in V DURHAM. N'. C. week ENDING SATURDAY •, 18-Year-Old Girl Arrested For iTheft Hangs Self in Orange County Jail Mrs. Tullie Nefsome Sacsumlis AGAINST SUN DAY FUlNERALft Y9 • 1 • l> CHAPEL HILL, Aug. Srd— A 1 M o a t •!! of the tomi of Chapel Hill WM Mtir with the •xeitenent surronnding the desth of Mrs. Thelma MeCaaley wha committed suicide Mondy^y morniiiff at 11,}6|0 in the Carboro J«ll. The young' wotmn, who was JiMt 18 yean old 'hang her- ^If with a ^ece of blanket tom from the hed' in the eell and waa ^eund dead> hanging from the i»oa latticed cell top about am hour after ahe had been ar- rested on • charge of larceny. Mi#. McCauley who ia aaid to haM attempted euicide several times daring tiie past two years, was the ooly inmate in the llttle_Jail when she hanged her- s^. '> Shortly after the discoTery of the body, an exsminat^ was ■iad by.Doctors John S. Hook- ;««, WilUaMi AbenMMdnr, B. -ihoni and Qe«^ - t»wac» . po^er li: WaHcer and"' Neville,, of HUIslMnro, made and iBveetteaiUbn and the jury which they called retunief a verdict of saicide. RBn>SVILLE FAMILY KILLED ON WAY TO CHURCH U I C I RBIDSVGLLEI August ,2nd— (Speeial) As Roy Wilson, his wjtts and dau#^er m^e |>n their way to a linioa^ aaeeiing at Shalis Baptist chnrcfa they were killeil, instantly when a train struclc their,. cur. *t the cro^iing Just in front of the church. The car wtta comple tely demolished and the bodies badly mangled. HIGH FOrNT POLICEMAN SHOOTS NEGRO (Stef C^ HIOH POIOT, August 3rd V^Blie Weaver ia now in a High Point hospital being toeated for a iMiUet wound which he re ceived when shot by a police man when he allegedly resisted amwt and attempt to attack the oflcer. ~ The officer was a^^tempting to on charges of lar ceny amC^-resisting arrest last week. After being chased for stettt three ‘ blocks^ Weav*er is said to have turned on the officer and started the al^ck wtth roeks wad bricks. Mrs. Tlielma M«Gaul«$^, 18- year old young woman of Chapel Hill, who hanged herself in. the Carboro Jail Monday August 1% Mrs. McCauley, who is si^d to have atteffi{>ted ^ici^e seveml times before in the past two years waa being held on charge of larceny md waa the onlj^. inmate of the jail. TRAIN VICTIMS BURIED NEAR REIDSVILLE MONDAY 7 (By T«ek) REIDSVILLE, August 3rd— Funeral services for the three persons killed when their auto- mobile wifs struck by a south bound train on the Shiloh Baptist Church C^oasing Near Sadler were held iSiesday morn ing at Chapel Hill Papt. Church a few miles nortih of Reidsville. The feraons killed were Roy Miller, 6(1 the ..driver who died at the hospital five hours later; Mrs. Ella Miller, 49 his wtfej and* Miss Pearl* Miller their sis- ter-in law. The two women were killed instantly. tM. Wells And Rev. Mrs. Td^lie Newsome of 1108 Cole St. disparted ;;this life July 27th. Durf;ng the* many jVars that she has' been et. resident' of Durham Mrs. J^e\^ttvne has wtn many friends. ^ *he was a di^"- vote wife and mother who demonstrateJ*. ti»e Christian spirit in all of he^- dealings. A faitefttl *cliurch worfiifr'^he ser ved as a member of t^ mothers board for about nine yefiiini dur- |rbich time she was ‘^iJways ^i% of 4^ty.; _ /^at the ^aV " ^ovfe ■ Will Baptist Church of which =she was -• faithful member.'. Rev. W. F. Cox, pastor of the Church in chante. i h J Mra. Newsome, waa also a member «>f w*e Fireside ^Mutual Burial Assoeiation. t HAS B I It T H D A Y ^ Attorneys Gather H e r& For Fourteenth Annual V ) Assoc iation_ jiinioii Trial Oft C. C- SPA'mniN’G, .president;, of the North’ ^arqljoa Mutual Life Insurance Company passed his sixty-fourth birthday Monday August 1st Mr. Spauld ing is being congiiatiulated o«. having r^ched another mile-' stone in his ve^ frugal life. Editor'^arolins Times Your eiifitorial .and ReV, Miles Mark Fisberi^r articje ©li Sunday Pt^erals mak^\me a"ealize more fully that I desire to\^tate my personal views. The matter of SuwSay .^fun- «rals was made\the order d*y^ ia the ministerial Alliaiia^ I d^ing 'the time I' was president 1 he AUiaace ^ unanimously ilaced tlieir ^sappi“oval of luaday. J^unexa^s-.ufider ,,certBfln c'ond1ti^s. \ ^ I thioiar in justice to\ Bev. Fi.sher, this statement is proper lest sosaeone may think he standsr alone in his views. There, is no) disposition on the part of the nuiaiaters to in any way cause -J!n eai'bairransing situation to any;, of the catizerts of- Dur- .^ham only ' that tte minivers, have discovered from experience' that there is a disposition on the part of some families -to keep their decesaed out of the ,i?round until: Sunday in ; order |t» de monstrate the apifti^nf, epi>sjt 0 parade celebration, w h i ^ greatly i^medes the igrogram of of service for LAN(SroIH3cr ranged progiiam the church. . If we look beyond personal views and accept Biblical views as the first cause i for 4o0d ane ; admodis^d tp '^slx^days for labor itw ob serve the seventh as the Sab bath, avoiding all unnecessary ^bor such as grave digging and fil*^^, V . Thei;*- are howewer instances where in4jy)duals pass the last of the week ftDd whose body is taken from the city >or for some other plausable X^it'use can itifj: be held over. I am certain no “qiinister of tte Christian Religion would in any way take exception to a Sunday Funeral in such a lease realising .there are times. ' rulaa mttet be cha««id fer the best good of all concerned. The Fourteenth Annual An nual Convention of the Nation- B&r Association will be held in Durham, stairting Thursday, August 4. The National Bar Association ta composed of the Megro lawyers of the United States and was oganized in 1'926. It now repre- seiits the twelve h«n^^ attorneys in this Coi(intry. { The Convention will be open ed on Thursday‘ Jtt^kming by the Resident, Hon. , ^lliam _L. Houston jof Wa^Iiigton, D C. 'Special Assistant to the Att’;^ General of the United States. Ttie Convention will be wel comed iby the Hon. W. F. Carr, Mayor of . Durham, • Mr. C. C. Spaulding, President, N o r t h Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company ajid _ President James |L Shepard of the North Carolina College for Negnroes. Among tl^e subjects to be d^ussed fl>ursday wipl be *Meti^(le^^ Protecting Negro !^u#ren*«?*^ojr JaiMs N, NabHt^^ Teif AflsifltoBt Professor |»f Law at Howard University; ^‘T h e Use of the Boycott and Picket to Increase Employment of Ne groes” by p. V. Lawson, Jr., of the District of Columbia Bar,, “ThB^LaWyer and the Adminis tration of, Jrisflce” 4»y H. T. Van Hecke, Dean University of North 'Carolina. The key note address will be made by President William L. Houston on the sub ject "The Old Order Changeth.’ The public mass meeting will be held at the B. N. Duke It is probable that Abtoii, who has been ifraateil « # • 1[_ trial by the Si^kreme Co^i^it cdaniectioii witu Kls slayi^ 103 Vear old Mrs. Janie Wilkar' son, twill be gi^en a ^ond Jktar-' ing at' a special' term of ei*mt in October«>^ — Eiecaose of the heavy doeket which awaits aetion in the Sept. term 'of superior coart aad b«- cause of the length of tiak: tta Alston trial ia expected to taka it will probably be coatiBMd W. L. HOUSTCjpj, president ^ ef the Natiotial Bar Ahs’n alSiJ''***** spccial term prejninent >lawyer of Waahinc- 0«*®her 3. ton, D. C. who is presiding over , ^feton was coavieted of Tirst the aesaions of fc. annual meet. murder laat ing of the organization being ,^6 had been sentence ta 4eatk held here tUa week. ^ chaaiber. He ia ckarg- ^ with killing tli« winaaa M 0 rt« Carolhia sl^iHS^ k^ere Chrlateas «f Coflega- for Negroes at »il61 ’.T,, — lIPiKiradi^ night. A^omey M. | ^ . CECI|pil -1 BOHI|KJO> QSr )Vice President of the Aaafn I will preside. Hob, Harry aaeet^iiip. ^ McMullan, Attorney GenWi^ of *** North Carolioi will Ipeak on The regular meetiags . wifi fta^ the sublect ‘‘Centralizing Law Thursday and Friday mor*- Bn£orcemen%» Hon. James starting at »:©0 p. na. ka S. Watson, Judge. Municipal Auditorium on t h a Court New York City will speak "***«" North Caroliaa on the aubjeet “Hie" Beaponsi-1 Negroes. The genl bilities of the Negro Lawyer to P'*^ ^ attend tfiSi® I meetings. general pttbUe 'ili. iaaKatf- Musical' eWter- the progressive church. X,. ) We have^ also found and con- tnetQ, tacted families who iissume—tlie initiative in\ arranging- the hour In this matter, I am personally opposed to funerals on the Sabbath Day and !a 'Iw^e ma jority of my members have agre ed to cooperate with their paa- tor and the alliance in trying to Hour as is humanly yoeaiWe t» WoAds Noses Out BobbyPalmer In ^ap Box Derby Here Sonday ^As ai r&ce group I hope the day may soon come when we for the funeral wthout ■ o n e | may be less willing to^ceAsure’bn • of the pastor re- jthe view9' ®f th^ ministry and- gafdless of hb previously\ar- ' the church and more willing to accept and face the truth eveif though they.^raay be against our personal vie\^int. " "May we more fully lemembcr that we live in a land> of liberty, of speech when ■' "traditional practices must not dectate tjmlf procedure of a progressive peo ple such as we find in our city Of Durham. SCENES AT SOAP BOX DERI^Y HELD HERE '■ ' ' ■ .V SUMPAY EVENING REtDSVILLB, August 2nd, (Spm^lal)—^The ^IdlfrBle minl- ilara* F«pai^i/lty |tontei|t eon- dacted here for the past eight ^eeka by tfia- Carolina Times ctoaed a ittoat suecenful cw- ppign Tueaday with the biggeat avalancha of ballota of > the en- c«ttip*d|^’ So'great waa tha bariottef J^t the Timea oflhse forca apent Nearly two 4aya counUnlt, -|UWl recording the rUttlta. The final eoirat^showed Rev. Invited to tfes Mmob •• winner the a^ tka fint a roundtrip t« AHMtic City with Ho^ e*- . J.C' penfies paid, and Rev, *W, L. P. I. Wells as the winner of cond priae, a free round trip to Atlantic City. The prises wiil be awarded Friday evening by L. E. Austin editor of the Carolina Times, and W. A. Tuck, managing editor »nd circulation manager, according to i^nounc^mMt, .nude here this week hf Brown loeal repreaentKtivs of the Tinea. ; The f«Uic I* eordially lenta- iBon program willed b held at'the First fiipiiaf ClKvrch iViday •▼•afng at 8;M. t formed into a race track Sun day rto witness Durham's first ^nn^ai 'soap i>ox’ derby in y^hicjii about 29' oais •-.^jiitered. litere were only three 'colored boys who took part in the derby but out 0^ this number there came very near being a‘^ ^lored city champion. Bobby Palmer who came in a few inches be hind >Bobby Woodq, white, winner in ,tiie floal race announced runner ^p for citj;. cha:p,pion8hip and v awarded a gold medal an! of skates. f. The above are soeviea in. tWe piresentationj^’ceremorries ' at" the ■ered^o^ Durham's first annual ‘aoapboiP defby'in which Bo4>by Woods won first honors an3 Bobby.Pa\mer was a close second. Ae.p^^ture at the left showS the two boya with their parents. ■I^t'-to rig;ht C. R. ,Woods, Qityi recreationidirector and fattier of (The . winner; BJ>by W«wda; The 'w^ner.;^Mrs. C* B- Woods, C. M. Palnrer, father of fjobby Pk^o«r^ and B*h» PalfWi,.aeftted ^ Wa.‘car. ^ Hhe center photo ^wa the boya being greeted by the radio anaouncew Just a& the race was over. At the.riiht the bdys^ and;their\parents are pr^^ng.lo pHljf «»r the Photogn^theca acaiiu " ' ■ (Picturee by THE CAROU^A'flMES; more pietnres Ml insert B.) "Ilao ousandfe of people lined that division. Bqbby Woods, " bott sides of the quartar-mile the winner was in class ‘A’ Tha of University Drive waa trans- classes were based on age. . _ The derby waa run «»tf in haats three cars at_,ja time; first en trants in class ‘B’' the* aauUer boya, then those in claaa ‘A*. The contest sponsored by the Herald-Sun papers andi .the ra- preaentative of the Charrrolat Motor Co., waa actively direct-> the ed by Jack' Wagner, Staff aaeaa- was I her of tiie recrealeloa /depart ment who* wfil aeeoiapaay s, Woods to Akron ..Qhio for tlM t h w a _ a pair natiunal derlqr> 7%a preaentaE^ t tion and awards irere aaa^te by Palmer, won first place in.the M. P. ‘B’ class and is city champ in Sun papers. Muraagh ef the- HeraM-— MANY tNTER TIMES $5,000 CMXMliM Approximately 75 contestaata from all over N«urth Carolina have already aent ia a>1py hlailf» fwr the Canritaa TStim f6,M0 auheeripAlon and eMh awil a^oara iacreaae oatriaa aad laAeiea^ ia the c^taat . wUah wtQ, litiiv awaattat a \tma4 imm 'lW ^iakk m4m «id a 1brafi9' m« Plya^tli aadaii, a a 4 luaadred of dollars'& k ' priiea and eoaimiaUfOK Tl» cwata^ ia A Cw^oa Tinea !■ when biaMi aedaa was ■ awal^ 'ChiA ^gvsB H tUa iaaw Wliiipat T_ Mm

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