomorrow, Leaders of Mod- choice and not because of a ern India, India and Gandhi-1 * " ,-Jiis Life aiid Ideals.” A part of j Greensboro have Mrs. Mabel Forte from New i York City and Mrs.* Ophilia S. 1 law Jffghj^itjng them. Fined $25 For Discrimination. BOSTON, July 68 ,(ANP)—? i re^dent, represented by Atty. Race prp5H^!®® ^Wtissech- * Julian D. Rainey, told the court e^ch lecture period is devoted returned* home aftej- spendn] ppen-fOfUfT} discussion o f wi*-h their mother {ndia, inuring which time Mr. rs. Giandy on 606 Dunbar Sj;. AJTENPEQ GETtVSPURQ ANNIVTR5AY Mow last week ^hen Judge Qershon Hall in ^rijt district Court - il BarriBtsWe foflntl Charles R. Plummer, white-rnana f8r of Putphland - FarmSp Inc. eating pl^pe Hyannis 4 Ifrb, guSffy W di^crimijiaiing iof refusii)g ^o seyve a patron b#caufre h^ yfun ^egro, Manager Plummer had! inform- e4 h'Pl» “We do not cater to |Siilor^4 in-Qui ■ room.” His testfinony was supported by Chief of Police W. B. Fleming, who, on Hinds’ complaint had issued the warr ant fpr the manager. Judge Hall then (declared Plummer l4ncoln Hinds, £pston • guilty «nd assessed the fine. Mrs. t^ola' Allen Lewis Succumbs many friends of Hrs. LoU Alien Lewis will be grieved to hear of her sudden death in the Good Samaritan Hospial of Charlotte, N. C. Tuesday, July 8fi- , N Mr*.'* Lewis who only twot Waeks ygo h&d vi8ite4- her homa' ™h«r«, wftS.^6 year old, be|ng eldast a^Qght«t of the lat^>, Sichqfiend Allep, pro|qinei)t Dur ham earpenter and Mrs. Fanpie Qlenn Allen. . She was an ac tive member of St Joseph AMS church, even after n>ovin^ to Charlotte, , also a member of ^9 .DorcM Club, NAACPj'Ste- ■WMdess Board' of_ Joseph Church and many other social, civic and educational organisa tions. Mrs. Lewis was born In fiox- boro,^N ■'C. but , left th^e at an early age fer Durha^ where she lived and worked tn service as persopal ^i^id for late Mrs. George Watts and later moved''to Charlotte as maid for • Cameron M°rriaop. ghe has^ served jn the Watts and Morris families at interpals since the young age of 15 years. She was married to the late (PLEASE TURH TO PAQE •) , - ■ ^^ . „ „ , , , than take this seat he insisted Miss Lileii Hams, local young .. i u r j * * I that the young colored woman woman has uleU suit in t h e • . • u *. j u i. , , give him her seat and when she Duham i;ouiily Superior Court, - . 'j- u j u , . refused, the dirver had her ar- against the l)prham lr*ubnc 7 vice Cunvpaiiy lor $15,0U0 for ' . ' damages i?ustaiiied when she was I In Recorder’s Court Miss- JJar- awested because of not giving' ris represented by attorneys her seat in a Durham Public j C.^ J. Gates, and Edward Avant -Service Bus to a white man. | was convicte'di of violating the *;i^UK',arrest took ||lace on Feb. | North Carolina Transportation 12th of this year when Miss law w^hich proyMes that color-, Hari:i.s entered the bus and tcoK ed passengers seat frohj the the set next f^j the last, the lastjrear’in public conveyances. When seat being occupied. The occup-|the casa was t.akeri' to Superior ants of the last, seat left the bus j Court ihf c eiindant Was ftned’t' before Miss Harris did so that | $10 00; h'MvOvor in the Noxtb when the white man ente/ed,. Carolina Supreme Court th de- \he only vacant • seat was the j cision was reversed) because long seat in the back. Rather Miss Harris had “violated! no ' Ushers To Meet -*Uo- Contestants Jbliiierea lip lu weanesaay iMoba Ma^. M. I.. ItlJl Snn. DR. J. H- QAHNETT Distinguished, ,igini#ta)> and 4e«in of Uie An|eri'c:^n Baptist fheobagleal Sem!naiy a|t Nash- filla who has jitst returned from ‘ 73th anniver«a>V of the bi|t|Ie, qf Gettysburg, stated with JqflS Verplan, white 'a fellow: veteran. The life story of Dr. Garnett, who is SI years old, read like a|i e^ic. - ^ A slava Ib^y ia Georgia taught up Union soldiers !n Sher man'» march to th« sea, he was taken to New York where he enlisted under age but fell ill in South Carolina and ne vie'i^ was engaiged in battle. Tliriftvy and ambitious he ia> ter worked his way thrott|rh Gaergia college securing a n A. B. and M. A. degree, with another later from the Unlva%- fied the sitj of Chicago, ! 4 V. ROX,LORO, July 30., (Special) —Accordinj' to R. J. Bolton, |)}'omiHfnt citizen of Roxboro tlie larsjORt gathering of ushers ever to meet in Person County wifi gather “here Sunday July 31 a~tfe«-M'oinfl Zion Baptist churph on FaclDrj^ Street fpr .the firSt ansual meeting ot Che’' North- West Interdenominational Dis trict Unher Axsiociatio/i of North Carolina. • • The i(tfai ciinifmitlee has- work ?d without cea.sing t» get evejy- thiiig in tip top shape to-’ enter- taiin_j^Hp ^iiny visiting ushers frrm various" parts of the state who are planning to journejr to, Roxboro for the meeting, and visitors here next Sunday will 'tiscover that the committee has been succesHfUl 'In preparing to entertain Ihem in a first class manner. •; The program for next Sun day’s meeting’ is as follows: Several quartetts have noti- committee that they (k>LEASE TURN TO FACE i) 'raxiGRESSIVE PASTOR REV. WILLIAM H. FULLER*^ Eliergaliic ,yoimg pas,tor jof ^tlne recently constructed M^nt ^on Baptiat Church. Rev. Fullar bas pastorad tbis' cburcb for aina yaar* and it baa ra^ij •tridaa nadw bit laa^rabigk I V# inb&a J 4 • f i«r»*«aVa wiirnaibi o rt. t.. MuLf t ii3«niora nui \^Aap«A Mmi N. C. ■ a«ivb. CAKKlli CHAMriUN, Cbarlottee N. -O.OUU —b>lMM -^INM C.- HAKitr i.orli.4^, i:.ntieid N. C. J. t. Co\J»'l:.R, Wknosur N. U. K. it. COl.1:,, Koxboro N, C.— ~ii,oao KUdCUJiu CKAwrUnU, Keidsville N. C. MK3. C. M. CUICMIM, M-anklmton N. C. ? ikmw. i on, tveibsvtate 1^. C, ^ ini.jO I.UCtl.C. t J\k\a.\j^¥, Kiuetga N. C. jotin w. rAwv.4.iix., riXttm'ixnto ». MK:>. Wlr>«l-l.o, WiasiOB-baieoi N. C. «1«;W *^ K, lij^tKOAUOCO X.. —^— m ._Z!", antiva. *i. W. KjJRfc.A.w. UuibAni W. C. C. t. CiKll’l'liN, Ctruiam J>l. C. —-—^— -i>,OOQ -OfWUW -b.uwu &.UIM U£.KIKUUt:. nAKi^ Wiastun-Salem N. C- ii» H>yt4^j&.;S,.jLMiapet HiU^„ W C. ^— MK;>. Mil 111:. HAI WUUU, kaietgh N. C. McK|Ml.c.y MAWKli^a, Spring Hope N. C. Miss W»«Wlt HULMAN, Uxtord N. C. -4d6o Mk2>. LUVC.N1A to. HlCK.5, Durnan, N. C. iMKa. MtiDUKA hlLLrWiostoa-balem N. C. Miss VIOLA MiNl:.S Rock Mount N./C. — JOHN- HOLLOWAY; Durham N. C. —^ J. 5. HULLUWAY; Durham N. C. l-uKene Ht:lKNOON; Durham; N. C. S.OOW S.OM MKS. GLAljtYS LANGLEY; WbiteviUe N. C. J. W. LASSiA lt.Ri «Sn# N^^.; rr- MRS. HUGH LLbNARO^ Loulxburg N. C. MRS. ETHEL H. MflWAiN East Spencer N. C. MRS. FANN1£ R£lb McCLEAN; Raleigb N. C MRS. RUBY MITCHELL Winston-Salem N. C. MISS JANIE MOORE; WUmington N. C. MISS O. L MOORE Durham" N. C MRS. RUTH MORGAN Waadell N. C* MISS DOROTHY MOORE Clarktoa N. C. MRS, F. E. FERRY Rudky-.jlount N. C. MISS MAY PARKS Hi«b Faiat N. C — Mf, R. ROYSTER DwrbaaA Nortb Carolina KENI^ET^ SHADE Wiboa M. C. MRS. V. L. SLADE WasbiagttM N.’^ MISS OVELLA SMITH Raleigb; N, C. MRS. L. V. SMOOT; Greaasboro; N. C. -ibOM -8.0M -•jm* i -Mm 1tlRS. ADA STANBACK; Cbaeter; Soutb Carolia MISS BERTHA THOMPSON;Faisoa, N. C. R. W. UNDERWOODi Loaisb«,r*t N. jC.« (PLEASE TV*N TO PAQl «> or

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