ntDnrn tut CAAOLINA TrttlS SATtlRDAY. OCT. tttfc,. IfN rAAi WHITE PASTOR SPEAKS AGAINST1W0BS Raps Principles Used By Killers Of La. Youth RUSTON, La., Oct. 25, (ANP> —The lynch! n|f her# last Thurs* day of u. C. Williami, accused of murder and criminal Rwault, calUd forth Sunday In oii» of th» city’a principal ptilpits ihc prophetic voicp of a lea.linH* whit» minl»Ur, (i>nouneing tht; lynching and calling Upuii iiis eongregfttion to* do oil in thoii' power toward the apprehcuHon and conviction of membei* of the mob. The speaker waa Dr. W. ,K B. Lockrtdge,' pa»tor of the Baptist church of Jiust'on. At tha Sunday morninif service D*’. Loekrldge read to his congrpga tion the following statement; ' "Our community‘has sufftvnd a disgrace in the eyes of ct^Iiz ed people all over the world, and believing it to be the proviaco (£ the pulpit to denounce wiJSnjf as well ai commend f%ht, I wmh t.. place myself on record a» bfting |,. u ^ . ^ d«lly enticement could not h»ve unalterably opposed to the pm i, . . , .. , . ,,, . T, / I i«iled to poison his mind. W cedure of the mob near uuston, I ^ ^ . I cannot condemn too strongly Thursday la*t. The citizens who i •. j , - ^ ^ ^ 1 practices of this kind, and ask made an eifort to assist our . i. j . _ ... I that »ome efiort be made to keep ofncers are to be commond‘s*4. I .... . . . . - i , . ^ j. . I t«e highways and roads of this wi»h to commend the ^ n.- , , , ... I parish free^^om this pract;c». Judge for calung a grand jury to lnv«|tig«tft the ease and ^ upon my congregation to T'n«lpr •very ftfatstance potsibli* n tho apprehensioT and convictii> \ of the lesdirs of thli mob. “The only marV of a civitizpfl community lies in it* ability ''i control its pai«ion«, and mindri h a mas* is no less murdor tL«n that rommftti^ by Wfr imHrrttmrt Th# victihi of this mob may hnvo been, and possibly was, guilty of A heinous crime, but his r m feiwfon wan wrunV from bin, by torturo which cduld hare been Inflicted only^ In the wHdent frenzy or as the product of anothc” criminal mind," **The crimes which culminated in the mobbing wer^ the result of another prak;tice condemned by' good «ocie|jiE> everywhere. The victim of the mob was reaied in sight of a notorious rendezvous for lustful practices and thio i NOTE:—vocrjl qu»stian will in ffaj ntm9 ONLY wbtij you helu4» M cUppiag of opfumn fUff JR«f full namt, birtbdatt, and corr»c# addrtst tt> ypur Htteh r«t § "Privata Raply” ... send only (35cX and a aaU-addraUf^, tUtmped envelope tor my new ASTROLOGY READING and receive of return mail FREE ADVICE oa (J) Questions. Send all letters to: ABBE WALLACE, care of THE CARO LINA TIMES. 117 Peabody Street, D«h*i. N. «aroHna. W. F.—? am working new but I am planning on goini{ to another pl^nt next ponth ind I want to know will it be th,* best thing for me? ^ Ans:---M^ke some inqaiileji about this other job but hoUi pn to tlie one you h»ve. ,If you are offered a better price for'^our services and ^he work appeah to you ipore, thcil make the ciiAnge.' L. E'. W.—WHl 1 aver marry a good working man and ii bo when? Al»«:—A marriage i« noi in dicated in the near future. IX You will take your time and not rush into- marriage, you \dll make a wise ehotce. CUo you a good' Christian husband and only associate with lb» particular type you like. T. M. H.—Thare was a young man who seemed very interested in «ft« until I said yes, to h 1 s question, I^ow he h«s failed to keep two promises and I wis 1 to know what to do for I only said yes, because he aske^ if l .vou’d he. h'** girl friend. An«:—Well, young£#er ^ th.& i5nly means one probteBj that vttlt arise in your Jife. *• ^hy ivjri'jr about love, at this eariy date just be nice and congenial with yo|)i' lit^e--friend and he will like yog all right. M. A. V.—am troubled .irasy with my huaband. I |eeT Chat hy is g3ing with another ' woman and I want to know wbat to do? Ans;—Keep your eyes open aii4 when you have positive prdol of your suspicions take your hand^ off the whole afIa1r.~Tn tbe wean lime, warn the gentleman 'if his conduct and irt him know tnat you won’t tol«r*te it very long. D. A. W.—Please tell me if it is best for me to go to Chicag|» to my sister, or boarding schools Ans;—School is the p|(ici» lor; I you voung lady. 6«t Jvut M I much training at you can and j you won’t ever h«v»> to worry, seriously about your fu. ture. Vour sister would ha : proud to have you but It wuujp ; only be a matter ai time until ' you would regret giving up g ; to school. i A. M.—I have in mind to I open up a small business place and want to know if I shi«ld carry out these plans or not? Ans:—It’.s a favorable location you have chosen nnd ytfu shaulff he abl«‘ to put youu little business over wilhout any difficulty at all. It hard work, long hour^, 'iiiil a Htiff chin to put any b ';i(ies‘,i over ^ o u hnvt' what tt takes to do thfs. J. P.—Should I leave my home where l »iow reside, and how •oon should I leave t#wnl_^. | Aju:—>A change of cltias won’t) help you o«t to any great extent. | Iltmsln where you ura and try to enter into a good oayin ' busTrie^. You advantages necessary to mAke a success right where yoii 9is', the rest Is left up to you. *«*«*«* » L. M. F-r-My husband and | are vary discouraged. He W0tks har^ all d||y long h'li salary ii so small wo can hard;y Uv#, TfJl us what to do? Ans:—ftTac# up nnd evpry weak of th« world he make application for a new job. H he eontiiwes to try Mrd, it won’^^ very long until he finds something better and is abte^ to give up the place that he now has. Keep him cheered up and in good spirits. ' Dr. Re Nathanial Dett Triumhps In Musical World On Recent Tour ’8 Giiin local Stores In today’s issue of the Caralina Time# app%an * Wrffeley cHtw ing gum advertisement conto'n • ing nam^s of the retail ;4oie- keepers in Durham who have a large display of Wrigley’s Chew ing Gum oij their counters. This advertisement estabji.she? a Tecord for the largest i^uiy^boi of retail outlets'" appearing ' ip ong sdvertisen^ent jn thif, paper, 44 local storekeeppff nao^es are signed tq t^e ^dverr tisement. •Each of the deni rs has a lar|*$ display of Wrig’ev’s Qum con- vehieijtjy placed on his coun ter. ' The C»rollTia cTlmes was chosen because of its thorough coverage of this market. It it expected that this ciimpaign will be repeated, / •• ^ ~ ^ ■/ "• No wond¥r Hitler goes to such pains'**^ praise Mus;j0liiu. When a folI?r^nly has o » a friefxt left, has to hang onto him, , -.i Patronize Our Ailv«rtU«r* ianit«u!viii«nsmviHiqpnpiiivii [Where Do You Stand? ? I A completer insurance rilOOllAM WILL PROVIDE l OR- ^ 1—CASH IN THE EVENT OF ILLNIfS 2—THE PAYMENT OP OSl^l^TIONS LIFT 9EHIND 3—THE EDUCATION OF ¥Oyil CH1L9IIBN 4—YOUR WIDOW’S COMFORT *^ 5—THE MORTGAGE ON YOUR HUME ^ 6—YOUR OWN OLD AGE ^ Ck«ck off th* abora it*m> and ••• bow many of than irour *, in*«iranc« program wiU taka car* of. If 'aet all—jroii ar« taking too groat a ckanao. - ' SEE ONE OF OUR RElPRESENTATIVES.^ WITHOUT OB- LIGATION ON YOUR PART, HE' WILL OUTLINE A “SIX POINT" PROGRAM FOR YOU THAT WILL BE COM- ' PLETE. CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT? North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co*^V DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA C. C. SPAUUNNG, PRfiSlSkfiNT DURHAM DISTRICT OFFICE— «0» FAYETTEVILLE ST. W. L. COOK, DISTRICT MANAGER ■•NO HOME IS COMPLiETE WITHOUT NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL POUCIES" ^ mmmmmm iiwuw mmm mai wnaw recuntly "cnali'rii triumphs in' .h» HB. M. NATHANIEI. IHSTi; Director of Musio Bennett College. ' Dr. Dett has gp” thret- big «nusical_Hfii|M; ^ -t. A suceesjtfal MiJw«stt>rti 1 with tha Choir, numbtring- over thirty young I women, who sang Q times In tht City (jf Ipdianapttli^: one.* -st U*i4+a«w yn#rrrstty, Creencpstl,-, ' Itidi^iiu, nnd at the Calva'.\ M. K. Church, Cincinnati, Ohi"!. Kufh time the group appeared before capacity hou.ses which* were enthusiastic of their ,vork. The world premiere of “Amei-i cun Sam{.lert' over the natMiij wide hook up of f’BS. This symphon^e work wrh espeeiacly coinmi.-isioned by the Colunibl.i Broartfastin,? System, and wa.. played bv ^he (’olumbia Oicht'M tra under th« direction tif Howard Barlow. iLlased on early ’ American history, the production will no doubt live as one if the grent workjf £jf AmeTifaii gon'. of i»»r dayi The presentation of “ F h e ordering of Moses” by tht Annual _Worchoster Music I'esti- v«l a*, ita openinji progriunl IL will be remeniibered that "The Ordering of Moses” had ilr premiers at the*Cincinnati MuhIc Festival* in the Spring .of 1U37. Albert •Stoci'sel conduced the production in Worcester. ALPHA OECTA ZCTA CHAPTER OF 2ETA PHI BETA ORGANIZED JACKSU.N, Oct. titV. [ (AitPi—Eiifht membafa wt-' initiatt ti into the Z«ta Pbi B- Mtrority, Hatkifday, formir^ the -it up by the >uth«ii!n regional dir?ft .f, ?oror LullalU W; H&r 'ijn who unra . elB{j the m> • •*''5 nftd stplainf I thn hijtor . . tn - -iionty. ^ Aft*r ific. ceiemjny, ths fulluWirig i.rtii -I- iln t,4 *7Trrr Jtirtly 1 jun^ lit Anti Ba-iileus, Surn J,>nnie O, Johnaun; Urammatt,; . dorj Mable .4. Rj;.‘ni»n t'. ' Uan, Soror E*tell«* G. . fsmi iuuchus, Soro Bit’dt#- F f. ivt:, jprvetn, K .;n -fi J Pariiomfntariftu, yur*! ( i F Clark; ('U:Jt(»dian, SoroT , • M. .4U*xundt*r. UNKINKINC HAW iS RCAUTY TRCATMCNtS. says TOLEDO JUDGE NO 7i»hF.Mi . » V Brriil^y • ulfi,, *1 jf ; alr«-ad . it- f- namb.-r of ;, -y'’ in them gre»: fi>aa4 »nt '^-T ,v 1: , when' JuJg^ S : ••Jiii-t rulaU ■urli 4«t of kiitk, hai:- i« -aaty t?«atm«iit. ion wa; ii. id? caie Tnvofvuig Harvay, ai-i?««ted charte- of operating a jsrior Without a Iicefc;i* ,Stat :.f C imetaologj pitiferieit char.i ^. Mf. Harvey's law" Ila -y Kiruatiii, riiil his cli rt aul ncit, , 4.., ffor ■ek •f M -aj.. o n biisntj- lh*‘ ieraf! i / SMOKERS FIND CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS ARE SOOTHING TO THE NERVES^! , Enj oi| WRIG LEYS Gu m Healthfuli Refreshinq, Deiiciotis We 5erve our cuifomers be5+ by diVplayinq _ the items they prefer , Chewing POUBLl Mint Gum makes your mouth feel so tresh and clean Hi "A. THOMAS BAILEY & SON, 402 Fowler U. BAN01A GRILL, 518 E. Pettigrew \BILTMOl*E nOTEL CAFE. 332-^4 E. Pettigrew BULL CITY DRUG STORE, . eifr'Fayetteville BU.MPASS GRO., 2208 Fayetteville , - CEE CEE STORE. 816 Picket CITY LIMIT GROC., Fayetteville Rd COLLEGE INN, 1300 »av«tteviile. ■ JAMES CROSS, 14(fi Char»^ l llill , . A. Z. DAVIS, 314 Sowed 'DO PROP INN, 2413 W. iVUijr'W DREAMLAND SHIWU 514 E. Pettigrew O. C. DUNSTON GRO., 808 Pine G. P. FELDER GRO. A MKT., 412 Gray FEKBELL ST. GRO., 028 FerreU FRIENDLY CAFE, 514 Pine FRIENDLY GRO., 16164 Fayetteville Ifi. W, FULLER GRO. A IWKT,. Fayetteville Rd. GAKRETT'S BtLTMOlUB DRUG STORE, E. Pettigrew GLENN ST GRO., 813 Qleon HAWK TAXI SERVICE, im Pine W. FKED nSNDEBSON GRO., 1401 Olenn HILLSIDE SANDWICH SnOP, llll Pin« HOLLOWAT BROS., 434 Dowd ReCXYlVOOO INN, US S. Mangutn XHOMAS JACKSOH^'^le MlUberry JUNEH ORQ.. 4ai Fine M ^LONE’fs C.-U^, «01 FnyeiteVilU' M^W'O ,1 CARLTON l,CN II. 4iKi U.uUj BII.LY Mi’COK’S GltO. Im):; tiUim MtTRO.I*OLrrAN HIAK-^IAt'Y.' ' ' ' 61b yuyetteville XEIGHBORUOOU i>10bE. 1819 Fa>ttleViP“ tU’AUTV, roou aiKT. 52OV1 E PwtttRfHfw - E." P«u.t*rt. .y .\L‘W. l^’ll CA^U GRO. 7«SouUi KUGERii TUCKER GRO. 510 E. Proctor ROYAL CAFE. 524 Pme B. ^aOVXD GSO.. 914 Pine BOin’HERN CAFE. 1007 Pme X TEDDEB GStOu 1202 Pine WHITE WAY SANDWICH SHOP, 700 FryetteviHe I H. yVUXLi^MS STORE. 6fH Puic

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